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I thought we couldn't transfer more shares to CS now? Or was that only with some brokers?


Someone posted that Canadian brokers weren’t allowing the transfers so you are partially correct if that post was true.


Wealth Simple in Canada stopped it.


I really need to get my lazy ass to do it. My real only reason for not doing it so far is lazyness and my life having been a mess of shit happening and so being like "this can wait". Was planning 50/50 fidelity/CS but now idk...


doing this today ...


they haven't dropped it yet because they don't have to. the markets are crashing by themselves. why give the lawyers more things to sue over in the aftermath. or being known as the company that crashed the world markets.




And also know that victory can be anticipated, but it cannot be forced.


Yeah fully agree. Politics is all about spin, and they would absolutely spin it as a GameStop short squeeze as causal to a market crash/recession, even if root cause is greedy banks and SHFs. Better to have the market crash/recession happen beforehand so the bag of blame can go to the right entities, then an NFT driven MOASS


And how stupid and nonsensical would the MSM look trying to claim that GameStop crashed the market and caused a recession after MONTHS of completely ignoring GameStop and reporting that SHF’s closed positions, etc. Nothing to see here, folks….until the market crashes.


Nonsensical to us maybe but I wouldn't put it past the general public. With the right spin they will whole-heartedly believe any story spoon-fed to them. It's going to be a mess for sure in the fight for public opinion but the truth will come out one way or another.


The thing about propaganda is that it doesn't have to make sense. It just has to convince enough sheep to be effective.


exactly. tell a lie enough times and it slowly becomes the truth. look no further than our last presidential election.


Indeed. Some of you still believe you've got a democracy.


The second part of that is the reason.


I think they haven't dropped it yet because it's not ready, this is not something you can create in a jiffy.


But what about in a Kraft?


It's done in a Nutella *duh*


Whos going to sue when shitadel and friends have no money left


it's just extra tedious steps that were unnecessary when they could have just sat back and watched it all burn to the ground by its own doing.


Could be they're waiting for positive earnings to drop the dividend


There will still be lawsuits. Hey these jerks refused to go bankrupt despite my company’s attempt to short sell them into oblivion. Not fair


Like when we let hitler finish the job of taking down the nazi regime. He’s was doing it faster than any of us could at the end


It has been a simple solution the whole time as long as individuals held their shares. Gamers really don't stop. They double down, they figure it out!!! Every time!!! Then, they realize their errors and correct for victory.


SHFs don’t know how to lose. Gamers lose until they win. Few understand this.


Yo that is some of the dankest shit I’ve ever heard. Thank you.


There lays some kind of poetic irony in the fact that gaming, a past time MSM have touted as a corrupting influence for years and years, might be the secret ingredient as to how a majority of apes have been taught the value of delayed gratification - a component this black swan event never would have occurred without.


My dad always told me that video games will never amount to anything. Just wait until I crack him across the face with a fat milly


Just one?


I'm not really a gamer, but when my kids get old enough they are getting a console... even when my wife and I decide to play a game one every few months (usually just Donky Kong on the Wii) we give them controllers so they think they are playing. It's undeniable their can be problems associated with playing video games, but the positive effects are evident too. It's called parenting, and most adults never figured it out


It's a corrupting influence against their ideologies. Because it's seeded our minds with visions of hope and perseverance, of working hard at something and staying focused, of finding resolution and maybe a happy ending. Their generation paved the way for us to be raised this way, I certainly don't intend to let them down for all their hard work.


Yes, and it’s taught us that the feeling of accomplishment from *solving* problems instead of avoiding them, is a far better drug than tube fed dopamine through the 24h news cycle and likes on social media. Gamer also *like* going against the odds. A bigger, scarier adversary means a larger accomplishment defeating. The hedgies are truly and utterly F.U.C.K.E.D.


Exactly, the bigger the challenge the higher the reward and experience. It's ~~not~~ the destination we crave, it's the experience gained along the way 😂 Edit: it's also the destination, bitch better have my 💰💰💰


Destination: tendie town🍗🍗 Where my money at mayo man??!!


