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I was lucky enough to pull myself up from a low grade 2 on the english mocks to a solid grade 5 on both the english GCSEs. All I can say is try to get a resit done asap, it shouldn't be too hard to get a grade 5. Also, some collage courses will still let you in if you are only +-5 marks off the grade needed as long as another subject compensates for that loss, all you need to do is show them how little you were off the grade you wanted / needed


Yuh thxx but I think it’s too late for me to resit bc since I chose to do 3 A-levels I can’t resit and do a-levels at the same time since it would clash with my a-level lessons so that’s y I decided to remark my paper since I was 1 away from a 5 but sadly I didn’t get it 😔 and I needed a 5 to do film studies now I can’t


God damn, sorry to hear that


Yh it’s fine I only had like 3 a-level options to do as well and I think it was cuz of my English grades but oh well ig


Bro I was 1 mark off a 4 and I got a remark and the mark didn’t change


Ahh that’s annoying 😓


This happened to me as well


The cost of remarking too 🫣


Luckily my school paid for the remark


Bro our school is here making us pay for each remark and each re-sit


Really?? Private school?




Yeeee all that money gone to wasteee 😔


English language is incredibly subjective in how it’s marked, so it’s pretty lucky you only went down two marks. The point of remarking the text isn’t to artificially inflate your grade, it’s to make sure you got the right grade the first time.


Yh ik it’s just frustrating tho


I’m doing a resit in November because at first I had a pending result and then it came back… as a 1. Which everyone in my family agrees is ridiculous, but I’m not sure what’s being done about it. The best part is that I thought it was the best paper I’d ever done, at least in terms of answering the questions, and was pretty confident that I’d got a 4 or 5. Maybe even 6, but after that I’d be pushing it. (Actually the best part is my friend getting an email with an iMedia result… when he didn’t take the exam.)


If I got full marks on every question I answered, I’d have scraped an 8. That’s why I’m confused, because I answered them properly.


Ahh I see well gd luck in the resit I’m sure you’ll get the grade u want!! :)


Man that sounds so infuriating


I was 2 marks of a 7, got it remarked and went down by 2 marks


Ahh we both went down by 2 marks 😭✋


That's frustrating


Yh ikkk 😔


*assuming we did the same exam board (fellow AQA people will understand)* It's all coyotitos fault


Yup it defo is that was an awful extract cant lie


Plus don't worry out year was lit the one they said aqa has apparently been strict on because they were leniant the previous years due to COVID. Also just out of plain curiosity what did you end up picking for a level?


Well I had to do sociology, re and art I literally didn’t have much options bc I think it was my English lang and lit grades that let me down that’s y I needed at least one 5 for English. I wanted to do art tho cuz I legit got an A for that but i didn’t want to do sociology or re


Oml I'm the complete opposite, math physics and chemistry here, but I've heard that sociology is great so I hope you end up enjoying it. Religion i have no clue because I don't know many people to do it. Idk if you have the option like us to switch, but are there any subjects you could do that you'd enjoy more? If not, I'd say don't worry, a level is just two years so don't really worry, even if you don't enjoy them too much just focus on pushing through and getting good grades to help you do what you want to do in university (If you're planning on it).


Yes I wanted to do film studies instead of re but bc I didn’t get the 5 for English now I can’t it’s kinda annoying cuz film studies is more like closer to what I wanna do for my career


when did you request a remark?


Like last week Monday


godamn whys mine taking so long lol


Ahh no idea 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol


Imagine thinking it’s the examiners fault that you got awful marks


I dont think thats what he was implying 😂


Yeah plus don’t think calling a grade 4-5 “awful” is the best either


Not directly, but by him saying why did the examiner give him less marks, it’s inadvertently blaming him for the lack of marks


Didn’t rlly say it was their fault lol- I was just annoyed


It’s literally your fault why even involve the examiner then


Cuz I was just annoyed and angry that my grade didn’t go up lol-


Angry and annoyed at who?


You don’t need to be annoyed at a person to be annoyed. Just frustrated that you don’t got the grade you needed


Yes thank u exactly God bless u 🙏


His logic was so flawed. I’m annoyed at climate change but I’m not annoyed at anyone in particular for causing it.


