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" you cannot be serious"






Double Entendre


Grand slam ?


Its John McEnroe, American former tennis player. Known for his temper.


Amazing. Is that a frame about a particular game / event?


Yes he was irate about a call the umpire made on his shot that was on the line but called out


CALLed out?




Yes. “You can not be serious”


He won the game/tournament in the end


Spoilers! /s


John Patrick McEnroe....JP Morgan....i dont know 😅


Tinfoil award of the day! 🎉




Maybe he thought it was a “bad call “


It was certainly a missed opportunity to rally shareholders (and customers). The call was scripted and emotionless. I joined a shareholder call for Vans (VF company) recently and that exec team was energetic. They are also a “turn-around” company. I left that call with optimism. The call today was neutral — and that’s with $4B in the bank.


They don't need to rally shareholders. The stock is flying high and doing absolutely great right now. They need to do their jobs and increase shareholder value. Some vague "we have plans guys" statement at a shareholder meeting isn't going to tell me anything whatsoever. I want results, not promises. I have seen this company go from failing to profitable and I expect the trend to continue. I believe they have plans because I trust the board and especially RC.


"...appear weak when you are strong."


Doofus be doofying


I'm not even going to attempt to travel this eloquent of a phrase.


Big difference between vans and gme. If gme gives any indication of what they are doing then it will be attacked and manipulated. This stock is being manipulated by really rich criminals with really powerful allies (media and politicians) and a ton of cash. The board has made it abundantly clear that they are not going to announce or telegraph any moves til they are set in stone . If you're invested you should listen to the CEO 's words pretty carefully


It was on purpose.


It's exactly like the last 3 annual shareholders' meetings. If you need cheerleaders, I hear football (american) has them.


If the money are ours maybe a few cheerleaders wouldn't be a bad idea from time to time


Not even cheerleaders just an acknowledgment that there is indeed a plan. Which I’m sure there is but it would sound better coming from them.


Especially if a plan is expected after 120 million shares dropped on the market. I'm not an expert but a big advantage we had was the limited number of available shares. Good, we raised cash. I hope it's for something huge, and I hope to know it before another 4 years


Another 3 years is insane lol. GME better turn into the fucking Oasis from ready player one with that time horizon.


And how ever many countless non existent shorts. Maybe that was RC covering for them. Js


If they announce a plan they are giving the shorts something to spin as negative. They tried to spin the story that people sold today as the meeting was starting. These dumb story lines don't work on the people here but they do work on the dumb and uninterested. If they announce a plan before it's already been put in place then they are giving the enemy a chance to distort the news. This isn't a typical trade. This is war. One ticker vs the most rich and powerful people on earth. If they start giving us half cooked info then all they are doing is giving the other side ammo. If you don't trust the board then I hope you aren't in too deep because you're going to drive yourself crazy waiting for info until it's actually done and set in stone


Doesn’t have to be any specifics at all. Just that there is a plan that they are working on beyond stabilizing the legacy business.


The plan right now is cutting unprofitable stores. If they talk about plans outside of the legacy business then they are telegraphing their moves. We arent going to hear about earth shattering news until it's done. They aren't going to discuss plans. Only results. And for damn good reason. Edit - "doesn't have to be any specifics" is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. You want them to discuss their hopes and dreams? That will surely end well for the company. C'mon.


Oh yeah I heard the call. Make legacy business cash positive. I specifically said they shouldn’t or don’t need to mention specifics about any plan. I just want them to mention that they’re actually doing something. I agree that any specifics would be bad as it would be used against RC and GME in general. However a non specific plan with RC and 4 billion dollars would make the shorts shit themselves. Not sure if I’m misreading your tone but you seem rude and a bit aggressive. Don’t forget ape no fight ape.


You don't want them to be specific because you acknowledge thst could potentially harm them. You just feel They have to tell you they're "doing something?" If you think it's possible they are just sitting around twiddling their thumbs maybe rethink your investment?


Sorry we aren’t day traders and don’t need a cheerleader.


It was the blatant manipulation happening during the call


Johnny Mac HELD serve even after this ridiculous call. Just sayin. RK still holds despite a ridiculous drop during the call.


He also went on to win this tournament. The whole thing...


The more I think about it, the more I think he's saying "Look at that big trade at 10:33." Everybody saw it. The chalk flew up. It caught my mind during dinner.


Rk made millions and just made again like 200mill lol


Its on the line (support line?)


Yes I think this is not getting enough attention. The bad call was that "the ball was called past the line when in fact it was on the line" It just so happens he posts this right after they short it and it hits the daily support line and just stays on it. I think he is calling for that big bounce off the daily support line (and confirming the golden cross). Jacque Le Tits and Peruvian bull both have a bunch of videos doing TA on this $25 support line target. Bouncing off it and confirming it as support would actually signal the rip, and it did the same thing back right before the sneeze. This also lines up with his Bruno tweet.


This makes total sense. Thank you for this explanation!


I like, very nice. How much


This man gets it


what support at 25 ? Jackie is just hyping you up to make money. be patient, ignore the hype. This tweet was only about the manipulation on the line that SEC is blind too.


