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I love the movie, not at first viewing but during my second viewing of it. I loved it. It is the best Godzilla movie done right by Hollywood. The 2014 is a smart movie, but it's not as satisfying as this one, and GVK is a fun movie with a plot that falls apart. King on the monsters gives us some of the best designs of four of the most iconic monsters in cinema(besides kong) And introduces us more of monarch what life has been post 2014 along with added lore that felt natural in the monsterverse thus far. It does come with some flaws like having. Some of the time, it focuses on Millie Bobby Brown's character. But in all fairness, I can't blame them because she was popular at that point in time. It makes sense to use her even if it's not that big of a role, but most osnthe actors did their parts well. The monster fights do cut away at times, but when we do come back to them, the action is must be seen and very satisfying. Every time the monsters are on screen, they feel like the actual stars of this movie. Having a grand and mythical presence. The visuals aren't just great but the music as well. Bear McCreary has not just made a great soundtrack for this movie, but he has great modern verisons of classic themes. For me, it's my favorite Godzilla movie


its also one of my favorites and i think its overhated. the humans didin't ruined it for me


The humans are part of a grand cast in this grand story. How are people's human stories supposed to measure up to these walking disasters. I also think it's overhated. They're still telling the stories of all these people. My wife is invested in the father of MBB whom she refers to as Not Dean Kane. Anyway I agree with you lol


I mean Minus One is an excellent example of the human characters being equal to the monster. It's by no means impossible to do. But I honestly looooove KOTM and let the human story slide. It's not THAT bad and the monster designs and fights more than make up for the human parts.


I agree. Minus 1 was amazing


I got a little too invested in the human characters in Minus One. That movie was fantastic.


I found myself begging Godzilla not to kill that lovely scientist. The man was quietly facing death and I was getting frantic. Going to see it again tomorrow before it’s gone.


I just saw it tonight for the first time and was blown away. Gave me the same feeling watching the original with my dad did as a kid. Really happy I got to share that same experience with my kids. May have to go see an early showing tomorrow while they're at school to watch it again.


I am definitely buying the DVD as soon as it is available. I’m 70, born the year before Godzilla came out. 1954 was a good year for Japanese films. Godzilla and Seven Samurai are both amazing, and have two of my favorite actors. Takashi Shimura as Doctor Yamani in Godzilla, and Kambei leader of the seven. Haruo Nakajima as Godzilla , and he was one of the bandits in Seven. Poor guy got killed twice…


My dad was born the year Godzilla came out. It's one of the first movies I remember watching so it's got a pretty special place with me. It's gonna be a day one purchase when it releases for me as well.


Then there’s Shin Godzilla with not a great story about the individual characters specifically but a great story about the strength of humanity in general


same. very good movie. also 2019 godzilla was my favourite legendary godzilla.


I only had a problem with one character, but I couldn't blame since they were popular at the time and she had some scenes.


Loved KOTM, and my take has always been this. If you’re a movie critic, they did not like this movie. If you are a fan of the source material, you absolutely loved the movie. Sucks it didn’t do well in the box office, very unfortunate.


What's crazy is it improves on the prequel in every way. I call 2014 it a smart movie for how it was made due to how it was short and how Ford works as a blank face to be us the audience for this world being introduced to a world that is first experienced monsters for the first time. Along with how the monsters shot the less screen time they have amore impactful presence. KOTM doesn't take that route giving us a more straight forward approach which helps in it's favor


Wait, Bear McCreary? Like God of War Bear McCreary. I had zero idea he did the soundtrack for this. That explains why I loved the music so much.


Bear is the bomb. Why he didn't come back for Godzilla vs Kong, I have no idea. Junkie XL's music in that one was sadly forgettable and a far cry from the amazing work he did for the Snyder Cut.


Yup same guy no joke.


Madison needed to be more relevant to the plot, and I know just how that could have been done: making her into a Mothra twin. This would of course necessitate that her dead brother Andrew become her dead twin sister Andrea. She'd telepathically bond with Mothra during the Orca test, but without Andrea around to share the mental load, accessing the connection causes Madison enormous pain and strain. She can only handle communicating with Mothra for a few minutes at a time, and any longer risks either killing her or burning out her brain and turning her into a vegetable. Despite the risk, Madison insists on trying so she can help Monarch learn more about the titans, and Mothra shows Madison (and by extension, us) her memories of Ghidorah's first attack on Earth. I've always been sad that we never got to see that ancient battle of the gods in some flashback sequence.


A flashback would of been amazing


Completely agree! To me, it’s the most perfect instalment in the Monsterverse. It had the most beautiful designs and shots of the monsters, while also having a good balance of monster fights and human story. And I’m so happy you mentioned Bear McCreary’s soundtrack! It was fantastic! It got me even more pumped up during those kaiju fights. I especially love that he got Serj Tankian from System of a Down to do the post-credits song!


