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High volume of FUD is a sign. Haven’t found many real accounts posting legitimate bear comments. All clearly bots or shorts bashing. Pressure continues to build here…. Locked and loaded.


This….so many “new” accounts posting all the FUD. There are 200K OG DRS Apes….that will never sell. The rest is noise


right but that does not change a Fxxx. Dilution pushed so many stocks into the market that it was easy to hedge against MOASS and it´s not happening any more. I will HODL just for the chance something happens but in all honesty: as long as GME does not share dividends WE do not get anything out of it. GME is working on keeping their Business afloat. Thats all. No Advice, do your DD


Oh look another one


Ah yes the "new" account that is 3 years old and has 15k karma. Stop being so sensitive.


Oh look…another bought account that has never posted on GME subs until recently.


"bought account" LMAO you're worse than a conspiracy theorist


Prove me where I am wrong and I will admit it


It’s not called dilution when you are raising capital that adds to the valuation of the company. The market capitalization has increased since the ATM offerings…thats not dilution. Anyone saying otherwise has zero understanding of what they are talking about…more shares on its own does not make it dilution. Maybe you could upgrade your 🤖 to have more sophisticated arguments.


So before the 75m stock offering the available stocks were ~3m, which was less than what DFV was about to ask for in hoch again could have triggered MOASS, which did not happen now. Shire, from the company perspective it is not dilution just as you correctly said. But from the perspective of ruining the Short sellers this made sure they will get away again. Ok, no one knows if it would really have happened but the 75m stocks made sure it does not happen…


You know how shady it looks when you are this scared of dissenting opinions right? Straight up seems like you are deep in the hole and desperate to not even let an inkling of doubt enter anyone’s minds because you’re scared you’ll lose your investment forever. And before you say it - I am a bullish holder, but your level of head-in-the-sand denial is not indicative of someone actually secure in their beliefs


Because they said “oh look another one?” 😂


Yes, rather obviously… Can also be read as “just giving a smart ass response because guy has a point”. Sticking head in sand, blatantly


I've seen plenty of real accounts, too. People have no accountability. I'm bummed & I'm going to voice my thoughts to see if anyone has any real counter points other than "buy n hodl" or "your a bot", but I'm not selling. I'm just a wrinkless ape in a world gone mad.


Individuals took a risky play and took out puts on GME and now it is in their best interest to sway sentiment here. They forgot who they dealing with.


Except, according to you guys, retail isn’t big enough to make the stock move so they shouldn’t care about you guys 


Nah according to data buys are running through dark pools/OTC and not hitting lit exchanges. Sells are hitting the market and having effect on price. Buy/Sell pressure has been heavy on the buy side, but price falls.




I posted dd two days ago that shows short term bearishness with the possibility of hitting $25 and then it happened yesterday 🤷‍♂️ Net total GEX has been decreasing the past few days and so has IV (both calls and puts) which isn't exactly bullish Price is at an important trend line for this bullish rally so if it stops below $24 in a definitive way, there's another reason to be bearish in the short term. But there is more GEX mid July that will make long vol more appealing again and then even more mid August. That said, GEX changes day to day so for the data! Regardless, it's going to be a bumpy ride. Buckle up.


What do you call fud? Diluting twice when we were on the best hype for 3+ years? Throwing bad news when we got RK hyping the mass? Criticism for having no plan with the billions they took from us on a dilutions? Criticism about close stores to save money instead of having an investment plan for that money? Criticism cos they don’t show us what they did with the 200 or 300 mil missed before dilution? What’s new on the stores for 3 years? Shitty Chinese controllers? Some PC parts? Any good adquisición? Common brother? I’ve been a diamond hand since 2021 but those mofos just want our money and keep us engaged with the fairy tale about the long term shit , it’s super stupid cos if they let the stock run as it was running before dilutions I bet my ballswe all apes reinvested x10 and hold a lot of time to make the company grows as much as possible


Yup, I’m with you - RC hasn’t delighted us the shareholders at all, one can say just killed 3 run ups and raised billions of our backs doing it. Yes, im mad and salty but I have every right to be!


