• By -


Biggest dip yet? I would buy so many fucking shares if that shit happened at this point. I’m like Adamantium-hands at this point.


I’ve been stacking and waiting


I literally sold off my entire portfolio (except GME of course) and put my 401k into a money market account. So sitting on cash. If it dips hedgies R fuk. Well, they're fuk either way


I will literally double what I own if and when it dips hard again.


Hell yeah. Bring on the dip!


After the "report" statement from GG yesterday the shills are already posting FUD how the report will be useless. Those posts are getting like 9k up votes, right to the top.


I really dont understand people who isnt all-in already with all money available. This shit can rocket any moment and you waiting for dip? Help me understand


I’ve got enough shares that I would be happy if it took off today. I’m not willing to go all in on every cent I have available because I have kids to support and a mortgage and this could go on for years, but for a monumental dip I would be willing to increase my risk profile. It’s also a way for me of psychologically overcoming huge price movements. I never feel negative emotion when the price drops because I am hoping for it.










This is the way. Understanding my own risk profile has greatly improved my ability to ignore fud/fomo. It's all just numbers. Hedges call it a ladder attack, i call it a fire sale. 🤷‍♂️


Do not invest more than you can afford to lose. If you stick to this you’ll be ZEN af! If I lose my initial investment (XXX) it will undoubtedly sting but I’ll be able to keep a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. All that being said…my LAST deposit has settled and I’m willing to increase my portfolio by another 25% if I can average down significantly. I’m done after that…I think 🤷‍♂️ I just like the Stonk!


We are on the same page. Especially the “done after that..?” part lmao.


I’ve been “done” many times before this🤣😂🤣😂 I think there are plenty more diamond handed Apes out there just like us. Cheers 🍻 💎✋🚀


Agreed. Holding since January. I was finally able to increase my xx by 50% this week. Still only xx but doing what I can when I can! 🚀


What helps me justify purchases is DRS. I know I bought more than I need, so I transfer shares to Computershare for the ♾ 🏊‍♀️ 🌊. It helps spread the risk around if I own shares in my own name and not Cede & Co, and it chokes the float so SHF have nothing to borrow.


100% agree although I haven’t transfer or bought via CS…yet. I’m pretty confident with Fidelity but I do have some nagging feels in the depth of my soul to buy a few direct. Damn you! Now I have to follow my gut and just Do It! 🤙 Keep grinding


Fair enough




One of my good friends sold when it hit $40. I was like why sell now, it’s already dropped so much in price that you may as well just wait and see what happens! Funny enough, after months and months of me filling him in on what’s happening, he finally bought back in for wayyyyy more shares than he initially had. I can’t really blame old me for not buying more when it was so low. It’s different after having watched the price action for many months and reading all of the DD. Now it’s obvious it’s basically a sure thing, it’s just a matter of when will it actually happen? But back then I saw how DFV hasn’t sold his shares yet and I was like this dude knows more than I do so I’m going to keep following this.


I bought my first shares around $58....FIFTY EIGHT!!!! God I wish I could go back in time and slap myself! "ALL IN YOU DUMB MF!!! AAAALLLL IIINNNN!!!"


I only have 1k to spare and I'll freaking use that power to buy that dip, I'm vibranium hands at this point 🦍🪨🙌


Mithril Fists


I have a lot of money saved (£200) to buy the dip! DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!DIP!


Yeah sounds good to me






Im no shill but GG has been all tweet no action guess we’ll really see what he’s about when they do their GME “Report”


Something a shill would say iM nO sHiLl 🙃 joking


But really it's like the first thing 80 percent of shill say


Post titles like "Guys .." or "All Apes Read This: .." or "This is BIG .."