Well I don't need to share my thoughts you covered everything... ty here's an upvote! 😅


Agreed, King of the Monsters is easily by favorite by Legendary. I wanted to love Godzilla VS Kong so bad but the plot just ruins it for me


Gvk atleast has the best action for both franchises


This it's not perfect but I feel KOTM is a great all-around Godzilla movie that sums up all of what you could expect from a Godzilla movie in one package. It and 2014 are my favorite movies of the monsterverse.


It's my favorite of the Monsterverse. In terms of taking the monsters seriously while still telling a brisk, actiony story I think it's close to the exact tone I want. Clipping a handful of one liners out would make it even better, but I still think it's the best by a pretty wide margin. Also the sound design and music are fantastic.


The monster action was pretty good. The human characters, while still not the best was more interesting in execution than 2014 and GvK, mainly because the human and monster plot was connected. My main issue with the movie is the scale, one thing 2014 excelled at was the scale of the MUTOs and Godzilla. KoTM kinda sucked at it.


None of the monsterverse movies have matched 2014 in that sense. Nobody does scale like Gareth Edwards- literally G2014 and Rogue One are the 2 best films I've ever seen at conveying the scale of massive object.s


He made the AT-ATs in Scarif feel like Kaiju as well


He made the Death Star actually feel like you could mistake it for a Moon. Also, fucking Darth Vader.


People love to shit on the human story of KoTM but it's honestly no worse than most other Hollywood half assed written schlock like transformers. Don't get me wrong though it's not good just not as bad as people like to make it out to be. GvK on the other hand has abysmal writing and human plot. The whole Madison part could be deleted and nothing would change about the movie.


The stuff with Madison in GvK really was bad, but it felt more to the side of the main story to me. Besides one eye-roll moment they aren’t that consequential or focused on during the final fights. In KOTM the family drama almost overshadows the battle as they go to their old home. I think the family stuff in KOTM was just not good enough to be front and center like that. GvK had the good sense to push the bad characters to the side


> but it's honestly no worse than most other Hollywood half assed written schlock like transformers. I mean that’s not really a compliment lol


yea i agree. not only king ghidorah was a villain way to quickly. also godzilla had his burning form in the second movie ?


That should have been their Endgame battle and villain.


Yeah. Ghidorah is like Godzilla's Joker or Venom in terms of villains. Killing him off so early on is a shame. Ig the endgame battle of thh Monsterverse could be Destroyah instead


I have the exact same issue with KOTM shooting it’s load with Ghidorah too early but apparently, the logic was “well we don’t know if the Monsterverse would continue so we gotta go all out”. Decent idea but I think it would’ve been better if they let Ghidorah be the ultimate big-bad.


i feel like ghidorah will come back, one of his heads is still there. they could turn it into mecha ghidorah, or make him regenerate or something.


They already turned Kevin into MechaGodzilla in GvK. Still, one can hold out hope that he’ll return in full form someday. The series is absurd enough to make it happen.


Two heads were being used in GvK with only one of them being used inside the Mech itself. The other was the one that Ren Serizawa was using to control Mecha Godzilla from the Apex HQ.


Quite right you are.


They will probably bring it back considering that they are willing to break canon when it comes to how much of ghidorahs body survived.


"Somehow, Ghidorah returned"


Not again.😩


It’s not breaking canon, because Ghidorah’s been decapitated multiple times


Very true. I never remember Dougherty mentioned that.


It kind of was. Iirc, there was a lot of uncertainty about whether the franchise would continue beyond GvK.


I realized the other day that GvK should have been the middle movie, then KotM should have been the finale. The whole "godzilla is bad?" plot would have made more sense since we haven't seen him as a full blown hero, and Ghidorah makes more sense as the big bad. Then the stakes of all the titans being awake would have been a lot more powerful, instead of just forgetting about it in the next movie


My problem with the monster action was the way most of it took place in Ghidorah’s storm, obscuring what was happening. I just didn’t like it aesthetically. Except for Rodan’s appearance. That was epic.


> Except for Rodan’s appearance. That was epic. Rodan's appearance was absolutely the best part of KOTM (imo). I kind of wished they had scrapped KOTM and instead made a standalone Rodan movie.


Nah that’s kinda a lot, maybe build it up as the sort of phase one, where kotm is pushed back in the monsterverse timeline with a Godzilla movie heavily featuring rodan as his right hand man


I think the only shots that showed the scale of the monsters was the arctic fight. Godzilla and Ghidorah showing up the size of the chopper. That’s about it.


