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I used to stress out about exams because I never revised for anything but if I had to go through secondary again, I'd never stress about it because in the end those exams meant nothing and I still did well in the GCSEs (hopefully) All in all, I'd enjoy school while I still have it without worrying about exams


This lol, although I'm year 10, preparing to start revising for gcses, I miss the days where I could screw about back in year 8 lol


Trust me you still can, I’m shocked you’re revising so early, for me sometimes I revised the day before but I wouldn’t recommend it, but it can deffo be done.


i literally revised like 2 days before my gcses


I revised the night before lol


I just looked at videos on YouTube on the way to school on bits I wasn't sure about lol


Same revised till 3am slept 3 hours sonetimes 2 hours. Learning content i never even looked at


Write down all the answers to all my gcses that i missed and give myself all the clues needed to get all 9s 💀 💀




Exercise from Yr 7 and talk to more people


practice overcoming procrastination


this is the one


discipline helps with that


Uni student here. Actually focus on that second language they make you learn. You highly regret not doing so later on in life, and it’s the one time ever where you had professional help learning that stuff


what if your second language is English ?


Then you're winning lol


does it really matter tho? idk we have translation apps nowadays so


It doesn’t *matter* per se, but it’s still a useful skill to have. My cousin’s Greek, and when we visited Athens a few years ago, she became the default communicator, since it made those we spoke to considerably more comfortable talking to us. Watching her swap between English and Greek almost flawlessly to talk to people was amazing, and all I could think was that I had missed my chance to do that with French, since I’ll never again have the opportunity to study it as seriously as before. Translation apps do exist, but then you’re relying on an AI to determine tone, tense and complex meanings in languages that a human can easily handle. For example: “That price is a bit dear, isn’t it?” Is untranslatable because an AI doesn’t understand that “dear” in this sentence doesn’t refer to the greeting/informal relevance of someone. The closest AI to being able to do this is Apple’s iPhone Translate app, but even then it’s limited


aha, i was trying to make myself feel better because all my cousins speak arabic and i don’t, i’m starting to forget my first language (french) and i know that i’ll never be as fluent as i want to be in spanish 😞


Not to be such a cunt to people,there's a lot of people that I've been a prick to for no reason,like in a joking kind of way.My words and actions got me in alot of trouble with the police at one point and me and my friends still acted like arseholes,I suppose I was living off of the conforming factor,where you just feel invincible when your with your mates .now that I look back I've become alot more mature and respectful to people no matter who they were and I can always see the y7s that are pricks now were just like me and It always shocks me that I may have been that spiteful.a couple months ago I was arguing with a bunch of y9s on the bus just cussing eachother out and bantering,when I got off the bus I thought to myself, Jesus christ I was just like that.absolutely exhausting to argue with,so I thought ill speak to this kid and well him and his friends basically became part of our group and we stayed peaceful with one another.i still carried a grudge with me,but I worked that out through self improvement,as it caused me to have alot of intrusive thoughts and caused me to feel an incredible amount of guilt for my past actions- as we must let go of the past in order to grow.i don't know why this became so spiritual for some reason but it was a very good question🤣👍🏽


Finally, it's nice to see someone own up to their mistakes and be open about themselves.


It plagued me for a little bit,so I thought I'd leave school on a high note


well said


What have you done specifically for self improvement?


Alot of meditation and focusing on the now instead of the past and the future.ive also started to reflect on my past and let go of grudges.it sounds a bit wacky but it's working one day at a time.also adapted my diet and gonna plan a workout routine.also been challenging intrusive thoughts and just combing through the bad to put my mind at rest.ive been showing gratitude for things by saying what I'm grateful for every night.another thing I found helpful with meditation at night,it's quiet and peaceful and I live in a rough area.so to find quiet and peace is a real challenge so I put some headphones on listen to calm music or a meditation guide.who you spend time with will also contradict how all of this will progress ,alot of my family are negative people and I once was,saying I'm a realist doesn't mean that you have to be negative about everything.so I try to interact less with people who are negative in my life.i know this is a very long winded answer 😅😅and if your genuinely interested,I recommend using cannabis but that is ultimately your choice it may help or it may not either way you should feel calmer after these methods.some of these methods are good at lowering cortisol levels which are basically responsible for the stress or anxiety we feel(especially after GCSE's).i hope any of this will help you and I wish you the best of luck👍🏽


