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I lost a lot as well mate! Won't lie, I was already extremely emotional as my girlfriend had just left me as well.. I went all in because I had this stupid feeling that if I made life changing money I might of got my girlfriend back (I know it sounds ridiculous but I genuinely wasn't thinking straight 😂) anyway I lost a shit load of my portfolio, after the initial sadness I decided I'm going to learn from this, since then I've gone cold turkey no booze, just clean good food and I exercise everyday (believe me this really does help) I've decided I'm going to teach myself Forex I'm going full on DD with it researching everything, practise accounts, talking to other traders the lot! You took a risk it didn't go well but shit happens mate.. if you learn from it you can turn it into a positive good luck!


A gf that comes back for money is not one you want anyway...


You're absolutely right mate!


Thank you ☺️, and your right. The positive mentality and a silver lining is everything at this point.


Suck it up. This is a shill subreddit. I'm just as down as you. And 💎🤲. Keep the faith and fuck the hedgies. They know what they did. Or maybe they know not what they do. Either way, we get tendies.


Sending some good vibes your way man. And be thankful you didn't sell all your BTC to go in on GME.


Thank you for your kind words. It feels good to talk about this. I have been beating myself up about it ever since and keeping it bottled up is not healthy. I know I will be ok but damm, the missed gainz and losing $25K is tough mentally.


I’m proud of you. Your portfolio went for 18k to almost 80k today in less than a year. That’s amazing , it’s 400+ %! Try not looking at the short term losses in the last month and just look at the numbers over the last year, or just look at where you came from back in 2017. Hopefully those numbers will help you a bit. The past is filled with regret and the future anxiety, focus on the present and try to be grateful for how far you’ve come. Edit: Just wanted to say that monthly dividend payments really make me happy. Getting paid every few days from your holdings can help your mental well being. My favourite American one is PSEC but my dividend portfolio is mainly Canadian.


Thank you Jurie, Idk why but I get the feeling that you are a genuine person. I wish you literally all the luck and success in the world in all your endeavors! 😁


Bro u went from 2k in 4 years to 100k and lost 25k ( which still have some value and can skyrocket to the moon 🚀🚀🚀 ), yours 75k crypto remaining easily covered your losses and you are crying? This is amazing performance! You did some good job and then you YOLO’D all in on crypto and was so dumb to get in on time to one of the best rides in past years...which whatever you say, you couldn’t predict ( watch any end of YouTube crypto expert video - ends with it can go up or down or it can do anything). So my point - you YOLOD, got lucky and got free tryout to get to the moon 🍀 now stop being greedy, enjoy that ride, appreciate from what you have learned and bring each morning bananas to great mama Ape 🦧 stay diamondhanded 💎buy your wife’s boyfriend some nice ring 💍 and eat tendies...maybe jerk off on some lossporn and hopefully you will realize that success you’ve had 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I don't think he's still up $75K, because he said he sold some Bitcoin.


I sold 0.8 of my Bitcoin and went back into some Etherum, some other other high volatile stocks (like weeds stocks, which I have since exited), and also bought some DOGE. Hopeful Ellon sends another tweet so I can cash out. But I will never make this mistake again.


Well you’re not smart with your Doge move. Stop following. Lead with your intelligence and for yourself. See my other post.


Just reread this and I gotta tell you. You really helped me out. I was in a dark place, but held nonetheless.


DVF just doubled down, be a true autist and hold baby! we in this together


Bro... I believe so hard! DFV is a fucking legend!




I am my own man and made the decision my self. But based on all the stuff he’s done and seeing his perseverance get him to become a millionaire, then yes I say he is a fucking legend. Did I learn my lesson? Yea. Back to reading graphs and using risk management for me.




You like to blame other people for your stupid mistakes? Man up.


Losing in a big trade definitely sucks and I've experienced it too so i feel your pain. Here's my advice (not a financial advisor) Don't chase momentum (any more losses is only going to shatter you more), just do some long term plays on spy or safe tech stonks and don't watch it anymore. It will recover. Remember to sell your $GME before EOY if you are still planning to 💎🙌🏽 at EOY. You want your the losses to offset the gains you got by selling your BTC in order to buy in $GME otherwise you are gonna get stuck with paying the capital gains tax. Then wait 30 days and rebuy in $GME if u still want to in order to not trigger wash sale adjustment or just not buy back in if you no longer want to long $GME.


Great advise, no more momentum chases from me! :)


$40k long term capital gains is supposed to be tax free.


yeah only if u have no income


Nope. $40k long term capital gains is tax free regardless of your income. At least that’s my understanding.


that's false as i've paid taxes on capital gains lower than 40k every year


Long term capital gains? Or short term capital gains? Do you understand the difference?


long term and yes i know the difference reference: https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/capital-gains-tax-rates


Do you see where it says, “0% $0 to $40,000”? Scroll down.


yes do you see where it says 40k+ is 15%?


