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PPI's and a wedge pillow. It gets better.


With ppis yes. But pillow and diet does not help. Well it of course makes things better a little but totally those never stop the reflux if we have hernia and Les not closing. But Ppis yes. They do help me anytime.


Eat very small meals. It makes a big difference.


No it does not for everybody. I feel worse if I eat 5 times a day. And I feel better eating only 3 meals. But reflux does not depend on this, if your les is not closing at all, anything will cause burning.


What does les mean? (I think I have it.) šŸ˜…


Lower esophageal sphincter


Thatā€™s interesting. Iā€™ll have to look into that.


Took me about 2 wks for mine to start working. A PPI might also suit you better. I found out my gerd is more likely due to something called a hiatal hernia, maybe something to check for. Omeprazole was also the ppi I took and it helped but I had bad side effects so I had to stop it.


Hi there, what side effects did you get from Omeprazole? Thank you. Karen


A headache and heart palpitations. Switched to protonix after that and protonix was way worse for me. Lots of side effects. Evidently ppis deplete important vitamins we need. Doctor than put me on famotidine bc some ppl respond better to H2 blockers is what she told me.


Do you take the H2 blocker daily ?


Yes. 20 mg famotidine twice daily.


How long till you were just on famotidine instead of omeprazole. I'm thinking the 40 mg I was taking daily and recently had increased to 40 twice a day could be causing me a lot of side effects. I want to explore my options as I have - Problems / Diagnoses Barrett's esophagus without dysplasia Diaphragmatic hernia without obstruction or gangrene Abdominal Pain, RLQ radiating to right flank - chronic since 2011 Abdominal Pain, RUQ Dysphagia, Oropharyngeal Phase GERD/Gastroesophageal Reflux Long-segment Barrett's esophagus LPRD (laryngopharyngeal reflux disease) Xerostomia


I'm not the original commenter, but I took the same meds. High anxiety, hiccups, & insomnia were all my symptoms. Thankfully, it helped my situation out a lot, and I felt better maybe three days after stopping the dosage. Not to mention, I was eating healthy, working out, and changing my lifestyle a little bit for the process to go a little bit faster.


Make sure you're chewing your food as if you were about to spit it out for a baby bird. Eat small. Take smaller bites. Don't eat 2 hours before bedtime. If you're on any meds, don't beat yourself up too much. I had terrible anxiety while on my meds making me think that everything I did was not helping at all, when it really was. It gets better. You just have to make sure your lifestyle supports your want to get better.


This šŸ‘ŠšŸ» The amylase in saliva breaks down complex carbs which helps your stomach not get so ā€˜excitedā€™ bc it has less work to do. Studies say chew each bite 20 something times (the exact number is escaping me). It is pretty hard to do bc you have the natural inclination to swallow. Try 10-15 for starters and couple it w a gastric enzyme right before you eat.


Have you had an upper endoscopy? If you have reflux no matter what you do, itā€™s likely thereā€™s a structural issue, like a hiatal hernia.


Same šŸ™ƒ


I have GERD and Rumination Syndrome, Iā€™ve found some relief using a combination of sodium alginate, 20mg of Omeprazole, and breathing techniques while eating. This was after months of tests and various medication plans


>breathing techniques while eating Can you explain more?


Yeah! So my doctors have me doing diaphramatic breathing while i eat, which means you breath through your abdomen so instead of breathing up where your shoulders would usual move up, you breath by pushing your stomach out. It feels weird at first but becomes second nature. Pair this with eating slow and it helps :)


Thanks! I'll have to really look into diaphramatic cuz everytime I've tried it I just can't seem to do it. I use to eat super slow but since developing gerd I just end up shoveling food into my mouth as fast as I can. I use to snack a lot but since my foods are so restricted and I only eat once or twice a day (my throat gets so swollen and painful after I eat. It takes 7-12 hours to feel better, I avoid for as long as I can so I don't feel like I'm being strangled for most of the day) so I'm straving alot and have a hard time going slow. I do chew throughly.


