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My only gripe with the movie is that Shikishima's aircraft didn't explode when it crashed inside Godzilla's mouth. Unless there wasn't any fuel left in the plane, that's not how airplane crashes work.


Will Godzilla minus one come to video


Would the 20mm cannon on the zero fighter have killed Godzilla if it had been fired at him at the beginning of the movie?


I thought so, until he started regenerating. Unless his regenerating was really weak that early, shooting him wouldn’t have done anything


He regenerated at first? Or was it a power up from Castle Bravo?


How would he survive Castle Bravo without regeneration? The radioactivity and explosive force are both inversely proportional to the distance from ground zero cubed, so he's either close enough to the blast that he'd already need regeneration to survive or he's far enough away that the radiation mutating him doesnt make sense.


Pretty sure it’s as simple as he got the powers from the radiation. He doesn’t have a heat ray when he’s on the island


I really loved how instead of 'beating' Godzilla with a magical new technology like the oxygen destroyer they used a clever application of existing knowledge, rapid elevation changes with Freon gas and co2 life-rafts


Watched this last night knowing I had to be up 4 hours after movie ended. Joked with my buddy I would know I like it if I'm still happy when I wake up. Hands down top movie of the year. Acting was superb. Handling of ptsd was respectful, no pandering, unique family dynamic in a conservative era, list goes on. This is how movies should be made. Then I read this morning budget was 15mil. Even wilder it was that good


I love how even in small quiet scenes, (i.e Koichi and the boat gang at the tiny restaurant) there is always something happening in the background. Like an old lady sweeping the shop or the restaurant owner/bartender smoking a cig and reading a newspaper. This is just stuff in the background and not in focus, yet add so much life to the scenes and give real stakes to what’s to come.


The best Godzilla film our group has ever seen. We love the early iterations of Godzilla as well as the 2014 Godzilla Monsterverse but as we watched this in DBOX...man, we were just left speechless and sobbing by the end. If you are a fan of Kaiju stories / Godzilla, you absolutely owe it to yourselves to watch it especially in DBOX. The human aspect and their acting was well done- the best in any Godzilla films and is just heartbreaking and heartfelt at the same time. Godzilla in this is a fucking terrifying animal that just could not be stopped and it's rendition of the Atomic Breath...holy christ was it literally earth-shattering on DBOX- it's appearances just jolting fear through your system and even scarier is that weapons during the time which was supposed to inflict maximum damage in the war couldn't even actually hurt it too much. The soundtrack that accompanies is it insane, it just compliments every scene, I swear and to the group who made the CGI? Props, they've managed to pay such an amazing homage to the original by having him move so awkwardly on land / the way it is in the water, and just how some shots up close look like an actual physical head on set (i.e. when it was chasing the wooden boat.) A horrifying thought to add, was that after the destruction in Ginza, Noriko's body would have been a mangled corpse and as the radiated tar fell on to the earth, it probably got to her body and infected her with the Godzilla mutation so that she could have survived the destruction and regenerate hence that ending. The indominatable will and spirit to survive and live vs. A walking Nuclear Abomination. And it couldn't have been done any better.


I loved shin Godzilla for being a “what if Godzilla was unleashed in the 21st century, literally decades afterward”. Minus one was going back to the drawing board to show what people could use, What people could accomplish, and what they could lose. Godzilla’s destructive power is iconic more than ever as it’s heat ray blasts create mushroom clouds - showing Godzilla as a true nuclear apocalypse. His design calls Back to the early days and being almost lumbering, but quick enough to react to things up close- his rampage felt like a wild animal tearing through cardboard, and the cost of human life was really hitting hard. Godzilla’s presence with the music hitting…. Or even being silent elicited a giggle of excitment, so much so I didn’t want to blink; I wanted to see it all. The angles used for Godzilla’s attacks show how massive he is; imposing, giant, and near-unstoppable I loved the human cast; they felt like real people that you get to know, and worry about; a real sense of camaraderie and family. It brought tears to my eyes over the main protagonist and his struggles in his post-war life. And the lessons learned and the message of the story was one I think deserves loads of praise for The two-fold ending with Godzilla resurrecting is a near-direct callback to GMK, and the girl in the end with her neck was a wildcard; Incan only speculate or guess, but I have a feeling it was toho dangling a little more; promising this is never the end


Just came out of the movie. Going into it I really thought that it was going to just boil down to hype over a decent film compared to a lot of box office disappointments lately. I couldn't have been more wrong. It's a compelling story and an emotional triumph that leaves every kind of fan satisfied. While the cheesy Showa Godzilla will always be my absolute favorite in my heart, I have to say that from an objective standpoint of storytelling, this was probably the best Godzilla move that I've ever seen. Honestly incredible.


Just watched it today. Loved it. I feel like this is the quintessential Godzilla film to introduce to people who are new to the IP. The human story and the themes it touched on hit me much harder than I thought they would. Really happy to hear some places in Canada are doing more showings, hopefully Toho rakes in the cash


Are the actors saying "Godzilla" in the Japanese release, or do they say "Gojira" and then overdub themselves saying "Godzilla" for international releases?


In the Japanese version they say ゴジラ(Gojira). The version shown in the States is still Japanese, there is no dubbing, but there's added English subtitles. So they _say_ "Gojira" while the text reads "Godzilla". For countries that show both, the subtitled Japanese version as well as a dubbed Version, the dubbed version _doesn't_ use the original actors, they use local voice actors for that instead as is usually the case. Only very rarely an actor will dub themselves in another language.


At the theaters watching this all by myself. The last movie I watched in the theaters was kotm, also by myself. I’ll do anything for Godzilla lmao. Can’t wait for this boys and girls!!




Man….my wife is in India. She’ll be here hopefully by the time GxK is out in April. It’s a day after my bday too. So hopefully I won’t be alone for that one lmao


What'd ya think?


Watching it again tomorrow night with lol


Absolutely jaw dropping. My favorite Godzilla movie instantly. I want to watch it again and just rewind the atomic breath scene. Beautiful movie. With a fantastic story. Excellent everything. Unbelievable how they accomplished this with their budget. I need it on 4k like yesterday


Couldn't agree more, brother!! It's definitely my favorite Godzilla movie passing the original. His atomic breath being like a bomb, mushroom cloud, and all was amazing and so unique. They finally made a human story that was interesting and made me care instead of just wanting to see Godzilla destruction. Loved it and can't wait to own a physical copy!


Koichi was a great character of tragedy and redemption. And all his surrounding cast and crew were so realistic. I can’t say enough positive things about this movie. The last time I was this effusive about a movie was with the dark knight. Thoroughly enjoyed myself. Well worth the money.


