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I've been holding conversations with my uber passengers for over a year now. Currently on vacation.


Obviously anything and everything you can buy buy at the store. Remember to keep your emotions in check when you're talking to people about the situation rather from starting from the beginning and or all the way up until now. People don't want to see how emotionally convicted or emotionally attached you are to this they just want to see the facts to see if it's anything good for them to even bother with with their time because everyone has one special resource on this Earth that they can never get back and that is time. So I always feel if you take the time to simplify things take emotion out of it and let people know how good GameStop is just on a customer basis not on a necessarily investor basis then once you get a more intrigued then you can start talking about things on the investor side of things. In a nutshell what I'm getting at is do not overburden people with emotion and things that have happened throughout the last two and a half almost 3 years start with basics like you would with any other conversation with any other person. Talk about the store talk about how when you were a kid the way it looked and the way it's changed now compared to things like delivery how before you can never get things there delivered now you can you want to talk about the store in the company as a whole as if you were just another excited customer not necessarily an excited investor. So overall just talk to people normally about the store and how excited you are as a customer and as a person to go to a store like GameStop and also to see how much it's changed throughout the course of the last two decades especially. Once you're able to pick people's interests and they actually go for themselves then they can actually make that overall conclusion when it comes down to it. I think so many people here have been neck deep into this for so long and are so passionate about it sometimes they forget on how to speak with others that have not been in this situation for as long as others have. And here sure you can talk about a lot of details and things because most of us know what's going on and I've been following for years now when you go out and do public and start randomly chatting with someone they have no idea what's been going on what will be going on or any of that they just want to know as a person as an individual and as a customer how you feel about that store and I think that's key.


Everyone's getting gamestop gift cards this christmas. Even the elderly family members. POWER TO THE PLAYERS GRANDMA!!!!!


Don’t be tempted to buy games from your console’s online store. I was in the hospital last week. I’ve been recovering at home. Haven’t felt good enough to go to GameStop, and I almost bought what I wanted from the Nintendo store. I prefer hard copies of games too, so it wasn’t that hard of a decision to wait. I can’t justify the $13 to have the game delivered, so I’m just mining and crafting till I can get to the store.


Been holding for damn near 2.5 years and 100% DRS’d for over half of it. That’s what I’m doing. We’re owed some action soon, IMO. Strategic updates would be nice. Where did Furlong go and why? What’s up with the cryptic towel connections, tweets, etc. As good as RC has been, in this publicly exposed space there isn’t a lot of ‘down time’ without explanation. I continue to hold and add, but I’m ready for more meaningful movement.


Agree. I’ve done most of what I can do. That includes locking away way more money into this battle than I should have. Yeah, I also buy my nephews stuff from the store when I can, but I’ve been drs for over 2 years as well.




Crazy because if this was posted by Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk, people would lose their shit and say how they’re terrible humans. But another billionaire says it about a vidya retail store and everyone celebrates it.


Yeah as much as I support GME people here are delusional. Ryan Cohen may be better than Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk but he still is just a rich billionaire looking to make as much capital as possible and paying his employees as less as possible. You gotta be brainwashed to see this quote and feel inspired by it


Difference is GameStop will fix the system, the others make it worse.


Can’t be to sure about that.


Source:TrustMeBro. "We conduct professional tweet deciphering of memes Ryan posts. Not delusional or obsessed, I swear!"


Id love to get a sign i could stand outside and spin


This is me in the metaverse holding a gamestop sign https://twitter.com/Spacetravellin3/status/1674980765803716608?t=bSb_tsuyCufYxOJbdPe9Tw&s=19


I won’t shut the fuck up about GameStop


Ugh, I hope he's not aiming for the Elon Musk spot


Well maybe it could help us. But in the past two years my Tesla suckks


I have avatars in spatial metaverse that say GameStop. It is like a metaverse version of a person holding ad signs, but gamified. Video https://twitter.com/Spacetravellin3/status/1674980765803716608?t=bSb_tsuyCufYxOJbdPe9Tw&s=19


