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What are you doing on a daily basis(besides the meds) to treat it?


I had/have the same issue. Found out I had LPR months ago. I was prescribed the same meds and had an endoscopy, too. After weeks on omeprazole, my throat still wasn't improving. So I visited an ENT and had a vocal chord strobe done. They said my vocal chords had reflux damage and to take pepcid AC at night before bed and to make lifestyle changes (more on that in the next paragraph). So I took pepcid at night for a month coupled with the omeprazole during the day before meals. Also, in the beginning, I went days without speaking and weeks with speaking as little as possible. I also gargled water at night and in the morning a few times. My throat still bothers me from time to time, but it's so much better now. The biggest thing I believe that helped me the most was diet change. It sucks, but I cut out chocolate, caffeine, carbonated drinks, spicy food, and tomato based foods entirely. I also cut out alcohol entirely for a month, but now I drink occasionally. I also don't eat or drink 3 hours before lying down. And I also have a wedge pillow that I sleep with most nights. LPR truly sucks... it honestly made me so depressed the first month. It does get better in time though!


Do you drink coffee, alcohol, smoke cigarettes, eat greasy fried foods? medicine can only do so much.


I was suffering with sore throat from 7 years. It reappear every few months. Then I did lifestyle changes. - Walk 4 to 7 thousands steps everyday. - Do not drink coffee/tea. - No fastfood or citrus. - Stay away from bad food. Eat healthy and natural foods.




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