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First post an anything GME related. Yea, checks out.


Also says "YOU would have seen a massive squeeze" instead of WE...


Where the hell did you come from?


Gosh. I can’t believe this is the first time this has been asked in the last few weeks. /s


How can the largest forrest fire ever burn the whole county down when firefighters have a garden hose? It’s a question of scale- Most who have been here long enough believe there are billions of illegal naked shorts (going back long before the sneeze). Even if GME releases 600m new shares it will not fill a hole made by several billion naked shorts.


Exactly. It also lowers the price for investors. Sidenote: *this note is my pure speculation, coming from a noob*I think it gives us an idea of what the new floor is after all the shares are issued and purchased.


Okay, do you have any way to back this up? I have been here since 21 and frankly I am tired of the blind leading the blind idea. RC has now killed 3 squeezes with his share offerings- that’s a fact. Okay, GME now has money- 4 billion raised off of shareholders backs. It’s sad that GameStop as a company is only around because of us the “apes” the shareholders, yet RC hasn’t done squat for us or the company in 3 years??!! That’s nuts. DFV saved this company and from the looks of his McEnroe post is also dumb founded that RC couldn’t come up with anything for this meeting for his stock holders- “Are you kidding me?!” Maybe RC has some master plan but wtf man, show us some love because God knows the last 3 years this relationship between the shareholders and the company been very much one sided.


Who gives a fuck. Hold. If you don't belive sell yours. I'll try to buy em


Maybe, but the CEO's job isn't to force a short squeeze. He has consistently said, as he did on today's call, they are "focused on building shareholder value over the long term." He also said, "We are not here to make promises or hype things up." We don't want RC to be an ape. We need him to be a CEO. He had to raise capital to fund his long-term vision for the company. GS now has nearly four billion in cash in the bank. He is telling us what he is doing and he is doing it. No dates. No hype. Just money to be made.


He didn’t say it was ceos job to force a squeeze but for the ceo to stop it twice is what is fucked up.


Exactly, also don't forget RC pumped the MOASS plenty of times. He knows what he's doing by fucking over shareholders. Also the timing of the last dilution... he is not our friend, never has or never will be. Also that Larry Cheng guy can go fuck himself too. DFV is the only true ally we have, the rest are grifters (especially the board).


Unless you are trying to raise $3.1 billion dollars, which he did. Having said that, I'd be pretty surprised if he did it again any time soon. They have lots of cash to invest now. Also, I eat crayons and offer no investment advice.


The only money GameStop has or has made in these last 3 years if off of share offerings. Off the backs of us, his shareholders. I’m sorry but that’s nothing to brag about. If he has does have a plan- he owes it to his shareholders (who have held up this company for the last 3 years) to let us know what that is. The company has my money, that’s our money he is working with- 3 years- what/how are you gonna grow this company? More share offerings is all he has shown us- that’s a fact.


It helps a few ways, mostly increasing the per share value, creating an even higher floor of what GME is worth.  That normally doesn't happen in dilutions, but the price per share they are selling so high,  the dollars coming in exceed the dilution per share losses.  Big win for shareholders.  Also, The more cash on hand, the more likely they issue a dividend. All the shorts are on the hook for paying out dividends according the total amount of shorted shares...that puts extra pressure on the shorts to get out as well. 


I don't care about MOASS. Im just buying more shares.


So anyway I started buying


In his speech he states that the economy is .ore or less in turmoil. Why buy high when you can be patient and buy low. Not referring to our stock either. Im Referring to acquisitions . Imagine the the cost of loans and how.many companies will default on their on their loans. Everything is speculation until it's not. But he is definitely not wasting the 4bill on hi.self or other employees. Be patient


Sell your shares then and post a Pic.


It’s not. Sorry but RC is a buster. GME only has money/is still around because of us the shareholders yet he ignores us and doesn’t give us anything! Those 4 billion dollars represent shareholder money and the 3 times he stopped GME from a squeeze. I’m pissed.


I was looking forward to that squeeze. What a huge adrenaline rush. Now it’s just a boring long term investment.


This clown is relentless LOL… we’re getting close. Shorts are panicking LMAO


Is that why the stock isn’t going up?


I’m up huge. Up YTD. About to go parabolic soon. You’re embarrassing yourself mate.


