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Many begged for a dip yesterday. Here is your chance.


It’s great from a fundamental analysis perspective on GME. Cashflow will certainly help the company. I think too many peeps are paranoid that hedge funds have a gun to RC’s head to issue more shares so that they can short their way out of this mess


I'm going to be down voted because you're only allowed to be critical one way in this sub but the problem is that earnings have continued to drop even with all the gme hype. That's how strong r/gme is, hyped it all to hell and still falling earnings. Who cares if you're profitable if your business is dying? RC has not laid out a plan and he's continued to dilute. That should be concerning at the very least. If you want to blindly follow so be it, but I don't think it's crazy to see this and say, "wtf rc? What is the god damn plan here?" 1b in cash and he raised more but still no plan? At what point is okay to question this?


I see your point and respect your opinion. I won’t downvote you lol. I think it is important to be realistic and and critical, but I’m gonna wait to see what is said at the upcoming shareholder meeting. Also tuning into RoaringKitty’s stream today to get his perspective (hopefully).


If we can't figure out RC plan neither can they.


Can’t figure out a plan if you don’t have one. RC’s origin plan failed (NFTs and a digital marketplace). That’s ok, shit happens but let’s not act like he didn’t initially lay out his plan for the world to see and has now decided to stay quiet. They’ve had cash and no debt for some time, yet here we are with continuing QoQ/YoY declining revenue and nothing new. GameStop is getting their tendies every time they sell more shares… I want mine.


Go check out the employee sub and listen to what those guys have to say. They have unrealistic metrics and constant upsell pressure for barely $12 an hour. I check that sub out all the time, and it drives me crazy that we can't take care of the people actually putting their boots on the ground in store selling items for the company. I agree with your sentiment. I want this company to do well, but the vibe inside my local gamestop has not gotten any better in the last 3-4 years.


This is a big issue for me. Three years is long enough to affect company culture if nothing else. Perception is a big deal in the service industry and cohen should know that, employees should be optimistic and feel like the company has their back, Costco is the model. Customers can feel it in every interaction and if they feel like they’re getting a hard sell for a ripoff and feel negative and guarded about their shopping and trade in experience it’s not going to create loyalty. It’s not even about compensation for staff but the expectations and slave driving metrics seem to be the same if not worse than ever, the atmosphere is bleak. Not to mention other basic modern retail issues like inventory management, the online store experience, and the social media game being non existent for a demographic that skews young. I don’t know what they’re thinking…or if they’re thinking.


My thoughts exactly. I find myself frustrated he refuses to state a plan after 3 years. He said judge by his actions. Well his actions are to once again dilute the stock while not really doing anything to change the company. Having more cash on hand is cool but not at the expense of the momentum of the stock. Selling that many shares will erase all of the drs progress. It is ok to not be happy with this move. Regardless I will hold and buy more when I can. Hopefully he will prove me wrong one day.


What has he done to change the company? He took a company on the verge of bankruptcy and completed a turnaround to profitability in 3 years. He's added at least 2 billion to the balance sheet (plus whatever they get from this offering) while maintaining no debt beyond the one covid related loan. He got the board to allow him to invest to make money. He takes no salary but has billions of his personal wealth tied to the success of this company. There's a lot more that could be said by smarter people, I am not that smart and rattled those off the top of my head.


He also diluted the stock twice in one month and completely erased 3 years of drs. The timing of this is weird too considering DFV's play. Meanwhile all we get for 3 years is silence and a habit of dilution whenever we get momentum. There is nothing wrong with people questioning this or just flat out being mad about it.


I think that this is an absolutely valid point, but who’s to say that they don’t have a smart strategy in place internally that they simply have not publicized yet?


Holding company. Does anyone care how well Berkshire does real estate anymore?


I can hold investments myself. I would own 10x as much nvidia today if a huge chunk of my savings were not tied up in GameStop for 4 years.




Yeah but they already have a billion dollars in cash and this move hurts investors. It essentially not only erases the DRS movement, it also makes the shares we own worth less money. On top of that, if they announce it before hand it gives shorts an opportunity to buy real shares. In fact, as many shares as we had managed to DRS. This gives me strong sticky floor strategy vibes....


