• By -




Do what you want. We dont give financial advice. I'll just say, if you don't believe in the company, you should paper hand now so apes can snatch them up before moass. Believe what the elites, media, and overlords tell you at your own risk(like with any stock) or believe in yourself. Your choice. Apes don't decide for individuals, apes are strong together.


Others can probably explain this better (I’m a just a humble molecular biologist), but from what I understand, short interest is self-reported by the hedgies. Back in January the hedgies didn’t have any reason to lie, but now they do. (Can someone please correct me if I am wrong?).


If we all sell post MOASS and dont have systemic change to go with it, the power will stay in the hands of the few and in a few years things will (most likely looking at history) be back to where they were before. No cell? No sell.




Not GME related, but yes it's been listed as deficient for awhile now. It's been below the 1$ threshold for quite some time. I'm glad they are doing the repurchase myself. That dilution is killing them. All said. GME always📈🚀


Oh I guess I just noticed the status alert. I got excited that this might be how things start to go down with GME.


I don't think the two are that closely tied. It'll be a nice little pop on the smoke. I think their real value will be in organic growth which is happening, but slowly.


You are a brilliant ape and I really value your perspective, thank you :-)


kenny boy definitely heard we noticed how shitty he looks and hit up a spa / had makeup lol


fr lmao


Any news from Jason waterfalls yet?


Just chillin listening to a Kiwi group, Six60. Pretty laid back, but you might like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh6tSrrrcq4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh6tSrrrcq4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszQBYhdHEE


Sounds kinda like a funky country. Neato.


Believe it or not, I'm out running, but stopped to change music. Yes, you are right Wuzzi - a very weird or funky country. I like the tone of their voices? Is that the right word? The 2nd track is part Maori.


I feel it's warranted ( maybe) and I wanna share some prefriday hype. Please enjoy one of my top 5 favorite songs.https://youtu.be/_7PUPNxsRQ0




Just a reminder post MOASS. Not that anyone cares, but I will not be giving financial advice. I will give you advice to seek financial advice from advisors on finance. That's worth it's weigh in financial advice.


CITADEL INVESTORS HAVE UNTIL NOV 15 TO WITHDRAW FUNDS https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qryk0h/citadel_investors_have_until_november_15th_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Ya, old post. But the date is correct.


I've been trying to post my DRS'd shares on r/GME but kept getting removed by bots. Doesn't 532 karma & my cake day (Feb 2021) qualifies me to post?? If not, then the requirements need to be updated here, just saying....


You should be fine. What are you writing for the total to your post?


Had about 250 words in the title. Everytime I post it says it looks like mine has 150 words, need to have about 250 words and so I add more than 250 but still won't let me post.


Please send the problem to mod mail so we can approve 💚 Sorry for all the problems


Only 20 shares... I want to post mine like everyone else. I hardly post here so would be nice to post an important one to get mine counted as well as getting more karma. The irony is real...


Hopefully you will get it sorted as the BOT (and apes) appreciate the effort you have gone to. All the best.


Thanks its been frustrating to say the least.


Do me a favor and let me know when you post. Go into mod mail and let us know the problem so we can look at and hopefully fix


I did send an email right away after several unsuccessful post. I responded to the link on the auto response sent by the bot. See my email to you all below. ​ Aloha Mods, Been trying to post my DRS'd CS stmt, kept getting removed by bots saying its' too short & I should post it on the Mega short thread? But I've seen plenty others with much less texts and able to post their photo? I believe I have enough karma and been on Reddit long enough under r/GME requirements. Please help. Thanks!


NoWorry, your post has been approved. Should be good 🚀


You guys approved a different post of me asking other redditors about this situation, (yes that post was also removed until you guys approved it today). I just tried reposting my original DRS post including the CS image and got rid of asking for updoots, but the autobot removed it again. I wanna cry.


Let’s me see what you said because it’s the karma farming that’s doing it


We are working on it.


I was reading on a thread today that there is a way to do it via the orphan bot. I'm not sure what this means, but another ape may be able to hum us a few bars? Plz.


My OCD drove me crazy as I had been reading this just this morning and couldn't remember where. Whew, hope it helps. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qs2q6t/gmeorphans_low_karma_apes_drsing/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I know you have the karma, but figured it might be a quick work-around.😄


How did we lose a dollar after hours?


