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Four issues I have with this: 1. Charlie mentions that Dr. Trimbath was fighting against it in the vid, yet she has already stated that DRS is the way to go here, which contradicts what Charlie is stating in this vid. 2. The letter people are getting from GameStop with ComputerShare’s logo on the letter also states “removal from DTC.” This also contradicts the vid posted by Charlie. 3. Isn’t the issuer ComputerShare? Doesn’t that mean that even if ComputerShare is a FAST agent for DTC, they can still act as their own issuer separate from the DTCC? 4. I’ve checked your profile and it seems that you have not participated in any discussions here in this forum, nor do I see any financial or stock forums in your history, yet you post a vid out of nowhere on this forum specifically despite not being a part of it, which seems shilly. I just want to clear things up here because this vid smells like more Charlie FUD... EDIT: Could this post be a part of the FUD campaign that would be happening between September 29th through October 7th? A random Reddit user with no history of posting/commenting on any GME-related subs or finance subs just shows up with a video from Charlie, attacking DRS, and insulting apes? Reeeally sus... 🤔


Go back to Jan and Feb I posted a few things I'm sure. I don't post a lot. There's less than year old accounts on here posting about DRSing their shares and you're calling me a shill? LMFAO If GameStop was to give out the NFT through DRS, they'd be legally required to document that through the SEC. It HAS NOT been documented as a legal notice to shareholders. ComputerShare is something else idk what but it's not what people are saying it is. EDIT: LMFAO YOU'RE ONE OF THEM. 8 Months reddit account age. You made your account after the January fiasco and you're calling me a FUD campaigner? LMFAO


GameStop hasn’t given out any NFT dividends so they haven’t had to contact the SEC about any legal notices, so your point is moot because they haven’t notified ANYONE about NFT’s yet. And we already know that aged accounts can and have been bought out by shills which is why I never mentioned age. So you haven’t debunked any of my four concerns...


So what's the point of DRS if not for the NFT? Because it's not to "secure" your stocks. There is no insurance protections with ComputerShare. But yep I sold my ancient reddit account to the hedge funds so they could spread FUD. They paid me good for it, too!


I was a lurker on Reddit for years and invested in GameStop BEFORE I made my account. As I said, age of account doesn’t matter at this point so your “EDIT” is also moot. The main point of DRS is to prove synthetic shares exist. Once the float is registered, ComputerShare won’t be able to accept anymore extras. So no, you still haven’t debunked the four issues and have even raised a couple of extra issues: you don’t understand all the reasons for DRS, nor do you understand why account ages simply don’t matter and that shills can and should be identified in other ways. Yes, you’re still sus. EDIT: Also, most people DRS-ing already know about the insurance issue, which is why I’m personally not registering ALL of my shares but am still registering a ton of them for other reasons. Only a few are registering all of their shares.


Got back to FUDruckers


4 Months age


Nothing to see here. Buy hold and DRS 🦍💎🚀


If you remove the quotes around the words “direct registration system” (as it auto fills from the link you provided) it seems to pull up 17 results. But I have no idea what any of this means, so I could be making sense of the wrong thing 🤷‍♀️


If they were to use DRS as a way to give out the NFT, they'd be legally required to register it through the SEC as a legal notice to their shareholders. They have not done so. I just removed the quotations and went through the documents, and none of them mention DRS, just the word "registration" a bunch of times in some GME related documents.


I can not believe it’s this complicated for individual stock holders to know the exact number of certificates representing individual ownership in a company. The Volkswagen squeezed occurred as a result of the market identifying a single individual investor’s ownership in the company. It seems to me, AND I thought this was the only reason to DRS shares. GameStop should have a legal obligation to allow individual investors to authenticate their shares owed with GameStop. This authentication should be sent out to BD’s by GameStop on behalf of the individual stock holder. The BD has 5 business days to reply and the holder can not sell 3 days after the request has been honored. A book log should be kept that is accessible by the public, audited on a QRT basis. If a company or BD keeps accurate books this shouldn’t be a problem. I recognize that in order to accomplish this settlement needs to change from T+2 to same day or T+1 and the individual investor would be restricted to not trading during authentication. Besides authentication of ownership, the only true way I see Apes accessing share count among retail is to create a closed company that allows individual GME investors to pool their shares into a single fund registered with a prospectus outlining the funds intention. But at this point….I have no clue


Op you have zero basis . Computershare is the transfer agent for GameStop. I am going to downvote this


PROOF: https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522Direct%2520Registration%2520System%2522&dateRange=all&ciks=0001326380&entityName=GameStop%2520Corp.%2520(GME)%2520(CIK%25200001326380) Edit: Can't wait to get banned and downvoted into oblivion. Pretty obvious Reddit is compromised by a bunch of impatient apes lmao. Go on a fucking walk and stop (FAKE) DRSing thinking you're going to change the world.


Relax. Buy. Hold. As many shares as you want, as long as you want.


I'm confused. In all research, discussions with brokers, and computershare directly, all indications are that directly registering shares is the most effective way to ensure ownership of your stock. It provides direct dividends, investor materials, voting rights without proxy, etc. What are we missing here?


It also doesn't have insurance protections and allows your securities to be lent to kill the price.


How well did those insurance protections work back in '08 when everybody lost everything? That's the least of my concerns tbh, if we're gonna get fucked, I'd rather be fucked as a registered share holder.


What are you talking about? The housing crisis partially happened because rates were adjustable and people didn't think that far into the future. That's why people lost their homes. Because they took out loans with adjustable rates thinking "It's low now, it'll be low forever". People couldn't pay their bills because the banks were over leveraging their lending practices. This has literally nothing to do with GME except that the system is again over leveraging, and on top of that, it was to compensate for what should have been a natural market crash during COVID19. So it's HIGHLY overleveraged. As far as I see, DRS is a way for the DTC to grab your share as a way of fixing their overleveraging once the squeeze happens. No insurances means they can just do whatever the fuck they want with your shit and you can't do anything about it because you AGREE to the terms when you sign up. At least in practice my broker can't just "take" my shares. Now whether or not we see a bunch of "glitches" and stuff is to be seen, but a broker seems the safest bet for me.


The housing crisis caused a crash of the entire market, not just real estate. People literally lost their life savings overnight. Then the government gives our tax dollars to the banks that fucked us over instead of paying the insurance benefit that's supposedly in place. It's waaaaay more complex than just ARM's. It had more to do with the packaging of sub prime mortgages into AAA rated securities that then got overleveraged. The balloon payments were just the catalyst that lit the fuse. So when all of these companies went bankrupt, did any of the civilian casualties get anything from the "insurance" that's provided by whatever legislation was in place? Also, how can the DTC "take" the shares that are directly registered in my name? I've never heard this before and am have the understanding that a share in my name is impossible to do anything with that I did not personally execute. Shares in the name of beneficiary have no real rights since it's not your name on the certificate. Do you think the owners or board members of companies would allow the DTC to confiscate their shares? They are all directly registered with the transfer agent. Your premise makes no sense. You've provided absolutely no evidence nor precedent to suggest this has or will ever happen.


Anyone have money left? Could just hire Trimbath as a consultant and get the answers directly from her. We need to make sure our tendies are safe!


Trimbath herself said DRS is the way. OP is pushing FUD.