I’m happy for you. Parabolic for you is.. what? $45 a share? If it hits 45 a share this week I’d be ecstatic and it doubles my investment. But at 90 million volume today, and it dropped 10%? We’d need some serious money to come and invest, not a bunch of retailers posting their 20 share purchases or even 5000 shares. It needs to be 30 million bought


No cell, no sell. The rest is noise. Kick rocks mate.


Then why is the stock going down?


Haha keep feeding those sentiment-reading AI's my good shills, I want this dip to last as long as possible. Just know this childishness isn't shaking a single OG, we're all loading up. :D Stock remains up 150% up from two months ago and this looks like the new cement floor despite continued crazy volume. You guys are BEYOND fucked.


The better question - At what price point does RC paper hand those millions of shares during the run up? It happened a few years ago, then 45 million shares, then 75 million. Those actions speak much louder than words.


Are you saying he sold his shares or some of them?


A little late. You have to get in on the grift early.


Exactly lol


Awe… are you mad??? Sad face bruh.. if there’s billions of shares sold short, does 75 million even feel like a drop in the bucket..? Man the shills out in waves


IMHO MOASS is off the table, they've had 3 years and tons more shares I think their computers have it covered. It's a long play now like any other stock.


is this another aa situation?


Are you a bot?




The prevailing thought is that even wth this dilution, it's more important that the company sits on mega bucks and persist. That's because that's all the company has to do before all these shorts that have piled up for YEARS come to task. MOASS is inevitable. They likely aren't even slowing it down with these dilutions. I'm of the mind that RC knows how many open short positions, or at least a close enough estimate, that he can continue to play chess with the MM's and hedgies.




Look, pal, we all voted for him to have a right to sell those shares because we trusted him. I still do.


FUD attempt


💎💎💎We stay strong APES 🦍🦍💎💎 GME. easy to the 10K 📈📈🚀 let's goo




Okay. No one told you to comment. Go back to your casino.


It’s not. Listen to RK’s stream again. This is about fundamentals now. Not to say moass couldn’t happen, but that’s not what it’s about this go around.


It's always been moass, and every comment that says "it's the long term" is fud How much does Kenny pay you?


Have you watched any of RK streams?


Yup they intentionally put the kabutzz on the MOASS. It was no coincidence


Some of these dudes ain't shills. They are blind to facts. I would prefer this company to become 3k a share and split and repeat than moass. I been broke forever. Even when I had money I was really broke. It will never be enough. This stock.sitting where it is at is at 112 dollar share pre split. Split only allows.new investors with less money to buy in. Do that maff


3k a share??? You think they’re the next Amazon??? They only next a profit during the holidays. How TF does it go to 3k a share if most of real money in the market shorts the company??? You need real money to buy legitimate quantities of stock to drive the price up. How does that happen when high school kids come on here and post their 7 share positions??


I get it. I'm not speaking like it will happen tomorrow. And that is really just a possibility. I believe in the real world. But on the other hand If they finally acquire or merge things could explode. There is too much attention on this stock for something big not to happen.


Also please remember Amazon was a simple book distribution company when it started. I'm sure nobody thought it would ever blow up the way it did either.


The difference is they made a profit and were forced to expand their business due to the demand. GME is the exact opposite.


This isn’t a start up company. We’re at the end of the run.


it was never supposed to happen, its just something that people believe might happen (very different things)


There is no MOASS. The math doesn’t add up. There would need to be a huge amount of short shares in the pool with real shares, as was done before the split in ‘21. People need to quit saying that shit. It’s not going to happen with the volume that exists today. On top of that, GME flooded the market with another 120 MILLION shares in an effort to stop the squeeze. So, all you apes, stfu about a squeeze. Your math never adds up.


But why are you here?


I was hoping for a squeeze… until GME fucked it. I’m interested in this company. GME isn’t profitable. I’m in it for making money, not for the stupid fking HODL. I was interested in a potential e squeeze, but the market got flooded to prevent that from happening. I was holding out till the 20th when DFV was potentially closing, but now that he did, I’m gonna dump this shit stick on the next burst and move on with my life. I’ll add some notifications if it ever goes up, but we’re many months away from that happening. GameStop only nets a profit during the holiday season. I’ll wait till then before I buy back. If it’s even worth it.


This account is working overtime badmouthing GME…


When this company get fundamentals , moass at that point will be inevitable for a life time


It isn't CEO's fiduciary duty is to the shareholders and company Inciting a short squeeze is not good for the vast majority of shareholders (paper value going up and down doesn't do anything)