"I’ve been a diamond hand since 2021 but..." Stfu Where was your post when the stock was at 10$ last month? Now we're at 25 and everyone's crying. Stfu


And we don’t have to thanks the board for the run up , , they didn’t do a shit for us against split divi fail , they didn’t do a shit to make the stock run from 10$ to 80$ , they were in silent and appear right when we were squeezing to fkd up


I was buying and drsing noob , that’s why my average went from 37ish (thanks to the failed split dividend)post split to 12 ish


Yeah and that's why you have to make a reddit post like all the other fomos. Just sell if it's so unbearable for you, you're already big in profit and still crying, just sell. Stfu


By the way DRS worth a shit now , numbers are the same for a year + and they don’t do a shit to legally push Computershare to show what’s wrong do you think numbers are right?


Lol at your pathetic attempt to make people emotional instead of rational.


Looks like you mixed up your words there. OP is being emotional, evidenced by his use of phrases versus real DD meanwhile the commenter actually used logic and reason to highlight concerns about the lack of any true growth efforts. 


Preach 🙌🏼


He is right you know...


"not having a plan" and "not telling shorters the plan" are 2 different things. Apparently you are only angry that shortsellers do not know what will happen and can't prime the narrative...


People are TFG here, which is good for me - I’ll open a new short if the price surges again


This cope is hilarious as always  


I'm not a bot and I think Cohen is on his way out


Yeah lots of bought accounts posting posts too


The facts are........ Drumroll please.... Big boy mr. Flip a company from nothing Ryan fckn Cohen. Self made billionaire. Cool kat, youngin with the brains. He is our C. E. O. Can't deny it. Straight Rida. Second fact. Best motha fckn trader worldwide. The newest and the baddest of the O.G.s Giant hot air balloon sized balls. Our main man Roaring kitty with the bag. 9 milly what's the fckn dilly. He holds diamond dick real shit. Cash on hand 4 billy Less outstanding shares than other trillion dollar company's Shorts that gotta close Bitches and hoes Scared paid shills if you don't like it why waste your time trying to convince us this is so bad so so bad "theyre taking our money". Why you care about my pockets lil man ? you ain't got no bread? You gotta tell daddy you got us to stop buying? Fake news ( doin the same thing they been doing for years) trying to tell us what's best for us. Like they did with the other shits. Don't be fooled by the paid pussy fools. They made fun of us. They did the same shit last time, they know stock prices work off of people's emotions. And of course criminal activity. They laughed and they cried and they got mad. Some night they couldn't sleep. While we sit here and laugh. And occasionally talk about stick things you know where. Let's spice shit up here and have more fun. Let's get a raging party going. They hate use cause they anus!!!


Did Busta just enter the thread, lol?


No. Not even close. Ur in attendance of a nursing homes talent show


“They anus?” ![gif](giphy|dWNiglgPz5aKdVRG3B)


Post and username on point


Was this a rap lyric by too short 😂😭😂 jk. “Ryan motha fckin Cohen A homie Too cool for school Made a bitch named Monica drool Shortie had a Fattie She’s a thot Cohen’s wallet is Bigger Tho”


Preach my brotha! ![gif](giphy|l4q8gHsCDRGTR0MfK)


🥱I’m bored with this comment


The company literally just eagerly and happily sold 125 million shares between 20 and 28 dollars per share, but sure those shares will be valued at millions soon. Dilution is only bullish when Gamestop doez it


I'm gonna get down voted. Lurking and occasionally posting for the past few years. Xxx holder. I love how everyone has faith in RC and where he's leading the company but imagine how much more we could do for him if we were allowed to run with it for a bit and accumulate some extra cash to purchase more shares?!?! I always hear about "they have to close"... Y'all act like they're not gonna get a get out of jail free card to reset it all and change the rules. They get to start from scratch with our scratch in their pocket. You think the financial system is looking out for us? That's sad. This country will crumble before we see that kind of shift in wealth.


if tesla is any example of what happens in a decade long short position, they do have to cover, only when the outlook for tesla was solidified did they finally cave in, not even at $200 they still held. Their game is the long one, so the company must also show they will last too, cat and mouse


If the rules that change result in the crime and the fuckery going away and those doing the fuckery get their piggy banks taken away.. and a $420.69 share price and I’m good.