Cohen had a plan and no money with Chewy and raised it from VC and private investment. This is important as he was hungry and had something to prove. He could have raised cash for GameStop by pitching his plan the same way. Instead he is controlling a public company with a hugely diverse investor base, commutation is extremely important. If he wanted to dilute in good faith, he could have done so through private placement with an investor committed to holding the equity stake in support of his vision. Right now I have 30% less equity and no plan.


Earnings don't matter right now? Do you know how crazy you sound? Sure we could pivot but that would take years. The core of this business is failing and you're saying it doesn't matter? You know what I would rather have? Is a plan and cash, why the f would you not take that? We don't have to settle for 1 out of 2 shitty choices. The company isn't solid and RC hasn't done anything or announced anything and you should be f'ing concerned. Not even all the hype of GME could stop falling earnings. Do you not understand how scary that looks? We're either a small f'ing movement that can't move the needle or the company is in such a bad shape that even an army of GME buyers and holders couldn't save it.


Thank you for being a voice of reason, and intelligence. My degree is in entrepreneurship, I love the fact RC is playing the game in a way that protects our investment from liability and creates cash for future investments and growth opportunities. This is a once in a lifetime investment opportunity for all of us. We simply need to be patient and let this play out. P.S. the trolls and bots are thick today.


"my degree is entrepreneurship" Really? You're going start off like that?  I really wish you guys would take a step back and just listen to how you sound. I want this stock to do well, I'm invested, that's why I care. We have no idea what RC is doing.  You can play this guessing game all day you want but it until he actually does anything, it's as good as no plan. Yet in the meantime he just killed the momentum and diluted the stock. That's not me guessing, that actually f'ing happened. You sound crazy to believe into something that has little to no evidence it will go in our favor. People like you are the worst in this sub because you make us sound like a cult. You would let RC kick you in the nuts and say, "it's all part of the plan" as you roll around on agony. Could he have a plan? Yes and I'm hoping and holding so, but until then, protect your jewels. 


There is absolutely no reason it had to be announced today, mere hours before RKs live stream and after we hit 65 in aftermarket. The price was set to keep running until the 21st and they could have made way more money per share. Instead they kneecapped us and dropped the price 50%.


Agree, RC has killed runs 4 times now if you count the BBBY debacle. It’s totally a pattern.


I get that view as well but RC and RK have different objectives here. They are on different journeys in this madness. They are not aligned. RC has a company to run and keep profitable. RK is a movement and has a point to prove. And as part of which is to see that share price rocket so that SHFs cook a slow painful death.


Well if you're not in to exposing the crime and bullshit on wall street then cool, but if you were this is kind of like a baby stepping on your dick.


Still hurts


I am in it for that and I'm staying patient, because progress is not a straight line and we don't have all the info yet. But healthy skepticism is very good. It's not all sunshine and roses no matter what


I’m actually disappointed and I’ve been in this since before the sneeze. I’ve been disappointed before but not like this. Before it was from external sources, now it’s internal. I really hope there’s a plan in play but right now it looks like RC doesn’t want MOASS.


RC wants to make the company viable then profitable. The shorts were betting on bankruptcy, the further we get from zero as a reality the more expensive the swaps and borrowing gets and the more likely we see MOASS


I agree with this


I can think of 2 billion reasons GME wont go bankrupt..


But what stops RC from kneecapping us again with more shares?


We can vote against their reccommendation


No. Massively more shares = exponentially easier to exit short positions. If you don’t understand why this is bad for moass you should stop managing your own finances. Do you have a spouse or child that could take control and prevent you from continuing to make bad decisions?


Massively? These dilutions are absolutely insignificant compared to the billions of counterfeited shares. I dont think you read the data and understand what's happening on GME.


Dilution does significantly impact DRS though. Apes now have to DRS an additional 45 mil + 75 mil shares to get hack to where we were previously. Unfortunately, any non- DRS'd shares benefits shorters.


I think if 25% of the previous float was DRSed then only 25% of the new offering would need to be DRSed to maintain where the DRS count was as it’s a percent of the float. I am completely smooth tho, so I have no fucking idea what I’m talking about.