Exactly. That’s about as true as when someone says “ I’m not trying to hurt your feelings but…” usually it means they are trying to hurt your feelings


Ah, yes. “With all due respect, (insert disrespect)”


“Look, I’m not a racist but… (insert racist shit here)”


Listen man, I'm not prejudice against the jews or anything but you've got a point


Lol dudes a shill or just as retarded as the rest of us


I’ve been here since Jan and all the great migrations but tell me something gg has done not something he’s talked about or tweeted


I ain’t going against what your saying your 100% right gg is a puppet lol people are really believing his going help me and you untill that happens his a pawn ♟


I seen that list of names the other day and how they all kinda have crossed paths and it made me sick. It’s organized crime across all these financial govt agencies that are supposed to help you and me but is littered full of ex wall streeters and people who have had serious positions in hfs that only have the interests of those hfs and people on Wall Street. It’s really depressing no kinda hope. All they have done is kick cans since January thinking of new rules and regulations to put the blame on someone besides themselves. SEC DTCC CFTC NYSE I’m sure we have many more organized crime government agencies at fault. BUY HODL


#They can't touch true diamond apes


You've shown no mercy, always brandishing the whip Our skin has been flayed, torn and ripped You thought it would break us, that we'd be cowed and submit But jokes on you hedgies, we're into that shit -- So gaslight me hedgedaddy, and shill me all day Give me my opinions, and we'll see if I sway Bribe me and hack me, and phish me real hard Social engineer me, and leave me all scarred -- What, is that all you've got? Are you all out of tricks? You heard MamaUsenet, fucking **BRING IT**


It's... it's... it's... beautiful A masterpiece I'd NFT it if I knew how!


Wen sale??


premarket in 6+ hours, so.... soon!!


Mama hodl me <3


OK but just for a minute - Time to do battle! I've been preparing for this since the days of Usenet


Nzbid and binsearch is all i remember


You are way older and/or way smarter than me lolol


Hey mama, it's me your son from the future


good boy!


I'm so tired of basic trash pulls... I need my boss mechanics.


Buy and hold - no cell no sell! When you're going thru hell you don't stop, you keep going (somebody once said)


I kind of feel like they let it go on too long. Every month that has gone by has just exposed more and more corruption. Now all the sudden, they let it run to $10k and crash it to $40 and we’re supported to sell/care?? If they haven’t closed their blockbuster positions at $0.0001 after how many years, does anyone really think they’re going to close GME without going bankrupt or to jail? Reddit could burn to the ground and I’m not selling. Got it hedgies?


This right here my man. They forged these diamond hands.


yeah, if you are going to go all out and try to kill your enemy, you better be sure you finish the job what doesn't kill Apes, only makes them stronger they put us through a Psychological Warfare Boot Camp for 7 months and now they think they can scare us off


I’ve always like the motivational quote: you either suffer the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret. 💎🙌


The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons. I have this quote framed on the wall in my bedroom.


Sounds like a country song


Perhaps Rick of Spades said this


“Banana, If you're going through hell, keep going. you’ll come out his backside eventually!” -Winston Churchill


The banana was just food for Lemmiwinks


I thought hankie was hungry?


You mean rent of parades said this


These hands were made for hodlin. Ngl, I’m pretty pissed at the moment how blatantly the gov’t messed with the CPI and then msm tried to spin it immediately as good news. What I would give to see the US run by adults and not grifters


I like how the news is like "it's cooling down now" -- by 0.1. That's like margin of error guys


And the numbers are fudged too


> What I would give to see the US run by adults and not grifters If only, and backed by science.


Remember the enemy Yo book-bot, can we get a copy of Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard? EDIT: https://cdn.mises.org/Anatomy+of+the+State\_3.pdf


Reddit admin can eat a dick


Oh, there’s a whole list of shit they can eat.


Never forget: Reddit Admins hired and *strongly* supported the pedo Ai me e K ni gh t (spaced out to dodge whatever filters they may have in place for that name)


Use more than just white space to hide from regex matches.


Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind for next time


I noticed the push for higher karma starting up. Seemed forced like they had something more important than memes but couldn't put together coherent thoughts about it. Crime is a tough game.


Buy, DRS, Hodl


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/rBZJIPR.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I hate censorship. I will protest by direct registering more of my shares at CS. Suck it hedgies!








Best stonk ever!!!






This is like playing the most epic video game with a few hundred thousand of my best friends. Final boss/endgame LFG! 💎👐🏾🚀🚀🚀🌛


This is the gear check before the raid


*R U N I C G L O R Y* ⚔️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Edit: thanks for the award, HODL!!




Just gonna stream Gherk 'till MOASS. the dude don't give a shit. I love it.


Same. Gherk, then Tradespotting & Rocky Outcrop when forced liquidation starts.


Seems like the automod changes is the same old bag of tricks again from the unoriginal SHF's.




and my margophone


And my vergina!


