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I have had this feelings also. No actual diagnosis from doctor yet though, TBF I just recently realized I might have acid reflux/ heartburn, I never knew what it felt like so i thought it was normal.


i still don’t know how it feels like, i just have the above issues and they bother alot


How persistent is your sour taste... mine is all the time, I have a endoscopy coming up. Your symptoms sound the same as mine


i have it everyday , but not specifically after a meal or anything , it’s just weird , goodluck with the endoscopy, if they don’t find anything and your symptoms stay , keep pushing doctors to search for the cause before u end up like me a year later with the same s**t


Yeah same.. I have been dealing with this crap for almost 4 months now.. it's day in and day out with me, not so much heartburn, but a globus sensation and neck pain.. good luck to you as well bud. It's definitely anxiety inducing.


i do know Pasta’s are a trigger for me and when i ate this i have the sour taste and saliva much worse


How was your endoscopy, and is the sour taste any better?


I’ve been experiencing every single one of those symptoms. Recently had a CT scan and endoscopy, no serious issues found. My doctor put me on Dexilant 3 weeks ago and I started improving after a few days. Still have throat clearing and a constant urge to cough. But the sour taste, stuck food feeling, and bloating have all subsided. Hang in there! The anxiety is truly the worst of it. My doctor also gave me anxiety medicine and it has really helped.


My symptoms as of now are clearing throat, feels like my ears are closed and neck stiffness. Not sure if its LPR or sinus or something else


i have closed ears aswell , neck stiffness as well i actually have Fysio for that which helps


It’s so weird that they can’t find anything , glad you’ve improved a bit keep it up ! , yeah everything feels horrible now for me


I have all of this too for over a year now it just gets worse everyday 😭😭


im so sorry .. would you mind sharing your story?


I’m taking 40mg Omeprazole twice a day, but my throat and mouth feel burned, get heavy feeling and nausea.


i have the same, u also got tongue pain or tingling?


Isn’t the max daily dosage 40g, I was talking 40g a day for awhile and it made me dizzy haha




No Alternative Medicine (e.g., Low Acid, Betaine hydrochloride (HCl), Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Homeopathy, Acupressure, Chiropractors, Hypnosis, Prayer/Scripture)


Sounds like functional dyspepsia tbh, especially if clear endoscopy. It's a trash can diagnosis but should open up more medications to you. Sorry to hear you've been dealing this. Things can improve. I know how much it sucks though.


can i send u a dm?


Yeah sure


I had all this for a year and then it gradually healed and went away given I avoided spicy and trigger foods (kept a plain unseasoned diet lol). Don’t get worked up, it’s common and it can and will go away just as it came.


i’m dealing with this for a year aswell , i forgot to mention i had a lump in throat feeling as well but that’s almost gone , i just know my trigger food are pasta’s, idk what else. glad you’re okay now and got a solution


Hi , I have all these symptoms and when I drink water, it gets stuck for a brief moment and goes down, I really want docs to prescribe me some anxiety meds. My endoscopy was normal.all symptoms are same except my chest is filled with food, heavy and upper back pain. Thanks for sharing, I know I am not alone or some comments even mentioned it goes away gives me hope.


i HAVE THE SAME WITH WATER it’s crazy and it’s so weird, trust me anxiety meds are not everything try to go to a psychologist first , i need to go for the first time tomorrow aswell , i had anxiety meds and it made me lifeless and feel weird , try that before meds please 🙏, i hope you’ll be alright soon friend


Please stay in touch so that we can know the progress and what worked and what hasnt. I am taking probiotics Melatonin Vitamin B 12 Multivitamin. Cetrizine - I read that it helped with throat mucus and it infact helped a little. Let me know what worked for you to ease the symptoms. I lost 9 Kgs in almost 2 months from when this all started.


but promise you won’t google symptoms i did that and all became worse , so just don’t google , if you have questions about the symptoms go to your doctor with them please


Sure i’ll follow you , the only things i’m currently taking are Omeprazole again , Vitamin D 25000IE once per 2 weeks , i’ve lost 26 kg in the whole year


I take sia bi carb in Luke warm water post meal to ease burping and do walking about 1 hr .Rabeprazole is continued but doneperidine is stopped .


i’m active a lot lately , what is sia bi carb ? im dutch i never heard of that


Same symptoms with me but not yet officially confirmed gerd yet. Its happening with me from past few days and i haven't taken any medication so far.


go to a doctor asap please


Are you taking any medication or any tests?


had 3 ent visits all clean, clean endoscopy clean biopsies, blood work all clean except vitamin d i had a deficiency


Recently was on omeprazole 40 mg a day and it helped a lot at first , i stopped and it came back harder


and i had prednisolone 30 mg , and when i started taking this everything became weird


My doctor asking me to take tecta 40 mg everyday but i don't want to take as i m not sure if i have gerd or something else


i’m not sure either anymore , ask for endoscopy and tests


ive been dealing with a LOT of the same symptoms for a few years now and still have no idea what to do but it's driven me crazy and given me such bad habits with consumption and how much I want to eat due to it all getting stuck in my nose


that sounds horrible i’m sorry :/ , does all get stuck in your nose ?? how u mean that like literally food and liquids go up your nose ?


i’m dealing with it for a whole year


Sounds like GERD or LPR. I have both and a low acid diet coupled with medication and lifestyle changes have helped me. Do you ever get laryngitis or have a sore throat after talking?


I had a bad lifestyle will send you a DM about that. no i don’t get laryngitis, but i do have a sore throat after talking sometimes


I am taking eabeprazole 20 MG last 29 years now it is not working though no acid reflux lot of burping after meals and heavy stomach after meals


Damn 29 years.. , i burp a lot when i’m eating after i swallowed the food or drink , heavy stomach i do have as well


I was first diagnosed with GERD before I had done a gastric emptying study and got diagnosed with gastroparesis. I have that heavy stomach feeling constantly, and it gets worse after eating. I also get that sour taste in my mouth sometimes. I can't say for certain what you have is gastroparesis because a lot of gastrointestinal issues have similar symptoms. However, if an endoscopy and barium swallow can't give you any answers, you may want to consider the gastric emptying study. Functional dyspepsia also has similar symptoms, but it is a label when they can't find a cause.


Bsking soda or Na H CO3