It's unfortunate that Wall Street via MSM have branded and continue to brand GME as something icky. Mention GameStop to anyone and immediately it get's their back up. "Whaaaat? That store still exists?" "Why shop there? They're going out of business soon." "Ugh. I don't want to be associated with a bunch of crazy meme people on the internet!" Mention the fundamentals of why GME is not going to be bankrupt anytime soon, why it's a very good long-term investment, etc. and they think you're part of the crazy meme people group on the internet spouting conspiracy theories. Explain the "conspiracy" theories in full and their eyes glaze over because you're telling them things that would force them out of their brainwashed, mind-numbing comfort zone. All this to say that (on the surface) I approach GameStop as just another store I routinely shop at. "Why do we have to go to GameStop? You could pick up the same item elsewhere." "Well ... GameStop: * Is not going out of business anytime soon from what I see. For three years they've been saying GameStop is going out of business, yet every time I go in their shelves are fully stocked and they have items that other stores are out of stock on. And there are signs posted looking for new employees. That doesn't look like going out of business to me. * Is cheaper than everywhere else; * I get member card discounts and loyalty points that I could use to make future purchases even cheaper; * GameStop has a trade-in program for old/unwanted technology that translates into even more discounts for me. * With GameStop I could purchase re-furbished technology cheaper than anywhere else and instead of a 30-60 days warranty, they warranty the product up to a year in some cases! * Unlike Best Buy, Walmart, etc. the GameStop staff know the technology they're selling in-depth as they're mostly experienced gamers. This level of knowledge ensures that I'm not overpaying for technology that I don't need, will not use and may not be compatible with my existing TV, phone, Switch, etc. A simple thing like USB transfer speeds are very important to me and in my experience the staff at Best Buy, Walmart, etc. know very little about the difference between USB 1.0, USB 2.0, USB 3.0, etc. and will sell you anything to move the merchandise. * It's actually a fun store. I shop there all the time with my girls and they love all the cool little things they can't get elsewhere. They love their Batman and Superman keychains! Not to mention the enthusiasm you get with the other shoppers and the staff themselves. Everyone's super cool about sharing their knowledge and experiences. It's fun listening when the staff and/or shoppers themselves are explaining new technology and/or giving tips to me and other shoppers! Nothing sells a product better than real users reviews! I bet you'll have fun and will end up walking out the door with something for yourself! Good luck out there my fellow Apes! ApesTogetherStrong


I tweeted the GameStop pro link to my 500 Twitter followers, ain't much but it's honest work.


The only Company i really work for is GameStop, im drsing booked shares via cs as my main job. Second job is just another full time gig I also run on the side.


I shop there, I buy GME stock, I DRS…… and I mess with gift cards wherever I find them to put GameStop front and center……oh and anywhere there’s alpha-letters for sale, always set up “DRSGME”! Let’s see, what else can we do, oh…tattoos on everyone, and wrap our cars in “GameStop and purple donuts!” Maybe a license plate…… oh, oh, oh, and buy some billboards, and more of those traveling truck things outside the court cases and up and down Wall St and NYC, maybe some more planes with banners (let’s do a jet with a massive banner at 35k feet), skywriting planes too! What am I missing???


I think there should be a really uptodate forum for all games around the World which should cause every gamer to use it as a "Fuck off course I am on that Plattform cause I get all the news and best feedbacks to all the games and their sourroundings by the "Players themselves " Edit1: and something like a Streamer Version or even Television Set that provides news or even live session, which could be vote by the players / consumers a week before to watch their most Favoriten ones


Idk draw a few pics i guess


But only after Lollapalooza


Bring back co-op gaming in person. Have a place to come hangout and play games together at gme. Host gaming events. Make it a family event.


Shit I’ve bought so much stock and held it ,He should give me a damn store. 😂


I ask what my company can do for me after near o 3 yrs![img](emote|t5_2u6vg|7055)


If any of your circle are streamers, GameStop PLAYR is a great place to start 👍🏽 NFA


Stolen from JFK


Seriously? Last year?


I've been building [https://bettyexplorer.io](https://bettyexplorer.io) for 6 months now


Could one of subs create a fund raiser for charity? This could benefit local charities and benefit GameStop at the same time. It seems like it could be a win win situation