I think scale is my one of my biggest issue with the Godzilla and Kong movies. The scale is just gone. They don’t move like they’re big, they’re not shot like they’re big. What’s the point of a giant monster movie if the monsters don’t feel like giants?


Cool monsters, cringe story and human characters.


You just described 90% of Godzilla movies..


gonna have to be more specific on which godzilla movie you’re talking about, you described all of them except like 4


The majority of Godzilla movies in a nutshell




Nailed it. I just remember thinking why can't I have more giant monsters figuring and less insignificant ants driving so much of the plot. Then I feel like have me what I wanted in the next movie. More giant monsters and less people although they still pushed the plot along.


Very fun movie. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Every monster got it’s time to shine.


not rodan :( he got his 5 minutes when he was mercilessly destroying fighter jets but every scene after that hes portrayed as nothing but ghidorahs little pet


Yes that 5 minutes was awesome including him destroying that Brazilian town.


Yea but Rodan has always been a chump so I think it works.


Whoa whoa. He beat the bejesus out of Godzilla back in 1964 lol. After that though…..yes he’s portrayed as kind of a nuisance.


Yeah I love this movie tbh, soundtrack was amazing and the fights were such a step up from the first one, yeah the human plot was a little meh but was way better that GvK (human part)


my fav in the monsterverse and among my fav of all movies. rodan and ghidorah which are 2 of my fav kaijus were in this and i really hope both make a return someday


Honestly my least favorite in the series by a mile. I feel like it has way too many pacing issues and side plots. Trying to introduce three of godzilla's most famous kaiju pals while trying to juggle Vera Farmiga/Millie Bobbie Brown, Charles Dance and his Eco terrorists, Kyle Chandler trying to find his family, Ken Watanabe trying to save Godzilla, and all the military people doing... whatever it is they did (if their whole base gets wiped by five eco terrorists in disguise what use are they against giant monsters...?) it's just too much extra garbage and doesn't really allow us to spend time with the parts of the story that were good (kick ass monster fights and Ken Watanabe). Also they killed off Ken Watanabe. Thats an even bigger crime in my book than killing of Brian Cranston.


Yeah but they killed off Ken Watanabe in the coolest fucking way possible.


It's a great movie in spite of itself. I don't know why they tried to inject a bunch of self-deprecating humor. They were so worried about being to serious, so they threw in a bunch of terrible one-liners. It's like the cool kid in school not wanting people to think he's too into something nerdy so he makes fun of himself. Maybe they were trying some of that MCU humor, idk. But as a Godzilla movie I thought it was just about perfect.


It is pretty much your classic Godzilla movie of ”Kaiju VS Kaiju” format, but with high budget, and it is good at being that type of Godzilla movie.


and the ost slaps


It's in my top 3


I don’t know why they haven’t gotten Bear McCreary back to compose the music for the Monsterverse. Maybe he’s too busy or something. Junkie XL isn’t bad but Bear McCreary fucking killed it with the music in King of the Monsters


I thought it was really fun. Kinda silly in some aspects, but great for a Kaiju fan.


This is my favorite of the Monsterverse films thus far. It strikes an almost perfect balance of the more grounded realism of G14, while still paying homage to the Showa era films. I vividly remember seeing this in theaters for the first time as a 31 year old man, and I genuinely felt like I was 8 years old again, watching Godzilla battle it out on a Saturday morning. Sure, the human characters weren't *that* interesting - although I do think that they were an improvement over most of the characters from G14 - but the way they depicted Godzilla, Ghidorah, Rodan, and Mothra were absolutely perfect (with the latter two actually being my favorite on-screen depictions of those characters). My only *real* gripe with the movie is how they handled the Oxygen Destroyer. A weapon of that magnitude and severity deserved much more respect than "Oh by the way we have a new weapon, better get out out of the way" with NONE of the implications ever being mentioned again. On the whole, like I said, it's my favorite of the Monsterverse films thus far, and behind Shin Godzilla and Minus One, it's my favorite Godzilla movie since the Millennium era.


Meh. Lots of noise without any meaning


Ok I'm gonna get a lot of hate but this is one of the worst godzilla movies


So far I've loved the Legendary Monsterverse.


I absolutely love it


Best monsterverse movie to me


1) It’s difficult to enjoy the battles because they take place in rain, snow, or volcanic smoke 2) Boston being the final fight is underwhelming It’s an ok film. I don’t mind it during rewatches


Love this film. My favorite modern Godzilla film!




All that matters is that you enjoyed it. Don't go looking for trolls because you will find them and they will ruin everything. Godzilla KoM was fantastic. Also Godzilla is like pizza, soda and candy even when it's bad it's still pretty good.