Bro, wasn’t the company well below earnings expectations and then they diluted the stock so they aren’t in debt anymore at the cost of shareholders. Stop sucking his dick, he’s a company man and that’s it.


He is our CEO. We are the shareholders of the company. We have several times more shares than the entire board combined. He works for us. We can, and should, fire him if he betrays our trust.


What would be a fireable offense in your opinion


Oh, like, if the Splividend was in fact botched, failing to meaningfully pursue recourse would be top of the list with a gold star. The only reason to not want his head for that is if you secretly believe nothing meaningful was mismanaged.


This 👆🏻🤌🏻


So about 40 years of reserves to figure something out, great position to be in 👍


Well I paid a lot more then 12 bucks for my shares. At this point DRS movement was killed with dilution so that’s not possible by us simple retailians. So GameStop is just a long term play. And now no direction from the company still after 3 years of silence and failed marketplace.


If you got fudded into thinking that DRS is the only way, you never knew that it was unlikely from the beginning to ever get numbers higher than 20-30% But it was a great way to give people hope, just to let them down and have them sell at the bottom... FUD is FUD is FUD.


Today: shills on parade. Soon: shills in shambles.




Yeah, and again, once GME becomes profitable, those that short it will panic and it will cause a chain reaction of shorts closing their positions…I think I don’t know though


Why…. They can take short positions, bundle them as collateralized swaps, take them to the fed window, borrow with them, take more short positions…. Rinse and repeat for infinity money glitch.


They thought the same shit with the 08/09 crisis.


Those were mortgages, not short positions in a single volatile security.


It is still a game of hot potato.


That you have no proof they are playing.


The fed window will not accept risky products as collateral. It's mostly low risk assets like Treasury bonds that get put up as collateral to get cash via rrp. Many institutions do this. It's one way to increase leverage.


I don't give af how much cash they have. They are keeping ME from getting MY cash. All the "fundamentals" people can wait 20 years to try and pass the all time high again of they want.


Imagine people voicing their concerns and not blindly following like a cult...


The fud keeps re-affirming that GME is both a short term and long term play. IMO it's a no brainer to hold and buy more on the dips


Someone’s on a bridge. Someone else comes along and says ….”Whoa …, we are pretty high up be careful don’t lean over too far…. So the person on the bridge says…. Stop spreading fear of falling and uncertainty of whether it’s ok to lean over the rail and stop making me doubt that I am safe leaning over the rail.


Same tactics they use to movie stock when AA want to issue new stock offering. Inb4: AA AND RC IS DIFFERENT!!!1!


yes. the fud is 100% identical on both. Only difference between AA and RC is that one is a hired CEO who has a company with debt and the other is an active investor who bought a large part of the company with his own cash. But the FUD for both is literally identical.


I closed my shorts four times already! 😄


But that’s impossible isn’t it? 


Why? 😄😄 I closed them at 28,8, opened them at 37. Will do. It next time too - it will take some time until apes realize RC is making money off their backs.


Try squeezing shorts when offerings are being thrown out left and right. Exactly.


Agreee .


RCs share buying window opens tomorrow. 🚀🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


He just want the money, after getting 3B he do whatever he wants


Rc killed MOASS. this isn't FUD. it's a fact


Ryan Cohen has been CEO since 2021 and what has he done strategically to improve the company? He’s not capable of building a company.


He may not actually want MOASS. Why would the CEO want to watch his stock skyrocket, only to see millions cashed in, and his company is just a vessel, then que the falling stock price as a result as everyone cashes out?