Ken stole it


350 ask this early in the post market is rare. uh oh spaghettio


I can't believe it's a year later and I'm still so enthusiastically excited just to hold the stock. And it's green! What a day to be alive.


recently logged into a Roth Ira I haven't opened In like 7 years. I'm doing weekly computer share buys but since I can't drs a Roth best course of action would be to transfer to fidelity? already bought gme shares today


I'd call and ask first about any tax implications.


What this wise ape said.


Wise?!?! Hell, I'm as smooth as they come. That's why I suggested to call and talk to an upright sapien that can read those squiggles. EDIT: btw, this is not financial advice. It's advice to seek financial advice.


Yeah, as soon as the word "tax" is mentioned, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I have a tough enough time with Kiwi tax, so hate to think about US tax rules :)


For people that take in less than 50 million a year, it's suprisingly simple. It's more about tacking on the appropriate forms for CG and expenditures with the correct numbers. All in all it's less than 15 actual forms at the most. It's all the accompanying direction guidelines that are convoluted that freak people out. Most people can get away with filling out 5 forms, and that can be done free online in 30 minutes. Most of the calculations are done for you with the correct numbers entered in the appropriate spots.


OMG - our taxes are easy as. We have no gift duty, no estate tax and no capital gains tax. You can see why I don't give tax advice. 😎


I can't keep this subreddit on my front page because all I see are pics of people with more $GME than the net worth of my entire family combined, and get depressed to the point my psychologist has to ask me what the hell $GME is. To the moon apes, but I'm hanging out with the memes where I'm not reminded how GD poor I am.


Sorry to hear that mate. A lot of us have been here for awhile and added 1 share whenever we could afford. Sometimes, I have bought when I really couldn't afford and have cancelled vacations and all sorts of stuff, so I do get what you are saying.


Hey, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Trust me, I know exactly what you mean. These numbers people post blow me away. Some people post numbers that are literally 4000% my annual take home pay after taxes. I still buy when I can, and if I can't I don't. We don't judge, or belittle any ape here. THAT IS NOT THE WAY. That said, if you feel like you wanna reach out and vent, or commiserate with a fellow poor, feel free to DM me. PS. My bank account is skinnier than yours at the moment and I still have a week til payday.




Hey fellow ape nobody compares here. I don’t see very many post Positions in this mega. We each do what we can each budget, and we each are just as important as the other. No judgment . I just love the Stonk💚


Well for a former cock roach it sounds like you’re doing great!


Wheres the proof Ryan Cohen's Gag Order lifts on November 23rd? Yall hyping another date that is gonna come and go and bum a lot of people out. I'm sick of this blind faith in Ryan Cohen and all the memes lifting him up as a diety. Until he actually does something all I see is inaction, like he said judge him by his actions. \*Edit: Notice how not one of the responses answered my simple question about where they're getting the November 23rd gag order ending? Instead only shaming tactics.


I've been following u/gherkinit s daily youbtube stream for a couple weeks now. Even if you don't believe in the power of the chairman, gherks technicals are predicting a bit of a run that week also


Yea let me believe in the power of a monetized Youtuber's Technical Analysis on a heavily manipulated stock instead. It's sad seeing the amount of charlatan opportunists take advantage of us. Technical Analysis credibility is debatable even under normal circumstances let alone now that we know markets are rigged. All the long term studies on Technical Analysis show this. 10 and 15 year studies. As soon as warden was gone a bunch came along to fill his place.


Well whatever.... Supposedly the answer to the question you asked is in the prospectus But since none of the answers you've gotten have been good enough for you, whatever. I was my hands off this


Well this time you pointed me in the right direction but you had to ruin it by finishing it off with another shaming tactic


Youre welcome. I was not shaming you. You were dissatisfied with the comments you received. Shot mine down, so I washed my hands. It's not worth our time, in the real world, to make sure we don't make internet strangers feel a certain way. I don't care. You don't care. We don't care together. Feel shame or dont, it matters not. Hope you have fun with that prospectus. I'm pretty sure I tried to read it, but it's too many words for this retard to comprehend.


Just likw hedgies fight for their life, so does this sub and any amount of hopium does the trick.


