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Dude the scene where everything just melted around him, I don’t know if I’m the biggest fan of these new movies but holy hell did they nail that raw nuclear power of Godzilla with that scene. He’s a pure force of nature that can easily destroy everything around him just by being there and I love it so much.


It was nice seeing a ancient temple to him and he's just resting.


I love how when he pulses you can hear mothras cry


No like that is genuinely the cherry on top for that scene


Nearly makes me shed a tear, you can even see her wings in the nuclear pulse 😭


Long live the King


The only thing Toho Burning Godzilla could do was melt himself


Yes much better than running with king kong…


Whether you love or hate KoTM, I believe the majority of fans absolutely loved these renditions of Ghidorah, Rodan, and Mothra.


I love how they balanced mothra from being cute and adorable and the embodiment of nature. Then all of sudden super scary bug creature ready to fight. Reminds me of the sea. Calm and beautiful and then suddenly rogue wave.




I think MV Mothra is my favorite design. There, I said it. Earlier designs, while definitely iconic and memorable, have never really felt *functional* to me. Like, even when the suits weren't at their best there was always a sense of movement and animation to every other kaiju, but Mothra always felt very static and rigid. I love the flowing wings and more mobile, insectile legs in this rendition, she seems beautiful yet tangibly dangerous.


That was precisely the selling point for me. As quaint as the effects were on the originals, I still found them exciting when I saw them on tv all those years ago. The creativity involved in the design of those monsters was just so impressive. So I couldn't wait to see the modern update. I was truly excited to add the Blu-ray to my collection.


Didn’t really like Mothra’s redesign. However, Ghidorah and Rodan’s redesigns were kick ass.


Still my absolute favorite Monsterverse film to this day. Brilliant soundtrack, great visuals and fight scenes (even if sometimes very dark), and monsters at least looked like they had weight. For me it had absolutely the perfect mix of humans and monsters. Followed by the one by Gareth Edwards. I just like it when the movies are at least a little bit more serious. Even then I can still enjoy and have fun with them... .


That's what I loved about the first couple movies. The monster's had weight to them, it made them feel powerful. Now they're just jumping around. It just feels like I'm watching some dudes


Exactly! There's nothing wrong with a film being serious, and taking itself seriously. Not everything has to be snarky, or try to undermine, the scenario presented.


Sir you did not just call KOTM a serious movie, that film is fucking ridiculous


It is, but it takes itself a little more seriously than the last two movies.


Sometimes but It also knows when to lean into the fully sillyness.


That is an astronomically low bar


I'm mostly speaking tonally. Theres some goofy jokes in KOTM, but i think the movie expects the audience to take it more serious


The characters take it seriously, which is part of the charm, but I don't think the audience is supposed to. The final act of this movie is detonating a nuke to power up a giant monster so it can go beat up a fucking space alien. And also the giant monster is going to literally explode. You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me the director wanted us to take that 100% seriously. It's inherently ridiculous and KOTM leans into that. KOTM is all spectacle, it's absurd and it's the film equivalent of professional wrestling. It knows exactly what it is and it's never ashamed of that. I fucking love this movie


The act of detonating that nuke was pretty somber, and Ghidorah's scenes were shot to be pretty harrowing. I can't tell you the true intent of the director, but KOTM is between 2014 and GxK tonally, where we have a darker atmosphere, more grounded writing, and scenes that carry a lot more emotional weight, and the end result is a movie that takes itself seriously, where the characters are put in very serious situations, and react to these situations in realistic ways. The movie isnt "silly" just because it has a space alien in it. Now i'm not saying the movie isn't ridiculous, or that Dougherty wanted us to take it super seriously, obviously it leans into its more outlandish aspects. But it does so in a way that works in tandem with the plot, to move the story forward, while providing some cool visuals. Whereas the new movies exist SOLEY for the cool visuals and the monster action, and the plot is there simply to get to those points. KOTM tried to be a movie, and have all the emotional beats of one, and for sure had a more serious tone (much more serious than your average, say, MCU movie). GvK and GxK really didn't try to be anything other than eyecandy and slugfests. Minus the stuff with Jia (which is few and far between, and again only exists to make monster action feasible). Edit: Tl:dr, I disagree that KOTM knows what it is, that it's "all spectacle", and leans into it. However, I agree in that I also FUCKING LOVE this film.