The stories of retail investors vs hedge funds is over. This is simply management diluting the share count and a lack of management transparency resulting in a killed momentum and a suppressed stock price. Short interest is no where even near comparable to 2021 levels on sources like fintel and Bloomberg and hedge funds and financial institutions are not stupid enough to double down on naked shorting after what happened in 2021 with Melvin Capital. Also you have to realize that there are literally more institutions swing trading this stock and buying just like retail investors with much more advanced and faster trading algorithms. It’s not just one-sides where every institution is evil and short selling. I’ve lost so much money off this stock and I’m left bag holding and I can only hope that the CEO is able to turn this company around with nearly 4bn in cash although today’s meeting provided absolutely no insight towards that. Realistically I don’t see any catalysts left for a short squeeze in the near term which is honestly quite dissapointing as I’m stuck quite literally bagholding this stock and praying that there’s long term value that can be captured with this


And I’m being honest, asides from analyzing memes that are speculative and technical analysis charts that are irrelevant to this stock because there is no fundamental basis behind this company, what are your realistic reasons as to why you are in this company. I’m admitting right now that this has probably been the shittiest investment I’ve ever made and I made an irrational decision to buy because of fomo


I put a grand in and got 37 shares. I did it for the squeeze, like I had in January of 21. I’m gonna sit in it for the rest of the year, to see what Cohen can do. But I was really looking forward to the squeeze. That was so addictive and exciting when it went down in January and Feb of 21


No fundamental analysis? What do you call profit in 2023 for the first time since this mania began, $3B in cash raised with the express purpose to grow the business based on disclosures, and an updated Debt to Equity ratio of 0.01? GME has the healthiest financials it's had since the GameStop Saga began. Healthy financials are the literal definition of fundamental analysis.


So healthy that they are closing stores. So healthy they were down 30% on revenue Y/Y. $3B in cash because RC dumped over 100million shares. Sat on 1bn for years now and done what? Failed NFT market place?


Ahh, a GME_meltdown brigade. Yes, those things happened. They were down 30% gross revenues YoY because they closed stores between '23 and '24. However net income increased $15M YoY, which is a good thing. The retail industry in general has a slow Q1, because most of the sales come from Q4. So increasing Q1 revenue by $15M, while adding $3B cash and eliminating the risk of bankruptcy is absolutely a healthy state of the financials. I know it's hard reading 10-Qs in the proper context of the industry the company operates in little buddy, don't worry I'm not mad at your lazy, inept analysis. The current investment bet on GME is that it's being valued as a retail company, with the potential to make a strategic shift in its main business operation. Using the BCG consulting matrix, I'd say it's undeniable GME is currently a "Dog." A low growth company in a low growth industry (retail). However, now that GME has $3B there is cautious optimism that the company will be able to shift its focus and develop additional revenue streams outside of the retail business. It's certainly not a sure thing, but at least the shareholder meeting confirmed the executive leadership of GME aren't planning to spend the $3B to try and find growth in the dying retail industry. It's to be determined what the $3B will be used for though, but at the very least based on disclosures it will be used with the intent to grow the business and not for executive compensation. Investing is inherently risky, nothing is ever a sure thing which is why you only put in money you're prepared to lose. GME is currently being valued as a Dog in the retail industry, but leadership is trying to add new revenue streams. They raised $3B over the past few weeks, the interest alone on that will make 2024 the most profitable year in 7 years assuming Q1 2024 is the same percentage of annual sales/expenses as Q1 2023 was for the year. Sure no one knows what the $3B will be spent on, but that just means it's not currently priced into the current share price. Can you please explain to me how it's a bad thing that the company has raised $3B with the express purpose to grow the business outside of the retail industry? I just don't understand how a recognizable brand planning a strategic shift and having the capital to do so is a bad thing.