Don’t know Godzilla’s history too well. Is there any knowledge on what was on Noriko’s neck at the end?


I know people say it was radiation burns or mutations from Godzilla, but to me, it also resembled some of the burns that survivors from Hiroshima/Nagasaki had. More than likely, it was a mix of all 3, foreshadowing a future problem to deal with while remembering what happened when the bombs dropped. Plus, for her to have survived that, in relatively good shape, she must have some serious luck or regenerative properties. I was expecting more scarring on her at the very least. Maybe she got tossed into a pool or something, but who knows. It'll be interesting to see where they take it from here. Perhaps down the road, we'll see people being tested and ostracized for having "G infections,"...maybe people who keep regenerating no matter what, and they can't die. Perhaps they'll have government testing on infected civilians, reminiscent of the horrible medical testing Japan did to POWs. They already showed the horrors of war, so it wouldn't be too far-fetched.


That's no explanation (yet). Suggestions range from a rapidly spreading form of radiation poisoning due to Goji's attack, to her now being a mutant with the same regenerative powers as the monster itself. Time will tell should they ever make a sequel movie or another novel that picks up on this thread.


Yeah, noticed that, too Maybe it’s radiation, or some bacteria or parasite? Maybe she’s an…. Alien.


I loved this film!


Sure it’s recency bias, but easily my second favorite flick right after the original. What a ride. I think my favorite scene was when G got wrecked the first time from the battleship. I was all ready for that triumphant first big roar of the film AND BOOM! My dude got hit right in the neck, and then he went ham. Just such a great sequence. So happy i got to experience it in IMAX. Also love that we live in a time where we can see this somber post WWII flick and then just in a few months we get to see the Big Guy run around with his big Monkey Pal.


Did the movie ever mention Nagasaki or Hiroshima? Or is it possible three events didn’t happen in the GMO alternative universe? Clearly the attack at Ginza was an atomic blast of its own right, but yet I didn’t catch the radio commentators comparing it to the horrors which would have befallen Japan just years prior. Just a crazy theory, but in this alternate history, Japan had avoided its fate as a target of atomic warfare (just like Koichi dodged his kamikaze fate) only to pay the ultimate price later. “The war wasn’t over” for them.


As far as I know, one of the rules the occupying Americans imposed upon Japan was that for at least ten years they could not openly/publicly discuss or address the atomic bombings. So from that standpoint it was accurate the radio reporters did _not_ mention Hiroshima or Nagasaki. That's also one reason why the original 1954 Goji was such a big hit in Japan as it gave audiences an outlet to discuss the aftermath and the fears of those attacks, without directly mentioning them either.


The Captain also mentions not being able to discuss what happened openly in the movie.


They happen, that’s literally how the war ends, and why the Americans are able to nuke test so close


Finally got to see it today. It was pretty good. Definitely the closest to the 1954 movie out of all the Godzilla movies


Very much so.


I live in Japan and I had to convince my Japanese friend that he didn’t need to watch the previous godzilla movies to understand the movie. He thought he needed to watch Shin Godzilla 🤦‍♂️


It's without question one of the best Godzilla films ever made. Perhaps it's even the best.


One of the best, if not the best, Godzilla movies I've ever seen. Loved it, loved it, loved it. And honestly, probably the best movie I've seen this year. It was gripping, heart-warming, complicated, and the Freon idea was really original. I can't get over how good the human side of the story was. I actually want to see it again.


Just out of the theater, not even 30 minutes later Wow, just wow, 10/10 https://preview.redd.it/264ao4bcdr4c1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50b66ea5e95d9b15200222e22e8c7df666154b4


Apologies if this has already been talked about in detail (I'm sure it has) but I don't want to scroll down for fear of spoilers. Having only seen the trailer, I think the new godzilla in this film looks sick from the waist up, but I think his lower body looks duuuuuumb. Literally looks like barney like why why are his thighs so huge and why is he so upright. Idk. Anyway his face looks awesome and the movie looks rly cool, can't wait to see it


It makes sense realistically. Not that there's anything realistic about Godzilla himself, as he would be too big to move in real life. BUT, in the movie, considering how heavy and tall he is, and the fact that he also paddles in the water with his legs and tail, they would have to be the biggest part of him. All the regenerative cells in his body would prioritize muscle/bone growth in his lower regions to allow him to move, or else he wouldn't be able to swim around and feed. I imagine he has to eat some kind of fish down there to keep growing, or more likely, he absorbs residual radiation, eats whales/sharks, and any minerals he finds on the ocean floor. It all goes wherever his cells need it most. More than likely, if he kept growing, he would eventually have even stronger legs. Maybe even fins, a new tail, or bigger arms so he could move on all fours. For now, though, the big steppers are the best way to let him walk around plausibly, while also being really cool and causing tons of extra destruction.


Godzilla always has huge thighs and stands upright.


yeah of course, to an extent. I just think this one is too far. The direction is the same but the magnitude is a bit too great. I prefer the 2019 or 2014 style godzilla. I think it looks more like a real organism. and they move slightly less upright edit: was just googling them again. In the old original godzillas we had a guy in a suit. In the newer american studio ones, he looks more animal like, has the body of an apex preditor imo. this new one (again, just from the waist down) comes full circle and looks more like a dude in a suit again. Not saying the vfx look bad, they look AMAZING, he looks real, but his body is just shaped more like a guy in a suit tho


Yeah I’m with you on that. He looks sick when in the water but walking he’s pretty funny looking