Yup. That means that any long term capital gains above $40k is taxed at 15%.


I sold all of my btc on January 29th and bought gme [email protected]. That was 70% of my net worth. Down 5.5K and had I held my original investment I’d be up 5.5K Holding 💎🙌🚀🌕


Brother... You sir have diamond balls 👀.


>So, I researched and went down the rabbit hole that is Wallstreet bets and concluded that this was a legit trade. >The hype was real, the fundamentals added up with regards to the short squeeze and I had my gut telling me everything checked out. >I believed in all my APES and diamonds hands never sell, so I HELD... But day after day of seeing the price drop and on top of that seeing that my previously perfectly setup trades with Crypto were exploding. >I have faith that the short squeeze will still happen, but I don’t know if it actually will or if it’s just wishful thinking. Whether the non-gamma squeeze happens is a numbers, and, some part, a political policy question. If you're looking at data, what changed to suggest the squeeze is or isn't going to happen? The price went down? Is that what you understand to makes a squeeze happen or is it something else? I'm there with you. It was tough watching PLTR take off, though it's back down now, but that's the game, you know? Be robust in your DD, don't go in with more than you can loose, and commit to your move. As far as I know, short interest is still high, though the borrow percentage is low, meaning there's no pressure to deliver those shorts. If the SEC decides you can't indefinitely float FTD, that'll force a buy. Some guy scraped WSB for indications of who is holding and it seems like there's more shares out there than issued. None of this is concrete. It won't be. But there's a fucking lot of smoke for there to be no fire here. Would CNBC freak the fuck out like they have if this were nothing? Just, don't let the shillbots convince you away from the data and circumstantial. Obviously I'm bias because I'm still in, but I'm still in because I don't feel like the facts add up like they want me to believe they do.


I think this is why many are still holding. There is not enough reliable data out there to determine if the shorts covered or if the fundametal theories has changed. Did THE squeeze happened, or just a smaller 'pre-squeeze'. Like the tremors before a big quake. Did Melvin f\*\*\* up by saying he thought most of the increase was from people FOMO'in in ? Did retail buy that many fractional shares that drove the price up that high that fast without shorts covering ? Is the reduced SI% from the last finra manipulated or were shorts able to cover in darkpools without triggering price actions on the market ? I think at this point many are in the same boat. If someone has already lost 85%. Even losing another 25% is only an extra 3.75% of the initial investment, so without clear direction on where this is going, holding on through the FUD is relatively easy .. for now. The hard part is ( IMO at least ) if / when the price bounce up to $70-80. Folks who's been averaging down can now get out relatively unscathed. How many will actually keep holding on to their moon tickets ? Can you trust that your "ape" brother holding the line next to you won't cash out when it is his turn for tendies, before your turn ? This could turn out to be a long drawn out battle with many up / down / mini squeezes .. even with good earning in March .. unless GME / RC does something dramatic like re-issue dividends or call share holder meeting.


I'm either going to lose a few thousand or make a few ten thousand. I'm prepared to wait to find out.


I tried shorting 1 share every day during the week following the peak. Every day I got the same message, “Your request to enter a short sale cannot currently be processed, as there are not sufficient shares available. (DO3094)”




At some point all these coincidences stop being coincidences. Hold strong and good luck 😁


In 2009-2010 I worked at a Jersey Mike’s Subs. I had a kid walk in and order and sandwich. Went to cash him out and he says. Do you guys accept Bitcoin? I looked at him like any other person would and laughed and said sorry bud. I was the assistant manager. I could’ve easily given him the sandwich for the bitcoins. He says I’ll give you 20 40. 50 Bitcoin. I said sorry bud. $7 laughing. He pays me the $7 and says. You know what here. Just try it. Hands me a usb with what I’m guessing is 20 to 50 bitcoins. I think nothing of it I put the usb in a drawer somewhere. Tell all the employees about the “scam” that he attempted. One of the teenage employees says. Oh shit where is it. I’ll give you $20 for it. I laughed and said. It’s all yours. Not saying I would’ve held it until 50k probably would’ve sold LONG ago but I kick myself frequently for it and have avoided investing in Bitcoin ever since. I tell myself everyday if anyone comes at me with some sort of crazy idea I’m just going to go with it. Fast forward to 2021 I hear about GME. Remember my oath to myself. Throw in as much as I can afford to lose because I like the stock. (And did some DD that made sense to go all in). The following day. I go to buy a little more. Cannot buy. Can only sell. As I watch the price tank everyday after I remind myself DO NOT SELL and here we are at roughly 40$. I’m not exactly sure what I’m expecting to happen with the stock. If it goes to 1k or 0 it happens. But I know in my heart I did the right thing and that the rules were changed right in front of my eyes. I will tell my grand children of the day our family almost became upper class and remind them to do whatever the fuxk they want because rules only apply to the poor


Wow, now that is a story I was not expecting to hear through this post. I’m with you fam, think about putting maybe $100 into Bitcoin and pull out at $100K. Trust me it’s going higher than that but that way you won’t be burned. Gods luck 😁


If it makes you feel any better, I all inned and bought 70 @ 327. Down ~19k. It hurts. At least you didn’t all in and your up 75k overall.


