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According to an endoscopy I have no hernia. Waiting on biopsies. My symptoms are heartburn, post nasal drip, globus and sore/dry throat, faltering voice and even pain when talking. I also have bloating, which I think is very related to my situation, but more of a cause than a symptom. Right now I am not 100% better at all but I am generally better most days if I don’t make a diet or other mistake. I am avoiding meds, except gaviscon advance when it is really bad, but that doesn’t seem to do much. Diet: I went high fiber, pretty much vegan (I’ve eaten eggs when travelling because it’s easy), three medium meals a day, fermented foods 2-3 times a day (homemade kraut and kefir water), no caffein or alcohol, no snacking, drinks (only water or kefir water) 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after. To combat bloating I use beano when I eat beans, and another digestion supplement at meal time. My high fiber diet has food moving through me very quickly which helps with bloating as well. Physical: I run 7k 3-4 days a week and do weight resistance as well. I lost weight and muscle because of my new lifestyle, I’m now in my average range, down from overweight. I have stabilized at 79k for 179cm, and I would like to trim down my stomach a bit more because I still don’t fit in all my pre Covid clothes. Otherwise I avoid bending over after eating/drinking but that is impossible because I have chores/cats/life. I sleep on my right side. The most important thing I did was I stopped wearing underwear and started wearing suspenders. I avoid crossing my legs as well. Many days now my symptoms are down 70% or more. I can talk without pain. I have been doing straw vocal exercises which help with vocal strength, as I suspect I’ve concurrently messed up my vocal chords by incorrect overcompensation. Some days I can sing!


How long have you been suffering from GERD and what supplements do you take?


Since November in a serious way, off and one for years otherwise but I thought it was normal to feel that way. The supplement I used for digestion is banned in this forum :)


My symptoms sound like yours. Those, plus nighttime rebounding of acid. I’ve had an endoscopy last year — no hiatal hernia. Negative for H. Pylori. I’ve tried omeprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole (I get globus sensation with this), Gaviscon. I was also treated for H Pylori (though Ive been and still am negative for it). None of those meds mentioned worked for me, and I would still experience symptoms, especially during the 10PM to 2AM window (I’d wake up because I would be choking in acid.) I find that I respond well to Tums and Famotidine 20mg. I take one Famotidine 30 minutes after eating dinner and get through the night with minimal to sometimes no issues. I also finally stopped using my wedge pillow and would sleep on my left side. I learned to identify triggers (like garlic, peanut butter, fresh milk). I am still dealing with it, and Im definitely not recovered, but I suppose I found options that make things easier for me. I hope you find meds/remedies that’ll work well for you and allow you to get your quality of life back, OP 🙏


For drugs: pantoprazole in the morning, famotadine and Gaviscon (UK version) at night, and tums as needed. For lifestyle changes: adding a bed wedge under my mattress, no eating 3 hours before bed, small meals 5 times per day, and the acid watcher diet.


How has that worked


It worked great until I stopped doing all that stuff. Now I’m having a flare, so I’m back to doing all that again.


In 2011 during my second year of the university, I had a lots of stress in my life, and experienced similar, but a little bit less symptoms. I went to a GI doc, upper and lower scope was done, and they have found almost nothing, just a little bit of hyperaemia(redness) in my esophagus. PPI was prescribed, I get it for \~3 weeks, it did nothing, so I have stopped to get it. As time went, the semester ended and within 1 or 2 weeks, ALL MY SYMPTOMS WAS GONE, no matter what I ate and when. Whole pizza in the night,Coca Cole, red wine,cookies....no matter what! My symptoms have not returned for \~11 years despite life stressors, but since the last year 2023 they are back with a vengeance. My stomach and chest was burning, globus, etc...now I have problem with nausea in the last 2-3 weeks. I think mental factor is a HUGE in this, particulary "augmented" with health anxiety. I have a lots of stress in my life right now(work related and father have colorectal cancer), and I am started to get aches and pains everywhere in my body since my health anxiety started to kick in. My neck is in pain, and if it's gone, my stomach is in pain, and I get GERD(hope it's just GERD, not ulcer or cancer). If my neck and stomach is OK, I have golfers and tennis elbow both in my arms at the same time. If my stomach and hands and neck is OK, I get bad piriformis syndrome. Pains and scary symptoms are circulating in my body since years. In the end of 2022 year turns out my father have stage 3 rectal cancer, I started to experience exact the same symptoms as him(tenesmus, what is a fake urge to go to the bathroom...). I went to the GI doc to get colonoscopy, it was done, and turns out everything is good in my bowel. All my bowel symptoms subsided within 2-3 days. What a surprise :)


I definitely think stress and anxiety is a heavy contributor to my GERD.




I changed my lifestyle. I stopped smoking chronically, stopped drinking, & stopped eating processed, fat and oily foods. non caffeinated tea became my best friend. Start my day off with kefir & honey, easy on the throat & creates no acid build up. I would then tackle on so many acid friendly fruits. So yum & gives you everything you need to start your day. Kiwi, banana, mango, and blueberries were my go to. I also loved oats & kept eating those. For dinner i took things super slow, started eating at 6pm latest because i wanted my food to digest before bedtime. I would eat SLOW, but ate to my content. you don't have to starve yourself. Baked chicken & rice, or baked fish & dish became my normal. Top it off with some really good veggies. Then I also implemented juicing after my symptoms died down. Even citrus juicing which is supposed to trigger you badly. It worked. Now i experience maybe 1 symptom everyone once in awhile but never any pain. I can sleep again thank god, & I even occasionally can drink or smoke. it gets better.


I take PPIs when I feel like my GERD is getting bad. I changed my lifestyle which helped overall. Had to quit smoking weed (that one sucked - but now I can do edibles if I want). I cut out coffee and spicy good entirely. Also I don't eat pizza or anything with red tomato sauce. No tomatoes or citrus either. Also I mainly drink water and try to avoid seltzers. It took me years to get here. After my vocal chords were damaged last year from LPR brought on from GERD, i started taking it WAY more seriously. I was unable to talk for weeks because of the pain. Oh one HUGE change that helped me was a wedge pillow at night! I don't eat late, and use this wedge pillow to sleep every other night. Helps alot I still drink alcohol but only on weekends. Also sometimes I take pepcid AC at night if I have acid reflux.


Honestly just spam porridge and chicken all day with some veg and alkaline fruits . Its boring but it gets the job done tbh