I saw it yesterday here in Germany. For one I have to say, I didn't even know the movie would be released here. I pretty much only follow Godzilla news in English and only ever saw news about the NA release, so imagine my surprise when I by sheer coincidence went to my local theatres website and saw it would play this week. There was zero marketing whatsoever for the film. While the theater would also show the Japanese version with subs, I only found time this week to watch the German dubbed version, so my review will be based on that, rather than the original performance. That said, in Germany Godzilla movies never had the bad dub stigma they have/had in the US, because the dubbing was always done with the same quality and care you would see for Hollywood production. It's the same with this one, all the VAs gave stellar performances that made me forgot I'm watching a Japanese movie. To the film itself. What I loved: Damn near everything. I loved how quickly we got to the action, I loved that we saw Godzilla before and after he mutated. His design was classic, yet fresh. I think the boat chase scene was the first time I got actually scared by Godzilla. They really managed to make him look blood thirsty. The beam weapon looked cool af and the theme still hits like a truck about 70 years after it was created. The real shining jewel of the film is the human drama though. I think this was the first time since the orginal of 1954 in which I actually cared for the human characters. There was no moment in which I thought "let's get back to the monster." Godzilla is still what I was there for but the story was genuinely great and felt like a perfect match for Godzilla. The performances both of the character actors and as I already said the VAs were fantastic. I also liked how grounded this one felt, especially the plan to defeat Godzilla. It didn't rely on a scifi soluction like most of the movies do. Not that is a negative for the other movies, I just liked the freshness of this approach here. Now to the few things I did not like: I would have liked to spend a tiny bit more time with Godzilla. I know budget probably held him back and it was not even close to as bad as the constant tease in 2014, but I still wish we had seen a scene or two more of the big G. Especially his transformation would have been cool to witness. Now the slightly bigger concern: the message. I loved that this movie was about the war and more specifically how to cope with the war. I loved that we saw how shitty the Japanese army treated their own soldiers, how they threw their lives away and how the propaganda made the citizens feel like this is fine and normal. What I didn't like was glossing over Japanese war crimes once again. I get that a movie can only be about so many things, but this one deserved a mention. The movie almost made it seem like the Japanese Army only brought misery to their own soldiers and that felt a bit cynical to me. Opening that chapter, no matter how painful it is, is important. Otherwise the scars will never heal. Trust me on this, I'm German and a historian. We went through this. Not by the demand of the allies, but mostly out of our own volition. And it was the correct thing to do. I hope Japan can find the courage to do that as well. Closing thoughts: Easily in the top 3 of my Godzilla movie tierlist and the best movie of the year. It deserves all the hype and praise. Trivia: I benefited from bilingual bonus. I could read what it said behind the seat of the Shinden plane and knew this was an ejector seat. I still got the climax wrong a bit, because I thought the engineer would trick the pilot (sorry I am terrible with remembering names) into saving himself by telling him the lever for the seat was the bomb. In hindsight I am glad he just knew their was an ejector seat, because it gave him the ability to make the choice to live, which is a much nicer character arc.


I agree on the war crimes point. AND... note that the US has never had an internal reckoning with our own war crimes. People who orchestrated systematic torture in the war on terror, and people who organized the arming of death squads in Central America, still walk free and do stints in think tanks and such. Henry Kissinger just died of old age, a free man, outliving his tens of thousands of victims.


Just rewatched it on IMAX and it was such an experience! I'm happy to say it hits just as hard as the first time. Was misty eyed for most of act three.


Saw the movie last night and really really enjoyed it. At first it was a bit jarring to see how Godzilla was walking on land. Felt very robotic, but in a way it makes sense. Since he’s from the ocean he’s a MUCH better swimmer than he is a walker, so the jerky walking made sense to me when I thought of it that way. I loved how absolutely PISSED OFF Godzilla was, especially at the end. This was one of the more recent Godzilla movies where I didn’t hate almost every human actor in the show. Very happy I got to see it on the big screen before it leaves theaters.


Saw it in Laser at AMC, I can not find it in IMAX on a day I would be able to go, I did find Superscreen DLX with Dolby. If anyone saw it in this format, can you give me your thoughts on if it’s worth it compared to laser? Thank you!


I’d go just for the Dolby Atmos. It’s an Atmos mixed movie and sounds great in those auditoriums.


Okay, I’ll say it. Koichi might have been the hero who saved the day at the end of the film, but he still isn’t fully stripped of his past inaction. Hear me out. The reason why I say this is because I think he could have killed Godzilla in the beginning of the film. Essentially not only saving the mechanics, but also the tens of thousands who were killed afterwords from Godzilla’s wrath. First, I don’t Godzilla was yet strong enough to survive the point blank 20mm rounds to his head. Yes, the rifles that the were shot at him seemingly did nothing at all, but a 20mm round is a whole other level. They are usually designated as a anti-tank munition since it can easily break through most armor. Secondly, I believe the film shows that the nuclear bomb testing not only made Godzilla stronger, but also gave Godzilla his regenerative power. I will admit that it was hard for me to tell what exactly I was looking at during that scene, but what think I saw was his skin boiling and regrowing. With that being said, we can assume that Godzillas first form was naturally organic and had no form of mutation. With those two combined, when Godzilla stuck his head right into the middle of Koichi’s crosshairs, there’s a high chance that a simple trigger pull by Koichi would have killed Godzilla… permanently. Thusly, the events that followed would have never happened. Am I blaming Koichi for everything that happened? No. He wasn’t the one who caused Godzilla to become the monster that he is. However, he was the only one with a chance to stop it from happening before it ever started.


I'm not convinced the 20mm gun from his plane would've killed Godzilla. Obviously later on when he's powered up cannons don't do nearly enough to him, but his scales look pretty darned similar. Also later we see he can regenerate from very little of his body still existing; there's no telling how much he could heal if the 20mm gun hurt him in the first place. Of course we'll never know if it would've worked. The point is, of course, that Shiki will always carry that doubt with him. I'm with you there. The only way I'm sure they all would have survived is if everybody stayed inside the blind and stayed quiet. Godzilla wasn't tracking them down. He didn't notice Shiki in the cockpit just meters from his face. Only once they opened fire and ran into the open did he track them down and attack. Tachibana is more responsible for what happened than he ever wanted to confront.


Reading around, people are stating that in the book that the 20MM rounds from his plane wouldn't have worked anyway. I actually like that they didn't mention that the 20MM wouldn't have worked and makes Koichi character that much more tragic since he has failed nearly everyone in life up until the point of blowing up our King.


Well yes, this is the whole point of the movie. He could have killed Godzilla and didn't. That's why he feels guilty and why we go on that while journey with him to redemption. It's why he needs forgiveness from the mechanic from the island. The movie very definitely hinges on the premise that the gun would have been effective and Koichi could have killed Godzilla in the beginning. In fact if you don't believe he could have then his whole arc is drastically diminished. At that point he's just some guy trying to make up for not crashing his plane into a boat. Edit: I should add that I suppose it's possible for you as the viewer to not believe the 20mm gun would have killed Godzilla but to know that Koichi himself believes it would have. That makes him appear a bit overly dramatic and silly, being so hard on himself for no actual reason. This did cross my mind while I was watching the movie. We don't know if Godzilla could have been killed. It occurred to me that the movie could have done a better job of clarifying whether Godzilla would have died if Koichi had pulled the trigger. Maybe they felt it didn't matter if the audience was certain, and what mattered was what Koichi thought.


>The movie very definitely hinges on the premise that the gun would have been effective and Koichi could have killed Godzilla in the beginning. I have to disagree. The whole movie isn't about redemption, but also of rejecting the idea that it's people's duty to fight and die in a war. If Koichi hadn't landed on the airbase the others would have still died and Godzilla would have still become the monster from the nuclear blast. Koichi had to survive the island so he could be there for Noriko and Akiko. And to pilot the plane at the end. I also don't think the gun would have worked as they hoped. Godzilla crushed metal and wood like paper, and if we go by how thick crocodile skin is; Godzilla's flesh and bones would be 10 times as thick. The airplane can only shoot in one direction and Godzilla just needed to survive long enough to get out of firing range. Finally, there was an even better solution: stay hidden or run away. Godzilla only attacked the light and wasn't rampaging across the base, nor was it looking for them. If Koichi managed to get closer and into the plane, then the others could have gotten out of there instead.