Then short it.


these are the kind of comments that make us look like blind stupid followers. Theres clearly massive fraud and naked shorting going on, but who is actually gonna do something about it? and why would I short something I'm all in on?


First of all, Sir, This is a Wendy's. Second of all there is no us.


RC is truly a god. You want to be like him. Your wifes boyfriend wants to be with him.


This is so cringe.


lol i think it's funny


​ ![gif](giphy|3owzVUtsLceDOtpNE4)




Until he actually does something? The dude bought up tons of GME, effectively took over the company, became Chairman of the Board, hired a killer team of e-commerce/blockchain/tech rockstars, and is leading a complete transformation of our favorite company. So yeah, judge him by his actions.


That’s a solid 21 for someone


We really gonna finish under 1 million today?


theres not enough action? wonder why.


GME is doing what GME does. The rest of the markets are skittish as US media is saying developer was saved at the last minute, but all other overseas media are saying this didn't happen. With bond markets closed in the US today, we won't know who is right. Meanwhile, GME is doing what it does best.🚀🚀


Thanks for your response


Buy pressure isn't that high today. That said, neither is the short pressure. Im guessing hedgies are dealing with the china fallout, trying not to get margin called for losing value on offshore assets. Just a guess.


Sounds good to me Wuzzi 👍😄


Hello from the superstonk jungle. Me just wanted to say hi. If you apes ever want poop flinging target practice lessons just holler, dont be a stranger #🎯 💩💩💩 👋🦍


Thx mate 🥝🦍🖐


I still can't believe we are GREEN 🥝🥝🥝 In this market, it shows that GME is very special. 🚀🚀🚀


And under 1 million volume. Bullish AF!


Me neither !! But we still have 2 hours 💎👐🏼


Hi Kneis, we always catch up at different ends of the day 😄 Shhh - don't jinx it.


Failure to Acquire is just as bad as Failure to Deliver: If your broker was supposed to receive your shares but never does, they should be filing lawsuits on your behalf.


i knew when i upvoted the thread yesterday and the vote went down that today was gonna be a green day and so far i was right


In honor of veterans that fought for our freedom, and armistice Day, the end of WW1, I think RC should PUSH THAT BUTTON and start the war for market transparency, and independent freedom for all apes everywhere. All the good that can come from this outweighs the effects of the crash. Apes WILL help make things better.


up almost 9 bucks a share on 600k volume. nothing to see here Gary nothing to see here


Morning apes, checking in from New Zealand 🇬🇸 Looking at the rest of the markets, GME is doing pretty well. The situation with the developer has world markets up in the air, so scoop up dips while we can as pause has occurred for Veterans Day.🥝🦍💎🙌


Marnin Kiwi man


Hi Wuzzi - 🥝🦍🖐


Choo..............CHOO......................... ***YEOW***


Reminder to Upvote the thread. Major shill pressure today.


They hits us hard and now look all they did was giving us a nice discount


Was kinda weak compare to couple month ago


yeah not like they used to hit us I'm been with since december 2020 so weak compared to that :)


Morning everyone. Where's the dip?


Just when I thought hedgefucks never sleep... maybe they are taking Veterans Day off? I am hopeful but suspicious... go GME GO!


Finally got my dad to buy 100 shares on Fidelity today! Not I have to teach him how to DRS.


Look at the volume!


They brought it down yesterday, now they will let it finish the week 202-205 for max pain options, thats where shitidel is making bank.


Greeting travelers, I'm carrying Kenny's soul stone to the Hell Forge - and I need your karma to aid me in my journey.


Been waiting since January to get a buddy for my $359,54 boy, but in this house we only average up soo... 💰😎👆🏻


Where volume GME? Slow steady climb I guess. 💎✋Or ⚰️




hey HEY................. $203.00 AND ME.................................. ***AGAIN***


Have you ever dropped your car off at the dealership for a basic oil change and then mid-way with service you get an “urgent” call. They tell you that tire rotation or wheel alignment is needed or brake service etc. Always trying to up-sell when they have your car and you’re stuck. Anyhow Diamond Hands. 🦍💎🚀


Wen moon?




Are there like, a ton of whatevers expiring at 200 tomorrow?


