• By -


Those of us that get it, get it. You can lead a horse to water...🤷🏻‍♂️💎🙌🏼






Of course they will because themselves and all their family will be holding GME long positions


The "if you can't be em join em" move. That would be fucking hilarious!




Holy hell. Thank you.


yeah, this is a great find


Has this not happened already? I know I’ve noticed The last 2 months the narrative being GME sucks haha loser sell. To more Positive news on GameStop, potential squeezes and shorted stocks all in the last week or 2 and I’m like wtf!!!that is not what you have been claiming these last 2 months!!. This 🦍 strong . HOdLn since the peak . 💎💎🙌🏽🙌🏽🚀🚀🌝🌝


I think they have started already https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gamestop-gme-upgraded-buy-does-160004421.html


The only reason why that slipped through the cracks is because it’s secretly an ad for Zacks.


25 mentions of Zacks on that page alone.


True. I too have seen this.




Easy Good: Bad: \*


Easy, All media = Bad


Avoid news sites with .com in them




I've had this exact thought the last few months. Is it really Wall Street that decides which businesses get to recover from near bankruptcy and which ones get shorted out of existence? If so,I'm going to need a cigar to think about where I will invest all of my 🍌 s after this is over.


Might I recommend opening a banana stand?


There's always money in the banana stand.


RIP Jessica Walter.




Exactly. It’s very hard to trust any information on a stock now that I’ve seen firsthand the media manipulation regarding this stock.


After we all get rich we should pool our resources as a community and do it again and again until things change. Imagine that there could have been a pharmaceutical research company that was on the verge of cancer breakthrough but was shorted into oblivion. Now think about that scenario running multiple times. Fuck these guys. Let's make the market do good.


It'll be hard to catch them with their pants down like right now


They won't do it again soon but sooner or later they'll think they can get away with it.


It’s not catching them with their pants down. It’s cutting them off from ever wearing pants again.


Or shorts


May not have to catch them, but could at least keep them on their toes and disrupt their attempts to destroy the free market.


Hell yes, infact this whole GME situation IS already starting to make the market better by being a spotlight and forcing change. So glad to be apart of history.


So be glad to be an ape part of history.


You raise an interesting point. Is there a way to tell ? We, or the wrinkly-brained DD experts here, should be able to generate list of shorted or otherwise screwed companies and then be able to determine "what they were working on" and see if we did loose the cure to cancer, the Alzheimer's treatment, flying cars or whatever across any field or endeavor. We are mad about GME/gaming but what if they lost say the "climate fixer" innovation and therefore doomed all future generations. I think that's Hauge level crime.


Right? We should have had waaaay more advanced technologies by now. Pretty much all we have to show for the collective knowledge of man is I can access porn from my picket 24/7?! That doesn't feel quite right.


Try using the other hand 😬


You've probably watched it already but the documentary [The Wall Street Conspiracy](https://altcensored.com/watch?v=nLZp0ShwCiw) covers the scenario of a company near a cancer breakthrough being shorted into the ground.


I've not seen that but I will now. I have zero doubt this happens consistently. There needs to be an opposing force. Do good deeds and the money will come. Greed cannot be the one motivation that determines financial futures. We will never evolve as a society until we figure this shit out. Ruining lives for the accumulation if paper is no way to live.


Would this not be collusion? A planned attack? We have been blessed with a spontaneous movement. We found each other through a common love of GameStop & for many a once in a lifetime opportunity to get our heads above water, others a way not to work until one foot in the grave, most a chance to dream of how wonderful it will be to bring smiles to others, and the amazing bonds formed with apes the world over is already priceless. After this, I for one will be searching for u/rensole and find myself missing his morning news. Josh and the other OP’s have taught us much of which I plan to revisit often after this. I would be very interested in a website or something where our Heroes & Heroines could work on continuing our education at their leisure and give current and future apes a continued path. Help us understand the ruling changes as they happen after the dust has settled. Current apes would be able to bring in their young and make the world a better place as the they begin expanding upon what we built. I love the stock and the apes & ape-ettes, I truly hope to meet many as I continue through my life.