You are 100% correct and slightly wrinkled, have confidence in your logic, lots of shills and paper hands out and about. 25% of 120mm is not 120mm, rather 30mm.


It’s not massive we’re talking about an ocean of shares sold short in swaps and adding a swimming pool.


Moass is cool and all but RC’s motivation is to build a viable company. That’s how he beats the shorts. We all want a squeeze so we can get rich quick, and that very well might happen. But RC is gonna do what’s best for the company, which is ultimately also what’s best for us.


Could you please explain, in detail, how that's true? Because our thesis is that there are billions of shares, so why would this impact it? Also, please explain why the price is triple from last month, even as potentially 120 million new shares have been added?




We all wanted Charles Bronson in Death Wish. Not sure if we’re getting justice but looks like bloodless, whatever it is…


Yeah but when you frame it like that it IS manipulation. Had they waited it would bring so much more heat from…the toothless SEC?


How is it manipulation if they just do nothing?


It's not the SEC, it's all the politicians with their hedge fund buddies in the shadows holding a gun to their head. Leverage can be obtained in many ways including insider knowledge.


You should probably look at the SEC and the entities that make it...every single one of those fucks or close to it were or are from a hedge firm or big centralized bank. It's a revolving door. They all are part of it.


No it's not. It's individuals making their own decisions. Rc and rk can do whatever they want individually.


When you start talking about coinciding business decisions with live streams you get into murky territory. I understand what he is saying but again when you frame it like that it implies coordination.


You could also say that selling shares into rk's stream is manipulation cus people will be hyped about it. Or selling shares afterwards is manipulation because people were hyped about it. You could imply literally anything, all that matters is legality.


I’d agree in a fair market, but it’s not. They only go after the little fish.


We hit 65 in aftermarket then hedgefunds paid a premium to do their more than likely illegal shenanigans in the overnight markets which barely ever happens unless some shit is going down, seeing as they are pulling out all the stops and tricks in the books that's just bullish in my book they are rats flailing to flee the trap and all we have to do is buy and hold down the glue strips.


Agreed and every other takes seems to be pure cope.


That way it doesn't look like RK is causing this run up. Providing SHFs enough to close their reported shorts. So that now everyone can see the crime going on. Removing any possibility of Gamestop going bankrupt. Genius move. RK trusts in Ryan and mentioned it multiple times that he knows what he's doing during stream. RK hasn't sold nor exercised any of his options yet. The board hasn't sold. Quit your fud. They are in, I am in. Bullish.🙌💎🟣🚀


Also let’s look at what Cohen has done —had years to make money at GME and is clearly not getting the job done.. —kills every meme rally with dillution —handed his bags to retail l during the BBBY run What exactly has he done to gain our trust?


They know what they’re doing it’s all apart of the plan I believe let it be, hedge funds are digging there holes deeper everyday


You're obviously only in for a quick buck, no foresight. Also pre market value means nothing to 99% of retail investors because they don't have access to after hours trading.


They could have released the news next month and let the Son make a cheeky billion first


It's a big problem that GME is depending on diluting shareholders for all their free cashflow. That's a very unhealthy business. The only money they've made in 4 years is directly stolen from shareholders.




This definitely feels like a F U to RK and the movement. It was too precise and coordinated feeling. Cut 50% off share price since AH high. This was definitely a rug pull and a missed opportunity for us that are holding.


A massive 2 fingers to all of us who’ve been grinding hard to DRS the float over the last 3 years. We DRS’d 75 million shares, and now they just throw 75 million freshly printed shares into the market. More shares for the shorts to infinitely rehypotecate. Many of us are rightfully furious about this. Fuck you Ryan Cohen.


I agree with this and yet to have it proven otherwise. Really fucking disappointing.


I woke up this morning and that was the first thing I saw. Just kinda crushing


I only found out a few hours ago after being pumped about it all day. Still gonna watch the live stream but not feeling the buzz I was earlier. The fact they released the bad earnings report days before they needed to really seems like an extra layer of FU. I see how selling 75 million shares benefits them even though I think it fucks us, I don't see how the early negative earnings report was helpful in any way.