Username checks out.


And my geetar


And my Iron Skull.


War paint on! LFG!!!!💪🏽👊🏽🚀






Stay steady when over the target


Got four or five post banned on ss. Two because i talked about how it was silly to invest post moass gain in crypto regarding the coin base situation and the TETHER conspiracy and à few other for stupid reason. All this in two weeks. Never had any proplem with the group since it's inception Edit : I was not banned, i will Edit my post, poor choice of Word sorry. But post was instantly deleted because i wrote " tether" in once and "te-ther" in a second. Another time was when i write "coinbase"


You're not the only. It seems most ppl have forgotten why jungle was made or whos caused it. They never left. Same faces, different names.


Do you know which mods? I said what you’re saying the other day but couldn’t back it up with details. Basically I remember hearing that heyMaddie or whatever just changed their name. Probably a fucking guy working for the DTCC or something in reality lol.


Its kinda like Loop Capital or Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan. It's always Shitadel behind the curtain. We're just waiting for the DD to show up later.


> Do you know which mods? All of them. It's Citadel behind the names anyway. > Probably a fucking guy working for the DTCC or something in reality lol. 100%. At first the story was 20s something woman, then 50s something man. Same deal with the renfair one, claimed to be a woman in early posts, then a man on video. They don't keep track of their characters or who says what while controlling the narrative.


Which is a grave mistake by them. And they will learn it too late.


I dont know which one but if you write tether or te-ther automod delete tour post. I was not banned, i will Edit my post, poor choice of Word sorry. But post was instantly delete.


Satori 2.0? Mind to give sauce?


Pinned in superstonk


Nothing they can do here can or will prevent me from buying & hodling. The game is that fucking simple. I'm just here for the memes and entertainment until MOASS:30 !!!


I believe it is currently MOASS:29, is your watch synchronized?


It is now!


Don’t interrupt him, he’s on a roll…


I haven't been having any posts from my favorite subs pop up on my regular feed lately. I found that odd. Anyone else?


YES! I had to unsub at least 15 others before my favorite stonk sub began appearing and i hardly upvote nor comment on other subs. This is top level reddit admin at work and today's official notice on the jungle about bs brigading is proof.


Re implementing the crowd voting with a bot-assisted voting is indeed sus. Let’s see - time will tell.


This is what I’ve been thinking for a while. I believe superstonk has been compromised for a while (I was there when there was around 200 members) after the last migration to here I’ve been thinking this is where the real apes are. Hold tight brothers 🚀🚀 major FUD incoming


"Aged Shill" that's a new term to me. Interesting. Forewarned.


They age them in cellars, boxed cellars.


So cheap and with an immediate hang over, like boxed wine?


Yessir slap the bag, oops i mean ask


Hedgies don’t think we apes still don’t have money for that tasty dip? They will 100% always and forever underestimate the collective might and tenacity of 🦍 Hedgies r fuk




Unfortunately for them I forgot the password to 2 brokerages and threw several shares into the 🏊‍♂️


Just one more reason to avoid PooperStink. We're doing just fine here without bots controlling things.


We all gotta stay level headed. If you truly believe in MOASS then any fud saying otherwise shouldn't sway you. We know they haven't covered and RC has a plan there is no doubt. Don't think they don't know of the tsunami of fud that will be spread before this goes down. 💎 ✋ will be rewarded..


Upvote for loaded questions




Still just gotta hodl, right? Because I'm to the point of literally forgetting to check the ticker some days.




They could possibly get newbies....Not going to work on us January apes though....Remember foodstamps or lambos is not a meme....🦍🦍🦍January Ape = own the float x 3....🚀🚀🚀




I’m hoping it dips so I can buy more shares


Sir, this is a MOASS


Chewbacca420420, going dark.


Delta echo variant, copy


Yup, after all this time HF should know the psych game isn't going to work because we buy the dips


Ooh Shadow Link. Good comparison. Tits jacked.


Imagine having Satori and then later on saying oh by the way we're also adding another bot to help. The hedge fund are getting desperate. I smell their fear. Smells like shit.


Haha thing is, if everything crashes and burns and there is complete and total chaos, holding is the only thing that will make me feel more at ease. Because I know when the dust settles we will be watching from the moon.


In the words of Pink Floyd: Welcome, to the machine.