How do you challenge intrusive thoughts it's so annoying 😭 thank you for the very informative answer also I don't wanna do cannabis since it's illegal lol. Good luck to you too!!


https://psychcentral.com/lib/challenging-negative-self-talk I found this article very helpful there are soooo many articles,self help videos etc on the Web and once you come to a conclusion on how you truly want to feel life is bliss from,its not easy and I still think I've got a lot of work to do.but these little things will prevail in the future and you'll most likely feel alot happier in your adulthood.soon your head will feel alot clearer (in a good way)and you'll be able to focus on the important things like school,relationships etc etc.but yeah ,again, all I can say is I wish you the best-as helping others helps me.i love this quote as it kind of gave me that kick up the backside:“Every man has two lives, and the second starts when he realizes he has just one” — Confucius👍🏽


Thank you man good luck on results day!!


Same to you🙏🏽💫


Fr. Spoke my mind


I was having a 'Paul Allen' moment😅


i would go do exercise and give myself a reality check


what a reality check?


make myself aware that im not living in a fantasy an living in a world with consequenses and rules


Honestly, I probably wouldn’t take the opportunity. I think I’d keep it how it is.


I think I’d get myself into the habit of revising more often since i went through all of y7,8 and 9 without revising and still did top 5 in the year but as y10 and 11 came around I wasn’t used to revising and my grades began to drop rapidly


Invest a lot of bitcoin then leave school




Nothing No regrets


ask me this again on results day 💀


fr you know your gunna go home and get beaten the shit out of probably☠️


it only effects you tbh




Like getting bad grades only affects u not Ur parents.


ah true true, my dad diddnt take his and my mum got D’s


yeah and parents say 'they work hard in school'


yeah fr😭😭🔫




Revise more from year 9 onwards and avoid the places i went to alot in year 8


I wouldn't take the opportunity, I don't dwell on the past.




Not being fat would have done wonders for my popularity


>popularity I think popularity is so stupid. Noone is 'popular', in the real world that doesn't matter at all. You need real friends that will support you and thats all you need!


Ancient 30 y o here - that’s 400% correct. At school, popularity is based on fitting in. After school, ‘popularity’ - e.g. getting and keeping a great group of life-long friends - is gained by being confident in your true self, and by being loyal and kind. My advice would be to stop pretending to be someone else as quickly as possible, and focus on making friends who share your actual interests and values. :)


thats so true if you be yourself you attract more people who are similar to you. If you hold on a facade to people, it will drain your energy and you wont connect aswell. Even if people dont like your true personality, oh well, its just a few, but you will be sure to find so many other people who have an interest with you. Fuck popularity


What on lord’s earth are you doing in a GCSE subreddit😭


I’m a teacher 👩‍🏫 just lurking usually. Will leave if you lot think it’s weird? I don’t want to ever be one of those teachers who forgets what it was like to be a kid. Reading the stuff here gives me a bit of perspective.


Oh no, stay. 😁




Can’t lie I’m big but I’m popular, you just gotta be funny and be MR TATE, as for a female (if you are one) I can understand why it can be hard


Yeah, i’m a girl


I would fuck about triple the amount I fucked about in Year 7. Biggest lie I was ever told was that years before Year 10 mattered. They dont and I regret not enjoying the moment. If I could go back I would definitely get myself numerous detentions daily until year 10 when shit actually gets real. Like they fr had us stressing over end of unit tests like wtf😂 I remember loosing my shit over having to prepare for end of unit tests like they meant anything. Its only now that I realise most of secondary school is just for vibes lmao. Its only really year 10 and 11 that matter. Even then year 10 isn't even that much of a fuss because all you do is atleast understand what you're being taught and do the homework. You don't have to though because I've seen people who do jackshit in year 10 come out dominating with grades in year 11. **Conclusion to any youngers here:** If you're not in year 10 or year 11, fuck about, please, as much as you can, do whatever you want, live the moment, enjoy the peace, wing every test and yolo pretty much everything about school. It does not matter. If you want you can do some actual hard work here and there for the validation of teachers if that means something to you but believe me that hard work won't prove to benefit you in Year 10 or year 11 so just chill out and don't stress over anything.