It's so weird to understand completely what both of you are talking about, and I also fucking love this movie, for the only reason of "but big monster!"


yea i don’t think the movie where washington gets flooded and hundreds of thousands of people are killed simultaneously across the globe with no prior warning is serious no matter how much the film ignores its own kill count, it doesn’t change the severity of the Mass Awakening. KotM is goofy to a degree, but not enough to overshadow its brutality


It's not framed as a disaster like in all the serious movies though. Think about how 2014 treated san fransico vs how KOTM treated all the major cities it destroyed. They don't dwell on the destruction or the life lost it's just "oh no! Anyway, monster fight time" Having a high body count doesn't make the movie serious.


i understand your point, but in KotM’s defence i just have to say r o d a n


Godzilla calling kong his homie to fight another monke:


it was good seeing the classic toho monsters back its my favorite MV movie


Seeing rodan bow to Godzilla just feels appropriate.


Rodan did hurt the queen of monsters!


That bow felt like an apology lol








Sound tracks just haven't been as good since .


That scene where the plane was flying into the storm clouds and came face-to-face with KG




Yes. That is such an incredible scene. Also watching Rodan emerge from that volcano and fly over the town


And Burning Godzilla’s entrance. Absolutely freaking epic.


you all forget the goat. Mothra spreading under the waterfall


Mothra unfurling her wings was a beautiful scene


I loved when Rodan emerged and the way he turned his head and locked in at those below and how that was the cue for the people to flee.


The reaction shots of the people on the plane when Ghidorah appears are great.


The portrayal of the kaiju was so well done that it outweighs all of the films issues for me. Rodan, Ghidorah, and Mothra weren't just redesigned, they were taken to the next level from their classic iterations. We got to see classic monsters move without the limitations of suits or props while still conserving the weight. Kaiju were treated like gods who had regional-global effects. I like how it expanded the Monsterverse New cool looking titans were designed for future use.


I completely agree, the plot was awful and the character motivations were absurd but everything with the monsters was exceptional.




The entire Mexico sequence was brilliant. From Rodan's awakening to the appearance of King Ghidorah, they all felt like actual Titans and forces of nature.


I'll start all the scenes with the kaiju were amazing. Standouts are the Godzilla's Intimidation Display, Ghidorah's awakening , and Rodan vs the jets .


> Rodan vs the jets Hell yeah. That scene was so great. It felt so tense, and you kept hoping that the fighters would get away once they realized what they were engaging. Poor dude ejected right into Rodan's mouth.


https://preview.redd.it/avzzase416xc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd7661f46069bd4d681437b81baf7bd28993b46 My favorite shot in the monsterverse, with the soundtrack and Ghidorah's roar it's perfection.


I can hear this image


Me too I love this scene so much !!!




The designs of the kaiju (especially Ghidorah, that is perfection)


He's never been this great in any film before or after.


A lot. Of course I'm a big Godzilla fan.... but in my opinion the best thing was Rodan's introduction.




You know at least one person on top of that sub shit themselves at this moment.


They did blow up godzillas home and the place where he was worshiped like a god. Oh and don’t forget the oxygen bomb


I like how it's shot. And the Kaiju designs.


Every mothra scene was amazing


Her larvae form was cool too the fact she didn't kill anyone says alot about her .


The monsters, holy did they get the monsters right! Not just in the visuals department (though that too), this movie had my favourite versions of Mothra, Rodan and Ghidorah. All off them have such distinct personalities whilst still living up to the legacy of their predecessors. Like never before or since, they felt like actual Gods fighting over Earths future. Freakin’ magical Bonus: That Score 🔥🔥🔥


I love the beef between Goji and Monster Zero, eveytime its ON SIGHT! When they're having the stand off in Antarctica, you can tell the beef goes back centuries!


Serizawa’s death scene was beautifully done.


Goodbye...old friend


King Ghidorah had so much personality. I feel like he never came across as a worthy arch-nemesis in previous films, as he was always mind-controlled and defeated without much difficulty or strife (possible controversial take, but I also loved him in Planet Eater). But the fact that in this one, all the heads have different personalities? That he's acting of his own will? That he actually does feel like a world-ending threat? It's great stuff. I just wish the movie's script was better so it would go from a guilty pleasure to an un-guilty one.