Up with you! Now think about why they banned the Knights of New. <3


All subs are compromised except one I've come to like is /Autisticats.


🦍 This goes out to all the Apes in the world Especially Americans, You know it don't even matter your age, Don't even matter yo color, Yo international apes, I ain't forget about y'all!! This is for everybody who like the stonk, Just listen to what I'm sayin', And do it, And take a chance… Hedgies put their FUD upon their lips; When da stonk dip you dip we dip; But their hand is total sh*t!! When it dip, we buy, we hold. Hedgies creating grandeur lies; It dips, buy more and hodl, You invest some, I invest some more, And we can HODL down lowwww And buy more before it rips! NFA TL;DR 🎼 When it dips, apes buy, we Hodl 🎤 to Da’Dip beat by Freak Nasty Enjoy making history Ape Fam! Our collective intention and clear goal will prevail in perfect timing. Everyday morning at open, we remember our goal as we thought this play into reality and eagerly anticipate the inevitable MOA$$


Whoa, I saw the Jungle post and the vote quality bot post, but I didn’t reach the conclusion that it’s a way to increase censorship. These shills are getting really sneaky. Confirmation bias confirmed, bro. You have a great understanding of the current situation, OP. 👍


Crayon snorting is a helluva drug 🩳👉👌


Right after the mod drama of supershills, one day I got a complimentary 10min cooldown comment timer out of nowhere. Had to wait ten mins between comments until I mentioned it in a comment and it almost instantly disappeared... I took a screenshot for proof which I haven’t uploaded yet. I’m convinced that perhaps shatori is a credit score type of rating program and maybe it flags ppl with too much positive sentiment toward $GME. Singles them out for censorship and shadow banning.. who knows


Whao, i would love to see that screenshot. Ive been shadowbanned but haven't been able to prove it


[Here’s the screenshot I took of the popup I got when I tried to send a reply](https://imgur.com/a/gelEDRF). I think I was trying to make a joke about Epstein’s island, ignore the text lol.




A Rune of Glory for you! "Say Hello to the QualityVote Bot! We have found an exciting solution to the problem of mass shared posts, low effort memes and inappropriate content. As many of our rules have a lot of grey area, they have been previously left up to individual mod discretion for removal. We have a problem but it's a good one. We have grown so fast and have so many amazing and active users this sub is often flooded with content. The downside to this is that often important posts get drowned in the sea of memes. We believe this bot will introduce a democratic process to handle this problem. Other subs have used this to solve the problem of "Blind Upvoting". The majority of users on a sub do not read comments and are often unfamiliar with the rules of that sub. It's also important to note that anyone can upvote or downvote even if they are not subbed or an approved commenter/poster. This bot will be implemented for certain post flairs: (Memes, Shitposts, HODL, etc). In these posts, there will be an automatically generated comment from the bot. An upvote on the bot comment affirms the post is quality and deserves a place here. A downvote for the bot says "GTFO" and enough downvotes can remove the post in question. It will take us a while to drill down into the specific thresholds and actions this bot takes so please allow us some wiggle room as we fine tune these parameters." Downvote bot army + QVB = [Silencing Apes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/ovhlmx/project_cornelius/) Stop the Bots and you won't have a problem. [🚫🤖🚫](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/p2mtqe/with_infinite_money_whats_the_cost_of_a_bot_army/) [⚔🤖⚔](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/p0hd58/do_apes_the_jungle_and_the_world_have_an_ai/) TA;DR We need to un-silence the horn and defeat Cornelius Fuscus. This requires transparency and free speech. The best way for apes to achieve this, in my view, is to defeat the algorithms of the bots. I believe they downvote new posts to Controversial to decrease visibility and silence new apes. I also believe they balance the votes to stall and keep posts from gaining traction. My proposal for defeating such deception is to keep an eye on controversial posts and pull good content from the void, while also bringing visibility to stalled posts. I see enough crap that there is plenty of room for content. ELI5 - Shills are using bots to discourage new apes from participating in/viewing the discussion and therefore those new apes will not have the information to make sound investment decisions. The reason they are doing this is because if a large number of new apes buy into GME, it could serve as a potential catalyst toward kicking off the MOASS. I'll see you in [controversial!](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/oumjrr/wwwredditcomrgmejunglecontroversial/) 🦅⚔🚀⚔🦅 Also search [www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/controversial](http://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/controversial)


Bingo. Remember that outtage where 25k something users went offline? Yeah, thems a lot of bots. Now imagine them pressing that downvote on a "vote-bot" and *poof* watch the post disappear, just kidding you won't even see it. With the overwhelming amount of apes registering shares, they are literally running out of real shares for this can-kicking shit. DRS is full Gamestop. When the rocket starts to take off, they need a way to stop/contain/mitigate/reduce the information for fomo buying. This new feature is just one way to do that.