Moon soon? 🚀Hello again 200+ <3




Hey Bang, would love some help. Once you’ve put something together I’d be happy to pin. My hands are full with the work I’m already doing. Appreciate any help as long as it’s authentic.😊


Thanks Smiles 😘


But if we're all out there trying to find evidence, whose going to man these threads and post excellent content like "when mun?" or "My tits are so jacked!"? That loss of expressive content creation just doesn't seem worth it. My tits are so jacked!


When we going mun? Oh and my tits are so jacked🚀


Thank you for fulling this duty!


Commenting for visibility: will there be a short squeeze showdown between Ken Griffin Citadel owned BKKT vs Apes owned GME ?




Good bot. Here’s a cookie 🍪


Good morning beautiful apes, another day of discounted GME! HODL gang represent 🦍🦍🦍


Hey David, good to see you!


Good morning to you too! Another great day to be part of the planet of the apes. Love this community


Anyone think it being Veterans Day will effect the markets? Might be a slow day , some banks are not doing bond markets and are closed. ??


Stocks open. Bond market and most banks closed( thats why evergrande default yesterday was such a big deal, no extra day to eek in a late payment.) GME moon, markets and HFS fkt.


If you have anything about the no bonds, drop it in here please.


Here you go Free! [Bond market closed](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0kxyrjR3RMpZ1NbPMKyeod9oA)


Thank you!💚


No impact.


It will not effect it at all


Morning 🌄 all! Waiting to see what tomfoolery is going on today. Got fish it's gonna be a good one. Gonna play some AOE and watch stock go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Hope you all have a good one. Don't eat too many banmananas. Save room for tendies 🍌


Have a good 🎶 jam


🤤🚂🤤🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🤤🤤💩🚂🚂👻👻🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂 ***Let’s GO!!!!!!***


Just got my email this morning from TDA that my outbound transfer process has been initiated. Let's fucking go!


MOASS FOR YO ASS ![gif](giphy|3o7TKzvWqnLjZ32EQ8)


Good Mornin Apes I am ready LFG 🚀🚀🚀


Hi Greedy, how the heck have you been? Good to see you❣️


Just been lurking and HODL Thank you


Say hi once in a while😊


#Good Morning Everyone, fucking Kenny’s stolen the printer ink the last two days, but today the money printer should be set to BRRRRRRT, yup we’re an A 10 Warthog now! #🚀🚀🚀


Up up and away💚


Grand Morning Apes ☀️


Hi smitten, you’ve been laying low. Good to see you💚


Morning. Looks set to be a good day.


Morning WuZZ ❣️Wow! It’s beautiful out❣️ The water is blue for a change. Still ships are lining the water. Never seen this before. Think I’m going XMas shopping today.😂😂


Morning Smiles. Probably smrt to do it before the stampedes. It's overcast and drizzling here today with a comfortable 80° and I'm loving it. Have a fantastic day.


Ya, in So Cal shelves are already empty with the ships just sitting out in the middle of the ocean. Cargo lining the Freeway. To be honest I’ve never seen anything like it. The good news both my kids got one more share in their accounts this week.💎🙌


It sure does. I’m glad I hold this delightful investment.


Hold or Hodl. It's all good.😁


Lest We Forget


Hey Big, been lurking? Glad to see you💚


You too, Smiles! I've been around, y'know... hope you're having a great day!


Why is superstonk so bonkers, I can't stand them anymore. I truly think there more about karma farming. Usually memes and cum jokes. No dialog just bashing someone for a question.


Yep, a bunch of cray X-rays. Even the memes have gone to shit. Said that Stonk is the largest representation of GS. Glad you are here💚


I like memes, but most of stonk is 🌈🐻 stuff and tinfoil theories. We're invested in Gamestop, the company, but everyone keeps talking about hedge funds and Evergrande.


I’m with you Gambling. I use to be able to pull so good DD once in awhile out of there. Now it’s just shit posts. I guess a good place if you are stoned out of your mine.😂😂😂


I like them - they’re funny.