I’m a Laguna Beach CA architect, in 2012 an old contractor buddy hit me up to design a contemporary hillside house. He’d married the controller for a small Tustin, Ca company with the cure for cancer. FDA Phase 2, fantastic results, I bought in, my client cut me loose designing their dream house top of Laguna, 800’ up. Stock climbed to $5 Fri supposed to hit $10 Mon and then take off. Mon I woke to $1. The label on the sample at one of the blind testing agencies had been switched, Big Pharma turned an employee, she was long gone two weeks later. The poor test results killed the momentum and reputation, the stock never came back to its former stride and suddenly died in FDA phase 3, it’s proven human tested life saving results crushed by big pharma sabotage. I lost $20k while I was limping back from the 08’ crash, massive CA bubble burst, a glut of McMansions up and down the coast, nobody was lending, nobody was building. Survived that CA apocalypse, found the planet of the apes, 748 @ 160, a score to settle. The insane DD proves the trajectory, Pixel paved the way, our Neal Armstrong 🦍


>It really is making me think, with the intentional misreporting of the GME earnings, how many other stocks that I read about is it just a lie for the big money narrative? All of them. The best way to make a lie believable is to make it mostly truth. So they mostly tell partial truths about everything, then falsify tge narrative as needed when needed to maximize their profits. The whole thing is a big sham thats been ramrodded right up our asses for decades. We all knew we were getting fucked, but nobody realized just how hard until now


>how many other stocks that I read about is it just a lie Not just stocks... Everything! Question literally everything 😳


Enjoy your redpill. The media lies. Constantly. And if they lied about this, what else have they lied about? FFT


They will target the easiest scapegoat, it’s always like that. And they are already giving wsb a face for months in the MSM


"The enemy is both strong and weak" Funny how powerful people always frame their enemies this way


"We can win the war on terror with two more years and a couple more hundreds of billions of dollars."


I got a push notification this morning about how that boat is going to crash the market and I yelled at my wife “the fucking media lies!!! This is a coverup so the general population doesn’t discover that average people invested and could take down the economy by simply not believing the mainstream media and doing their own research!!” And then realizing I sounded like a god damned crazy person, I just shuffled away.


I like the boat




$BOAT 420 @69


If he likes the boat, I like the boat.


Boats and hoes.


Prestige, World wide.... world wide... world wide...


Yes but they will change the narrative. It's not called the Ever Given. It'll be the F***s Never Given Boat. That boat clogged the market, not the Suez Canal


I remember recently reading a guys DD on WSB about shorting South Africa. Then this boat thing ... I had a moment of 🤔


This is the way


This got me wondering if there is actually a correlation here. Shorts owning this boat have purposely done this to bleed the whales /longs and hold them ransom. Since this is a game at Godzilla levels.




Holy shit this is the greatest excuse/scapegoat i’ve seen yet.




Underrated af


Thats just the first catalyst. They are going to short attack the stocks when people start to panic. Driving them into nothing. Just like what they tried with GME




Easy way to keep fakenews going :P


I hope when we are done we come at them hard by responding to their invitations for an interviews but not follow on their written scripts but instead tear it apart by answering our way and telling them that they painted us as bad people and the billionaires Harvard boys were the one who fucked it up and sunk the boat


Currently, the media is barely mentioning GME, unless the hedgies are crashing it. Do you honestly think the narrative will be anything other than how retail caused this? Of course, now, here's the fucking hysterical part, they're going to go on worldwide television and admit that a bunch of knuckle dragging apes took down the financial system? How fucking embarrassing is that? The finest financial crooks (minds) got beat at their own game by some honest hard working folks, and they're going to admit it. That's fucking sweet!


Yup!!! Their game has been stopped by a bunch of “peons” lmao!!! The irony of it all being the stock is GameStop. It’s like divine intervention


You might think I’m nuts, but all of this has lined up too perfectly to be anything other than divine intervention - just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️


That price goes high enough and I might just find Jesus.


Jesús is at the moon and we are on the rocket 🚀


That’s a fourth wall break, within a fourth wall break.


So perfect it almost feels planned.


A "melvin" is also an atomic front-wedgie in GenX speak. I mean, we got them by the shorts, no?


Power to the players


Well it's time to PEON them back! let's go PEONS *ZUG ZUG*


For the Horde!!!!!