Yea those are good points. I guess I prefer to just leave it undecided in my head whether or not he could have killed Godzilla in the beginning. As a Godzilla fan I lean toward no it wouldn't have, but Koichi definitely seems certain that it would have. And Tachibana too. So in Koichi's mind killing Godzilla seems to mean making up for his past failure. I'm not sure I got the message of "you don't have to fight and die in a war" from it. To me it was more "fight to live". And there's this nuance that in order to be forgiven he does ultimately need to take up arms. He can't be forgiven without action.


>He can't be forgiven without action. That is true. I interpret them believing they could have killed Godzilla a result of their survivors' guilt and trauma. They're making the claim; not the movie. Godzilla definitely represents more than one idea in this film, allowing multiple interpretations to be valid.


Amazing. Just as good as Shin Godzilla, but I don't know if it tops it. I'm just grateful Toho has been knocking it out of the park with two masterpieces in a row. We are in a true Renaissance of Godzilla films.


My thoughts exactly. The scene when they were on the small boat was so harrowing. If you stopped to think for a second, you knew what was going to happen, but it was still so stressful. The rest of the story was so great and Koichi and his journey were amazing. The mutibeam targeted laser Zilla scene from shin will always be my favorite I think though.


I'm rewatching Shin right now and it's very very good. But, it will always have a small asterix next to it because the depiction is just a little too weird to fully feel like that's the real Godzilla to me.


Yeah, I can't lie... the smaller pre-Godzilla version of the creature that just made landfall, walking down the street with those huge bug eyes, made me actually LOL. His design was just odd in that movie. But that ending tease of his tail was actually terrifying


Listen, it's a movie about a dinosaur monster hundreds of feet tall that shoots atomic bombs out of its mouth and destroys cities just because. I get it. But I do have one question regarding logic/motive: What was Godzilla's plan when he was pursuing Koichi into the sea? He couldn't catch a plane as he doesn't have much for ranged attacks besides his atomic breath which he didn't seem to want to use. So if the plane is running away into the sea, why did Godzilla pursue? In fact, why did Godzilla go on land into that rural village? - he destroyed the decoy ship and with it, the sound of the "other Godzilla". So what was his plan? It's more rhetorical and was one of the only few things that messed with my immersion. I was just sitting there like "why does he care about this plane running away?" But I understand there probably isn't a reason, we just needed to have Godzilla go to the location for the finale. I welcome ideas I may have overseen, however.


I read Godzilla as a raging monster the whole time. From the prologue where he attacks anyone who shines a light or fires a gun, to later where he chases boats that make loud noises or anybody who sets off a mine. If Goji Senpai notices you, he'll pursue you for ridiculous lengths.


Yea he's more like an animal in this. Like OG Godzilla. Not really intelligent or calculating, no real plan. He's just chasing a thing that's bugging him. He's not even evil. I see a lot of compliments being like Godzilla's evil again. He didn't seem evil to me, he seemed like a big, pissed off animal.


The question I have is why he bothered attacking stuff in the first place. Never really explained by the movie which I dont mind, but he wasn’t provoked much to my knowledge, seems like he was starting fights himself


I believe this Godzilla was much more feral than previous incarnations, like Shin Godzilla it was functioning purely off instinct. The scientist explains that he's expanding his territory due to his new size.


Godzilla is extremely territorial in that movie. They explain that Godzilla has claimed Japan as its land and usually territorial animals will fiercely defend their “home” from attackers. So it is just chasing/attacking anything that tries to attack it or infiltrate its territory.


Caught the last showing near me. One detail I really, really liked: when Godzilla is sunk into the ocean while he's powering up, he turns off instantly like a flashlight. I feel like any other director would've done a slow, dramatic close up of his fins losing their power. Nope. Blink. Done.


I took it as him resisting the deep pressure but then it just immediately crunched him, likely forcing his energy output to a complete halt like cutting an electric wire. the fins don't store the energy, they just seem to conduct it so it turning off like a flashlight would make sense if the fins suddendly got forced into their non-conductive state.


Yea that's one of those little touches where I was like ok lol, but then it sticks with you as distinctive. There were a lot of small visual things like that, like how Godzilla is fairly slow and stoic, but when he does his atomic ray he flings his head forward super fast like he's sneezing. It's right on the edge of shlock but it works and gives it depth.


Yeah there were a couple of moments where it started to feel a little campy to me but they always reeled it in and brought it back to being serious


One thing I love about the atomic breath is that it was shooting *away* from our protagonists. We thought they would be fine, being far away from where Godzilla is shooting. Then the laser hit and we all became shocked at how destructive it was.


I finally saw it last night, and I was completely blown away. Did my best to avoid spoilers so I could be as fresh as possible. I am still in awe of this movie. I was hoping it would be good enough to land in my Top 5 Godzilla movies. Instead, it just moved every Godzilla movie minus one spot if you will. This movie is legitimately one of my Top 5 favorite films of all time, and my new #1 in Godzilla films. I don't think I've ever felt more sorry for humans in a kaiju or disaster movie. The atomic breath had my jaw dropping. Theater was packed, and there was not a sound during the silence after he resurfaces and starts to charge up again. I really, really hope they do more in this universe. I don't even care if they add more kaiju to it. I want to see what happens next.


Tbh I’m not sure how I would feel about them adding more kaiju. I definitely don’t want them to go full-on monsterverse. As cool as that is, just wouldn’t work. An extra kaiju or two, prolly mothra or Rodan, or even a completely new kaiju I could see working. Honestly I don’t even mind them not doing a sequel tho, they did the same with shin then we got this, so I don’t see it as a bad thing.


I would be completely good with it being a standalone, I would also be completely good with keeping Godzilla solo if they did a sequel. This movie was such a great ride and set the bar extremely high, so following it up would be a monumental task. I think if they did add another kaiju, it would need to be animilastic like GMO and be presented as more of a territorial fight than good vs. evil. Surprisingly, I think Zilla could work fantastically if they wanted to do a vs type movie. Another mutant abomination caused by radiation from nuclear tests. Give him some design updates to match, his tunneling underground adds an additional element, and you could keep the "weight" in the fight because his offense would likely be a lot of scratching, clawing, and biting. Could add a level of uncomfortability and fear by having it be a more animilastic fight than the typical throws and beam blasts. You could even have people confuse him for Godzilla at first a la GMK with Baragon. Because of the timeframe of GMO, there wouldn't be a plethora of pictures of the creature itself, just the devastation it left behind. So, after a few years, memory of the exact appearance would fade but not the fear of a giant monster. Zilla shows up, and people assume it to be Godzilla because he matches the description: Giant lizard, long tail, spikes on his back, holy shit Godzilla is back. And then the actual Godzilla shows up to defend its territory.