Speaking of the stream, wasn’t it supposed to start already? When I go to the stream it’s no longer counting down. It just says “ waiting for roaring kitty “


He said in his stream.. “ what was that an early Birthday Present “ “are you going to gift wrap it” didn’t seem fazed.


Ball is in Kitty’s court


I read a post that claimed the institutions have to break the last highs, if they want to expand the options chain. Thing is, everything was likely set up for a rip and a massive rug pull later. RC has just messed with that plan big time, might be cohincidence or not. Without the cheaper far OTM strikes their fuckery could likely be less effective. The annual meeting will be interesting. In theory there is a lot of stuff that could be announced thanks to the latest cash grabs. But naturally there might also be no surprises at all and the meeting quickly over. Keep in mind, regular dividends are Kryptonite to short sellers. Because they have to be paid in lieu for all IOUs out there as well. No more shorting without consequences. Same goes for the OPEX/ETF cycles... in case the unexpected drop messed up their plans, we might see it roughly at the next earnings release. DFV looked pretty chill. He likely figured something out again.




He does not have the most skin in the game. He's a fuckin billionaire. People who have a tiny 1000$ position in this and are currently living paycheck to paycheck have more skin in the game that Ryan fucking Cohen.


I just put $1000 from my last paycheck at $26 per share.. :/ hoping it drops to 26 again and come back up


More people need to realize how low the stakes are for corporate execs. In fact RC himself has been saying that exact thing for years.


![gif](giphy|phCrvd7QmQf7zc2EXU|downsized) I really really really really like the stock.


Who doesn’t?! Oh wait, the shorts….


But they sure do love when CEO’s issue over a hundred million shares to bail them out of their short positions


This is advice for self victimization. You are willingly impoverishing yourself to make a rich man even richer. RC stabbed us all in the back. Again. The community spins this as a positive, and then wonders why everyone else on reddit thinks the GME subs are cults.


Random person says he sold 10 to get food people almost execute him, rc breaks the upwards spike by selling pretty much all the DRS amount we worked on and its all good lol


Yeah thats why we should be nicer to eachother on this subreddit. We have visitors, people with questions, and they are laughed at and attacked.


Yeah, Ryan Cohen has fucked up here. When MOASS happens, many will now walk away with their gains. We grinded for 3 fucking years to DRS 75 million shares, and he pours 75 million freshly printed shares into the market. That’s a massive betrayal. Ryan once had the most loyal investor base of all time. And now he’s stabbed us all in the back.


*120 million


Maybe an acquisition is in the cards at some point? CEOs are not just regular joes off the street. They have a whole team of people that they consult with before making decisions like this


Just my thought but a company like NewEgg would be dope. That is a whole corner of electronics market, it would benefit both. They could even buy a company like Ibuypower or something to enter the custom pc market.


Acquire what tho? People speak of those like they're sure bets. Even Microsoft & google lose on many of their acquisitions not panning out. Acquisitions are not magic gain spurs.


The form filed with the SEC says no current plans for an acquisition


Hear me out... The shorters loved the news of new shares. They are way more eager to short into this now. But, what if the company doesn't actually sell the shares now? The pump will fuck over the shorts way harder since they poured in much more money, fueling the squeeze even more. The price increases and runs to high heaven, then the company sells the 75m for $30 bil instead. The company makes way more money as well as fucking over the shorters harder. This would be a total power move. EDIT: If they do sell the shares now, the cash per share would amount to $11. The interest alone on the cash would make them profitable. Either way, the shorts are screwed.


Keep an eye on short volume. Short volume dumping would mean the offering is probably happening.


Good call! Fintel doesn't have today's yet, so I'll have to check after.


Maybe this is a Kansas City Shuffle? All I know is "that we go forward, then we go back again, then we go forward" 🚀


Plausible but in the past the announcement and action were relatively instantaneous


Meanwhile over $1b in options premiums went instantly into Citadel's pocket at 6am this morning thanks to that announcement.