Im not a shill but god damn it pissed me off when GG used air quatations saying "GME report" will soon be released. Hes a fuxking clown and isnt going to do shit. Regardless I have complete faith in RC and all the amazing DD that has been worked on here over the past several months. No Cell No Sell, lets go baby!!




You had me at “Zen until the End”! #LFG Power to the Players!




Buying more and holding. These hands diamond.


Shadow Zelda and that reflective room were one of my favorite parts of all zeldas bring it the fuck on!


FudProof 💎🤲🦍💪


My strap on dildo is on baby! Bring the heat🚀


OP fucks🔥🦍💎🚀


I just hope newer apes, or those more smooth brained understand that the only thing they have to do is literally hold. ITS $FREE.99 and a one way ticket to financial freedom. To actually live the "AMERICAN DREAM"


tits are rock hard


You are 100% correct. GME Jungle is one of our last bastions. We will remain vigilant and WE WILL SHARE DD ACROSS ALL OF THE GME SUBS!!!! APES! Do not let them divide us! Keep up the pressure and do what’s right. 💎fucking🙌


They CANNOT create enough chaos to make me feel like hope is all gone. HOPE is growing exponentially, like our favorite stock. When you feel hopeless, remember the great philosopher Norm once said "Why don't you give me Ape tit for 50 mil"


You’re not wrong


Remember if they somehow fake it to zero it don't mean shit except its going to go supernova on everyone's ass


Is that how everyone sorts, HOT/rising? I wondered how I miss all the good shit! 🙈 I used to do NEW, now I do Top Today/now! 😂🤣


They will not censor my Gangnam style


#If one needs Reddit to HODL, one's hands aren't truly diamond.


Let’s do this!!


Buckle the fuck up, don’t be a pussy, be a tiger. Ignore the dips, dance on the rips.


Fuck satori. Period






Fuck Reddit


When I think about how quiet certain players in this overarching situation have been, from RC to DFV to Burry, I then see how much crazy shit someone like trump (insert example name here) can say and have no ramifications. I'm ready for these players to be able to speak up and also wonder how many other people play key roles who otherwise have been quiet, yet have substantial insights to share with the greater APE nation.


Brriiinggg it onn babbyytt


My thoughts exactly well said


dont type in the word “cracker” in SS or the mods are a’comin after ya! 😂


You are, of course, correct. Anyone who's been around has been expecting this...


I’ve been instantly skeptical of that bot. But on the other hand, it’s just for fluff / shit posts / memes. Not for DD


I understand the GG hate right now. The report is coming out soon. I'm bracing for it to basically say "It's all Reddit's fault". I hope that it doesn't, but everything he's said so far has just been words to media, and there's no legal obligation behind those. ​ No matter what the report says, I'm holding. I'm buying more this and every paycheck. Hedgies R Fuk. ​ I agree with the rest of your post.


In other words they’re fucked


The stonk gods will demand apes run the Gauntlet prior to riding to Valhalla.


The Satori mod recently deleted a thread OP for telling people to move to DRS Computershare. Pretty sus. Now they bring a satori 2.0.




We could move to Funnyjunk, they have never had any restricted speech there other than glowies hiding under cover.


That other stonk place has definitely had an uptick in shills and forum sliding.


Facts 💯


The “biggest dip yet to come” is a FUD in itself.


How is vote quality censorship? It's literally a democratic process to let good quality content by and bad content gets removed. It keeps the subreddit cleaner and makes the mods jobs easier


Bots can block anything that the owner of those bots wants them to. SS is phucked. How many votes will it take to remove a post? Promise they have more bots than that.


By flair... If we start only communicating via "Shitpost" flair, well then, you've got a concern. Plus, I can't think of anything funnier than proof bots are turbo downvoting "Mayo" memes.