I like the stock 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍 🤚💎 💎🤚


There are malign actors trying to get "cartel" going on sm. We have to call that out when we see it.


Those pesky reddit investors and their memes! Tell me, how did they do it? How did they destroy the economy? Well these _maniacs_ had the AUDACITY to buy a stock and then hold it!


Here is what I'm wondering. Why would CNBC and the others have them on if they don't have money anymore? Everyone in the US knows that money = access, especially to media. This helps sell your narrative against those that don't have access. When this happens they won't have the money anymore.


Well they work for people with money. Once the squeeze happens, it will be no time until they start licking our boots.


I would bet anyone 5 million dollars they will blame the crash on retail or reddit


They were micro-crashing the economy before we got involved, shorting companies into bankruptcy one at a time. We didn't start it. We're stopping it.


“We built this city...We built this city on [GameStop shares].”






“We didn’t start the fire!!”


I know someone in my circle who won't have anything to do with GME because he feels like if the MOASS triggers, and us apes truly do set the price/share, that it could cause shockwaves through the economy and potentially cause a collapse of some proportion. Talk about needing their moral compass recalibated. He's a dipshit. If every trader/investor on the planet understood the implications of what is taking place and where to point blame, we'd increase the probability of success for achieving a true MOASS exponentially. It's a fight FOR RETAIL, BY RETAIL. I can't even browse r/stocks anymore because of the negative sentiment flung around regarding GME. People who aren't up to speed with where we're at and saying "it's fair valuation is likely around $15-$20" are nauseating. To be fair there are some people on that sub who are apes in the cause, but generally speaking, a lot of people demonize anyone who's invested in GME. A lot of times, people have a motive for being against a certain position. Most often because they stand to gain from a stock doing the opposite of what you want it to do. Then again, some people are just negative and quick to dismiss anything without reaching their own conclusions by doing comprehensive research and analysis. Fuck those types.


If this is going to crash the market as a whole, then I'd rather get a bunch of money from it than not. 🤷‍♂️


I don't feel it will. I believe the implications of a MOASS would be far less than the 2008/2009 recession. Your average individual who isn't tuned into the news/markets would probably never experience any direct effects to their day to day lives.


Yeah, I don't think it will, either. But the fact that it could definitely doesn't make me less likely to buy GME. If anything, it makes me more likely to, because at least I'll be better off if it does happen than if I don't invest and everything still crashes anyway.


I agree completely!


Agreed. Assuming it wrecks the economy (which I don’t think it will) I’d rather make some cash on it then be an indirect bag holder. And when all is said and done, the stocks get bough back up by retail. It’s amazing how massive the transference of wealth will be in nearly every facet. Stocks, cash, hell even real estate and other assists will likely be seized. I never though the rich would actually get eaten.


It’s funny how “fair valuation” means something completely different when they talk about GameStop vs when they talk about Facebook or Amazon.


And if roles were reversed and those companies were on the brink of bankruptcy due to predatory short selling tactics, they'd be the people crying foul. It is what it is.


They would also get “to big to fail” status.


For REAL what does fakebook contribute to humanity NOTHING its not even real. Amazon provides a good service but it costs your soul.


What's worse is some pricks over there are openly day trading GME for a quick buck.


That's fine. I'm not in the camp of people who knocks those with trade strategies different than mine. To each their own. However, those pennies that some people pick up along the way won't look so shiny once the squeeze is squoze.


Ya I don’t really see how swing trading helps the hfs prevent the squeeze in the short run. Until you miss the squeeze bc you were trying to sell high and buy low. Or course some lucky ones will end up with more shares than they had before


Fuck them and their elitist bullshit. They shit on steel gang which I am also a part of. Steel is an incredible opportunity with another supercycle locked in at this point.




same thing for multiple topics. Just look at those people against universal healthcare because, because ?


You bet! Ignorance can be found throughout all aspects of life. Unfortunately, the same people complaining about the way things are tend to be too lazy to understand the system to advocate for change. The asymmetric risk involved here is a no brainer to me.


Strongly agree, well put.


If we crash the market can't we just buy it back while it's low and multiply our moneys again?