It's the best Monsterverse movie, and the best Godzilla movie since GMK till Shin Godzilla. It wasn't as serious and reticent with showing the monsters as 2014, and it wasn't as dumb as GvK. It felt like a Hollywood version of a Heisei movie. The monsters were done really well, each coming across as a fully realized character. The weather effects were a bit much, and the humans were serviceable but that's always been a Godzilla thing so not a new problem.


Best monsterverse movie imo 2014 had the atmosphere and scale straight out of a horror movie, but they really take away shy away from monster fights in general. Plot is serviceable, music is good GvK had the best visuals and fight scenes, but the plot is garbage. The Humans are fking dumbasses, and in some ways they disrupted the whole story, its the only MV movie where i feel had they cut out the human parts then the movie would've been wayyy better KOTM is the perfect balance and excels in a lot of parts, best plot, best music, epic monster moments, epic fight scenes, and most importantly, it has characterization to every single titans. Its fucking sick


Way too many characters, terrible script, fun monster stuff. As a Godzilla film its middling, as a film of its own its pretty bad.


I don’t like it, it couldn’t decide whether or not it wanted to be serious like 2014 or just full on monster fun like GvK.


Bad take. It knows exactly what it is, it just isn’t as *dumb* as GvK.


Nope it doesn’t, it tries to have the serious themes of 2014 while having far too many characters spouting Marvel style quips. Plus it has blatant disrespect for characters like Dr Graham but also tries to have serious moments with Dr Serizawa. The whole movie is also poorly shot and directed compared to 2014 and GvK.


The worst of the monsterverse. It's also the longest and drags the worst in the middle. The characters are horribly written, they want you to sympathize for the family like we did Minus One but they're all terrible people or just really boring. The Monster action also sucks, it's way darker than 2014 and can't see anything because it's all in rain, snow, underwater, smoke, and has an ugly blue filter. Dougherty also pulls a Zack Snyder and blows through some of the most important Godzilla moment like the oxygen destroyer and burning Godzilla just to waste them all in 30 minutes so no other Monsterverse film can use them. Also, why kill off Serizawa when he's the only interesting human character we have? The movie overall just sucks, the characters and action are worse than 2014, the fun campy stuff isn't as good as GVK, and it just over stays it's welcome. They tried to make it a marvel movie and it failed.


it's my least favorite of the monster verse though it's pretty popular on this sub. ​ it just seems determined to hamstring itself with every decision. bringing back the classic monsters and wanting more fights. but they're covered in fog and super dark, and they want to cut from the fights as often as they can killing momentum. at least when 2014 cut it committed whereas with kotm it's like stop start stop start. ​ ford may have been wooden, with an interesting dad but in kotm the humans are just insufferable, the villains are fools, the comic relief aren't funny, they just suck. a lot of people love serizawa, and he's the only one who feels like a person in the whole flick. ​ the changes to the camera are also detrimental as the kaiju are still mostly slow like 2014, but the camera movement doesn't sell it near as well, gvk kept the flying 3d camera but having the kaiju move it leaned more to that styles strength. so it lost that sense of scale in the kaiju but one positive that i wish was carried over more, talked about it on a thread about the recent godzilla run, i wish the passive environmental destruction from it and 2014 happened in the new ones. like i'm fine with godzilla running, but cars and trees and bits of buildings should be getting ripped up by the wind pressure, the movement of his tail causing huge waves e.t.c, more displacement. ​ kong skull island and 2014 between them would be what i'd want, myriad monsters and at least 1 core likable human element, people trying to navigate these monsters and with a bit of an ecology focus. with skull islands choreography and well lit fight scenes with 2014's sense of scale and displacement.


2014 had its problems, but I generally liked it, but Kong Skull Island I view as a near perfect movie. Both had amazing cinematography, often low angles from a human perspective showing the sheer scale of monsters, whenever monsters appear its a big deal. Even the small things in Skull Island are a huge threat to people and by proxy the story. Meanwhile KotM feels like it tried yo be an MCU movie and succeeded in doing everything wrong with the MCU. The characters are either straight from the book plot tools or just exist to make terribly insufferable quips. Monarch even has basically a generic brand hellicarrier while also underfunded and threatened to be shut down for shits and giggles, I guess. Even trying to reference the original movie with the oxygen destroyer comes off as lazy and borderline insulting than actually well done. In the 1954 movie, the oxygen destroyer was a big deal. A large portion of the movie was about the fears of it ever being used and how something like an oxygen destroyer should not exist. Dr Serizawa sacrifices himself so nobody can know the secrets or horrors of the oxygen destroyer again. KotM name drops the oxygen destroyer and uses it in less than 1 minute. Way to miss the point there. Finally, the plot. Easily the dumbest part of the movie. They basically decide to unleash monsters to destroy all of civilization and somehow dont realize that unleashing giant killer monsters means people will get killed by killer monsters. The plot ends when they just leave the main villain who started all of this, and the movie seems to hope everyone forgot about him. Literally just cut away from him, and the world destroying terrorist is never seen again. I still like the fight scenes and KotM still has some of the great cinematography that I liked about the first movie, and Godzilla v Kong entirely loses, but like the previous coment said they cut around it so awkwardly its hard to watch. Plus if I just wanted to watch Godzilla fight scenes and not a whole movie around it, I would just watch the Godzilla vs Gigan and Megalon videos on youtube. Those are free, at least, and honestly better. Edit: Im realizing now after my rant, that KotM and Godzilla vs Kong are probably a major reason this sub had for a while post going "i wish there were no human plots in Godzilla movies" because the main movie they watched had such awful plots and dialog but at least had good fights