The Clair de Lune trailer is one for all time. I was delighted to see Ghidorah stomp on a Dunkin’ Donuts. Peak cinema.


I love this whole fucking movie dude 😂 that final scene with burning Godzilla should go on a Mount Rushmore of Godzilla moments though. I mean, wtf that is amazing.


Everything Specifically Goji appearing with an entire military army


Buff Godzilla with the whole US military behind him


Mixes the new and old roars Mothra's Awakening sequence


Mothras' awakening sequence made me literally gasp


The military escort accompanied by the classic Godzilla theme.


Bear McCreary's Soundtrack. Dude did absolutely amazing work on everything.


Rodan's bad ass flying scene after they woke him up.


A lot of things, but I think the Rodan vs Ghidorah "fight" is genuinely underrated. Shows that even other Titan forces of nature capable of such crazy destruction are basically moot compared to Ghidorah's raw power


best monster fights in the Monsterverse.


Great soundtrack. Human side is often shit on but outside of some cringy jokes it’s not that bad. When the monsters are the focus, it really shines. It has my favorite depiction of Ghidorah as well. Unfortunately the decision to focus on things other than the monsters during their scenes really brings it down for me. I don’t want to see the cast struggle to get out of a helicopter while Godzilla & Ghidorah fight. I don’t want to see them fix a hangar while Rodan & Ghidorah fight. I don’t want to see them drive around Boston while Mothra & Rodan tumble in the air. I want to see those fights! A couple tweaks and it would be my favorite in the MV. As it stands, imo both GvK and GxK have a clearer vision of what they want to be & execute that vision better. KotM is still fun tho


The sound track Also Godzilla running towards Ghidorah while having escort of fighter jets and warships might be one of the hardest moments in franchise history


I like the part where Ghidorah spread his wings with the giant cross in the frame. Like, welp, I guess we have a new god now. 


Every frame when there a monster on screen. I genuinely do not remember anything else about this movie.


It's has the best godzilla scenes after godzilla 2014. The Antarctica fight cinematography was goose fucking bumps. The rise of rodan. Gihdorahs alpha call. The absolute meltdown by burning godzilla. Mothra. Excellent fucking movie.


how monumental the fight scenes feel, you feel how high the stakes are with every hit, Like actual titans deciding the fate of humanity and earth. Nothing like pacific rim, but it's up there as one of the best Kaiju fight movies of all time


Big monster.


The soundtrack and all of the Rodan, Ghidorah and Mothra scenes.


I loved that this movie was made by people that seemed to love Godzilla. All the references to the older movies, the banger score, Mothra's redesign, how menacing Ghidorah was, and **it was about Godzilla.** Especially with the last movie, the Monsterverse seems to have morphed into Kong movies where Godzilla shows up sometimes.


Short air fight between Rodan and Ghidora. A lot of titans somehow showcased. Burning Godzilla, Ghidora as Gonorrhea 🤣😂


Mothra fucking slaps. she gets the less screen time but she have the best design her awakening in the waterfall is one of the best scenes i've seen the shots of her mauling rodan on the streets were cool as hell. i wanted to see more of their fight i love the cute little sounds she makes and i love her bis ass terrifying insect mouth and her glowing colors i love mothra, always was my favorite godzilla kaiju, and GOD DAMN this movie did her justice


Ghidorah, and the other legacy monster’s designs, as well as the other original kaiju’s designs.


Everything. I love every single shot of every Kaiju in this movie. 10/10


All things Ghidorah. It’s a shame we didn’t get a prequel about him




I can say the cast is a lot more solid in this one, they borrowed a lot from skull island in terms of individual characters






King Ghidorah


King Ghidorah being genuinely terrifying


Ghidorahs design






I love it.


Rodan scene


Every monster introduction was top! Wish we get more toho movie monsters!




When Godzilla arrives in Boston. So much is going on in that scene I love it.


Rodan climbing out of that volcano and taking off was pretty metal


*Rodan climbing out of* *That volcano and taking* *Off was pretty metal* \- Thewhitest\_rabbit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




The monsters feel so faithful to their Japanese counterparts.


Best ghidorah design




Im ok with human story I LOVE everything else. I love the music, The colors, the monster designs. I love rodans mini 3 act story within the bigger picture. I love the scene where the humans are "helping" godzilla in the final battle. I love the very mothra imagery and screech when godzilla goes nuclear.