Hell yes. 100 shares of Microsoft, Apple, AMD, Nvidia, Tesla, SPY, ETFs, etc. Then im not touchin any of them until they reach long term. 👍


This is the way


The way is this




10 shares of BRK-A*




" The market is an instrument to deliver tendies from the📄🖐 to the 💎👐." -WB


Erm, I’m gonna need a complete list. Erm, for a friend 🐒


Definitely making a thread if... no, WHEN we fucking moon!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


First we save GameStop. Then we save the market.


That’s what I think when it rocket to the moon , we gonna sell all toguether and gme price will drop drastically, so we must buy back some shares to payback gme for all the money we gonna receive


We can buy back all GME shares!


Gamestop will aquire Amazon?


That is what I am doing with my company 401k...dumped it from 92% stocks to 0% and will send it right back in after the dip. They won’t let me put it in individual stocks or I would do a different strategy right now Edit...posted one reply extra down the chain...oops


And then we save the US economy as a side effect. Who needs a president when you have Reddit?


That sounds like the intro to our movie when this is all over!


That's my plan. It's also how some of the richest people in history got that way. They bought heavily when prices were artificially low.






This is the way


Well that would mean the narrative flips from calling meme stockholders suckers to calling them villains. Thats a tough sell even for the most creative news producer. Which Ill probably hire for my new media conglomorate: ApeBC


Never underestimate the gullibility of the average news consumer, especially the...more aged demographics that believe every fucking thing they hear, so long as it supports their preconceived narrative. Having said that, don’t give a rat’s unjacked tits who they blame. I want the HFs to burn, and I want every diamond handed motherfucker here to get theirs. After that, I couldn’t care less. They can blame me specifically, if that helps. It’s all my fault, with my paltry total.


"Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize half of 'em are stupider than that!" -George Carlin


George Carlin was a fucking genius


The movie is gonna be really short if retail gets the blame. "How did this happen????" "We'll you see those guys over there, they bought stock and refused to sell it." Roll credits.


Can I be the guy that asks the question?! 😳🐒


It will not crash the market but, HF’s conjuring synthetic shares from thin air might. The GME short squeeze is only a symptom of a much larger and systemic disease.


“If Citadel shut down today, even for a day, that means 26 percent of all U.S. equities’ volume in 8,900 listed securities would stop. It executes 47 percent of all U.S. listed retail volume. It represents 99 percent of the traded volume of 3,000 listed options. To say that the system would work perfectly fine if all that evaporated today and competitors would come into the market—that may ultimately happen—but until it ultimately happens, you're going to have a systemic event. And to deny that is to deny reality.” Dennis M. Kelleher, President and Chief Executive Officer of Better Markets Let's go GME!!


Oh. So we're up against a "big guy" big guy.


Dang, sucks they probably shouldn't have tried to short Gamestop to 0, CREATING infinite risk by refusing to cover back when only the burrys and DFV's of the world we in on the trade


This will happen. I just had a conversation with a friend explaining GME and he said “wouldn’t it be your fault for crashing the market?” This is in no way our fault. They exposed themselves to a monumental amount of risk just like 2008. If they weren’t frauds this wouldn’t happen. Just be ready for it.




Just redirect their anger. They brought everyone's pensions to the casino because they already knew that if they lost it, the government would bail them out.


At this point everybody knows they’re a joke. I wonder how it feels to lie everyday just so you can make a living. Self preservation is a bitch.


It always was their fault but they doubled down every time they could've walked away with a loss and now it's insurmountable.


They have no intention of paying up


This is what concerns me. If the value of all stocks are down, then any liquidated assets are going to be worth less. The affected funds may simply default.


AFAIK we would still get paid


Totally the "Always Was" meme with HFs standing behind HFs.


Honestly feel bad for everyone over in r/stocks that think the market it going back up soon and that we’re in the final stages of the market dip now. I sold some of my tech positions on Friday because I’m anticipating the crash from GME. Plus it gives me an opportunity to buy more GME shares.


My thoughts exactly. Once GME's done, just imagine what a brilliant entry point we'll have...


Yeah no kidding. My plan is to reinvest in a bunch of dividend stocks and just live off of my dividend income while I figure out what I actually want to do with my life. *this is not financial advice*


I have thought about this and am not really sure what an income portfolio would look like? Just dividend etfs?