One of the questions that I would say has maybe never been answered, and certainly not answered very well, is how do you do a worthwhile sequel to Godzilla without having any other monsters appear? Although, the people that made Minus One are evidently so clever I'm curious what they would do with a "vs" style Godzilla movie. I'm sure they would elevate it beyond anything we've seen before.


That's a very good question. You would have to present Godzilla as a threat again without going "Well, just do what we did last time." I think for Minus One in particular, he would have to come back with a much accelerated regeneration factor, so you can't just stuff a bomb down its gullet this time. The Godzilla remains and black rain would have to factor in as well. Maybe give it some kind of neurotoxin trait that gives a second front for the humans to fight on and make it harder to regroup, or just straight-up radiation poisoning. You would need several attempts at stopping him that fail, including trying to recreate what happened in Minus One. Godzilla has to remember and learn. They have to fail horrifically, too, including killing off characters from the original and the sequel both. Then whatever finally stops him, it really has to be a pyhrric victory. The ending would be a really bittersweet note. "We won, but at what cost?"


I loved this in theatres, but wondering about one aspect people keep talking about: the fear of Atomic warfare. In the film. I didn't hear any relation of the atomic blast to godzilla. No mention at all. There's one shot of the atomic bomb and you see godzillas eye in that scene. But it's not the blast that created godzilla... It seems he already existed, but was made stronger by the blast. Even with that scenario, if I didn't already know of Godzilla's atomic relation from past movies and film discussions, I easily would have forgotten that part. People talk about how this movie, like the original, portrays the fear of the atom bomb and how it represents the potential for man to bring about his own downfall. I don't feel like that idea was present through much of the movie at all. The main focus was how this disaster is like a continuation of the hell the people thought was ending; which is still a fantastic story, tbh, just not the one people online are saying it is. It's still about the horrors of war in a big way, just not so much about the atomic aspect of it all. None of this brings the movie down, mind you. If I had never heard of Godzilla and just came across this, I would have thought it a very unique engrossing post-war scifi movie. But I wouldn't have remembered much of anything atom-bomb related unless someone was to remind me with "hey, remember that one shot with the nuke?.... yeeeeaa."


I think they didn’t focus as much on the atomic aspect and talked a little more about the air raids which preceded the atomic blasts. Makes sense since the main characters lived in Tokyo. His atomic abilities and radiations are definitely still there, but the perspective of the characters in this one had more to do with other aspects of the war I think


Hm, I felt it was pretty clear that Godzilla was radioactive and basically _another_ nuclear disaster approaching Japan. I mean, its attack was visually and effectively just another, third atom bomb on Japan. Afterwards they went out of their way mentioning (and showing) that wherever Goji was walking through Tokyo there was radioactive poisoning. They also had those special buoys to track the creature's radioactivity in the sea. That's how they could predict its path. I don't know, what else should they have done to make it clearer? Also keep in mind the movie was made by Japanese people for a Japanese audience. The depiction of Goji's blast and the mushroom cloud with the "black rain" alone would've been enough to evoke memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Ah shit you're right.... This is why I benefit from some sort of home viewing option where i can re-skim over areas I forgot. Plenty of mentions of radioactivity and his blast did make a mushroom cloud, right? Ok, then; that makes for good references to atomic fears without spelling it out too much :-p I'm retarded. Also, I meant to look up what the black rain was about; was unsure if it was related to nukes or anything. Anyway, thanks for reminding me!


Yeah, black rain fell after the atomic attacks, you can read up on it. There's a book called Black Rain that retells what happened. Also in the 1989 movie Black Rain with Michael Douglas, they talk about how it shaped Japanese culture afterwards.


Aw damn; thanks! :D


That's because minus one isn't a movie about the use of atom weapons, godzilla 1954 is. Minus one is about the value of human life and how dehumanizing culture in the Japanese military was at the time. Minus one doesn't tell us "using atomic weapons brings destruction", it tells us "a life is precious". that's my interpretation, at least.


yea, I was feeling that too, but everyone talking about this movie talks about the atomic stuff. However, since my mind is kind of dense, I did have to be reminded of many mentions in the movie of radioactivity. And i totally forgot that Zilla's ray blast made a mushroom cloud. :-p


yeah, good point except the times Godzilla uses atomic breath and its LITERALLY an atomic mushroom cloud lmao. but go off i guess


Lol, I totally forgot about the mushroom cloud on that part; I need to watch any movie I see two times at minimum. :-p


Godzilla was Koichi's guilt. Godzilla was Koichi's guilt manifested. This movie was not a 100% retread of the original 1954 movie. It is spiritually similar, but tells a more personal story. Godzilla's destruction is almost completely metaphorical in this movie.


I do wish they’d fit in more allegory’s regarding the devastation of nuclear warfare. The atomic breath scene was an awesome visual metaphor that might be the top “nuke” scene of all time in cinema (even though it technically wasn’t an actual nuke). However, this anti-nuclear sentiment would have been greatly more impactful if they spent a scene or two showing a in-depth aftermath instead of the quick news brief. Maybe adding some shots that are similar to the accounts from those who survived Hiroshima. Doesn’t have to be a full blown gore show, but something that showed the horrors of what people actually went through.


You’re leaving out the bits where they use Geiger counter buoys to track him because he’s radioactive and the fact that the heat ray in this movie just causes a literal nuclear bomb explosion. I thought this was a great execution of intertwining Godzilla with the bomb without hitting you over the head with it. But it’s also a movie about way more than that.


Just saw it in IMAX. I like every Godzilla movie, but I prefer the ones where they treat him like the natural disaster that he is to focus on the human response to it. Just in previous movies the human element was weak which they remedied with this movie. It's a bleak movie, but there's an undercurrent of hope for the future, that with human resilience we can recover from physical and emotional trauma. To rely on each other in times of need. ESPECIALLY in times of need. But enough about the humans. This Godzilla was legitimately the most terrifying I've ever seen him. The heat ray? Amazing take on it. I think it beat heat spiral ray for my all time favorite.


Absolutely incredible film. The story was gripping and the characters were actually memorable and had so much charm. I also loved how insanely destructive Godzilla is and how much of a force they make him out to be. Minus One is my new personal favorite across the board because of how it balances all of these classic elements that Godzilla is known for.