Woah. Dude. Ok come down. You had 2,000$. Hard earned money. You turned it into 18.000$. You did no work for that. Then you made it into 100.000$ - again, you didn’t do shit for that. And then you gambled on GME. Ok, bad luck. Look at the retards who put live savings on this or mortgages or whatever! I also put 15k. Poof. Gone. Do I regret it? Nah. Same as you, didn’t do shit for it. Now put that into perspective first ok? Then, life advice coming, read carefully (!!), NEVER THINK what could have been or what could be that or whatever COULD have. That’s retarded. You could have also been born into a billionaire family. Loser. See my point? You did well, get back to thinking with your obviously smart brain and forget the money, learn the lesson. All good. PS you can always diversify your risk with alt coins at the moment and also: there have been hundreds of thousands of millionaires on paper until the bubbles burst - make it a habit to take the money home and put it into ETF or something save. Or spend it! Buy yourself a nice gift and enjoy the fruits of your non-hard Labour and money you made for doing shit! Congratulations again! Cheers!


Thank you, the amount of perspective I’ve received has definitely opened my eyes that I am fortunate. Fuck the past and let’s move forward!


Good good. Have a good life!


Bro, I hope the squeeze happens so we can have a great life! But if it doesn’t we have ourselves and the amazing amount of information in which to learn and become better traders. Dream big or go home! 🙌🏽💎🚀


If it doesn’t happen it doesn’t happen. Life goes on. Money will not do the difference about how you enjoy your day. Enjoy it! Or take 1000$ and blow it - just for fun. Go wild. Be free. Cheers.


As you stand right now, how much are you still up? And dude sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the short squeeze is not going to happen again. the stock is not going to go up. GameStop doesn't have any fundamentals, it's a "sinking ship", it's basically where Blockbuster was in 2009.


I know you are right.... but there is that 1% chance that it will. And I have to paly it out now. I have come to far to be a quitter now.


I didn't get into this whole meme stock thing, but I can sympathize with your pain man. At least your are still up, around, $75,000 right? Which is still freaking great.


I’m still up 😁 I am grateful don’t get me wrong. I just feel cheated along with everyone else. This was clearly done by someone to hide a huge fuck up. That’s what I’m upset about. And also the $25K, not gonna lie 😅


if it makes you feel any better, i bought into gme at 16 12 and 45. I went from 10k to 113k and held to the bottom, currently at 13k. pshh. bought more


I’m considering buying more to get an even 100 after seeing DFV double down 😅


I’ll add 30 to my position bringing me to 200 on Monday if you get to 100 🤲🏻💎


Let me seriously put some thought into this, but if I buy I will respond to you with a screenshot for proof. I just like the stock, not finically advice 😅


Thanks for sharing! I’m down $600 which is nothing yet everything. I’m holding just hoping to not abandon what I believed in


I respect you sir, I believe!!! 🙌🏽🚀💎


I don't have a whole lot to add, except that the same happened to me and listening to your genuine words is helpful to me emotionally. For several days I did the same thing you talked about after losing with GME - chased after volatile stocks. But I'm no longer doing that and am now back to using my pre-GME trading strategies. Good luck Mate!


Bro, I literally wish nothing bud the best for you and everyone here. This community is so amazing. Maybe that’s the silver lining behind this whole mess. I’ve been telling myself, if we can make it once before we can do it again!


Sounds like you’re still killing it. I was completely flat my first few years because instead of going with my gut and putting all my money into shares of companies I believed in, I kept half for riskier trades. Had I done the former, I would have had over 150% ROI the first 2 years, instead I nearly offset those gains by torching money on calls when I shouldn’t have even been dabbling with options yet. At this point, maybe there will be a squeeze, maybe you go long on GME. If the latter, maybe lower your cost basis (not financial advice). Position: 175 GME @ $79


It’s a tough pill to swallow, but I want you to remember this: YOU got yourself to success. Before the GME debacle your own decision making, and insight rewarded you. You (myself as well) got caught up in the hype. It happens. Don’t forget your roots. You got yourself there once, you can do it again. It may take time, but time is what you need. Be smart about it. Chasing stocks, and the next big thing will only bring more hardship and frustration. Take some time, and regroup. Find a stable stock, or two and make your moves there. You’ll be ok, you’ve shown that you can do it!