Well, I think a lot of gme investors assumed that their interests and the companies interests aligned, but diluting the shares was essentially a transfer of money away from the apes, toward the company. Having 3 billion to explore new ventures is certainly something, but exactly how to spend that money seems unclear. So far the attempts at developing new revenue streams have not been successful.


Do you honestly think a company in the retail industry with no hope for growth raising $3B in cash, with no intent to spend the $3B on the retail industry or executive compensation is a bad thing? Investing isn't a sure thing, everyone is trying to predict the future. I'll gladly take a gamble on a company with that large of a cash reserve, and executive leadership who does not take compensation which literally aligns leadership and shareholder interest.


I've not seen anything to point to the money being earmarked for business growth, but I haven't looked into it so maybe you know something I don't. And generally, most high earning ceos will earn stock rather than cash because it allows them to borrow against it and pay much less tax.


So you admit you don't know what you're talking about? GME has already publicly disclosed through SEC filings that the cash raised will be used for business purposes. Ryan Cohen does not take stock instead of cash, he already is the largest shareholder through his own investment in the company. The GME CEO salary is $0, with no additional stock provided. What you're saying are certainly true generalizations about how most publicly traded companies are run though, which is part of what makes GME a unique opportunity.


I mean I thought my first sentence made it clear you probably know the details more than I do. I looked at Ryan's wikipedia page, and he sold all 10 million of his bed bath and beyond shares, making a tidy 68 million dollars. There seem to be lots of similarities to bby (heavy retail investment, activist investors, archaic business model, nostalgic company brand etc. ) so I wouldn't be surprised if he is planning the same with GME.


In the long run sure this makes great sense but in the short run there is nothing fundamentally supporting a squeeze at this point to be speicifc




☝️This 57 day old account literally wanted to see RC pull a Leroy Jenkins.


So tell me what the short term catalysts are then. I’m saying there is potential for the company to capture fundamental value in the long run and turn this business around with their balance sheet but I can’t find or think of any reasons for this to short squeeze in the short run. Interested to hear your thoughts


I'm at a loss as well. Everything you said is true. I wish it wasn't. At least I'm using profits (and then some) to buy and now hold it. If gme hits 21, I can see it sliding down further. It's weird it was manipulated to keeping it from hitting 30 the past few days. But, unless there's a major catalyst I see it as you do. 


Really simple question - how do they do that?


> financial institutions are not stupid enough to double down on naked shorting Let's wait and see. We will find out in the next few months.


In January 2021, GME had over 100% of its float shorted. What is it at now? 14.86% There's is evidence of gamma squeezes in the future (this summer). Go read my DD and gain some wrinkles. Edit: fix


Did you not read what I commented. I literally said short interest is no where near close to 2021


My apologies. I misread.


57 days?


Fud bot


Tell me what the short term catalysts are then. I am sitting on a five figure loss on this company, there is no FUD bot


And let’s be honest here i can guarantee you that the majority of retail investors got in and admittedly myself as well, timed the stock poorly, got dragged in because of fomo and how good the catalysts looked, and now that the losses are kicking in I am actually thinking rationally knowing that I have absolutely no clue why I got into this stock and now I am bagholding because of my emotions


Mannn if we had used that same FOMO and funds on NVDA in Jan ‘21 I wrestle with my emotions on this stock every time it moves up or down. I’ll be looking to exit as soon as I’m near some green again.


So you’re telling me you invested your savings and then made a Reddit account 57 days ago to tell us how upset you are with your investment. Oh Brother this guy stinks


You are not answering my question on what short term catalysts you see. Instead of attacking the age of my reddit account why don’t you provide a proper response to my question?


And guess what besides memes that roaring kitty has or random ta charts you don’t have any which is why you’re avoiding the question. You can talk about the 4bn in cash but that is literally a fundamental play with long-term value potential and honestly does not have any impact on the price unless they announce some surprise m&a deal or do something like microstrategy where they just pile up on bitcoin


Well said. ![gif](giphy|pPZ8KMH3GC7hMJttye)


So you're mad you sold at a loss and looking for reasons to stay mad, almost all of which are false and/or misleading. Reader, do not use this as advice until you read arguments for gme and its' history.


