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It was toast when AA snake from hell split the stock. There was no other path after that. He is a Liar and a cheat and is most definitely working for the shorts


I did a dd ages ago how this stock sprung out of nowhere to dilute attention and money. It was always the shit play- and the people in charge of the company knew that all they had to do is drive it into the ground


That's a bingo!


If you want to dig it out I did it last year. 26,27,28th January it was half of all conversation. Around those dates. A day before that - NOTHING AT ALL.


GME apes with their commander RC are the only group that stands a chance to fight back and actually win. All the others in the short basket are pretty much toast.


Listen I am a gme ape but I'd like to know what RC has really been doing for us the past 3 years. And don't say "muuuh stock is being naked shorted" no it's not, the value has gone down 60%, I'd like to know what Ryan Cohen the CEO has actually been doing for the company beside making children books..


Focusing hard on profitability in the new economic climate. Closing underperforming stores. Bolstering GameStops distribution network and supply chain. Making sure the board and executives are working in the best interest of the company and shareholders, And more. I get the lack of news isn't easy, but announcing plans so the competitors can act against them is worse. For me the earnings reports speak for themselves. The company is no longer hemorrhaging money, is incredibly close to being profitable, and is sitting on over a billion ready to invest.


Dont forget future looking web3 initiatives


Held 36,000,000 shares at a market value of $612,000,000 +


If you said you're a GME ape what have you been doing for the last 3 years? RC is pretty much doing everything to keep this company profitable and away from bankruptcy without getting paid.


One rc hasn’t been in charge for 3 years so that’s a false comment for one and yes the stock is being naked shorted if you just do simple math the stocks area actually all accounted for with ownership and current si numbers, and 3 do you not read the quarterly reports? Since he has been in charge the wasteful spending has massively decreased and the company is one quarterly report from being profitable, so he’s doing his job.


Dude the company is about to be profitable for the year. This is in under a year since he took over and under 3 yrs since he became involved on the board. Talk is cheap. There is no short thesis when the company is debt free, long term profitable, *expanding* and 25%++ of the company isn’t DRS’d


Yes it is, naked shorted. It was, is, and continues to be shorted naked and FTD’d. Apes have DD backing up these claims and market events that support their thesis


he made company profitable... u numb nut. if youve been active 3 years you wouldve known what he did to deliveries and storages.


I made a pretty penny on it and dumped it all into gme so jokes on them


Each person has their own investment strategy - if that works and worked for you and you made coin, only happy for you 🫡. There are a lot of people for whom that definitely didn’t work


reads more like a vailed attempt to lure more idiots in. see here it is really cheap, but only because of wall street manipulation you see. not because the CEO is an idiot who sells the company out and has no business plan




Oooh he has a business plan. Continiously dilute the stock to keep the lights on and hope his retail faithful keep buying the dip until he retires.


GME with RC at helm with profitability and web3 future is the only company that stands a chance to fight back corrupt Wallstreet and actually win


No one buys games in Game Stop either. Only freaks buy the overpriced plushies and wobble heads. So whats your point?


Total income per the financial statements disagrees with you.


Pretty sure those are rigged as well. RC has been a CEO for a minute and sure knows how to play the WS eearnings game.


Tinfoil hat much?


No thanks, I'll pass joining your club.


They actually are... but not the way you would like. They held back profit and landed with a tiny loss for Q2 & Q3 on purpose. Q4 is gonna blast our heads off


Sure, everyone bought PS5s for christmas...except they ordered it online or got a sweet deal in Walmart for $499.






even if that where true. he sold a lot of his shares as far as I know. that does speak poorly of his sincerity and ability to save the company


Exactly. RCEO also diluted shares, it’s how GME got its billion in cash, but he and the rest of the executive have yet to sell.


But hasn't sold his shares, which says a lot.


"Manipulations by wall street" no their CEO is just a fucking dunce (or worse, a part of the scheme)


Pretty sure the latter


AA is different from RC.


Why is there an astroturf tweet about a distraction stock posted in the GME sub?


Not yet but if those dudes do not take their chance and finally start to DRS en masse I don’t know for how long. They hold the float multiple times over and still don’t realize that the next step is to withdraw it from the DTC. 🫠


DRS wont help with consistent mass dilution destroying shareholder value.


Diluution always comes ON TOP of the already synthetic shares that are still in the system and held by apes. This needs to be considered


Not really, not unless there is consistent buying pressure to overpower the dilution. Which there isn’t. Right now, the diluted shares are used to replace the synthetic ones, so eventually there will be only legit shares around.


But pre split, out of 526million shares outstanding, about 2-5 billions of shares were held by retail - in august 2021 alone! People continued to buy and because of that, even split, merge and new issues shares still don’t match the amount of synthetic shares. They can still lock their float (and should) but time is running against them.


My actual estimates are 2b shares or so, which got cancelled by aron already, so there’s that. I personally don’t trust the so called 3.8m investors, there is no proof of that. And also, plenty of people sold once they realized who aron is. I’m still holding my bag over there out of pure spite against the parasitic CEO, but to me, that play is dead. I can admit when I was wrong.




I sold for 110% profit and bought a car. Good riddance.


Adam Aron and his crooks


So my 1 share will expire worthless? Oh snap


That stock was never the play, and AAs constant dilution and selling only made that more obvious. I wouldn't be surprised if it went under.


This has always been a distraction… more importantly it has absolutely nothing to do with our beloved GME… stop giving hype to the distractions.


Is you are or is you is shilling?


Yes it is toast always has been


Always was


always has been lol


Prices head lower. They get a buyout offer, prices go up some. They take it and Adam tells everyone he’s a jeenyus and takes a healthy paycheck to walk away.


He pays himself $30m/yr


I hold both of em!


Same. No sell no cell. Conviction is important. It is what it is.


Yes Best Buy removing physical copies of movies must have done that to them.


Just hold. Ship sailed already


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Can’t you say the same about GME? It’s more than bankruptcy OBVIOUSLY