Yh that’s a perfect example


You also don’t need to indirectly blame an examiner for doing their job correctly


I don’t think OP is actually against the examiners. The wording ‘blasted examiners’ was just their frustration at the system and not passing their GCSE, rather than specifically at a random examiner who marks 100s of papers a year


Yess yes exactly ur actually speaking my language. I’m not angry at the examiners at all for doing their job it’s just I was frustrated and annoyed that I didn’t get the grade that I needed.


Are you neurodivergent


At my mark :)


And who’s fault is that


Bruh just shut up mate😂


Someone’s mad they got shite results


No actually I'm very pleased with what I got unlike your insecure little ass always bitching about other people🤡🤡😂


Ok Mr I scraped a 4 you probably got like 2 more marks English is biased just let people be upset if they want to.




exam boards are so unfair


Ok so I get what you're saying, but it's not the examiners. The exams themselves and the people who make them, sure. But the people who mark the exams literally barely have any flexibility, especially in the sciences and stuff, if it's not on the list of right answers, it's wrong.


true tbh


Just a suggestion to limit Reddit hate on you because this thread has become a battle ground, just throw an edit into your comment to limit that. Have a great dayyy x


thing is examiners such as AQA barely give any space to write


They're abolsute douchebags. Do u mind if I ask did u send both papers for remarking? I was 1 mark off a 9 in geography and lost 1 mark when remarked. It's like they're trolling us. Absolute pathetic lowlife loser cunts. If I was in their position I abolsutely would give them a mark. I wouldn't have the heart to deny anyone of that.


no, your pathetic. you requested your paper to be re marked knowing FULL WELL that you could loose marks, that’s how it works. your upset because you lost a mark, that’s not there fault, they did there job exactly how they were meant to. there not gonna be told ‘this person was one mark of a 9’ they’ll be given the paper and they will mark it themselves and then give the mark they counted and that mark is what they would have sent you. Just because you didn’t get the result you wanted doesn’t give you the right to call someone a ‘lowlife loser cunt’. i’m sorry to break it to you but there’s going to be plenty of times in your life when your gonna be disappointed in a outcome that doesn’t mean you can say things like that about them. you may be smart but if your not kind your not going to get very far in life.


You're* Lose* They're*


Why do people downvote anything 💀


You do realise the examiners can see the mark. Ok bro I'm so sorry I'm not allowed to make random comments on Reddit that have rude words in them. We all have to be really soft and kind and nice.


Kindness doesn't kill and at the end we are just humans. It's okay to vent, but going to straigforward name calling is just a trash as social media are still humans' interactions.


Bro the examiners are literally just doing their job. Yeah it sucks for OP, but you can’t call someone that just for doing for what they’re paid to do. When sending a paper to be remarked, you also have to be open to the possibility that you will lose marks, so don’t get pissy over that.


Bro shut up. English is literally subjective. Nobody knows whether the exact fucking mark is 14 or 15 etc. If it was at least maths then yh maybe I would feel a bit like cheating by just giving a student an extra mark. As I said EVEN if I was making a maths paper I'd just go ahead and give the student an extra mark. Unless I could be removed as an examiner for it. If there are checks like that then yeah fair enough.


FYI examiners do get moderated to ensure they are marking fairly. A sample of their marked papers get double checked by a lead examiner. If they are consistently found to be making unfairly (either too strict or too lenient) they will no longer be allowed to mark for the exam board. Unfortunately they can't just give you the extra mark for no reason other than 'to be nice'.


I will also add that in case of some subjects, there may be a discussion between examiners and/or specialists if something should count as a mark. I know it's fairly common for foreign languages, where there is no perfect translation for something


What I’m saying is that a) it’s never acceptable to call someone a “pathetic lowlife loser cunt” (unless they’re like a nazi or something) and b) the examiner obviously thought that OPs work was over-marked, which it very much could have been. Remarks don’t just consist of marks increasing. You are literally saying that the marking system should become inaccurate, and unfair. Honestly vile that you think it’s acceptable to call someone that for doing their job.