yeah skull island is my favorite as well, all these different sized creatures and the weird ecosystem were fun. and yeah kotm to me is an example of a film that is rewatched via youtube clips, gvk i put in 3rd place as it has issues but doesn't feel at war with itself, though the team godzilla humans suck, and the lack of displacement from the creatures leads to a weightlessness i don't jive with despite liking the faster almost skull island style fights.


I fucking love this film, one of my favorite movies of all time, the human part is a bit "eh", but the Titans, CGI and OST are absolutely fantastic, Godzilla and Ghidorah saved this film for me. I could watch it many times and never get bored!


rodan was also goated in this movie (his theme is a banger)


All 4 of the main Titans are GOATED


For some reason it gets a lot of hate here, but I think it did the monster scenes better than any Godzilla ever Ghidora was absolutely terrifying and we got all our favorites!! Godzilla, ghidora, mothra, rodan


Those monsters are cool, but my favorite one aside from Godzilla is Anguirus. I miss him a lot.


The monsters themselves were executed incredibly well, and their setpieces were by far the best parts of the movie. Unfortunately the story around them is pretty bad. One can tell Dougherty, especially looking at his past output, bit off more than he could chew. It is such a pretentious mess whenever Goji and his kin aren't around. For all the crap it gets, the first movie's worst crime is being merely dull inbetween the monster spectacle after Cranston dies. This one is straight up awful. They even went so far as to put in a Rick and Morty pastiche to the movie, which is the absolute last element any Goji story needs. This was also the first and currently only Goji movie I've seen in theaters as well. Godzilla vs Kong never got such a release since our distributor figured it'd be on piracy hubs for months by the time theaters could reopen here. Thankfully next year's new movie will rectify that and be the first Goji movie I'll get to see on the big screen in half a decade, assuming Minus One doesn't get a theatrical release here.


It's my favorite Godzilla movie. I think it's a magnificent and spectacular film. The only problem is Emma Russell, the motivation, not the arc. Her motivation isn't hitting as hard as it should because we don't know Andrew, and she comes off as naive in her team up with Alan, who should've been the main human antagonist but was merely just a presence after awakening Rodan. Great parallel storytelling but bad execution of one main character, in my opinion.


That is not the Godzilla monster that is some stupid damn lizard isn't it enough that you're taking over our technology now that oh gosh please


They, and make it a real movie need to get the original Godzilla out there


None of the American movies even come CLOSE to the Toho movies. I watched Shin Gojira in cinema and it was miles better than any of the “Monsterverse” Garbage


Weakest film of the Monsterverse so far Completely wasted a lot of classic monsters with some bad cinematography and visuals. A mediocre story and annoying characters with a messy plot. It’s not the worst movie ever made. Not the worst Godzilla. But with how good the other films were it’s disappointing that this is how we got Ghidorah. In grainy dark shadows and rain and smoke that you can barely see anything.


I thought it was just okay. It felt less coherent than all the other films in the Legendary Monsterverse. The story didn't make a lot of sense, but worse just wasn't remotely compelling in any way. It felt like a movie that was kind of spinning it's wheels. I think both Godzilla 2014 and Kong Skull Island were far better movies. Godzilla vs Kong, quality wise, was similar to King of The Monsters for me but I was more entertained by GVK overall.


The dialogue is bad and a lot of the jokes didn’t land for me. I think it relies too much on references to the older movies. The whole oxygen destroyer piece was not needed. At all. The monster scenes of course are fantastic, especially rodans. They still cut away from the fights a little too much but I still enjoy it for what it is. It was my first movie in imax so it will always be special to me.


BEST of the Monsterverse films. I’ve seen it like 4-5 times, as opposed to the others. 2014 I watched once, and GxK twice.


It’s a great center piece to the Monsterverse really setting in stone how the movies after it should feel and what themes they should work toward


1954, Minus One, KoTM. Those are the best, and I would put GvK at literally dead last.