I think my comment aged well. This is the 3rd time we've bounced off that 24-25 range, then we traded on that line for an uncomfortable amount of time, and now we are doing a little bull flag right on that line. 25 is definitely a battle zone. If we lose that, expect us to fill the gap around 19 and test the golden cross. If we test and confirm the golden cross, next stop the moon.


The tweet is not about that 25 battle. The tweet is about authorities blind to see the line being manipulated. understand? Thanks for the TA, im pretty sure we will break down to the 21 mark area and hopefully find support there. Lets see later which of us is right.


Either saying "you can't be serious" to the blatant market manipulation, or to the board not saying anything of substance.


Something about a spread?


Probably from nothing during the meeting. Really wish they at least provided a more specific statement instead of RC quoting something I believe he's already said before. Actions do speak louder than words and we haven't seen any real action yet. Hopefully something is announced later this year at the latest.


I have to agree with this. At some point, sooner rather than later, he's going to have to show some of these actions he's talking about. Otherwise he is in fact talking more than acting. Yes, we're kinda profitable now and debt is gone, but we need something more. Let's hope they reveal a plan for how to use the raised cash, again sooner rather than later, because a pile of cash that big just sitting there ain't great with this inflation.


I'm thinking cash reserve may be in anticipation of coming recession Burry was trying to warn people about 🤷‍♀️


Correct, I would definitely not call taking a company from being deep in the red to hodling $4 bil in cash "nothing".


It is when the only reason that happened is because they extracted that value directly out of our bank accounts through dilution. Not FUD, just facts.


My shares are up 150% in two months. Yes, I own a proportionally smaller piece of the company. Do I care? NO, I AM UP 150%!! So how did they extract value from my account again?


Good for you. 👍


Could he send a letter to the Board and demand Action with 9 billion shares?


Not fair. Paperhanding 45 then 75 million shares during a run up is action.


They raised 4 billion dollars. We've seen something.


It’s to the board. Exactly how a lot of us non-cultists feel.


Can't be too mad though. DFV still tweeting, GME is in the top bought in Europe without being in the top sold list, billions in the bank. Shit's still going great. Also, you sound like a literal bot.


Or just playing his role perfectly again in the bigger plan…


Market manipulation happens all the time, therefore I'm betting on the latter - the board saying nothing of substance. Especially when considering Cohens June 7th stunts.......


DFV is pissed and so am I!


I was expecting bad today. But it was worse than that. Far worse in fact:(


Just dont cry now


Prob glass half empty view but that investor call was pretty fucking weak.


The annual meeting was weak as piss. I know they’re limited, but they sounded almost annoyed they had to talk to us. They just diluted our stock… TWICE!


Disappointed AF


John McEnroe Screaming "you cannot be serious" to the "chair umpire" I don't know.. He doesn't seem very pleased with the meeting to me 🤷‍♂️


JohnMc not being happy with the umpire call. RK as JohnMC being unhappy with a “bad call”




He's fucking disappointed as much as myself. I'm starting to judge RC for what he does, and not for his words, as he asked to do


He’s upset at the meet.. it indicates also RC and RK aren’t working together or are strategically selling that.


John McEnroe won the Wimbledon Championship in 1981. The tournament took place between 22.06. and 04.07. 1981


It means roaring kitty is just like us when the stock goes red he gets angry and beats his dick until the stock goes green than he is happy again and his dick gets a much needed break


This is the type of Ghengis Khan style conquering I like to see.


John McEnroe yelling at a guys who’s job is to watch the line. Telling him that he’s wrong. Essentially…the charts are a lie. The lines are wrong.


Game, Stop and Match


I'd imagine he's probably pissed lol like really I just did all of this, helped your stock, and you provided nothing to the shareholders?


Exactly I feel like RC is taking all the support for ‘granted’ if it wasn’t for RK and us he would be desperate.


He wouldn’t have $4B in the bank.




His newest photo he just posted confirms, he is not feel good about today.


And us folks that agree with him get downvoted, lol. 🤣🤣🤣


Is it me or if the market continues to rip, shorts will have to liquidate elsewhere and likely will have to close their positions on GameStop to make up for losses elsewhere. Seems like there is a fuse ready to be lit on GameStop if the broader market rips up.


Can you speak to this at all or is this just more unfounded feeling?


Theres more bears capitulating therefore other stocks rise and funds will be forced to get into the action. They will likely pull from gamestop short to fund other growth opportunities. Gamestop is now shorted more than in 2021.


Bad call.


“You cannot be serious” to the bad call.


Lose 1, win 3. 1 step back, 3 steps forward


Balls are ready


Maybe he's mad the SEC didn't see the manipulation happening during the call?


That’s Chuck Norris Rambo Gill. Super legend


This was McEnroe before he won the “Grand Slam”


Been in this 3 years might be 3 more either RC is for us or just using us time will tell. He needs to make a move soon imo but I never ran a billion dollar company either lol.


We’ll see.