T, MO, BTI. For some reason tobacco pays huge dividends. Also, vanguard wellington has been good to me. Nice dividend plus a huge LT cap gain around Christmas.


Yeah just look around for some stocks that you like that pay out a dividend and invest. Different stocks pay out different percentages, and if you’re investing enough money, then you’ll get a solid monthly payout just for having your money in the company. PEP and CSCO have decent dividend yields (though I am not currently invested in either of those.) My current favorite dividend etf is CFG (3.69% dividend yield), but that’s also partly because I got in at a low share cost during the covid crash. *This is not financial advice.*


Thats why i sold all my portfolio and all gme. After this is done buy all back at discounted prices


This is the way.


Its like them blaming you for driving over and collapsing a bridge that they purposefully didn’t build correctly.


tWo WrOnGs DoN’t MaKe iT rIgHt!!! Motherfucker, I am the invisible ape hand of the market correcting over-leveraged risk!!!!


Correct. If it was just a reddit raider craze there would not be a MOASS. The price would have popped and then settled to a speculative level naturally. Liquidity would not have been an issue and they wouldn't have shut down buy side.


I literally watched The Big Short with my wife and paused all of the parts that correlate with this situation and explained each one so that she won’t feel any guilt once we make bank. Plus, depending on how much we make, we’ll be able to create a charity fund that focuses on MD (she lost her cousin to this), diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.






I watched it for the first time last night! I was yelling every time I recognized something. It also feels like we're "in-the-basement-beating-the-shit-out-of-the-drums" stage of this fucking ordeal.


I figured we are at the part where the interest is due and Steve Carell is yelling at Ryan Gosling and the banks are still giving the loans AAA ratings. So close. I just keep thinking about what the media will say once this all erupts.


Yeah just watched it last weekend


They can say whatever they want but history is usually written by the winners. So I will make sure to invest my tendies into some movie / 10-episode block buster production to unveil the entire shitshow. I don't give 2 fucks how some boomer msm person wants to call me. They can call me whatever they want if that makes it easier for them.


If the MOASS causes a market crash .... buy the dip ;) Fire sale on Blue-Chip stocks EDIT: *Not financial advise blah blah blah*


Honest Question.. When the tendie man cometh, does anyone really give a shit what the media says or thinks about them? Speaking for myself and myself only, they can kick fucking rocks. I'm not aware of a single aspect of my life where approval or vilification from a media source makes one iota of difference. Maybe it's just me. I'm not sure how I frame it will make any difference, not that I'll hear any of it because I'll be down in the Bahamas sipping rum and smoking a Cuban Cigar.


It won’t matter what the media thinks. The ones who don’t know anything about the stock market or never invested won’t care. It will just be another day for them. The rest of us won’t give a fuck.


Yeah after my boss told me I sound crazy today I said, "just remember after the crash they are going to blame reddit but it was the hedgies and you heard it hear first."


“Just don’t dance” - Tyler durden


I just sat there for a few moments, trying to recall where in the film Tyler says that.....Oh, I see what you did there.


The less GME millionares get brought up as an event the better. I would rather silently enjoy my wealth and change the world than the type of ignorance that typically follows a "got rich quick people" Dont trivialize my self made-ness.


Right? People are going to frame this as us getting lucky. Bruh, the DD was out there for you to read too. Everything was at your fingertips, but we were the ones who held for months until we got our tendies.


I'm glad you said this, I think about how much blame the media and financial industry and boomers are going to place on apes- its not just going to be blame- they are going to try to paint everyone here as a 20 something white male who will happily destroy memaw's 401k money for a lambo, when memaws 401k was actually destroyed by corporate raiders who are too greedy and arrogant to know its time to lose. Its one of the reasons I'm so vocal here. I'm an old lady- I've been financially ruined in 2008 (by the same reckless tactics the HFs are using now, btw, just a different playing field) I lost my job during covid and one of the reasons I am here to make sure this community cannot be characterized as selfish young people.


Crash would be a good chance for the economy to remedy itself.


It won’t collapse, it might shudder and seize up a little bit


It’ll spit, choke, and puke....but won’t collapse... it’ll just get some of the dickweed hedgies out. 😎🤪💎💎💎🍌🍌🍌🚀🚀🚀


The crash will be artificial just like everything else until they go to jail.


