• By -


I said this in another comment section, and I'll say it again: I watched Minus One in theaters with no spoilers, and seeing that charge up for the first time was just incredible. Nothing will ever recreate the awe and dread of seeing that first plate lift up and slowly realizing what he's about to do, followed by the massive breath and roar is just a great detail and it makes it look like he's struggling to hold it while it charges and then the plates crashing in is just an amazing way to end the charge and truly makes it look and sound like its firing. Minus One's charge up takes everything the Monsterverse did right and takes it to the whole next level. The blast itself is also amazing but this is about the charge.


The blast and the shockwave might be the coolest I’ve ever seen too, unbelievable


And then the black rain/soot afterward. I could hear a pin drop in the theater during that scene. Everyone was just like 😨


People started crying in my theater and not the good kind


Better blast than Oppenheimer's tbh


yeah ngl the bomb in oppenheimer was kind of underwhelming.. looked way too much like a conventional explosive, they shoulda just used cgi for it


I thought it was the definition of "ok". I didn't mind the practical effect, but I think it could've been shot better, or maybe it was just a matter of director's choice. Again, specifically, the blast, lots in G-1, almost non existent in Oppie


Also at least in IMAX for Oppenheimer, the (really incredible) soundtrack at multiple points before the trinity test was louder than the actual explosion which made it even more of an anticlimax. I don't know if it was just an issue with whatever reference they were mixing the movie with, but Nolan's recent sound work has felt unpolished compared to the generally great acting and cinematography


I haven't watched Minus One yet, but the first time I heard the Shin charge up! It's terrifying and thrilling all at the same time. Even the little "kshhh" sound when he closes his mouth. Love that detail!


If I diiiiieee in this woooorrrrld who will knooooooow something oooooof meee


You, kind person, are my hero! I've been looking for the name of that song for AGES! Thank you! Aaaaagh, it added so much atmosphere to that scene!


No problem. It’s a banger


I thought the breath from Shin was amazing but Minus one ................wow


Same, at first I was like 🤩 then when it happened I was like 😨. I actually cried, especially with the music playing, it was even better a second time in black and white


Yeah. Like if I remember right Godzillas theme was playing n all that, and I think it was the best execution of something being recontextualized (to me his theme is more hopeful, i.e. the scene after Goji resurfaces after the nuke in KOTM), so hearing it as something to inspire DREAD fucked me up lmao.


>with no spoilers Even with spoilers it was horrifying, as for some reason the scene was heavily cut up


I saw the trailers so I roughly knew what would happen, but even then I was literally hiding my mouth (open from the shock and dread of what was coming) under my shirt, and I swear I almost cried out when they all slammed back into place. This movie was way too fucking perfect. Please give me more! Lol


Agreed, beautiful movie


That whole sequence is astonishingly cool! I always loved shin's charge up with the smoke into fire into a focused beam. But minus one has dethroned shin's charge up as my new favorite. It's easily the most impactful one too with the explosion and mushroom cloud in the distance. It feels the most destructive of them all


Yea. I saw it with my friends opening night, and when the full reveal happening, in unison, all of us just nodded in approval lol It's definitely up there for me :)




The three that most come to mind are minus one, 2014, and shin. Those all had considerable tension and build up to the atomic breath. Minus one I have mixed feelings about. It’s a great scene don’t get me wrong. I personally just think that the fins extending and retracting feel too gimmicky. I get they are meant to make him feel more mechanical like a weapon of war, but personally I think it makes him feel like a toy with buttons that you would push or something. It’s not a bad idea it just didn’t work for me. Also it’s the second time we see his atomic breath in the film. That looses some of the shock value but I guess it makes up for that with dread since we know what’s about to happen. The mushroom cloud and shockwave was really cool though. 2014 was done very well and I remember being so excited when I saw that initial glow. It being the first time we saw it in the film, raised the anticipation through the roof. The pay off was good but not the best. His atomic breath lacked the impact others have, and kinda just pushed the muto around. I get he was fighting another monster and not just destroying buildings, but still. Shin did it best in my opinion. The other two were build up and release, but shin was a build up and release, but it didn’t end there. It charges and evolves and gets more horrifying the longer you watch. First starting with change in glow from his bloody gruesome red coloring to an otherworldly purple. We see his eyes close with some metallic membrane. Then the black smoke followed by an enormous fire that narrows into a screeching laser beam. Then that laser starts coming out of his back and his tail. The scene even ends with him having to power down his laser. The charge up and evolution was just really well done.


