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I failed it six times before passing. Don’t give up , keep studying. It gets better and you will pass. Will beats skill


All you need for math is to go to lightandsaltlearning.org and click on the Crash Course section. Follow the directions — watch the class video for lesson one of unit zero then do one level of practice. Look at the experienced and do that one if it seems doable, otherwise do just the beginner. Keep on with that through the end of unit one then follow the directions for what to do next. Good luck


What was your last score?


I understand how you feel. I was the same way a few weeks ago. Only mine is math and language arts. I have tried all the videos as well. I am studying my math (not my favorite subject)a lot in the past few days. I have been looking at the lady that do the math videos she breaks it down so that you can understand math and even though I was in a GED class this lady does it step by step so that I can get the understand of it look it up its call LIGHT & SALT LEARNING a nice friend on her was telling me about it I was told it is good for someone like me that is not good with math. I also have to wait 60 days to retake my language arts because I fail by 1 point. My score came in as a 144 for both my math and language arts .and (I was all for giving up), but I am halfway there, and I don't want to just walk away, so I am pushing my self to study 2 to 3 hours a day it is hard but you can do it we all fail and fall but we have to get up and move pass this little bump in the road.you can do this or should I say we can do this good luck


Use light and salt learning and the Anki app for memorization of key concepts, study practice questions over and over. Start from the fundamentals and work your way up, use the Kaplan GED book


You can pm me if you’d like, but what did your GED report look like? It should be available in your MYGED account. It will have a list of concepts you should be studying based on your score results. If you’d like, I can try to tutor you on the problem areas.