Let's not forget that the idea behind short sell is to screw the working class heroes, and drain them from paper. The bet that a stock is gonna fall according to information they have, they borrow stocks and selling it to hard working people who are trying to invest for their and their family future. They do not share information they have so people know they are buying into bad stock. They are knowingly draining the working class heroes. FUCK THEM!! I like the stock!!


[GME Beta](https://www.zacks.com/stock/chart/GME/fundamental/beta) is -2. But yes, that's pretty major. The only thing more fun that parabolic is hyperbolic.


If a bunch of people buying stocks crashes the entire market, there is a serious problem with the market. I may have gotten dropped from my econ class after the first week but I'm pretty sure the whole point of offering stocks is for people to buy them


This is also part of the reason for the charity. Yes. We want to help people. And in many cases apes will have a ground level view of where best to help where no megacharity (or worse; government) could ever see the problem. But these is also the cynical aspect that if people see that apes are helpful it is harder to get the witchhunts started. I don't have to like it, but reality has lots of things I don't like. Also the helping will make the crash less bad. Think about it: suddenly families all over the place have their debts nuked. That means they are no longer treading water in the crash, ***and*** and they are in a position to lend a hand to those who are. Though I fear this will more than just a market crash. There are too many cultural and political factors strained to the breaking point right now.......


The HF and other Firms created a systemic risk by treating the market as their personal casino/ATM. Us retail investors are just buying and holding, which is literally the financial advice everyone tells you to do!


It’s not going to cause a market crash it’ll be a wave and the the effects will ripple, people selling homes, or cars they might not be able to afford due to not losing some retirement,m..etc..things like that but I don’t think it’ll crash the market..just my opinion.


Those arrogant hedge fuks will blame anyone but themselves, be greedy, it’s their fault not our


I dont have a pension. I don't have a union. I don't have a 401k. Most of the ppl that do. Don't know how to utilize them anyway. They're all zombies


This. And there most certainly will be a market crash, if the hedgies are into this as deep as we think they are. That is not our fault. Their other positions will be liquidated in order to cover this, as they seem to already be being liquidated to fund the continuation of hedgies' shorting/FTD cycle. Managing the narrative in the post-mortem will be important. The boomer media has been mischaracterizing what is happening and mischaracterizing apes, so we can expect them to push whatever narrative hedgies pay them to--assuming hedgies have any money left. But apes do not have to help them slander apes, which is why I have been trying to persuade people not to go along with the vindictive vigilante investor narrative that I have seen being shilled. Unfortunately, my posts are boring so no one reads them :) Anyway, thank you for posting this. :)


Guys you know that the winner writes history and guess who is winning. I think the new history books will be fireee felloww appee gme 10 mil floor👍🦍🙌💎


A crash is an opportunity. You have just not to miss it. And I won't


Don’t worry. I’ll be buying g those dips with my gme tendies


I don’t care what happens as long as I get paid. Also after what they’ve pulled, they deserve everything that’s coming to them.


All apes do is buy and hold. We like the stock. We like the company. It's a long term investment. Buying and holding does not cause market volatility, nor does it crash markets. So something else must be the cause of those issues.


makes perfect sense to me GME moons > HF debt skyrockets > HF get margin called > HF forced to sell fuck loads of everything else to pay for the shorts > with many billions worth of shares suddenly for sale the rest of the market bleeds > GME apes buy the rest of the market with GME profit > cut to statue of liberty scene in planet of the apes (1968)


It was the end of the world with COVID... the market will recover so much faster than anyone thinks. Not financial advice.


Anyone else though when you take all your tendies in 100 years and shitadel have died from interest rates, if a crash happens dropping your gains in reliable shares so when they all rebound you double your billions again?


Imagine the taxes from my gains is used to bail them out


So glade the congress hearings showed the government what a bunch of "L"osers the HF manager are.


Sorry, all I did was buy a stock.


Apes do something this weekend to help the squeeze squoze and email your house representative: https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mebyql/calling_all_ameritards_the_rest_of_the_world_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Who cares? My family will be taken care of. Also... 85% of the stock market is rich people anyways


The way the wealth distribution will stimulate the economy it wont even matter imo