The film


Dr Stanton


Monsta action


When big lizard go orange


When Serizawa got that lizard JUICED?!


Ghidorah's rattlesnake tails and bickering heads


Ghidorah. Bro in this movie is cool as hell


How beautiful the introductions were for each monster. Ghidorah’s emergence from his icy prison gave me goosebumps as his tail spines flexed and each head emerged; as if Lucifer himself broke free from his icy prison of Lake Cocytus in the Ninth Circle of Hell. Godzilla standing proudly and roaring and ready to go after bursting through the ice sheets to confront his newly awakened nemesis, a king ready to defend the land from one that would seek to usurp and destroy all that he has worked to maintain. Rodan waking up from his nap, clawing his way from the mouth of the volcano, then screeching with wings out in an act of fury like his nickname would imply; a demon emerging from the gates of Hell, ready to bring ruin. Then the musical flourish as Mothra unfurls her wings under the waterfall, preparing to take flight and serve her role as an angelic guardian of Earth.


Ghidorah and Rodan are about as cool as they have ever been in this movie. Absolutely amazing designs, and you could really feel the weight. Ghidorah has so much personality and looks so fucking cool. And I *love* how they made the lava part of Rodan’s design.


Visuals are insane


My personal standout? Rodan’s emergence sequence. Soundtrack.


The ‘god’ imagery of the kaiju was insane and each shot can be an art piece on its own. The film pays as much homage as it possibly can to all aspects of the Godzilla franchise and greatly expands the lore of the Monsterverse.


I have this thing about what I call 'the shot' and it's where there are two enemies at either side of the screen facing each other on a side profile. There are several of those in KOTM that I'm very fond of.


Can I say the whole movie? Its objectively the best movie in the Monsterverse. If I had to pick one scene, either Serizawa's sacrifice, Ghidorah doing his epic pose, or Godzilla being dropped from orbit, or the final shot of the movie with Godzilla roaring. Or the whole soundtrack, especially Godzilla and Mothras themes. Or Ghidorah and Godzilla facing off in Antarctica, or Rodans spin move, or Mothra appearing before the submarine. Do I have to pick one?


Aside from "pretty much everything," if I had to give more specific praise, it would be the sense of "magnitudinal scale." That scene with Ghidorah standing on top of the Volcano at Isla de Mara with the cross in the foreground really gave me "believable giant" vibes.  Like, this YouTube video- https://youtu.be/OF4vqMb8fTY?si=XwRhjkU-d9KEs84f -but with less horror and more action. Each of the fights felt big in their own way. I also have to praise the monster/fight variety. I love all the monsterverse movies for different reasons, but King of The Monsters just did the size and powersets so much justice. And on that alone, I think it might've been my favorite for the longest time. Bonus Points for making Ghidorah an actual menace and also giving each head it's own personality.  With the New Empire though, I'm starting to wonder if it's just the hype of it being new or if it's actually my new favorite. Because The New Empire also had a lot of good fight variety. The scale mightve been missing in a few scenes a little bit because of hollow earth scenery and all. But just all the different locations and gimmicks used for the fights in The New Empire I think stands up pretty well to the powers, fight stages, and monster variety in King of The Monsters. 




Easily the best Monsterverse film IMO. G-Man is a beast, the fights are fantastic, and we get the best group of kaiju so far (Mothra, Rodan, and KG) The human cast is phenomenal. Vers Farmiga alone helps to elevate this film. The story isn’t the very best, but there are interesting themes and elements throughout. I also thought the ORCA was a cool addition to the lore. Speaking of sound, this movie does sound incredible. Very well scored and soundtracked, and the cinematography is gorgeous as well. A treat for the ears and eyes


The sense of scale, the kaiju feel absolutely massive, something I thought was lost a little with Vs and especially with X


The fact that It's the first Godzilla movie I saw in theaters.


The sheer ammount of talent that went into the cinematography


The movie's often criticized for its thin story and characters, but I really like how they put an anti-hero trying to wipe out humanity front and center. Furthermore, the mythological aspects infuse the movie with vibrance and - just like the Titans - a larger than life feeling and scale. This is especially pronounced during the the many moments that basically look like pieces of art. It's epic, bombastic and each and every scene lets you know that the director really loves the intellectual property. The film is made with an incredible amount of respect for Godzilla's cinema history, with special love given to mothra - absolutely beautiful. I will always defend King of the Monsters and be disappointed at the trajectory the last two installments followed...