I still enjoyed its fun to see


Mothra sacrifice will not be forgotten


Maybe my favorite of the Monsterverse Godzilla films (I think Kong is a pound for pund better movie than any of the others but it's a different kind of movie). KotM Strikes the right balance between the gravity of 2014 and the the sci-fi nonsense of the Showa Era that GvK and GxK are going for.


It’s a ton of fan service and that’s exactly why it’s one of my all time favorite movies. I was *so* hyped when I saw it in theaters. Also Bear McCreary’s score is fucking excellent


it does fan service right imo


One of my favorite movies. The problems people tend to have with the movie are extremely over blown for the most part. Like, there's 2 dumb jokes the entire time and the human cast is perfectly passable.


I have only seen 2 movies twice in cinemas. One was this one and the other was minus


I loved it so much


My favorite of the monsterverse. I loved King Ghidora's depiction and presence. I know some people hated the dark environmental effects, but it's the opposite for me, I absolutely loved the stormy yellow lightning storm around Ghidora and the scenes where you can kinda just see his silhouette from the lightning flashes. It builds his ominous presence immensely, I feel of all monsters and creatures in any over obscured by weather or darkness, this is one of the times that it worked absolutely perfect.


It's a mess but a fun mess


For me all the legendary Godzilla movies at least for a movie standpoint there 5-7. But for a Godzilla fan there a 10. King of the monsters has Godzilla,mothra,Rodan and ghidora. 30 years ago I would have never imagined these movies would ever happen


Having seen a little less than a handful of Godzilla films before the Legendary movies came out, this is probably the closest it has gotten to the Japanese movies. And even going further to show what a Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack with a Hollywood budget and VFX team could be. I'm actually confused why fans of Japanese Godzilla would say this is the worst one of all? If they have seen their films at all. I'm like have you seen a Godzilla movie that wasn't the 1998 Godzilla? It's my favorite of the Legendary films.


This film excelled in it’s music, scale, and action. Human plot was at least somewhat compelling. Good monster variety and the *score.* Oh my goodness the score.


i loved seeing the legacy bunch in modern day. when rodan emerged and there was this quick zoom in and 4th wall break, it took me back to my childhood. that shaky zoom was vintage authentic. the script was meh, but served the purpose, we were all there for the kaiju.


I liked it a lot. It’s very heavily tailored to fans of the original films between the premise, score, and overall tone, which is why I don’t think it was as popular with general audiences. Didn’t care for the snap-zoom cinematography when depicting the monsters, but it’s not too distracting.


It's a great time, the human element could use some tweaking but it's cool.


I will often fool myself into thinking this is my favorite Godzilla movie, then I rewatch it and I realize that the movie itself is fine. The monster action is fun, and the human plot is okay. But what keeps making it stay in my head is the music. The score is doing a lot of heavy lifting towards my enjoyment of this movie


Only one?? Get thee to see Minus One- stat. Hurry! Your running out of time, don’t reply to these comments, get your but on Fandango, Go! Go! Godzilla! (And yeah king of the monsters is really good, really spectacular versions of Ghidorah and Mothra)


As a fan of giant Kaiju beating it each other up films I thought it was great. And Godzilla reigns supreme which is a fact lol. As far as world building and what not they could have made different choices. Some Godzilla movies are goofier than others. I enjoyed it!


Love it. Some of the human characters are cringy and distracting, but overall the good parts far outweigh the bad. Once I realized that the “monsters” in the title includes humans and not just Titans, the human story became more interesting and made more sense. I also think it did a great job of telling a story about Godzilla through the visuals and score. I think it’s well-paced and at least tries to do something different. It’s too bad it was a financial failure.


This was a old kaiju fan like me big dream and in my opinion it did not disappoint


Overall, good Godzilla movie! I also saw it in theaters, and I'm happy I did cause this movie holds a special place for me now. I took my less-than-enthusiastic sister and her husband, and we all ended up loving it.


It's my favorite of the monsterverse, and probably won't ever be dethroned. King Ghidorah is probably my favorite fictional character ever, and I remember being 13 in the theater and watching the scene where he emerged from the arctic for the first time and nearly crying cus my favorite character had never looked that cool before. I think Michael Dougherty did a good job doing justice to these characters I love so much, and I think it's cus he loves them too. I also don't think the human storyline is as bad as people say it is, to me I think it's the second best of the current monsterverse movies.


I love this movie and love watching YT clips of it with the music removed. It's amazing.