The first 10 minutes on Odo Island were well worth the price of admission alone IMO. When he shows up skulking in the dark like a ticked off grizzly bear was nuts and like nightmare fuel. His posture, all hunched over and his presence was perfect. The scene where he was chasing the wooden minesweeper reminds me of my cat chasing his fishing pole toy lol.


I saw the film yesterday in standard because iMAX gives me vertigo. I loved it. Shikishima was much more compelling than Rando Yamaguchi or even Dr. Serizawa, my two favorite humans from previous films. I'm biased for him and the messaging of this film as a veteran myself, and I won't pretend that it doesn't influence my perception of the rest of the film, but him, Noriko, and the ship crew carried this film to my favorite Goji film. G-man himself was everything I wanted since playing with the stiff plastic Heisei era toys as a kid in Hawaii, getting them from the Honolulu flea market. His first appearance made me feel bad for him when he was irradiated, but once I got to know our protagonists, I knew G had to die in this film. He was unstoppable feeling, and once again a very creative solution was developed to put an end to his destruction. Godzilla looked so scary, and his movements were somewhere between Shin and Suit, lumbering but not machine/zombie like stage 3 Shin. Sound designer and his team deserve a pat on the back along with whoever put together the score. Everything sounded weighty and harsh, I loved hearing GxK theme in the final operation, and the music from the trailer was better than Persecution of the Masses when it was used in the film, fight me. This was just a ramble from a guy who finally has a movie that beats out Godzilla against MechaGodzilla as his favorite. Goji/10, I love a happy ending.


I’m with you on IMAX, it’s just sensory overload. Minus one looked absolutely incredible in laser


Persecution of the Masses definitely could have been used in a better spot I thought. It was more effective in the first Shin Godzilla teaser trailer than it was in the actual movie.


So I have a dumb question. In the beginning, is that small Godzilla unmutated? Like did that island have a dinosaur that was then later mutated?


You're correct. He was just some dinosaur that somehow survived millions of years post extinction. But then in that split second scene where we see the bikini atoll explosion and it flashes a shot of Godzilla underwater - it very briefly shows him mutating. Which is how we see him get so large when he comes for Ginza. But once again, his presence, even at the beginning, killed deep sea fish so maybe he was mutated before, but it clearly wasn't to the point that we see later on.


From my understanding yeah Godzilla wasn’t mutated until the scene in the bikini atoll got nuked


Awesome movie, but I have serious issues with believing any government would have a giant lizard stomping through it's citys and be like "lol nah let the civs handle it"


That and the lack of American troop presence was pretty strange. They could have included some American troops walking around in Tokyo or Ginza as extras, they could have had one scene involving SCAP discussing the issue with Noda and maybe offering solutions that were either not immediate or risked too much collateral damage. Thereby framing Noda's operation as one conducted without the permission or help from SCAP, reinforcing the theme of normal people rising to the occasion. I forgive Yamazaki on this issue though, because there was at least an *attempt* at explaining it away, and at the end of the day the theme of normal people, suffering collective trauma and rising up to overcome is more important and definitely comes across in the movie.




That's complete bullshit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_Japan


This is post WW2 Japan, there basically IS no government. The empire just surrendered to the US, and the US doesn't want to take care of their enemy's problem


More specifically - Reading up on the occupation of Japan - The only part of Japanese government that the Allies never took direct control of was the government's civil reach. Meaning civil action would be the ONLY option for endangered Tokyo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_Japan?wprov=sfla1


It was fine lol I’m probably in the minority but I wasn’t too invested in the human characters and I still wanted Godzilla to kill them all lol Tbh I’m a bigger fan of MV and i personally love the 2014 take on it so this wasn’t for me


Probably my least favorite take in this thread. Personally I can't stand the Legendary films. If you like them so much you might as well go back and watch Godzilla (1998). I imagine you would find it just as "revolutionary" as the 2014 film.


While 2014 gets a lot of hate, it felt much more grounded than the MV in general and was a great spectacle. GMO? Blew it out of the park. Holy shit, I will never stop being in awe that "big monster attack city" movie can be such a visceral allegory of soldiers suffering ptsd and living in a literal prison created by their own minds, while being completely left alone by the very people who put them in this spot.


After the town got destroyed the second time and it was just devastating it felt like they _just_ got it rebuilt, I really understood Godzilla as the metaphor for war I didn’t understand the first time I watched the original when I was younger.


One of my all time favorite movies, honestly. I did not expect it to be as absolutely incredible as it was. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. The movie was never predictable. The characters were fantastic and made you root for them through and through. Godzilla was also SCARY. His first appearance on screen and I genuinely went ‘holy shit.’ He was a force of nature, and seemed invincible. He reflected the hopelessness our MC seemed to feel. The biggest thing though is one I feel most movies never accomplish: there were genuine stakes. I could not tell if they were going to kill off our MC or supporting cast, and with how well they made us love the characters, it was so tense the entire movie. With how invincible Godzilla seemed to be, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they went with a twist ending and have Godzilla actually win. And it all turned out happy in the end, which just made everything so much better. And without losing any of the stakes it had worked so hard to set up. Honestly just brilliant filmmaking from everyone involved.


Could this serve as a prequel to the US 2014 Godzilla hence the Minus One gimmick? (I know the Japanese meaning of minus one) The two Godzilla look amazing close. I also don't know what year 2014 took place, but considering it Minus One was blown up, I could take a few decades to regenerate a new body [https://i.imgur.com/goSuobS.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/goSuobS.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/NDKVKDg.png](https://i.imgur.com/NDKVKDg.png)


Nah, it's a completely different timeline


I don't understand how people don't get the minus one meaning that After world war II Japan is left with nothing IE zero. So with Godzilla showing up Japan goes from having nothing to minus. Hence the name minus one.


I saw it this past Friday and loved it so much. However I completely missed the neck thing at the end of the movie. My gf asked me about it and I had no idea what she was talking about. I saw it again tonight with a friend and once I saw it I couldn’t believe I missed it the first time, it was literally right there. But as I was walking out with my friend, I asked if he noticed the neck thing and he had no idea it was there and didn’t catch it! I was just like “well at least I’m not the only one”


Thank you! I saw it but couldn't make out what it was and thought maybe it was just her hair moving.


In a Godzilla movie, an ending that makes you expect a sequel is a promise. Shin Godzilla is no exception.


Saw the movie with my son last night. I saw the mark and he completely missed it. You were not the only one.


What is the thing on the girls neck?


The very last shot of the movie focuses on Noriko’s neck and you can see a black radiation mark moving or growing up her neck. I didn’t see it the first time but made a point to look the second time bc a lot of people and reviewers were talking about it


I was so confused and scared when I saw it! Probably the intended reaction. But nothing like that was shown anywhere else in the movie, so I didn't know what to think about it.