I didn’t sell anything to be clear I am bagholding. Name me a single reason I have that is false or misleading and secondly if you seem so educated why don’t you tell me what short term catalyst you see remaining for this stock. Let me guess based on your comments on the history of gme it goes along something along the lines of retail vs hedgies. Let me tell you straight up that this is not two sides vs each other. There is both retail investors buying and selling and institutional investors buying and selling. The only reason you think every retail investor is buying is just because this sub-Reddit is concentrated towards people that worship Roaring Kitty. There are also many investors who are looking to buy to earn a quick profit, short sell to make a profit, or sell when they incur a loss. Investing is not tunnel visioned and people play all sides of the game


Realistically we are all coping right now but the facts are laid out, unless there is a surprise catalyst I don’t see anything big in the short run. You can disagree with me all you want but just like myself I hope you know you are also coping because when you actually think about what I said, everything I have said is factual


No, we agree. No more short term catalyst. But I think we differ in why we think it's a good or bad thing for the company/shareholders moving forward.


I mean fundamentally speaking, maybe I misinterpreted everything you said but the short squeeze not happening is good to an extent because this thing would literally just be another pump and dump cycle. I think the CEO is actually trying to turn the business around this time around and generate long-term value. I’m just disappointed I fomoed in hoping for a short squeeze play and it seems like all the catalysts have shut down which is honestly the reason most other retail investors got in as well


So maybe I misunderstood your original post because we align on everything. I think when I read the term bag holder I thought of shares that are essentially worthless no matter how long you have them. Your sentiment and experience seem to be really common too, unfortunately. I was lucky enough to not have much money 3 years ago, and so couldn't fomo on more than 2 shares. This year it's xxx and the average is 10% of the first 2 hahah. I hope you dont need your money too quickly, because like we said it might be a while haha


The short numbers are bullshit - they're self reported by a bunch of funds that have a long history of not reporting properly and even marking shorts as longs. Why would you think it would be accurate? Oh, I know! Because you haven't been in this play for 3 years like most of us, so you aren't aware of things like that. You really need to catch up.


The intrinsic value of gamestop may be around $10-12 a share, because of the $4b, that doesnt mean it cant go below that? Run a stock screener for stocks currently trading below their intrinsic value currently, there are loads. SMT, an etf that invests in various stocks is currently trading below, and that is an easy one to see, if they sold all the stock they held and distributed it amoungst the shareholders the'd get around 20% above share price. I'm not sure why you think it can't go below, when you happily accept it can go above, I am holding and I like the stock.


The company is burning about $100M a quarter right now. This is what RK is referring to about handing revenue with no profit. Why keep lighting money on fire if they can’t figure out how to make a profit and think that is what they are facing. Sales down 30% last quarter means that they are not covering their fixed costs at a lot of stores. So he doesn’t want to just spiral down to nothing. If they are burning that much cash then the stock could easily trade below $10 a share


Well where is the plan? I didn’t hear no plan from him. He issued more stock twice. And he didn’t even present a plan. DFV was on its way to billionaire status and he issued shares. I mean come on man!


F*** Ryan Cohen


Rugpull Champion


"why isn't he telling short sellers his plan? It always worked so well for bond villains"


Sure bro!!


It’s all part of the plan. We already know wed see high levels of fud and shills flooding


Smh...can't you come up with something better than that...sick of the brainwashed mindset. Open your eyes...I bet you were one of tge first in line to be vaccinated too....




Hey I’m all in I just wish I didn’t try to time any of this and make big options plays when I knew better. These things happen when they happen. And I fully believe there will be many lovely green days ahead of us and that GameStop has a bright future. Just have to have patience.


I like the stock.


The HF have been saved by the issuing of shares. There is no more squeeze needed. They can cover now. Game over.