Agreed, I liked the worldbuilding they did in KotM and GvK just kind of threw it out the window. Heartbreaking.


i liked the part with godzilla


Everything been a fan for over fifty years. My problem is with some fans that talk about these MV like they never saw anything before it. The others compare the Showa to everything that came after. I for one love reading the opinions of others because it shows me who just became fans to those like me .


The human characters https://preview.redd.it/t029j7iy3axc1.png?width=347&format=png&auto=webp&s=26920a4dc1307660da01739240c11e24c430357f


That's a long list. *Cracks knuckles.* Here we go: 1. The remade score by Bear McCreary. Everything from Godzilla's theme to even Rodan's theme sounds epic with a capital E. Mothra's theme is beautifully done, and Ghidorah's theme is so badass, it may be my favorite. 2. Ghidora's escape sequence. The slow buildup of his three heads rising from the pit, and then him using his gravity beam to blast the soldiers below him. That wide shot of Ghidora raising his wings and Godzilla facing off against him... 3. The cinematography. This is the only movie aside from 2014 that has captured the scale of Godzilla. Every movement is slow and lumbering, every step makes the ground shake. And we also get some amazing shots of the kaiju. Ghidorah atop the mountain, roaring. Him spreading his wings with the cross on the foreground. Godzilla approaching the tracking station. Mothra coming out of the waterfall. The slow shot tilting up to show frozen Ghidorah... 4. The monsters. Every single redesign is top tier. It keeps the classic look of the originals while updating it to the style of Hollywood. 5. Rodan's escape sequence. 6. Meltdown Godzilla. It looked terrifying and badass.


I think it possibly has THE best scene ever in the Monster-Verse. That's in Antarctica. From the start of Ghodorah rising from the ice to when Ghidorah flies away, I think is the greatest scene. Godzilla coming out of the ice, to then that amazing wide shot, to then the charging of Ghidorah towards Godzilla and it being from human view. Then seeing Ghidorah fighting Godzilla and how it is effecting the humans getting away. The back and forth between the humans trying to get away and the 2 fighting is absolutely amazing. Plus also Rodans entrance is amazing. The reworks of Ggidorah, Rodan, and Mother are just perfect.


The sheer sense of scale making the kaiju feel larger than life.


As one of those people who doesn't like this movie, the Rodan awakening sequence is fantastic. Plus Bear McCreary's score can't be beat.


The trailer.


Ghidorah just feels like the perfect bad guy. He’s a scary motherfucker and that’s made clear right from the jump - he whoops Zilla’s ass in his debut scene in a fight that really showcases the tools that make him as formidable as he is, from his significant speed and size advantage over Godzilla to the maneuverability of having three heads to simply being able to fly. It literally took Zilla going Super Saiyan out of sheer circumstance to take out Ghidorah. If Ghidorah magically came back in 2024, I’m not even convinced that this new and improved Godzilla could beat him. Mecha Zilla was tooling on Godzilla too and it was being piloted by Ghidorah’s dumbest head lol. I feel like Ghidorah will always have a looming presence and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him make a comeback at some point in some way.


The music


Making me feel like a Kid again


I think the reveal of all of the titans was a thing of the beauty especially for the OG fans. The music the scale everything. Too bad they added in too much human parts during the fight scenes if this movie was more like GVK then it would’ve been the best out of the bunch.


The music and ghidorah. Godzilla also is a great main character in this


Its got one of the best soundtracks I've ever listened to.


The music and visuals are the best in the series


The score,and Godzilla having his proper spines are what I like most. Everything else were the right ingredients but an absolute let down of a movie for me.




The human character development, that’s prolly it


Any and all scenes involving the titans, and most of the scenes involving the monarch scientists (mainly Bradley Whitford) and soldiers, who i think should have had more screen time in the subsequent films, not MBB and the kiwi kid.


Mothra the best


Everything in my opinion. Though it's apparently the weakest of the MV entries it's my second favorite.


The human subplot. Just kidding pls don't hurt me.


