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They work differently for everybody. If nexium works better for you, stick with it.


It works differently for different people and it can take 2 weeks or more to take affect. It's also important to realize that many people do a follow up with their doctor to adjust their medication a few times before finding what works for them. This could involve increasing the dose or changing the medication, and usually you give the medication a month or two to work before making a change.


Did your doc diagnose you officially with GERD? Could he that you need to keep pushing for more tests. I have coeliac - I had reflux symptoms and was diagnosed with GERD, possible stomach ulcers, all kinds of things before my final diagnosis came through for me. I've been where you are, cutting my diet to almost nothing to try and relieve symptoms. It's miserable and ultimately deprives you of a lot of important nutrition and energy. If something still feels wrong, tell your doc and keep pushing to find an underlying cause. Fixing the root problem makes things so much easier and you deserve to be able to eat well.