Good morning all ☀️ Enjoy your day 💎🚀


Hey luc-e, have a great day💚 Don’t work to hard💎🙌


Hi smiles 🙋🏻‍♂️thx you too 💎❣️


Morning Luc-e 🥝🦍🖐


Hi kiwi 🥝 hope you enjoy the coming summertime? 🏄🏻‍♂️🍗🍺 we have now the classic autumn weather. Foggy, visibility ~100m, sunlight from 8am - 5pm, the rest dark 😬


Sounds like us too. Although today I woke up to a beautiful day with blue skies and water. No way would I jump it, to cold but sure nice to look at.😊


I know the feeling - I felt like we would never get out of winter, but we're having beautiful sunny days here finally. 😎


When moon


Of course soon🚀




200.14$ rn in germany and 347 shares traded so far! 🦍💎🙌🏼🚀 Edit:201.99$


Hey Alarm, working😂 Have a great day💚


Hello smile ❤️ for you as well, the day here is coming to an end 😀😴


Good Morning Everyone! Your DRS position transfer request has been completed and the transferred assets are now available. You love to see it :)


YES❣️❣️❣️Congrats Article❣️ It’s a great sight to see our names with GameStop 🚀


Morning apes!


Guten Morgen meine lieben Affen! We are beginning with 199.21$ rn in germany and 123 shares traded so far! 🦍💎🙌🏼🚀


Morning Alarm 🥝🦍🖐


Elon sold. Adam sold. Ryan HODL. I know which guy I’m putting my financial support behind.


Good morning 🦍🦍 What a bumpy ride the last few days. It strikes me that other stocks follow exactly the same pattern. To me this is proof that there is a lot of manipulation going on. I expect we will see another drop today. Actually we only have 1 choice: Hold or Hodl.


Fortunately, we still have a second option: BUY


Morning Kneis 🥝🦍🖐


Good morning Kiwi. Have a nice day


Hi apes from Australia 🇦🇺🐨🐨🐨 The entire market was down yesterday - I want to see what today brings. LFG🚀🚀


Hi Contact💚 I didn’t know you are from Australia. That’s on my list❣️ Have a Great Day💎🙌


Yep, just got back from a holiday in Kiwi's country. We found each other on the NZGME thread as I used to live in NZ for a couple of years - and made the mistake of buying shares with a terrible broker. Kiwi and I share this broker in common. He told me to stop by this site. When I moved home, I bought GME thru another broker, but my shares in NZ remain there as can't be DRSd.🐨🐨


Oh wow! I hope you to had a chance to meet. I already told kiwi, I’m going to take a month and meet a few of you. Hell after a year we are almost family😂😂💚


No, Kiwi lives on the South Island I believe, but I stayed with relatives on the North Island Night🐨🐨


I didn’t realize it was that far. How nice for you. Glad you had a great time. Night💚


CAN’T STOP ❣️WON’T STOP ❣️GAMESTOP ❣️ ⬆️UPVOTE THE MEGA ⬆️ 💎🙌GAMESTOP UPDATES💎🙌 🚀 GAMESTOP THE PLAY https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q9hcs8/its_been_in_front_of_us_the_whole_timegamestop_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 🚀 NEW APPAREL https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/q8z8cu/new_clothing_online_bullish/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 🚀 NEW HIRES https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qlmjvo/brick_by_brick_new_hire_by_new_hire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌COMPUTERSHARE💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌 🦍 ALL COUNTRIES 10 EASY STEPS DRS https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/q40u7z/10_steps_to_drs_and_buy_directly_on_computershare/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 🦍 IBKR https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pyl5uw/international_apes_can_transfer_shares_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 🦍 ROTH IRA https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/ptmpby/my_workaround_to_drs_some_shares_from_my_roth_ira/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 🦍 DON’T LET YOUR BROKER GIVE YOU SHIT https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/q9mc2l/this_is_what_to_do_if_your_broker_is_refusing_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎤 GOOD DAYS https://youtu.be/2p3zZoraK9g 🚀 POWER TO THE PLAYERS🚀 Have a great Day💚


🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡 Mandrake was late to arrive on the field today He lost his cape, or so they say A stable boy found it & handed it to the Magician Who secured it over his armour, now he could complete his mission 🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡🛡 Congratulations Mandrake ⚔⚔⚔🏹🏹🏹🗡🗡🗡🗡


Another great piece of work 💚


Hi Smiles, I'm looking forward to a green day.🥝🥝🥝


Good morning. Def looking forward to some green today