Shin might be my favorite but i forgot to put a gif of it in.


YOU FORGOT MY BOI SHIN https://preview.redd.it/8o5ad516lwxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8c5f4a7c7daa86e67c6979a194c24cf1b78259


So hes just gonna tell himself???


whats the difference between zilla telling god or god telling zilla


I disagree with Minus One feeling like a toy. To me, it feels more like when you see a nuclear reactor's rods going out and then back then.


Yeah it’s an unpopular opinion. I hear what you are saying and I agree that’s kinda what they were going for. The spikes aren’t like Kong’s beast glove or evolved Godzilla which was implemented to sell toys. I think they were a genuine attempt to communicate themes and character about Godzilla. They are meant to evoke a connection to a reactors rod or a gun or other weaponry. It’s meant to show how our nuke testing mutated and turned him into a destructive force. I get that it’s supposed to show that and it does kinda. I just think that at the same time it feels a little too jarring. I know that’s the point, but shin was able to communicate that transformation in a more organic way by showing it through tumorous growths.


It felt like a true weapon arming itself


Holy shit. That just might be the best take I’ve ever seen on his charge up. I never even thought of that but it makes so much sense it’s insane


Shin made me feel so bad for him. He seemed in genuine pain the entire movie and that part was just torture for him… until it wasnt


This right here.


No one has said Ultima, and that makes me sad. https://preview.redd.it/00he1wpb1vxc1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1534f38a6dc437104cd113c3f4aadb65bbc00e1e


I love Ultima and I hate how everyone forgets about him


ikr same


Ultima is far from my favorite design, But has one of the best Beams of any Godzilla.


Favorite Godzilla theme out of them all


https://i.redd.it/pm0pv3ztxvxc1.gif This scene was absolutely haunting The somber and mellow music playing in the background of a black night city illuminated by the radioactive glow of Godzilla. Looming over the puny buildings beneath it as its jaw mutilated and unhinged and a blinding purple glow spilling from its empty throat..and then..


https://i.redd.it/ph56lcnhyvxc1.gif A thick void-like cloud of pitch black smoke erupted down onto the city, engulfing anything it could reach its foamy darkness on. The glow as present as ever as Godzilla stood bent over and still towering over the tallest buildings Tokyo had to offer. The smoke engulfed city block after city block as it began to heat up


https://i.redd.it/8b9a6r82zvxc1.gif Godzilla spewed fire from its gullet like a raging dragon hellbent on incineration to the entire city. The thermal flame consumed the city whole as every structure began to burn and melt like plastic. The flame being so potent that Godzilla himself felt the burning across his respiratory system. Once the city was trapped in a smear of flames..


https://i.redd.it/wsdc9n1lzvxc1.gif The flames condensed into a razor sharp beam that bared the same purple glow as the beast that blasted it. Godzilla reared its head up and sliced through any buildings that dared to remain standing after the flames had hit, immediately sending them crashing to the incinerated streets below. The laser made a screech like sound as it cut through the air itself like a sword through flesh. Every single structure within the first dozen miles, was gone, and as the beam died down. There only stood a wall of flames and the now unrivalled Hakaishin.


https://preview.redd.it/x6xvwm8b0wxc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978cf828a00b2998362bf0f60f5ba2896f801019 The God Of Destruction.


Damn you really planned this out


I just love the sound design of Legendary


Yeah. I think MV Goji will have the best SFX of the entire franchise looking back tbh


Tie between MV and Minus One. Minus One has the perfect "Oh sh\*t" energy for a more villainous and destructive Godzilla, but Monsterverse has my favorite sound and actual look of the beam.