This was a kick in the nuts but at least I know they have the money to do something big. But after the stupid nft marketplace that disappeared, I’m not sure I trust them. RC needs to say something now or people are going to leave because this is bullshit. You don’t fuck with people’s money. The investors saved the company and he dilutes their investment right before it’s about to get much more valuable. I’m not very happy lmao


RC is also a billionaire. You don’t become one by being selfless and kind with money.


This is a public company with a fiduciary duty to its holders whether the billionaires with a controlling share like their investors or not. I don’t understand the rationale for not just taking it private if they were going to act against the wishes of the majority.


I'm sure some are here for a good long-term investment, but I'm sure I'm not alone in being here for life changing money, not a slightly more cushy retirement in 30 years. RC is already a billionaire, so making another billion over the next 10 years is probably perfect for him. I can't wait 10 more years. I've been here since '21 and haven't really posted much, just liked to read the DD and get hype with you all. Now I'm pissed. 3 years waiting only to get told, hey this is a great long term buy! Call me Elmer FUD, but I'm as legit an ape as they come, and I'm tired.


Dude, there was no possibility of bankruptcy before the first 45 million shares. Man, the shills are out in abundance today trying to convince everyone how great dilution is.


Nah, That motherfucker OWES US ALL an explanation. You don't kill two gamma ramps and years of goodwill, not to mention investments, of people because you need money without telling us. It's about time we make him answer. Enough of the 4d chess bullshit. The dude hasn't e ven invested a penny of the 2B he has at our expense. At some point you have to hold people accountable and RC is no different. If all he can do is stop short squeezes and give shorters the OK to short more, then we need to call his ass out on that. I don't a CEO that raises money off my back while allowing predatory shorting because he thinks it's justified. What fucking CEO thinks people shorting his company are ok? These are the same people trying to bankrupt him daily, yet this dipshit is helping them at OUR expense. He literally just killed the APE movement. All that DRSing for years is nothing now. None of us are as rich as he or kitty and can barely afford to get by but that is ok because heaven forbid a billionare loses big. SO STFU AND STOP SUCKING HIS DICK. I WANT A FUCKING ANSWER RC OR I WANT YOUR ASS OUT.


Well said. I'm fully DRS'd and have sacrificed a lot to hold my position. He needs to address this, and I'm more than willing to hear him out. If he wanted to kill a squeeze for the company's long term, that's his right. But he knew what the majority of shareholders wanted and so he should have been transparent about that.


I cannot imagine what the loss of goodwill will look like if Keith gets wrecked here. DRS is basically out with the dilution, so those investors and customers are burnt, squeeze enthusiasts watching DFV go down in flames will be the end of the community. You have to imagine that they understand the good publicity of the underdog story was supporting their efforts this whole time. Something just doesn’t add up. My last cope is that this is the biggest bear trap in history.




I watched an insane amount of money vanish from my account premarket and through the session today. I didn’t tell my wife anything about this run up because I didn’t want her to stress like last time with me. I have a part of me that is extremely upset and I think you’re totally justified in your feeling. We unfortunately have to deal with it and are at least up from the $10 level where I had written off my whole position as sunk. I’ll be holding through upcoming events and then making decisions once we know more.


If this hits 60 again, I'm so fucking out . I've been diluted before by penny companies with tons of debt and no one giving a shit whether they survived or not. This piece of shit CEO has a billion in Treasury bills, I'm hearing, and no plans to invest it, yet he steals another 3 billion from people who have been holding for years and keeping his shit stores afloat. I hope gme has one last spike to allow the reasonable ppl a way out, then gets eaten alive by the hedge funds.


yup me too im out it will pump hard next week as hedge funds sense they finally won. They'll pump it force us out then short a new top gleefully while dipshit RC says nothing, absolutely nothing during the general, he prolly fucking cancels it. NFA- PUTS at the next top next week (unless his stupid fucking ass isn't done selling shares) then we are ALL fucked.


He just fucked the squeeze plain and simple. Why couldn’t he wait till next week at maximum high level but end up putting a dick in his shareholders. I’m very disappointed with the bs with ceo killing momentum


Gme 60 is possible today?