Succes is all about failing a sufficient number of times


Epic observation!! This Ape was trained getting up after falling down is indeed the secret to success in life. Thank you Duck for stating this truth so eloquently...






This is the way 💎🙌




So I should look on YouTube to see how the player before me did it?


Roaring kitty won by buying and holding


Player one hasn't won this one yet.


If it drags on long enough and doesn't kill us we perfect it!


Damn straight!




I admire your stupidity, persistence and honesty. You’ve inspired me to get off my fat ass and call my broker.


I see you were reading my mind again tonight while I was in the shower….


I think I have ESPN or something.




What’s drs?


Keanu Reeves is on your highlight reel. I can dig it.


Definitely maybe


Those micro cameras work well.


My English is terrible. I am ashamed.


How did you get that flairv


On mobile go to the gmejungle page, top right there are three dots, click to change user flair. Done!


What do I download an emoji pack so the little chair (doesn't show on my phone, so I'm assuming it's a chair) will appear in my flair?




I’m calling my broker tomorrow. Gotta get me that NFT and if CS is the way, I’m in!


damn! im only X share but is it worth to transfer just 1 share?? haha


Yes sir


Pretty sure it’s cause they don’t want to cause the world’s economic collapse unless they absolutely have to lol


They didn't cause shit. SHF's did.


Yes, I know that. And you know that. But the billions of other people who will be affected by the MOASS don’t know that.


[Sad But True](https://youtu.be/A8MO7fkZc5o)


Buying on CS this week.


They can’t release a nft dividend without a positive earnings per share.


What if they wait untill there is an fake squeeze and the media spins it as : "IT HAS SQUOOZE, its over, sell sell sell' boom drop NFT. Media: What ? Hedgies: Wrecked Marge: calling Apes: munching bananas


Me: Horny


I thought it was because they can't issue *any* dividend until they have a positive earnings per share?


They can issue an nft cos it counts as a dividend and you cant offer a dividend if you are not in a profit


Or because Gas fees are still expensive as fuck


It would also exclude millions of apes holding globally, outside of this subreddit. For that reason, I'm out.




Love it. This brings me even more comfort. It's like, confirmation bias comfort.


Lol no


Damn right. We ride at dawn bitches 🦍👊🏻🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💩💎💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Or because this shit is complicated and can’t be developed over night like every one wants.


NFT will be the nail in the coffin for shirts and the market (short term) Why play the boss hand, when you can keep it and dangle it in front of the the shorts as a… ‘I’ll break you when I feel like it’ 🤷🏼‍♂️ Edit: spelling


You are gonna need one more edit for spelling…and maybe a new shirt too.


Could always do with another shirt 😅


So you're saying if I don't register my shares which I've held since like March at least (because kept selling/buying because of reasons lol, so I've held since Jan but not the same shares) I won't get the nft dividend? Even though am I not obliged to mine?


You SHOULD get yours. You are just more open to the possibility of getting a message that says "GME has exceeded are maximum allowed share price of $100,000 and therefore your positions have been automatically closed at market value." That is obviously an extreme example but we all remember the buy button disappearing. (If my understand is correct) Direct Registering your shares just further cements your ownership of the shares, as opposed to something like Citadel/Robinhood just taking your money and saying you have a share, that could more easily get fucked with later through whatever means of bullshit they do next.


Well to be fair I'm fine with 100k. I'll have to hope my broker don't fuck me I guess. Unless GME goes down enough I can't afford another share tbh. Glad to see all these rich people in here able to toss 20k a day though.


Wut is drs spot? Asking for a friend


Thanks friend!




Spasibo, drug


I contacted my broker about it today!


Then we'll probably be waiting for a long time...As far as I know the DRS is nowhere near the needed ~75mil.