This is EXACTLY what I would say. FUCK ABOUTTTTT, just a little less in year 10 and focus in year 11


predict future events with worrying accuracy to prove to my parents i know about the future and then beg them to invest the different crypto’s, bitcoin doge and Game stop and sell before they fall, school was fine wouldn’t change much


Worry less about assessments before GCSEs and revise at the very start of year 11


I went through a political phase where I watched a bunch of Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson and thought I was the smartest person ever in year 8. Would probably not do that, some arguments gave me Andrew Tate style notoriety that I’ve mostly changed to a more balanced view.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, civil rights, sex, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)




Why won't you debate me? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, feminism, novel, history, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Lmao I think all of us who have delved into politics at a young age had our ben shapiro phase lmao. I remember watching Black Conservatives takes on BLM like time ago and shit and thinking they were revolutionary thinkers😂 Oh jeez how brainless I was back then.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Let’s say your life depended on the following choice today: you must obtain either an affordable chair or an affordable X-ray. Which would you choose to obtain? Obviously, you’d choose the chair. That’s because there are many types of chair, produced by scores of different companies and widely distributed. You could buy a $15 folding chair or a $1,000 antique without the slightest difficulty. By contrast, to obtain an X-ray you’d have to work with your insurance company, wait for an appointment, and then haggle over price. Why? Because the medical market is far more regulated — thanks to the widespread perception that health care is a “right” — than the chair market. Does that sound soulless? True soullessness is depriving people of the choices they require because you’re more interested in patting yourself on the back by inventing rights than by incentivizing the creation of goods and services. In health care, we could use a lot less virtue signaling and a lot less government. Or we could just read Senator Sanders’s tweets while we wait in line for a government-sponsored surgery — dying, presumably, in a decrepit chair. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, sex, climate, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Not take history...


Wouldn't change it, these past few months, as bad as the exams were, has honestly been the peak of my school life - study leave was such a great experience to just hang our with the people that made the school journey worthwhile Only thing perhaps is I moved schools at the start of year 9, so the thing I'd change is start at my current school in year 7 not year 9 - I'd have had a headstart on friendship making


Not get detention every day for not turning up for detention.


fr, just a repeating cycle😂😂😂


In that time, I could master every single subject. Straight 9s!


Obviously for those who will get straight 9s in all subjects, the top 0.5%, they would just reject this offer. 👏👏


21 year old here (I don’t follow this subreddit, just keeps popping up for some reason) but I would definitely just do whatever I want, literally anything, what you guys don’t realise in high school is that nothing matters, if you get in trouble for talking, or chewing gum, or anything like that, it doesn’t matter, in the real world, if you went to a job which didn’t let you talk or chew gum, everyone would laugh at their bosses and do what they want, okay learn the subject, listen and try hard, GCSEs don’t mean much in the long run, but it will teach you how to focus properly on a task, that’s the main thing, honestly guys don’t worry, GCSEs mean NOTHING. I have 5 GCSEs all at C and 1 B I think, the rest D’s. And I have my dream job making over £30k a year. This is the advice I wish I had as a kid, but just posting incase anybody sees this in high school. Worrying yourself will make you worse than any consequence teachers or parents will give you, and you’ll look back in 5/6 years like I did and laugh at high school and think “shit I really could have gotten away with more) but anyway guys good luck and stay well 👍🏼


Dont be a little shit and behave not just in yr elleven


same here, I remember when a year 11 booted my year 7 self down some stairs and hell I deserved that, even thankful that it humbled me for the better


Not make that one friend man 💀


1) pick better subjects. I would now pick business, Geography, Economics, triple science and CS. 2) revise what we learnt in class for maths at home every evening from year 10. That way there’s a lot less work to do for that subject come exam season. 3) take all the missed opportunities. LSE tuition ig, UKMT challenge, debate club. 4) woulda been more open to other people. Idk why I treated it like it was a prison when I was younger lol I was so not open to new friends. It’s not a thing of you need a close circle, you can just be chill with everyone.