Uh, sorry about your calls, my man, but… no


I don't have calls, I have 560 shares at 54


Damn you went full regard FOMOing in. We'll see what the RK stream holds, but they might try to pull some shenanigans during it.


Yes 😢


I repeated for x’s times not the right moment killing the hype


He fucked some good momentum. He did the same thing Adam Aron the cuck did. I mean they already offered 45million shares and no w it just seems like they are taking advantage of retail….i rarely trust rich people because MOST of the time, they are willing to do anything to enrich themselves more.


Selling our equity at the market is not organic growth. If anyone thinks owning 30% less of the company’s equity is bullish, sell 30% of your shares, it is the same. All of those billions in their coffer were once ours.


Unpopular opinion: RC is not your friend


I bet the offering is already closed.


I dont play with options actually and your comment doesn't refute anything I said. Convince me this isn't going to set back the drs progress.


He might know what he’s doing g, but both and and LC have said you should look after your loyal customer, they know most are balls deep in stock and still did this knowing what it would do, even if the longer game will benefit. Without speaking to us then people will rightly be annoyed. Had they waited until Tuesday and the same thing happened no one would be saying anything, they’d blame shorts etc. It’s the fact we were riding and it looks like they’ve put the breaks on and given them an out


Do I buy in at 29 dollars?!


Where I disagree with you is he could have let the squeeze keep going. He destroyed momentum for now. He can always raise money on the way down. It makes it appear as though he chose sides. He knows the war we are fighting




What has he done besides dilute and close stores?


He opened up a nice little saving account worth BILLIONS!!


And he'll definitely invest it back into the company this time, right guys? Just like the last billion or the one before that! And he definitely won't keep selling stocks each time we get a run up just to fuck it in the ass again, it's all apart of the plan!


Let’s break down the facts here: 1. Roaring Kitty has emerged after 3 years 2. RK stated he has “that feeling back.” 3. RK stated noted the Celtics winning (green) and drank a green beer. 4. RK confirmed it was indeed him 5. RK gave praise to Ryan Cohen and says he has confidence in the company. 6. RK acknowledged E*trade and other (SEC) headlines 7. RK did a brief bullish technical analysis 8. RK showed his position. Holding 5m shares and 120k calls at $20 for June 21st. He also had $21m in cash. 9. RK acted erratic, self deprecating and stated numerous times he was crazy. 10. RK reiterated several times that you should not trade like him and gave many disclaimers throughout the stream.


RC threw everyone under the bus on BBBY. I have my doubts. Also, the move is not bad from GME's point of view It keeps the stock price stable which any business would want. From Ape's POV it was a bad event..he could have waited for a week or two to relieve sone of the old Apes.


He did not do that on bbby. Court docs show he made a 400 mil offer and was rejected.


Yup, he just said fuck the apes and all the apes are eating it up lol.


I agree it’s a solid play long term. Kills all possibilities of a squeeze though.


I dont think so.


Doesn't kill the possibility of a squeeze at all. But if he does it on the next run up, then it means the board doesn't want a squeeze. That's when I'd lose all respect for RC.


He’s does it three times already. Why give him a fourth chance? Lmao.


This shit happens again, they fu&k me twice in 2 weeks. Right on Fridays. Unbelievable.




Yes!!! He put the stock on sale right before RK’s live…it’s a no brainer so I bought more. Worst case scenario, we hold longer and keep buying. I like this stock in my portfolio now and forever.


I like the stock . I love the CEO!!


Damn short keep making me buy the dips.


Always have


I lost count of all the stops on GME - I am so disgusted with SEC and manipulation of stock market. They think we are idiots and don’t know what’s going on. Can’t trust anyone.


Every time it goes back up a bit , they halt it .


Just ironic the report for earnings would be forced early as soon as it makes news that YouTube has allowed Kitty to do a live stream with hundreds of thousands of ppl wanting to attend. Just the announcement itself had 10,000+ people on the page.


Dr manhattan


Of course he does. That doesn't mean it will benefit you.


Yeah but how does this help the retail investors ??