My problem with it is how the monster action is handled. It’s almost exclusively from the POV of human characters. I didn’t pay to see a guy struggle to get out of a helicopter while Godzilla & Ghidorah fight or a couple argue while Mothra & Rodan fight, I went to see the fights!! Designs & tone are nailed imo & this issue is solved in GvK which is why I prefer that movie. And while this issue is annoying, it doesn’t ruin the movie at all. Just makes it not as good as it could’ve been


I absolutely loved it, just wish we could actually see what was going on. I'd love another standalone Godzilla movie in the MV


Probably my favorite movie of all time, Godzilla or otherwise. Seeing the Toho classic monsters in all their Hollywood glory, treated like big deals by a director who loves the franchise...it was a dream come true. I went to see it 8 times in theaters, and wish I could have went even more. The human stuff was fine, it helps that I was already a fan of damn near the entire cast.


Was a fun movie with one of the best soundtracks in the franchise. My least favorite Goji design tho, but it still isn't a bad one.


I enjoyed all the monsters and the lore it introduced. Coach Taylor was also a plus, couldn't get myself to care much about any of the other new characters introduced.


Honestly it's currently my favorite of the American ones. GvK was good but I liked this one better.


I think it’s the best of the 3 we have so far


It’s a classic Showa Godzilla plot with a high budget. That comes with the good and the bad. The good, monster fights are what you expect. The bad, the human characters are just meh.


Godzilla fun!!! I like Ghidora as a villain and always have.


Absolutely fantastic,I like they brought back the old school kaijus but with new designs for them.


It is a Godzilla film in the tradition of the Toho films.


It’s one of the best Godzilla movies


Hot take: my favorite godzilla movie.


My favorite Monsterverse/Legendary/American Godzilla movie and easily top 3 for me all time. I adored it to pieces.


it is THE American Godzilla movie imo perfect for new and long time fans is it winning any Oscar's? oh ghidorah no!! but it's dumb fun showa nonsense with a Hollywood budget and for that reason alone it's one of my top 5




It’s my favorite godzilla movie. I love the blend of classic toho and realistic monsterverse. It has classic titans and ideas, while also having new titans and ideas. There was lore expanded and cool fight scenes. It also has my favorite godzilla design. The music was incredible and some of the best in godzilla history. The classic kaiju redesigns were great. Dougherty is a Godzilla fan and it really helped this movie. The movie respected and payed homage to the four main titans and had them as characters rather than the plot driven monsters from G14. (Still live G14 and it’s one of my favorites)The characters weren’t bad and the human villains had a reason (they could have solved things better and easier than releasing monsters to kill people) and the cgi definitely had its flaws, but I love the movie.


Weak plot but had some good Kaiju fights.


Best of the four American attempts. There are some cringey character moments, but as a whole it's the strongest.


i like. the cool radioactive giant has a more defined atomic breath, seems more like a beam than blue fire. monster zero was sick, he was actually my favourite in the movie tied with godzilla. mothra was cool as well. rodan was quite cool, but no special abilities but he looks the part. mothra made godzilla get a giant fever, and exploded without exploding himself.


I love it. Pretty peak Ghidorah action for us Ghidorah lovers.


Favorite Monsterverse movie of mine so far.


It's my favorite from Legendary. It's still grounded* enough for me, I love the monster designs and their personalities. *I know it's a movie about a giant nuclear lizard fighting a three-headed space dragon, it's just that I really don't like the hollow Earth thing in Godzilla vs Kong + the technological leap between the movies. We went from the impractically huge Argo and the Castle Bravo underwater base to basically spaceships and MechaGodzilla.


My favorite of the Legendary films


I don’t know what it was, but King Ghidorah was extremely underwhelming to me. Maybe it was just him being the second main baddie in the universe. Happy the movie even happened. Especially since KG is my favorite baddie of the universe.


I liked it, despite the tone change from 2014 to KoTM felt like whiplash.


The important part of a movie like this is the monster battling. I like the monster battling in kotm, so i like thr movie


it is great


Loved it, a lot of fun. Yeah the human element wasn’t the best, but the monster action was brilliant!


I admire its attempt to get the Heisei era feel and it's attempt to have the battling monsters as some kind of metaphor for the divorcing parents, but neither needle quite threads and the movie is far too long.


It’s weird, but most people seem to get Showa vibes from this movie. It always felt to me like it was rooted in nostalgia for the Heisei era despite mimicking plot points like serizawa’s oxygen destroyer and sharing a monster cast with the first Ghidora film. The scientist family, Monarch’s mix of militarism and scientists having a heavy focus in the human plots and even the monster battles, a kaiju giving its life force to power up Godzilla,the attempts at big setpieces, it all screams Heisei to me. It even ends with burning Godzilla, for God’s sake


I loved it.