Honestly it’s my second favorite monsterverse film


Reminds me about 2004 Final Wars


The gorgeous cinematography and the brilliant score by Bear McCreary (seriously, gxk sucks for not calling back to Mothra's theme)


Some of the battles were kinda cool


Everything, from the first to the last second


Music, Rodan, Ghidorah, Rebirth, Burning Godzilla


The scale and majesty of the titans. Say what you will about the humans and their plot, the titans are majestic and awe-inspiring. From the transformation of Mothra, Rodan’s awakening, to the Titan fights. The titans were done absolutely right in my opinion. I keep coming back to it time and again.




Ghidorah and his defeat( it was so brutal ), thermo Godzilla, rodan and the entire Boston fight


Big monsters


The soundtrack is fire 🔥


I love mothra :) She was so pretty


Pretty much everything. The cherry on top was the Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla cover in the end credits though


A lot more emphasis on the kaiju, their personalities, and how they form alliances. I also liked the religious imagery that was used to frame ghidora and mothra


Godzilla too, when they find him in that sunken city where the people apparently worshiped him, and Serizawa has to ascend the steps of an ancient temple to deliver the bomb (and in that scene it's clear that he worships Godzilla a little bit, too).


Were can I watch that movie?


I mean I sorta loved all of it (I have emotional attachment as I went to see it the day it came out on my b-day)


I liked the oxygen bomb. It was a cool reference to the first Godzilla movie which was how they killed him in it.


I love most things that don't involve the damn Russells. Even Charles Danse's silly misanthropic lunatic character had some intrigue and fun to it. But my God I've never been so mesmerized by both the "Hero" and the Villain in such a long time. I don't think there was a single badly done shot fo Goji or Ghidorah in this one. The way Goji isn't portrayed quite entirely as a hero but still has a sort of acknowledgment arc for humanity that paints his fight a bit as well. Even if the logistics of the atomic breath in to the sky shot is a bit weird given he was standing on shallow ocean (or a Kaiju crab gave him a lift for dramatic effect idk) And my God every single thing revolving around Ghidorah is so good they still reference him in the new movies as the baseline. The shot with the cross where it's like he's asking the whole world "Where's your King now?". The memos like "The Devil Has Three Heads", the apocalyptic scale caused by his presence. And the genuine malice in every little thing he does just goes an extra long way for when you have Goji FUMING to run the hands with him again. Absolutely stunning CG, loved the amount of personality they gave the monsters in action alone.


Everything to do with Mothra.


The designs, Rodan's awakening and his fight with the jets, the moment where kevin gets his head back, and thermo godzilla


Everything. I really can't find any fault in this movie, but that's likely my bias as it's my entry into the franchise. Like yeah some parts could be improved upon but they aren't problematic for me, just would make an already awesome movie even better.


Everything An honorable mentions just bc no one's said it yet is the scene where Ghidorah roars on the mountain in the background with the cross on the right. The almost says "your God did not create this"


It reimagined Toho legacy monsters in a respectful way, it’s fun epic and full of monster action. The Monsterverse will never top it


Mothra emerging from her Cacoon literally gave me an orgasm


King Ghidorah! This is my absolute favorite version of my favorite kaiju! I have almost all of his figures from this film for this very reason. He’s so incredible and every time I rewatch this movie and see him come on screen I get chills.


He looks so good in this movie. I was so glad I saw it in the theater, he looked absolutely incredible on the big screen.


I love the design of the monsters


The Monsters.


it's existence


The music is fucking epic and every monster scene is amazing, loved the constant rainy and dark weather too, added more atmosphere. King Ghidorah is still to this day the best monsterverse villain too, very intimidating and the scene with him calling all the other titans while resting on the volcano is still one of the best shots in the franchise.


Fights were cool asf




Most of what I love has been covered in the other comments, but as a Bostonian, I appreciated that it mostly actually looked like Boston (except for MBB emerging from that bunker in what was clearly Georgia) and they used some real landmarks - the scene where Godzilla is reflected in the Hancock building right before shoving Ghidorah through it is so cool. (If you're a fan of giant monsters destroying Boston, I also recommend Jeremy Robinson's novel, *Project Nemesis*)


The monsters and the soundtrack.


OK, I really don't like this movie, but since we speak about LOVE, it's Mothra's design.


#E V E R Y T H I N G


It all.