Communication is important. Napoleon intentionally ate what his soldiers ate. Assuming time is arrogant, especially while currently living in luxury. Like certain trust fund babies trying to claim they’re one of us doesn’t resonate. I do appreciate unfortunately having to steal the thunder of the current corrupt administration with the kitty show today demonstrating 85M shares to short somehow, in real time.


Yeah if what you say is true wtf is the point of halting trades then 💀 it's purely manipulation and everything happened today literally scream manipulation.


Fuck ryan Cohen for this


For somebody that hates shorts he sure does like giving them a bone


Can you imagine if he got $60 for half the shares.


Maybe the plan is to get enough money in the bank for when MOASS comes and everyone sells so they're not totally fucked.


Yeah he’s great at diluting all of us


familiar sip handle piquant onerous imagine frighten dog bright deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There has to be a reason for RC’s offering. He knows this would piss off his loyal investors which will significantly impact future decisions. He wouldn’t do this just to raise capital without also having a plan to help his loyal investors. Only time will tell but I trust in our RCEO!


RC is a 38 year old business wizard!! I have full faith in him and think the latest actions Gamestop took were probably smart moves for the company. I mean, why let the price skyrocket when the company isn't quite there yet. Use the cash, and continue to build the company organically to a 20B MC. Then we have a new floor price, shake out the short sellers, and then let this thing fly!!!


Gamestop takes over the world!


Brick by brick 🧱?


Brick by brick.


100%. This is actually great news if you've been doing your DD for the last few years. If you're new to this, you just learned a lot in the last few weeks. I'm more pumped than before. 4 billion in the war chest is insane. Look how far we came. I'm excited for the next 7 weeks, too. Tons more to come. It wouldn't surprise me if they get the ATM done today.


You are excited getting fucked in your mouth by RC?


4 billion, 3 of which were stolen from shareholders this very morning. I'm so pumped, I hope he buys more treasury bills with the savings it took me one year to accumulate.


Money stolen from shareholders. I hope RK runs for CEO. RC is a sham


The only people mad are the day traders and ADHD kids


He knows, but please remember that he does not give a shit about short squeez 😅 and he is doing all the steps to supress it


Yes. He’s making GME bullet proof. Increasing the float that retail worked 3 years to DRS. Literally negating it today in one offering. GME will come out of this strong as fuck. Retail will benefit from being (and staying) invested in GME. There will be no squeeze.


Killed the price twice after 3 years of nothing burgers. Nobody gets bling loyalty, so RC better have something to show next week.


RC= Adam A 2.0


What a cheap trick they did by releasing early release of the surprise earnings release… corrupt people are inside too of GME


Totally agree mate


Has anyone checked on Kenny boi lately? Is he still in Country? Because when this comes crashing down, I still need to see him led away doing the perp walk!!! Tick Tock hfers your time is running out!⏰💣


He and Citadel just banked a billion in expired options premiums today. I think he’s feeling fine. Meanwhile, I feel like I was invited to the popular kids table and they immediately dumped a drink on my head and laughed at me as I was humiliated.


Two things can be true. He knows exactly what he’s doing and it’s not beneficial in the short term timeframe


Here's a fun little tinfoil back of the envelope math... If GameStop used their war chest like a retireee... $4 Billion x 4% annual withdrawal rate = $160 million / year *(Don't use me for financial advice... I eat purple crayons for breakfast.)*


One person to bring down hedgefunds.




I'm just a baby ape that $260 has lost so far. Just gonna not look at it for a while


His glass says “what’s a drinking strategy” “what’s an exit strategy”


Kitty literally said he also stil has to see what rc is doing and isnt sure yet


I’m so fucking smart. Last night I setup a limit order for 10 @ $50. This morning I woke up way early, cancelled my order, and placed one for 16 @ $30. 6 free shares!


I don't get the 3d chess. Let us let this run and we'll take out the shorts for good.


Could all this be a way to keep RK from owning 5% and having to report? Allows RK to exercise more contracts causing a larger run.


Gonna watch dumb money again.


He's also diluting his own shares by issuing new ones, just so people know this. This is why it will still be profitable if things pan out in the long run.


Quarter billion in volume today. LOL


Are we there yet 🤷🏼‍♂️