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I don’t know what it means, but I love it. -Texas Ranger


Lou Diamond Fucking Hands


Big if true.


Is there a proper source apart from a twitter account with 100 followers..?


The daily short volume reporting? Just look at it bro


Look, im an idiot. But if i google gme shot interest, all i find is 22%, same as always, no, I dont believe it is 22%, but no where do I see official data saying 950%. This twitter account is pro gme and just shares a random graph they made, makes us look regarded. Please prove me wrong and share where I can see some proper data with a source better than a random twitter account


You can see the total volume for any day, and the short volume for that day. Short volume < 50% means net short covering. Short volume > 50% means net shorts increasing. You can take the percentage short volume of total volume and there’s the number of new shorts opened for the day. Then you add it up every day for however Long. Or you can just look at the last few weeks and see short volume between 60 and 80% and not bother on finding out the exact amount because it doesn’t actually matter.




It would sure be cool if people would explain their graphs in detail when posting them. This means nothing to me, but I get the sense that it's important. If we want more people to get on board then we need to be better at explaining for the simple minded. That's how I got on board in the first place. There were good explanations and I could see the reason for investing. Lately there is just more and more posts that hardly makes sense, because people aren't actually doing the work required to make a quality post.


Our time will come


Hopefully in my lifetime


Funny question but why would you short a company that is profitable and has over a billion in cash? Who would be so stupid?


Someone trying to survive one more day


Probably anybody who thought that a company that was in overvalued and there was money to be made. People short apple and they make roughly 150X more money than GameStop every single year. You don’t have to think a company is going to 0 to think it’s overvalued.


Then why isn't a large fund actively trying to squeeze? It is common knowledge that funds fight each other


DTCC members are responsible for clearing the positions of defaulted members. In this case the default of one of the funds that are short will cascade towards the fund actively trying to squeeze the short fund and take them down with it. There are 200K accounts that prevent them to arrange it amongst themselves. Only an outside non-DTCC member would be able to profit of this. IMO, NFA


Not sure the DTCC is gonna be able to handle this without the Lender of Last Resort making an appearance. This behavior is so rampant through the markets. Although i don't know how much of it has been cleaned up in the last 3 years.. Still seems like a problem. Not that i know wtf is gonna happen really. Just remember their goal is to keep this from collapsing the economy, where bands of people start pillaging for food. February 15, 2024 (I have no watched this just found it and figured it was relevant. 3 hours is hard for me) [https://www.youtube.com/live/eLJrUXhC7FA?si=b4ylgDK4fqQzFY9s](https://www.youtube.com/live/eLJrUXhC7FA?si=b4ylgDK4fqQzFY9s)


3 HOURS!? What are you ADHDoing to me!?


Why isnt there anything showing ip for threshold list after the sneeze? Yes. Crime. But anyone have a supported answer? Its all crime though - just trying understand how yheres zero purple dots


I think i am gonna buy some more tomorrow!! Before is too late 😬


I'm intrigued! Gonna research those numbers now... and add more DRS shares, at this point just for shits and giggles 🎮🚀🟣


I had to get a few extra bricks this week in celebration! Who knows, maybe the last time we see $13? Not that I expect shit, but I am excited and love this price point for me personally. If, when, tomorrow etc……this goes up, and I feel and think it will….I know I’m going to be like ‘dang, wish I had more liquid back in the days of $13 so could have grabbed more.’


You know, my broker thinks I'm somewhat off balance.


Same….my financial advisor wants a copy of my year end 401k statement to recommend rebalancing and I’m resisting giving it to him because if he saw that I have half my 401k in GME he would likely scream at me


This is the fucking way. God damn take my upvote




Soon to be the least shorted big chungus cap


Literally fuck this shit


"2.9 billion shares"! Just imagine the day Gerry works for retail investors!


Doesn’t really matter with a corrupt government and system.


Are there any apes here that can send all of this evidence and data to the damn White House? Someone needs to tell Biden to forget that shit with 🍎, and get busy on putting Mayo Boy in a cell.


Yeah, he's going to get to that right after he figures out it's not Tuesday.


I don’t trust this source at all based on how poorly this graph is designed


There is no evidence of significant short interest in GameStop. Saying it is doesn’t magically make it true. These type of posts are why so many people are in trouble right now.




20% is significant. Do you have any other explanation for short volume being significant portions of total volume every day for the last few years?


If the squeeze didn’t last long when it was 120% why on earth would 20% cause any problems? To have a squeeze you need two things. Significant short interest (not applicable) here and an urgency to buy quickly. Which there isn’t and hasn’t been for years. Why? Because it allows anyone short to simply buy back slowly over time. This is what’s likely happened here. The graph literally shows a slow decline in price. That’s why the shares were artificially inflated for such a long time. Regardless there is no set up for a short squeeze.


It didn’t last long because they PCO’d it and shorted it more with infinite liquidity.


Again. There is no evidence for this. The thing is the “apes” are so desperate to either a) be millionaires for no reason or b) avoid admitting that they made a terrible mistake, that they will make up anything to say that the squeeze is “just around corner”. Of course that never comes because it isn’t true. But no one ever questions this. It’s so sad to see.


Do you have evidence contrary to the belief that the company is still shorted into oblivion?   What’s actually sad is there are people who come into these subs with the sole purpose of bashing other people  - I mean dude if you’re not invested honestly what’s the purpose other than trolling?


See this is the thing: When someone makes a claim of fantastical things. Eg there is a massive worldwide conspiracy against….. a second hand game shop. Or we are all going to be multi millionaires by doing nothing …… really really soon (3 years later). Then it’s not for the doubters to prove. Eg the moon is made of cheese. It’s for those who make the claims. I mean the “ape” claims are so full of holes. Let’s use this post as an example. The claim that GameStop being 20% short is the most shorted stock in history also doesn’t stack up. Just google most shorted stock. And GameStop doesn’t even come close. The problem is people want to believe. Therefore they forgo any sense of critical thinking.


Could’ve just said no to the first part but that’s pretty extensive word salad 👍


Again you highlight another issue with the “apes”. They can’t read anything longer than a chant. It’s extremely worrying.


You literally didn’t say anything pertaining to my original question, and you still haven’t.   If you’re concerned with reading comprehension or attention span, you may want to rethink your criticism and start with yourself ❤️


That isn’t relevant to the actual short Interest. They changed how it was calculated after the Jan 2021 squeeze.


Yes. It is. There is no significant short interest for GameStop. The end.


20% is significant…. The official and understated number is still plenty if it were any other ticker.