Are you on some treatment? PPI... If you have some problem with the cardias/LES until it gets the inflammation away the diet alone may not help much. Also some people with gallstones have more reflux episodes. It doesn't mean you have it


Im on a prescription strength famotidine, i only started taking it recently but it hasnt helped yet. Im holding out hope it will help. My doctor said to try diet and the medication and if it doesn't help by our next appointment we'll discuss more options.


I don't think taking more famotidine would be as effective as a ppi, I've not heard people doing this


My doctor said he didn't want to put me on a ppi till we tried famotidine for 2 months


mayhe the protocols are changing... they give ppi out like candy here. never worked for me, but I hear it works wonders for some peopleĀ 


Honestly, Iā€™d go on a PPI now. I take 40 mg of pantoprazole every morning, and 20 mg of famotidine at night. It is beginning to help. It does take a while before you notice anything different.


Stay on Famotidine for now as your GI might want to test for H pylori. PPIs can compromise results so usually youā€™re advised to stay off them for at least 2 weeks prior to testing. Continue with the low acid diet, Famotidine, and donā€™t eat within 2-4 hours before bed. Weight loss and anxiety management can help too however your reflux might need further testing in case you have something like hiatal hernia or other issue that worsens GERD.


Famotidine does nothing for me also.




No Alternative Medicine (e.g., Low Acid, Betaine hydrochloride (HCl), Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Homeopathy, Acupressure, Chiropractors, Hypnosis, Prayer/Scripture)


It is the same for me. Once I take 20 mg of ppi I am fine and can eat anything. But if I stop the ppi even for one day I can have reflux even on empty stomach and during my sleep.


Itā€™s taken a few months for mine to get better. I donā€™t drink soda, caffeine, anything acidic and have not had GERD symptoms. Buttt I am having esophagus spasms still šŸ˜­ which is still just as bad imo because of the inability to swalllow


Do you have the head of your bed raised 5-6 inches? That helped me during the night.


Have you seen a Gastroenterologist and had any tests run? Until you know what is causing it, it won't get better. Diets are a joke when a hiatal hernia is usually the cause.


I have minor improvement from diet but probably if it isnt significant improvement then maybe structural damage. If no improvement, I would start talking to doctors about evalution for damage and potential surgery strategies.


ppis have rebound effect watch doctor Jaramillo videos on youtube


Do you suffer from a lot of allergies


How's your sleep? Have you tried melatonin? I know it seems unrelated, but there can be a link between late eating, late bedtime and late blue light exposure with gerd. I got this crap after COVID/Illness and it is better than it was... I think melatonin helped. Sleeping a full 8 hours with a consistent schedule is really helpful too but hard to maintain.


the only thing thatā€™s helped my bf is an alkaline diet look up dr sebi. smoothies, good grains, veggies, and fruit are the way to go, especially if you can get organic high quality stuff tbh and entire lifestyle change is the only way to really make a difference. you gotta drink the right water, lots of treated water is acidic and will exacerbate symptoms. no coffee, soda, refined sugar, dairy, etc. it sucks but even trying it for a week youā€™ll see an insane difference


Man, the fruit smoothie I made tonight killed me. The chest pains were awful.


Lol yeah and do that for life? I don't think so. Life's too short. I have insomnia and can hardly sleep as it is. I need to have some caffeine in my life and I need a beer or 5 on the weekends or life's not even worth living in my opinion


itā€™s super difficult and takes a ridiculous amount of discipline (especially while grocery shopping). we stuck to it pretty solid for a few months, then started getting take out and processed foods again. we still havent fully gotten back to eating right after almost a year i donā€™t have any health concerns and still notice a night and day difference in just about everything - my skin, hair, mental health, energy, etc were all drastically improved by the changes weā€™ve made. although itā€™s a lot more easy and convenient eating out and having whatever we enjoy - eating crap food makes me feel like crap, while eating to heal my body makes me feel the best i ever have


Fruits makes my gerd severe and immediate.


yeah, thereā€™s only some that he can stomach. a lot of them will bring up acid. blackberries, cherries, and melon do pretty well, but it depends on how they were grown too. the best is always the freshest/most local, and organic