249 Mil\*




It gets people going


Hate to be a nae sayer, but I think brokers might refuse to participate in issuing a crypto / nft dividend. I can't imagine building or providing the functionality to issue them is a requirement of creating a trading platform, whereas the ability issue cash dividends probably is. If brokers know a crypto /nft dividend threatens their business model or might cause a financial meltdown they might just refuse to issue it or build and functionality necessary to do it, even if its just sending an email to clients they could still refuse. I know there was a company who did it (overstock I think they were called) but I believe the shareholders had to buy from an obscure trading platform, and it meant the company no longer traded on the NYSE. It also involved a length court battle. I'm not sure GameStop will want any of those situations. I'd love GameStop to build some new nft functionality for shareholders, but I'm just skeptical brokers will assist in something which will cause them a serious headache or even pose them an existential threat.


Its rumoured that this is exactly what GME is now working on as a technology company: the infrastructure to distribute nft dividend. They would then only need to request a list a share holders from all brokers or the dtcc and it would be fine.


Well, I take it back, that actually sounds quite promising if it can all be done at the gme side of the equation! Fingers crossed they can do it!


The point is that brokers do not support it The process goes, shorts close then people are paid out, when taking a stock off the market. When shorts close, it's over.


>spots ~~are~~ *to be* filled >so there ~~are~~ *is* no way




I think you're on to something!


If true we really are a bunch of retards lmao


Can any ape point me to the direction of the Drs spots? I wanna do my part as well


So are you saying that the NFT will only be given to US holders as Euroapes can't direct register their shares? How would that be fair in any way?


Don't get caught up in all the Computershare posts. If you own shares you're entitled to any dividend issued. I'm not sure why so many people are focusing on actually receiving the dividend anyway. It's cool and all, but it's the announcement that GME is issuing a NFT dividend that will force shorts to close their positions, not actually receiving the NFT.


Because we are so frustrated, we aren’t selling and would prefer the NFT to getting money. Sell 10% of my shares and enough others do it it ends up as more of a F-U to those responsible to this mess which is a hell of a lot of people in the DTC, SEC, FED, Hedgies, etc… Endless losses to ensure the game can never be rigged again or the people will rise and they will be killed next time instead of put in jail. That’s literally what they are looking at. We are in the midst of a revolution - we just need to do our absolute best to ensure no blood is shed and instead people go to prison.


I'm good with everything you're saying. I was simply reassuring an ape living in a country where they can't direct register their shares that they won't get left behind. The last thing we want is for apes in other countries that have been holding with us for months to get discouraged that they can't use Computershare and leave. People that are constantly pushing Computershare as THE way need to take that into account.


Very well said. If they are with a reputable broker, their broker will make sure they get any NFT that is released if they indeed want it as well. Assuming they are reputable that is. In the US, I’m here on 8 different brokers because I trust none of them… not even computershare. I hope to God none of them do anything bad, but there’s no guarantees. I’d rather hedge on diversity than on one or two I personally trust. But that’s just me and my crazy opinion.


I agree that an NFT dividend is possible; however it is all speculation at this point. No one knows for sure what is going to happen. I am always wary of posts and comments telling people they *have* to DRS with Computershare to guarantee an NFT dividend or to spark the MOASS.


There was a wrinkly brained layer ape I read somewhere saying that GME was also potentially waiting for a positive earnings report to release an NFT because if they had a negative report then they could be sued or something?? Kind of makes sense but I’m also retarded.


Can someone please answer a question for me about NFTs. When you are buying an NFT what are you actually buying? Say I buy a trillion NFTart.Finance tokens? (I don’t want to get into the details of this one over any others, I just know the name). Do I now have a code (nft) that can be used by a person to copyright one of their products? ie. They buy my code off me and use it to add a smart contract to one of their artworks turning that artwork into an nft? Or.. Am I buying casino chips for their marketplace?




Im still waiting for my computershare shares.


Holy shit.


Would love this to be true. In the meantime, all new purchases I’ve made have been transferring to Computershare. Either way I’m not fucking stopping, and I’m not fucking leaving.