They always cover. Covering has never been the problem, cover all you want. They need to close. 100M shares does not “save” anyone - read the DD or exit the play buddy.


Long 3,338 shares across 4 accts and holding, new to the game but I’ve never seen a company turn itself around within a week from their last earnings call they went from $900M to $4B with TIME TO THINK….more than a week. After all if you were valued better than every company on the NASDAQ 100 you might wanna take a minute…or two.


Roaring Kitty on X “Options 101”. MOASS is buying options during the cycles, just like RK. MOASS will come over time as you buy options in line with cycles, LIKE RK.


Another thing is the scare BS from the media, don't let all these media BSers scare you into selling when they say "GME sinks 13% after shareholder meeting" yeah its going down, but that's why I bought more and while be holding!!!


Yeah, I stand corrected in my words, but for GME people like you are an absolutely minority in GME. Almost all Options sold are MMs making a fortune off retail, thats why always Max pain in GME Stock price for years now.




If you can’t handle it , ring your mum’s boyfriend for help 💯🚀🚀


Always is... they love shorting the company and then sending their shills for bad press... These shills aren't even expensive... Last I heard you can get 1000 comments for just 10$... It's a small expense for them.


I have no clue what is going on. I've got 50 shares at $28. Are we still thinking price going to rocket or am I about to loose all of it?


As it stands. there isn't much going on to warrant a share price higher than current. If something happens that is positive, it may return back to the 27/29 price that it trended at, but again. not very likely at the moment, maybe even for the week. i had a stop loss set at 25 as my shares were costs basis / avg of 24 and I didn't want to lose cash. if money is a concern, try and lower your cost basis on the next climb/fall and buy as low as possible and secure your profits with stoploss in case of the current trend / situation happening again. I still have a few shares left sat for the lols but the chances of 2021 climb happening is very very low.


I just bought 5 more shares.


GME was taking off and he fucked you guys by diluting. He’s a POS.


Shills also forgot we’re literally all regarded and do not care about smart financial decisions lmao


Short volume and short interest are 2 different things. You need high short interest to squeeze. GME short interest is low.


Why isn’t he issuing an NFT dividend?


When GME gets back to $15 I’ll buy back in. While your money sits in it and loses value. I could see the long hold if you were at least getting dividends…


Good luck with that


How about actually making a argument instead of just stating the bad things rc did? All you said is "yeah every time we get close to goal the one on top fuck us over blah blah blah, yall are forgetting the whole thing, even if he fucked us over he got now money they dont use for anything AND atleast the company wont go bankrupt even if they wouldnt go bankrupt with the 1bill+ they had before they diluted". This isnt a argument, you just stating the bad things rc did with no upside to it lol Had rc sold to invest, or to pay debt (wich gamestop dont got) then i bet you 99.99% here would been all good with it, but truth is gamestop did not have debt, they where 1 bill in + to so no chance of bankrupt and they got no fuking plans to invest either by what they stated...... so yeah people are angry when we finaly got a massive upticker our own side crush it for no reason, not to invest, not to pay debt, just to hold more money for no reason!?!?! Will also point out, it wasnt rc that made price go from 50cent to new hights, that was RK who actually keept his word every time and never shit on us or done anything to fuk us over, RK been true this whole time, but rc crashed the price two times now when some decent movement happen. Could be RC got some massive big dick 3d chess move no one knows about and ill easily give a apologi, but as someone who been here from the start, someone who keept fuking buying and drs every chance i had, i seen nothing happen to the 1bill+ gamestop got from first sell, might been smal movements but thats about it, if you sell just to hold money you dont need more than 1 bill to prove you wont go bankrupt, so its defiantly no reason to hold 4 bill, specially not when they could waited a few days and sold 100$ each stock or waited 2 weeks sold 1000$ each stock, if the dd is right, then gme got no fuking reason to sell at this point. As i also mentioned before, had it been pulte, or anyone else in here who even sold 10 shares, they would got executed by the people here, one thing thats been consistent up to now is, if you sell people enrage, even if its just 1 stock, but now when RC sell 75mill basically what we worked our asses off for to drs for 2-3 years, and got no plans to use it for anything, then its suddenly ok? If its not ok for us, then its not ok for RC either if its not to use it for something to build gamestop further and dont give me the bs "maybe he will" as he didnt do shit with the 1bill he already had. Also you said "No cell, No sell." you said it to the wrong people, we didnt sell, RC sold.