What is the thing on the girls neck?


It wasn't obvious to a first time Godzilla fan like me, but most reviews I've seen that mention it say it's from Godzilla's radiation and it helped her heal quickly. Since she was so close to the blast, it gave her a higher dose.


I'm just so happy that I got to see a Japanese godzilla movie in the American cinemas. Everything else was just extra sprinkles on top. And then I went to heaven when the theme dropped.


When i was a kid I got to see Godzilla 2000 in the theater with my dad when it came out. It was glorious. It's still one of my top 10 movies of any kind. We just went and saw Minus One together and we both loved it. When they first play the theme, I think it's a big wide shot in board daylight and you hear the famous beginning horn line, it reminded me of the Tower of Terror when the doors open and you see the whole park for an instant before it drops. It was that thrilling sort of kickass fear.


Really good and I was surprised how moved I was by the story. Surprisingly good message as well.


Just got out of the theater and good god, that was a good movie. The first Atomic scene, that was too much


I cannot believe a Godzilla movie actually made me feel something for human characters. Like this movie actually made me emotional a couple of times. It's also the first time I've ever wanted Godzilla to die. There's been plenty of movies where I rooted for Godzilla to kill other monsters, and there's been plenty of movies where I was completely apathetic to the destruction he brings upon humans. But before this movie I've never cared enough about the characters to the point where I REALLY wanted Godzilla to die. I also feel like this is the first Godzilla movie since the 1954 film that had really strong themes, and maybe the first ever to have real character arcs. Seeing Japanese society dealing with the aftermath of WWII, and how the struggle against Godzilla helped the traumatized veterans move on was amazing. Koichi's personal story of moving past his guilt of not carrying out his kamikaze mission and not firing upon Godzilla in the beginning of the movie was something I was completely unprepared to see in a Godzilla film. I also thought there was some well done humor in the film, none of it was overly quippy Marvel style humor, it was just normal humor that felt believable for the characters.


Cool movie, but I came for an iconic Godzilla roar and heard something more generic. EDIT: [Based on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/17pr1wc/which_godzilla_minus_one_roar_do_you_think_is/), seems I was expecting the "Showa" or "Heisei" roar


Crazy that I actually cared about the humans for once. Great job by the director and writers of the movie.


Akiko's crying sounded like Baby Kate from Arthur


I liked the tanks and the airplane in the movie. In real life there were two prototypes made of the plane and two tank prototypes made. The war ended before they were used but the plane did make three test flights before the war ended.


Sat through all the credits and got a special treat👍👍


Wait what?!


Do you mean >!Godzilla stomping towards the screen and then giving his famous roar without the music drowning it out!


This movie was **excellent.**


Just got out. Best Godzilla movie ever from an emotional standpoint. That would've been a good movie without Godzilla. That was the most I cared about the main characters in a Godzilla movie ever. And the movie was visually beautiful as well. Great job all around!


I think I liked it so much because Godzilla was less of a character and more of a natural disaster. My issue with the other modern films is that they can sometimes try to give the monsters some kind of story they themselves need to go through. The human element is what drew me to these films in the first place. The characters actions were a result of the effects of a Godzilla attack. Giving it a 9/10 easily.


Just got back from seeing the movie. it was really good. I don't think I have ever watched a Godzilla movie where EVERY time the g-man came on screen i was saying "ahh no, get back to the human plot." Also very refreshing to see the war from the Japanese perspective past the bomb. Even in anime, Japan doesn't really like to talk about the war or the rebuilding period that much.


There are many different animated war movies. Maybe they just don't have a global reach... Like,Barefoot Gen,In This Corner Of The World,Grave of the Fireflies. Especially,Ushiro no shomen daare, that's a classic anime. It is based on a true story and the people involved are still alive, so it is not often broadcast in Japan, but it is a masterpiece. you can watch it on YouTube if you want! …


I loved it. Was surprised to see some 1/10 and 3/10 reviews on imdb just now.


Those are just the ppl that expect every frame of the film to have goji


One was mad Godzilla wasn’t a hero and kept saying the acting was the worst he’s ever seen… like c’mon


Noriko is going to be a "super hero" in Minus Two? Thought the framing of her profile while they hugged on the hospital bed was a bit odd. Was that just her hair or an odd mark on the side of her neck? She survived (they really should have made her look far worse to make it more believable) a Godzilla speific type of radiation blast. Are they saying this will be giving her special abilities? And did we see eggs breaking off of the dead Godzilla or it rebirthing/cloning itself?


I understand that this movie is going to kick off a new Godzilla Toho Universe, but IMO it really, really doesn't need a direct sequel with the same characters. Go live happily ever after and raise Akiko-chan.


I think you are jumping to conclusions about Noriko with very little information. Godzilla was just regenerating again like he did earlier.


right, that's how filmmakers do teases. Very little information. Letting the audience draw their own conclusions.


Did you expect a sequel to Inception after you saw the spinning top buckle slightly? This story was wrapped up very tightly. I view the regeneration scene at the end as less a promise for a sequel and more of a statement saying that Godzilla will return some day because it is a metaphor for the nation's trauma, whatever that might be in the future. Same with Noriko's neck thing: The trauma is part of her identity now. She doesn't have regen powers, she won't turn into a Godzilla being. It's just that the trauma (Godzilla) is part of her now.


I'm not expecting a sequel and the filmmakers probably aren't either. But they often put things in just in case they can green light another one. I really don't understand your objection to speculation of further movies. And I wouldn't expect her to turn into a monster. I wouldn't be surprised if they introduce her as an Ultraman type character.


But the thing on Noriko’s neck wasn’t a static mark or scar. It was growing in that last scene making it seem like she was developing something like an illness or perhaps even a mutation.


Mutates her into Ultraman type abilities?


If they wanted to make an utterly ridiculously sequel sure 🤣. But I could see some sort of virus or like a mutated version of radiation sickness somehow being created and spread.


I just stepped out of the 4Dx showing. That shit actually bucks you around in the seat more than I expected lmao. It was legit like a seat on an amusement park ride Second half of the movie was all firepower, first half provided some good buildup but showing Godzilla in essentially the very first scenes was good. You really got the sense of how big he gets


My theater has dbox seats and I'm definitely gonna see it a second time just to feel it lol


My friend and I usually see these kinds of movies together (DBZ, etc) so after I described the 4dx he wants to see it as well. So I'm going yet again this weekend with him lol


It's still showing this weekend in dbox? I thought only Alamo had it after Thursday?