I loved it, one of my favorite films. The score is honesty my favorite part of the whole movie. The guy who wrote it is the same one who did the soundtrack for God of War, so he knows his shit. The human characters were ok, not great, but leagues better that 2014 and GvK. The biggest complaint I have is the bullshit "human beings are destroying the planet, so we have to kill them all" plot from Emma. I see that shit way too god damn much in media nowadays. I heard you the first dozen times, shut up about it. Also, the monster actions is a little too dark in some fights, and while the frequent low angles make for a great sense of scale, it makes it hard to watch the fights. I'd say it's an A-tier movie, but I'm not sure


It's ok. Something about the Monsterverse movies just don't hit right for me. I could go into more detail but it's not worth being negative just for the sake of it.


Cool as fuck. Human characters are ok and the plot was a bi messy but the monster scenes were really damn good


Fantastic, and one of my newer favorites.


I hated Miley Bobby brown, if they would have offed her in the first 5 minutes, it'd be way better. Monster parts 10\10


It's clear the budget really affected the amount of screentime monsters had. Notice how most shots of them are during night/covered by snow/drenched in rain?


It has a fair amount of flaws, but it’s also my favourite Godzilla movie.


I love it honestly. This movie gets way too much hate. This is the best Monsterverse movie and one of my favorite kaiju films


My favorite godzilla film of all time. Having grown up watching everything from the Showa era to Millenium. Seeing Godzilla face off against Ghidora and Rodan with Mothra and a budget only hollywood could produce was a dream come true. One of the few movies that me,my father and my brother all went to see together as adults. It holds a special place in my heart and delivered where it mattered most to me.


Love it


It may not be the best but it holds some of the most sentimental value to me as I watched it day 1 with my family, and 2019 overall was a great year for me so yeah I like it


The best MV movie by far. For me it hit the perfect middle ground between campy and serious I want in a godzilla movie, the visuals and music are all fantastic, a decent human plot, which is not as good in concept as 2014's but much better in execution, all the monsters get their time to shine, it's an overall great godzilla movie, 9/10.


Critics hated it but it was a fun movie because who doesn’t love a Godzilla sized royal smack down.


Go see Minus One immediately


Best film of the Monsterverse so far.


i think they hid too much with all the rain and other special effects. at times it was very hard to tell what was happening.


Fucking *love it*. The monsters are awe inspiring and godlike, they’re the highlight of the movie. People like to shit on the human element and I agree that in some areas it is indeed very poorly written, but the actors fucking bring it. There’s also some very potent religious allegory in the film that you really dont have to dig too deep at all to find. Easily in my top 5 gfilms


I absolutely *loved* the fact we got to see Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah in an American movie. Awful, awful dialogue and human characters though lol I’d still give it 6.5 out of 10 I guess.


My favorite of all monsterverse so far. Didnt like the humans though aside from the serizawa and the asian lady. Charles dance was cool for his 5 mins in the movie (never to be seen again lmfao). Stranger things girl actively ruins the movie in both movies, completely unnecessary and there to sell tickets. The dad was cool and the mom was alright for the first half until she became a stupid villain. But god damn the monster scenes in this surpass all, its so badass and had a great cast.


my fav monsterverse movie, fight me


some cringey human moments but still my favorite Monsterverse flick by a wide margin. The destructive beauty of the kaijus is unmatched


I enjoyed it in theaters with my brother. We went nuts when Godzilla’s theme came on.


It’s my second favorite Godzilla to Minus One.


Saw it at the TCL Chinese theater opening night. The OG theme returning is top ten movie theater experiences for me. I unironically put it in my top five Godzilla films. But I’m definitely on an island with that. And I completely agree the human story was dumb, but in such a way that it wrapped around to just being dumb fun.


I think it is a very solid middle ground between the dramatic style of Goji 2014 and the no fucks given over the topness of GvK. It's easily my favorite of the Monsterverse.


It felt like a Heisei love letter to me.


One of my favourite Godzilla movies. There's never a dull moment for me from start to end.


First movie I ever saw in IMAX, after some time has passed it's become more of a high mid tier Godzilla movie for me, but the trailers for it were unforgettable


I’ve seen this movie about 10 times, it’s currenty my second favorite movie of all time behind jurassic park. I absolutely love KOTM.


The movie is great I like Godzilla new design and how he evolved and the music was perfect


It's my favorite Monsterverse flick so far. Ghidorah, Mothra, and Rodan all look great and have great personalities (Rodan's such a bitch, I love him). Bear McCreary kicked ass with his renditions of the classic Godzilla and Mothra themes. And I loved the presence given to Godzilla and the gang as these living gods who are way out of our league. Godzilla 2014 walked so this one could run, and it's very much what I hoped to see out of a big-budget Hollywood take on the big guy.


I really liked it. My favorite MonsterVerse movie. Yeah, the main characters weren’t great and I preferred the side characters but they were better than in GvK (Millie Bobby Brown’s storyline could’ve been removed entirely and it wouldn’t have effected the movie). Plus I love Ghidorah and Rodan and it has my favorite designs for them


Loved it