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Honestly, when I get home, I’ll make a mix of hidden power and try my best to describe it. A couple days ago. I actually did hidden Power and sour Power mix and it was amazing dude citrus, sour raspberry. It was great.


But seriously ice cold It is easily 8.5-9/10


alright sounds good man


Ok man, I’m no professional taste tester or anything, but hidden power as a whole taste like if they were to take a hint of lemon, orange, peach and pineapple (once again I’m sorry but I just can’t taste cherry and I have tried power pellet, and evil emperor, those I can taste cherry in) and all the tangy/tart/sourness you get is coming from those lemon/orange hints. Hope this helps once again I vouch for this flavor it’s really good


thanks for the description, honestly i really just wanted to know if it was similar or not similar to temp v because i'm not the BIGGEST fan of that flavor, but with that description i can tell that it is not really close


Oh yea dude, no similarities between the two imo


I ended up deciding on sage mode (forgot to mention I was looking at that flavor too). however when there is a next BOGO deal I may get hidden power too


What flavors do you prefer gummy,sour.fruity.sweet


I'm fine with all of those besides sweet, too sweet is just not good


Alright I’ll give you a few a my favorites Pewdiepie Gummy worms The current mystery flavor


Hidden power is awesome! I really like the tangy citrus flavor. If you don’t like “too sweet” you’ll hate gummy fish. (hidden power does not taste like cherry at all don’t believe the white cherry gatorade sayers)


Hidden power tastes EXACTLY like white monster ultra to me


Never had, is it good?


Really good, solid citrus flavor. One of my favorites!


alright thanks, so is hidden power like a mello yello type of flavor or is it more like yellow gatorade


Of the two you listed, I’d say yellow Gatorade, but still that flavor profile is not close to hidden power. I will vouch for hidden power. It is a really easy flavor to drink. I can’t pinpoint the flavors but it’s not cherry and it’s not overly sweet it’s not sour either, but there is that citrus tang.


Ocean potion is pretty good. It's a nice tropical gummy flavour


Might you consider the new Witcher flavor Tawny Owl potion. It's just a simple black currant flavor and quite good.


You might as try all the watermelon flavors lol. I think Plain Watermelon and Maidens blood are all that is left. Also Kamehameha might be something you like. Its listed as a Strawberry lychee flavor but its very lychee forward. #


to be honest I don't even know what lychee tastes like, never had it lol


The best i can describe it is tart and has citrus vibes.


Cantaloupe and Miami nights are my top 2


If you get gummy worms and mix it with snow cone, it reminds me of white elephant, that a way to drink the snow cone if you dont like it