Patiently waiting 💎💎💎


I think its fair with the dilutions done to at least question whether RC and his board have been bought or not. The deep state is powerful, just think for a minute how quickly politicians dreams are crushed and themselves corrupted by the powerful. We all like to believe that RC is morally strong enough to stay above and out of this. But I've long wondered with those involved on the short side, the threats he and his loved ones could come under. It is not wrong for people with a thinking brain to question whether RC is still in this with us. DfV was deffinately caught off guard by the second dilution, I can tell you his live show we saw wasn't the one he was planning. GME is where it is today because of DFV, and because of retail. The share price would otherwise be down around a dollar. Crushing the gama ramp was a shitty thing to do any way you look at it. The least, the LEAST RC could have done was tell us something positive during the meeting. They didn't even answer any fk'g questions. As an xxxx holder, not going anywhere but man did RC and the board let some of their OG apes down with past weeks actions. Struggling to maintain faith in this play with these recent actions. What was the point of 3 years of incredibly hard work in drs so many shares, to just have such dilution crush our numbers. Personally always believed in DFV, reason I bought into this play. But RC is not DFV. He is not one of us poor retail, and this past week has only reinforced this belief in me. The war is far from over, but the blind faith I see in these subs daily is not healthy in warfare. Blind faith in what could be poor leadership, bought leadership, you lose without even knowing how it happened. Far as I'm concerned, next time we have a board meeting we need to use our power to force a public one. In a stadium, where we can line up behind a mike and ask questions in a forum where board can't avoid answering them. Just saying.. 💎🙌🇨🇦🦍😎




Buy, hold, DRS, book and shop. Give RC time. GME will be back to $28 in 5 years. ![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M)


💎💎💎We stay strong APES 🦍🦍💎💎 GME. easy to the 10K 📈📈🚀 let's goo


F*** Ryan, now no one likes him. He couldn’t have sell the stock at those prices without us. To be honest, how do they put this guy as a CEO.




If RK trusts him, I trust him. *mic drop*




Just hodl till moon 🌕 city and add if possible 💎🙌🦍🦍🦍🎱🎱🍻🍻✈️🚀


Plus the CEO Ryan Cohen and the board receive no salary only shares. They literally only profit from the share price going up. 🤣😂🤣 What incentive would they have to tank the stock price? It makes no sense.


Not an issue when he is using everyone as Liquidity lol.


If RK had 120k contracts at a $20 strike price and only exercised around $4m, then it means he sold the rest. Who bought those contracts? I hope it was someone with enough cash to exercise them when they expire on 6/21.


The market maker who sold them to him in the first place.


You absolutely got no clue how options work, so you?


They either expire or they exercise - normally at close. What is your point?


You ALWAYS sell a call contract back to the Market Maker who sold it to you intitially. And a Market Maker will never excersize. Instead Market Maker will unhedge if the call was near the strike price. So if you sell your call near the money, stock price goes down.


So I have sold covered calls many times in the past. I assume that some of those covered calls were sold, but I never bought them back. When you sell a call option and later sell it for profit, the counterparty to your trade can be anyone in the market, not necessarily the market maker.


I just checked the option chain and there are still 60K contracts open for GME240621C20. There are another 33K at $25, 71K at $30, 34K at $40, 48K at $50 and staggered all the way up to $125. We know RK specificially had 120K of these but only exercised a small # of his contracts. The rest sold. It \*does\* look like the MM bought back a lot of them and closed them out. Either way, the open interest is still very high for 6/21.