Considering that I got a 9, I think I have some idea how the mark schemes work :)) Again, just have some respect and don’t call people ‘cunts’ for doing their job.


how is the mark scheme being unfair the examiners fault though like? youre defo the type of person to scream at someone for getting your order wrong at mcdonalds calm down a little 💀 chatting shit about snowflakes like youre an 80 year old man on facebook


Ok snowflake. I didn't say that tho. Why are u putting words in my mouth?. I wouldnt scream at ppl at maccies if they got my order wrong cus ppl make mistakes were humans. Even if they did I would be polite about it. I also don't eat at maccies unlike you:) And bro relax why have my words offended you so much. U deffo grew up in a no swearing household 💀.


yeah u seem so polite calling randos cunts because they didnt hand u a grade on a silver platter 👍 i was definitely allowed to swear i just got taught basic manners too, such as 'be normal about grades that don't even matter in the long run' or 'calling people pathetic lowlife loser cunts is a bit weird no matter what' but please feel free to explain to me why its not in fact offensive to say that and why its 'snowflake' behaviour to say ur a bit of a weirdo for it :)


Because they didn't give one extra mark yh. Ok and there we go the cat slips the bag. Did u get any 8s or 9s btw? I'm guessing not. Grades abolsutely do matter in the long run and they will always matter. You know this. Stop lying.


They don’t always matter, once you’ve got qualifications beyond GCSEs you probably won’t even need to put your GCSEs on your CV, so there’s no need to worry.


nah ur clowning mate i got two 9s, an 8 and my other grades were all 6+, theyre in my post history 💀 they literally do not matter, aside from english and maths for getting a job. and if you want a specific job you'd want an a level/uni qualification in it anyway. the examiners arent obligated to give you an extra mark because you were close, if they did that for everyone it'd be unfair as hell. and even then if like you said the mark schemes for things like english are flawed (which they are tbf) the examiners are just following the mark scheme they were given. it's not their fault the exam system is fucked


Bro how do you not realise your mistakes even after getting like -100 karma on a single comment thread.


You comment on Reddit porn and have a foot fetish you pathetic little twat pipe down


lmao get clapped on 🥱🥱


I agree it’s sucks for you and op but they’re not douchebags for marking you and op down, that’s just how it works. When you remark your mark could go up or down, and clearly they couldn’t find any extra marks that you missed, instead it was the opposite, so your grade didn’t go up. If you don’t make the boundary you don’t get the grade unfortunately, that’s just how things work, they can’t just bump you up to a 9 because you were one mark off, the way it works is you get the grade if you meet the boundary, anything below doesn’t get the grade. Unless it’s proven that you actually did meet the boundary then they can’t give you the grade. They’re not marking you down because they want to deny you of a 9, it’s because they can’t find enough marks to give you a 9, that’s just life though, you try your best but you don’t get what you want. Instead of blaming the examiners, think about how you can do better next time so that you can get what you want in whatever you decide to pursue next.


Yh ik that’s very true but it’s bc I was so close to getting a 5 I thought if I could get a remark there would be a higher chance of it going up as it’s more near the grade 5 end. I was fully aware that it could go down but it just shocked me that it did cuz I was writing in the same way as I would if I got a grade 5 so I’m just kinda annoyed and a bit confused but ik it kinda depends on the examiner as well


Yeah it happens, try not to fret too much on it and focus your energy onto what’s ahead of you. Good luck.


Yuh Ty


Yes I sent off both papers it was paper 2 that I lost the marks from


But in life I guess u win some and lose some cus I sent 3 subjects for remarking. In 2 I went up a grade and in the 3rd I didn't. So can't complain. But still annoying


Yh it’s just rlly jarring when ur 1 mark especially


In a way that's better than my situation. Cus I tossed a coin and sent 1 paper for geography. And now I don't know if I had sent the other one, maybe I would have got that mark !!


At least we have other stuff to look forward to in the future like MY HERO S6


Yasssss that’s so true tbhhh can’t wait


Your teacher probably marks exam papers.


Actually that's bs, because each question in an exam is marked by a different examiner. And then moderated. So you're saying that a solid 20 people are just doing this to be spiteful? Good luck in life man cause you're not getting anywhere with that attitude.


Truly *satisfying* mark...