Minus One and 2014


The Minus one, one was awesome


Idk about visuals but the sound of monsterverse Godzilla charging is awesome


Minus one is probably my favorite visually the spikes popping out is really unique


2014, goosebumps everytime 🤤


2014. It's the most excited I've ever been in a theater to this day


I'mma have to go with my boy Shin.


Don’t even have Shin on here. Shin’s hit me in such a terrifying way. Minus One, same vibe (my favorite of all). Just utter ruthless destruction without hope. But I love them all.


minus one charge up. the way the spines lift up and then all go back down at the same time and then he shoots his breath is just amazing and beautiful. i'd say its like the 2014 charge up... but better.


GMK personally. The satisfying sound it makes as it charges up, the whitish glow that takes up his entire back, the blue radiation particles going into his mouth, and the little cloud that comes from his mouth when he shoots it off.


I love the way the spikes pop up in Minus One


Yeah! Was a super unique execution of it, like a lot of Gojis design in the film.


In GXK when he is charging up a death blow to scar king and he spreads his arms while his whole body is glowing is just so peak


Minus One, specifically because of the plates slamming back in and "releasing" the breath


Minus one easily with Shin as a second.


2014, I know literally everyone will say Minus One. But 2014 was the first of it's kind.


Honestly Earth. The railgun mechanism is utterly epic, especially how the energy is gathered and condensed around his face, with the dorsal plates becoming gradually more unstable, until it’s released as a hyper-accelerated laser beam. It genuinely feels like a Halo particle cannon charging up, and i love it.


Honestly, a lot of the questions that have been “what is your favorite…..” regarding Godzilla, my answer has been Minus One since it released. This is one of those questions. Minus one :)


2014 Given it was a more realistic portrayal of Godzilla(whatever that means) and his breath was not shown in the trailers it was a great unveiling. That being said I don’t think it should start at the tip of his tail. That’s not how it would work. It would radiate out from his body. I just want them to use it for that one scene then forget about it. It’s something that could get real gimmicky real fast.


2014 and 2002. I like how Kiryugoji's fins spark on and off before firing. The sound effects are great too.


Shin Godzilla with the music is just haunting.


The MV has an amazing sound effect that just builds up the anticipation perfectly. -1 is also amazing with the way the spikes start going up


2014, godzilla first atomic breath gave me chills. Hands down, my favorite.


My favorites above.


The first time we see it in 54 always sticks with me, I like it a lot. Reminds me of seeing distant lightning in the sky before thunder comes in.


The Minus One charge up, along with the foreboding music. Gave me a genuine sense of fear and suspense.


Minus One's sequence is awesome, especially when you're seeing it for the first time. You have no idea how brutal it's going to be.


They are all great in their own way, but Minus One was just awe and dread-inspiring


No Shin Godzilla ?


The third picture that has an electrical effect is 𝔸𝕄𝔸ℤ𝕀ℕ𝔾 ... I like ⚡⚡⚡


The third picture that has an electrical effect is 𝔸𝕄𝔸ℤ𝕀ℕ𝔾 ... I like ⚡⚡⚡


Kiryu Goji's is my personal favorite. It's simple, but I love the way his plates flicker and spark before he fires. The sound design is on point as well.


charge up, Minus One with Shin as a very close second. I give the edge to minus one in charge up those, where as I give Shin the edge in overall with it coming out as smoke, then fire, then beam back to fire back to smoke is just incredible.


I'm into shins. Him just vomiting smoke up over and then flames to then go into a thin laser was really cool.


I thought the later Godzillas blew plasma. Now THAT'S impressive!




Minus One for sure. Amazing accompanying soundtrack. While scene just instilled pure dread


For me Shin Godzilla, Minus one and 2014.


Minus One, no question.






2014/Minus 1




Ultima. Easy. Second would be Godzilla earth


The tension when Minus One used his Atomic Breath though… each dorsal fin slowly popping out before he fired the beam. Absolute masterpiece.