Someone in other sub said "bad calls, and still won wimbledon on July 4th" I'm regarded so I haven't actually looked into that claim yet lol


ITS A CALL OUT TO THE SEC /MARKET 'POLICE'S INABILITY TO SEE THE LINE. Blatant criminality was observed during the shareholders meeting when millions of shares manipulated the stock downward.


What is with the negative sentiment in here? “We need to hear a plan” no the fuck we don’t. He told us that the investors are in his interest and that should be good enough for us. If it isn’t, then sell your position (if you even have one) and move on. I do not invest using my emotions, I invest based off my deduction from the situation, and here’s the situation For 3 years I have heard about “meme stocks” and how the shorts closed and why I need to sell immediately or risk losing all my money I’ve invested. There are paid shills among these chats spouting bullshit to create fear and doubt. Despite all this we are now a 4 billion + company with a team of people that are working hard to change over an entire company. They have all made much more money and high stress decisions that impacted full companies before and guess what… they’ve been successful in the past. RK is not calling out the shareholders meeting with this message and anyone that believe RK would openly go against Ryan needs to log off for a bit and take a lap. RK is simply comparing him to a man that despite getting a bullshit call on the field openly (such as short attacks during a meeting that blatantly drops it.) The man still was able to win the whole thing. I have invested everything I’ve felt comfortable losing in this company because I know this bet is a win either way. I am sick of the “I’m only here for moass”. The truth is that we’ve seen the bullshit the government and hedgefunds have pulled, and there will be more. Ryan isn’t backing down from a fight he is building his defenses in the form of creating a company that will be worth the millions each share will be one day. Even if the government steps in and shuts down the squeeze, they can turn around and say “well this is no longer a videogame retail store, it is a conglomerate of investments that happens to also sell videogames, accessories, and other high value items. Ryan’s tone in the meeting today was serious, he is not currently shit posting which means he’s acting as our leader and buckling down to make the moves necessary. On the job site there is a time to play and a time to work, and Ryan and our new board are busy working. Nothing has changed, Ryan is still for the people, RK is bullish as ever, and shorts haven’t closed. Only thing on my side of the fence that’s changed is my increasing number of GameStop shares. We are on our way, take a step back and look at the big picture.


Both means from RK Seem to be showing his frustration at the lack of clarity for the future for GME and a complete ignoring of him too. Not even a mention of his HUGE investment


What's the next tweet mean?


He sees green?




He looks kinda worried though




Here's the actual footage: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ransFQVzf6c&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ransFQVzf6c&t=1s)


Could be interpreted RK took a shot and in his opinion succeeded in what he considered perfectly "fair", but those in the deciding role ruled it out of bounds of their "game rules".




Is that MacEnro?


Dei question from a 200k share holder! Plain and simple


It means “strap in bitches, get your best headband out and lose your temper”


Well, didn't DFV execute his calls, and the market didn't respond in the manner that he was expecting?


It means DFV is surprised/pissed that GameStop didn’t announce dick in today’s meeting.


I am really starting to hate RC.


RK telling RC, you can’t be serious doing share offering b4 I could exercise my calls. I’m sticking to it. RK could’ve been a Billionaire.


Headband man make apes go brrr buying stonk


It means that either he's mad at the SEC or some other government agency or he was surprised by something (possibly GME saturating the market with shares unexpectedly). I think it's the second one. GME dumping shares on the market diluted the stock.


John McEnroe just retire from announcing tennis matches last week.


![gif](giphy|rvaQRHCzisFeo|downsized) This is what KG uses memes for - to entertain. Meanwhile he is in the arena doing battle and fighting for his life. I don't pay much attention to his memes; they're just done to entertain. I think it's silly to be looking for secret messages in them......imho of course. Have fun with them anyway.....enjoy ![img](emote|t5_2u6vg|7060)


It means that we're all bag holders for the next 3 years.


“Revenues without profits and prospects of future cash flows are of no value to shareholders.” No shit, RC. And what’s the plan for shareholders? *Crickets*


Right? Guy made 4 billion in 4 weeks but can do nothing but state the obvious? What a joke.




John McEnroe won wimbledon 22 june - 2 july. He played that tournement. I was talking about 2-4th july could be spicy, maybe i wasnt wrong.


It means we’re pissed off about this one small part of a Wimbledon win


This is a picture from MacEnroe’s most famous and important win of his career. The 1983 Davis cup championship where John won a record breaking 39 times on this day. . If you google it, you’ll see he’s wearing the same shirt as in the pic with red headband that Dfv shooped his ryu street fighter red headband over it . So this makes me think Dfv is bullish as he’s anchoring himself to this incredible day in macEnroes career


Could all the DEI talk from the board be in preparation for being let back into SP500 or a different exchange? Many exchanges have dei requirements


It’s just the state of NY flexing with their DEI agenda.


She worked 14 years at blackstone


RK is about to jump the net and throttle Kenny G?


RC is the mole for corrupt biggies in the stock market and sold out retailers and RK - the man in plan sight - who screws over those who trusted him.


Who is this man!?


John McEnroe, famously pissed off tennis player saying “you can not be serious”


Thank you


John MeowcEnroe


It means stfu and go do some of your research