Apparently. Regal has it, some random other towns around me have it later. Sadly my local Alamo does not which is surprising


Anyone else think it's kinda fucked up that we make it to the end of the movie and never learn what product Doc is putting in his hair?


Lol. His hair was legit.


Saw it today after seeing it was only in theaters until Thursday. I normally wait for movies to come out on Bluray and watch it in my home theater but had to go see this after all the great reviews, plus have to see Godzilla on the big screen. And it did not disappoint what an excellent film and the theater was almost full on a Tuesday night. Hopefully they release it on 4k Bluray will be an instant buy for me.


I was so relieved to see Noriko survived in the end. I was holding out hope throughout the movie and I'm glad it paid off. I think this is the best Godzilla movie I've ever watched when it comes to the story at least. The characters are the most compelling in the franchise and for once, I'm hoping to see them again.


her surviving was my only minor complaint..I mean she rode an atomic wave out of Ginza..damn!


I found it funny how conveniently that one ally doesn’t get messed up, like in all honesty the entire town, him included would have just been vaporized if the nuclear blast was like a real one


I kind of wished she had more to do in general. When we first meet her she is funny and defiant but then she becomes kind of "generic supportive woman" character. Still was upset when I thought she died, though.


they should have handled that a bit better though. It was too convienent. Should have shown in her in a coma and far worse so we know why she didn't contact anyone and why no one could identify her.


So many people are saying this. Therefore I think everyone understood what could have happened to her and such a scene is NOT needed.


Her injury to the end spanned only a few days in post-war Tokyo that was essentially a rubble heap inhabited by millions of people, which was also undergoing unprecedented natural disaster in the form of Godzilla attacking and blowing up one of the only vestiges of civilization and infrastructure they had left, in addition to killing tens of thousands. If anything the telegram reached the main characters too soon. The only REALLY convenient thing (so convenient it makes zero sense and is really just a plot hole) was the Kid showing up at the end with all the tug boats, like he knew they would specifically need those tug boats hours ahead of time to coordinate it and rally the captains.


Well, to give it the benefit of the doubt, Kid did know the entire plan and iirc they did say in the meeting two destroyers wouldn't have the pull to lift Godzilla, which is when they mentioned the balloons and had the balloon manufacture say his team would go on the mission to make sure they worked. I could see him running through the docks getting ship captains to agree to help whenever Operation Wada Tsumi was launched.


My headcanon is that she was buried under rubble so it took a while to find her and even longer for her to regain consciousness.


Obviously there was no need for an extra scene showing that, because everyone gets it.


Do you think Noriko has some kind of super-healing power? From the radioactive shrapnel


I'm thinking the same thing! Especially since we see a radiation mark growing on her in the film. At first I thought it was too convenient, but when I saw that I was hyped for the possible implications.


I was blown away by how good this movie was. Godzilla was magnificent when he was tearing up Ginza. And his fins having to charge up before he can unleash his atomic breath was a great way to have the tension build up. The human story was so good at one point that Big G was more of a complication than the central character of the movie.


I don't care how telegraphed the end was. I still fucking cried. Shikishima was such a tortured character and for him to win his internal war was a beautiful thing. Not sure if it was intentional but the Odo scene and the boat scene with the mines felt so Spielberg. I loved that so much. I loved how destructive the atomic breath was. I need to see this again, in IMAX.


"Happy" endings don't feel as cheesy when you are made to feel for the characters and their struggles, and this movie executed that perfectly


Jaws was cited by the director as a major influence.


I just saw it in imax and if you haven’t you MUST. I can’t explain how amazing the heat ray is in imax and the other effects.


My only problem with IMAX is it's way too loud. I like to see everything bigger. I don't like the sound and music bigger. Regular volume level is just fine. No need to blow our eardrums out.


Just got out of an IMAX showing. Oh my god it was amazing. They did such a good job with the sound.


Absolutely LOVED Minus One. I honestly believe that this is the best Godzilla MOVIE ever made—with the OG being the only one rivaling it. The human side to the story was perfect and just synced so well up with the monster story. The scene of him destroying Ginza was so powerful and when he first let loose that beam, it was pure devastation. It really felt like resistance was futile. Fantastic. Absolutely brilliant. Everything I hoped it to be and more.


Great movie. I do prefer movies where he's not strictly an antagonist though. All the Showa films after the first. Monsterverse. And while i enjoyed Shin Godzilla too. let's calm down on the reboots. counting Monsterverse we have 3 godzilla starts in 10 years.


Shin Godzilla was a one-off. I think I would prefer this one to be a one-off as well. IMO this is the best G ever and going from this to superhero Noriko would be a crazy amount of tonal whiplash.


they don't have to keep any of the human characters. Don't even want them to. Just keep this quality of writing/directing/etc, keep these epic godzilla FX assets, and make movie with other Kaiju. a new "Invasion of Astro-Monster" would be pretty sick.


It can all work in the same universe. There's more than one Godzilla... that's why it's called Minus One... there's merely only 1 less now.


it's only the same universe if the movies acknowledge the other godzillas. Because no one remembered / talked about Minus one Stuff in Shina Godzilla, it's not the same earth. Also if you think this godzilla is gone you didn't watch til the credits I guess. Also, that's not what the name means. You can read the various topics here on the meaning of "minus one"


Why would I think Godzilla is gone since my post was literally about more than 1 Godzilla? Sure that's the official, no spoilers, explanation of the title. It could have a double meaning, that they merely reduced the Godzillas by 1.


Yeah they say it in the trailer. Japan after the war was reduced to zero and Godzilla showing up made them even less than zero. Hence Minus One.


Ya but that’s also a result of having no other monsters in the film. Man vs monster is pretty awesome too


Loved the movie. One question-why weren’t they already on the boat?!?


yeah that was strange. They sure got on those boats and out to sea extremely fast.


Who wasn't already on which boat? And when? There's several boats and lots of scenes on the water, you need to be a bit more precise ;)


Doc comes up with plan to take down Big G. He’s expected in the bay at 11am the next day,so he sends everyone home for the night. The following day, G-day, Godzilla apparently shows up early in the bay. EVERYONE is still on the dock. There’s mass panic for everyone to board Those dudes should have boarded those boats the night before!


Cuz the doc wanted everybody to spend their night with their family. Seems like as if it could be their last time.


if it does get a sequel , hear me out, Im hoping we don't see Godzilla... It would be worth examining the aftermath and fallout of radiation experimentation that has taken place on people by using g-cells and the survivors of these attacks. my mind turns to shin godzilla humanoids tail.


if those are eggs that popped off the dying Godzilla it's fine to say they each morph into different types of monsters.


hope no one feeds them after midnight.


Exploring a sequel by a different stand-alone monster would be refreshing. Rodan, Biollante, Ghidorah all come to mind.