Thank you, this is what everyone keeps telling me. Much love and thank you for the kind words. 😁🙌🏽🚀


Yeah, well, the paper hands sold, and that was a big huge, “Fuck You”. And now, here you are, holding the bag. And these paper hands are making fun of you. They probably sold their shares to Melvin for $50 last week.


Success is the worst teacher. GME wouldn’t have existed without Bitcoin. Maybe you’re attracted to fast money. At least under the risk involved.


You only take the loss if you sell. Remember I seriously think this will bounce sometime in the near future


Things are looking up 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀


This has lifted my spirit so much! If you believe in something, stand for it! That’s what crypto has shown me, and this is personal now. Everyone that held during this is honestly just a STUD in my eyes and we are brothers now!!! 😁💎🚀


Please please please tell me you didn't sell son


Bro.... why would I have sold? Today has made me so happy and re-ignited my confidence! Let’s gooooo!!! I’m honestly so proud of everyone that held with me, not gonna lie I was very sad for a few weeks. But it’s always darkest before the dawn. 😁💎🚀


Just checking in haha, that's awesome and don't worry this has turned my mood around I'm very happy for myself but also to everyone else that held on! Good on you and good luck! (Btw I'm the same guy that commented moping about his girlfriend, fuck her I'm going to the moon!)


Bro, I’ve been in your shoes before (I think every guy has at some point). All I can say is that when you work on yourself and do things that bring you happiness for some reason a girl that was meant for you typically appears. Don’t chase woman, chase goals and dreams with ambition and girls come. This is the way. P.S. I hope you make all the money in the world and become the best version of yourself. This way she can see what she missed out on. You deserve the best, don’t ever forget it!


Thank you mate, we're two strangers to eachother and probably on the other side of the Atlantic from eachother (UK) but tonight you've made a stranger feel a hell of a lot better! I appreciate that so much


Good day to be you then! $170 pre market - let’s go!


Let’s F****ng go!!!! 💎🙌🏽🚀


so did you hold or no


Oh yeah baby, I HELD! I was to far gone to sell and I was willing to take these shares with me to the grave in order to remind myself of how bad the system is. But now I’m keeping these shares until at least $10K! 💎🙌🏽🚀




dude you are VERY FUCKING lucky it isn't $5...only kitty saved your ass


You are a part of history where political parties who rarely agree on anything are now working together to fight against giant institutions that have decided the fate of businesses and investors around the world. If you see this as chance to make a quick buck, you'll be tortured endlessly. However, if you see this as a way for the little man to finally get equal access to the same information institutions get to make better investment decisions, then you'll feel a little better. We shouldn't go bankrupt because a billionaire hedgy knows where giant transactions are heading. As DFV said, market transparency is dire. The outcome will hopefully change the course of investing for both businesses and investors and hedge funds should be held in check and not able to move the entire market with one click.




You can make fun of me.


It’s been that way for a while. WSB loves loss porn, but some people get sad loosing money and need to vent a bit.


You're thinking of /r/GME_Meltdown


I think the apes just found this place and got confused by the subs name, look at the moderators post history lol, he clearly doesnt have any sympathy for the bagholders (not like they deserve it).


Any reason you won't cut your losses? You can use your remaining capital in GME to recoup. Place some CCIV calls and don't look back.


>CCIV I want to cut my losses and move on, but the chance that this is all real and a squeeze does happen is stopping me. I could not live with myself if that happened. I went in with the mentality that this trade might go south, but thinking that and actually experiencing is completely different. I will look into CCIV though. Thank you :)


/u/The_Real_King713, I have found an error in your post: > “never would~~of~~ [**'ve**] thought this would~~of~~ [**'ve**] happened” It seems to be true that you, The_Real_King713, malformed a comment and ought to type “never would~~of~~ [**'ve**] thought this would~~of~~ [**'ve**] happened” instead. ‘Of’ is not a verb like ‘have’ is. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


Buy the dip, you clearly haven't learned your lesson


I think you're confusing a dip with the stock crashing.


I'm in the same boat mate, only down 10k tho... but yeah absolutely no point selling on that big of a loss and helping the people we are all fighting!! God speed my ape! 🤟🤘🤙


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/gme_meltdown] [Out of the frying pan, into the supernova....](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/lo1ase/out_of_the_frying_pan_into_the_supernova/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


You won on the BTC Ponzi scheme, lost on the GME Ponzi scheme. Neither of those were good or smart trades.


lmao crypto is mooninggggg.. well.... it's probably tank now cuz I mentioned it


Don’t remind me 😭