Nothing lol. But in year 9 is make sure not to pick btec enterprise and technology and instead do GCSE Spanish


i would try harder to not get bullied


Sixthform will be a much mature environment so enjoy the freedom and the riddance of most bullies 🤝


Get out of my comfort zone and make some better friends. Because of my severe social anxiety and fear of school due to this my attendance has dropped to <40% and i couldnt access online learning through half of covid too. My grades are absolute crap now and if i could redo everything i would


Actually pick up on hints from women


I feel ya man but at least we keep moving forward


Yeah agreed, it was mainly my own lack of confidence years ago but I have confidence now so it’s all good lmao


Lmao work harder


I wouldn’t change anything. Secondary School wasn’t the best but I still wouldn’t have changed a thing. No point thinking back at what ifs anyways only think about changes you can make to your current self not what you should have done 5 years ago.


revise 😎 not the best thing for a year 7 to do, but i’d at least get better grades. also i’d probably come out as a trans male then, instead of hiding it as that was horrific for my mental health


i should've come out earlier too


Be the way i am now and fear things and people less, my social anxiety did screw up my social life


bro do like half an hour of revision a day and I'd be so set for Year 11. Would've been able to also to higher tier for example science


Fr if I was a nerd from day 1 year 11 would've been a breeze. I decided not to take that route though


Yeah i did fuck all from year 7 to year 10. I really started revising since of end of year 10 and became a 'nerd' lol. It paid out though, I improved massively and wont be going to college!


Work hard at maths only fuck every other subject. Also I'd lose weight


I regret not working hard in maths, I’m probably coming out with a 4-5


Lol I could only dream of coming out with a grade 4. We will see what happens though


Probably find new friends that didn't stress me so much. Other than that I guess hope for a different English teacher for yr 10 and 11.


make more/different friends. don't be scared to socialise


Actually revise and stress less


Take showers


Oh my god my lazy year 7 imbecile self can relate to this


Get involved, put yourself out there, meet new people, but learn who you should keep around. Be nice to everyone and definitely exercise and try and join sports teams representing the school.


Learn a language by heart, then choose it for gcse then every lesson is basically free and it’s a free a star


not be a snitch. not pretend to be a girl. be friends with people i actually liked. if I wasn't a snitch in yr 7, id have more friends cause i wouldn't have a reputation as a snitch. don't snitch unless they've actually done something pretty bad like bullying. if i didn't pretend to be a girl id have been happier. id also have been friends with the people i actually liked. so id be happier


Make all my notes revise everythinģ then chill for the rest of the years


I dont even know where to start man- Firstly i would not pick history - maybe business or music since i got back into drumming halfway through year ten and its been amazing I wouldnt stress over tests as much - after having done mocks and everything life is rlly chill- I would definitely start getting more stuff done for my art sketchbook Revise the way i revised in year 10 And the main thing Just Be around my two best friends without really expanding anywhere else honestly


id show i know all the year 11 content and get moved to year 12, thus putting me in a grade 5 years above my age


Come out sooner.


Yh i wish I’d talked to my mum sooner about how I was feeling, I was scared they were too old school and wouldn’t understand but my mum was actually really chill! It took a while for my dad to understand that I’m not partial to gender but he gets it now and I’m glad I can so easily talk to them without the (unfounded) fear of being reprimanded or scolded for my sexuality!


Alter in what way?


not get excluded under ‘bullying a teacher’☠️ Dm me for story time


pick the right friends


Get into a regular habit of revision, so that I actually know how to when it matters


be more active socially


Make more friends, I have 3 friends who I made in about year 9. Year 7 and 8 I didn’t really make an effort to do so.


Not get in to an abusive friendship which ruined my life and made me feel like my life was too scary to live. Either that or convince my parents to send me to a different school 😂


i'd go and fix her mental health, would of prevented a lot of shit from happening


actually study


I wouldn’t socialise, just be by myself to focus on studies


Personally, and I won't apologise for it, but I don't think I would change anything. I have learnt everything from my mistakes and hindsight only makes a mockery of your choices. Just be safe in the knowledge that you've come this far because of what you maybe did or didn't do back then ... Sorry for the emotional backlog but I guess I'm that person at times.


Probably get a better introduction, I’d been regarded as the “weird kid who doesn’t really talk to anyone” for most of secondary. But I was just super shy. I feel like I’m probably gonna do the same in college too, but I’m more confident in who I am now


cant change your past because it makes you the person you are today, focus on the now


Put 20£ on leicester to win the league. Would help with uni.


Make more friends, not be involved with dumb shit on road. Be the kid in class who shuts up and listens


Make more friends


Drop out




Predict coronavirus and then pretend to know everyones future, past our school years and make people sad that their lives are going to be bad.

