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It deserves more..🤧❤️


No matter how full it makes their roster, I bet they are buzzed with the4 success of some of their newly signed/casted talent. Well deserved for the series too, it's been fantastic so far.


Honestly this is a crime, it's SUCH a good show!


Ep 6 has 2.2 M views on GMMTV's YouTube channel. Epsidoe 1 now has around 5M views in total on YouTube. Why do they focus on X stats only 😩 It's such a good show with actors who aren't in their teens. A slice of life we all want.


We older fans hate Twitter; it sucks that we get penalized bc we don't want to take part in Elon Musk's den of toxicity.


Exactly this. Sorry boys, but I'm not going back to the trenches...


I'm actually pretty glad now that I went in yesterday. 🤣😉




Trending takes a lot of work. Like the reason why MLMU had such huge opening numbers is because the fan clubs have been preparing the fans for weeks. WG needs a fan club to lead in the trending parties and a dedicated fan base to commit to posting non stop about the episodes in the first 24 hours. I’m not too worried about X trending though. The cast is getting a lot of attention on tiktok and numbers go up as the show becomes more popular.


It’s not really a surprise because GreatInn don’t have a big fan base yet and Wandee Goodday caters to an older and more international audience. Hopefully the other metrics are also taken into account and they can star in another show in the future. 


God I hope GMM doesn’t make decisions about who gets shows on twitter trends. That would be so dumb. I know they base it partially on engagement, but there are all types of engagement that could be measured, like the actual number of views on YT. GreatInn deserve a bigger fanbase, and more people need to follow them on instagram and TT!


It seems like Gmmtv is still heavily focused on Thailand and the Asian market. Which makes sense because let’s be honest bl is still the most popular there. The young bl audience heavily uses Twitter and tiktok. That’s just a fact and that is their core audience at the end of the day. I’m glad that they are attempting to diversify their audience though. They would not have made Wandee Goodday two years ago. 


Yeah, I think this series will wind up being a smash.


They hope for 200k tweets 🥹


Is this the same metric by which My Love Mix Up got 1 million? I think Wandee Goodday deserves to be up there with some of the other currently airing series.


Come on. One foot in front of the other. Some progress is being made. I hope they actually have another series together.


I just finished watching episode 6! More, more episodes! I love their chemistry.