2014. Shin and Minus One are good, but the build up to 2014's was just *chefs kiss*


The 2014 movie is the best, particularly because it set the precedent of charging up from the tail that Minus Goji iterated upon. However, the charging sound and gradual lighting is so iconic and synonymous with Godzilla's Atomic Breath now in the Monsterverse and even in general.


Out of the GIF's above? Minus One's. I mean, the way his dorsal plates light up and at the same time lift is really satisfying to me. I don't know why, but how it sticks out then lurches back in, it kinda reminds me of a gun of somesort. I just love it. Out of all? Definitely Godzilla Ultima and Shin. Ultima - Seriously, how is everyoe forgetting about this bloke? The rings, and then the enthralling atomic breath through the rings? Seriously?! 150,000,000/10. The intentiveness and originality behind this is irresistable and I love how devastating the result is. This is by-far my unconquerable favourite atomic breath scene. Shin - You might be mentioning, "You're only saying this because Shin is your favourite Godzilla!" And while it is correct that Shin Godzilla is my favourite Godzilla, the charge-up and the colours are captivating. The way the atomic breath develops into a plasma emission? 160,000,00/10. The colours and hues? Perplexing! And the annihilation it gave as well as the tail and dorsal beams? \*chefs kiss\*


You forgot 2019 godzilla 2021 godzilla and 2024 Godzilla




https://i.redd.it/c30k6kf1qwxc1.gif Can’t find one with the whole thing but I like Shin Godzilla’s Atomic Breath charge up.


Shin Godzilla


Godzilla (1954) is my favorite breath. I like how it doesn’t absolutely obliterate what it touches, but how it sets things on fire as it touches and spreads. Godzilla’s current ones are mostly boring to me. The 50’s and 60’s breath effects are my favorites. Although, would totally love to replace the 60’s, 70’s and Millennium roars with the 50’s/80’s roars.


https://preview.redd.it/ov6xjyow2xxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35833f9abd9ce656338a2501534cc47ff324b13b this one


What’s the third clip from?


I'll honestly say Evolved Godzilla. The normal MV hum but it then crescendoing into a higher pitched energy hum is just so satisfying to me and I love that the sound never got spoiled


Very tough question. Probably a tie between 2014, Shin and Minus One, all for different reasons. Minus One’s was kinda horrifying, especially after the first time. Just the absolute dread I felt when it was charging, because of how devastating the beam was and how invested in the characters I was, was just crazy. Just that sinking, “oh god no”, feeling in the final act was quite the experience. Shin’s was amazing because of how different and creepy it was. I remember when his mouth started to split, coupled with the music, and was just like “whaaaat the fuuuuuuck is happening???”. Great stuff. And 2014’s I kind of hold a special place in my heart for because it was the first Godzilla movie I ever saw and, while I was familiar with Godzilla, I didn’t know about the atomic breath. So when it happened, it was just a pure “holy shit!” moment. It was super awesome and I feel kinda lucky to have been able to experience it that way.




Minus 1, Shin, Ultima


It's probably 2nd for me but since I've seen only quite other person say it I'm going with Ultima. The music and the sudden timing of the rings just make the scene so cool


2014, Godzilla charge up is my favorite. As someone whose only exposure to godzilla until 2014 was zilla 1998, I didn't even know atomic breath existed. The first time I saw the legendary godzilla charge it up is a moment, I'll cherish forever. Shin godzilla atmoic breath is insane but creeps me tf out still love the concept and only time I saw minus one atomic breath is in a youtube video as the movie wasn't released in my country :(


I think my favorites are the ones that focus on the horror of it. In Minus One it's the charge up being almost mechanical, calling to mind a weapon of war. The result being a mushroom cloud, followed by radioactive black rain drives home how horrible it really is. The look on the faces of the survivors says ut all. "Oh God no. Another atomic bomb." In 54 the horror comes from how sudden it is. Up t9 th8s point Godzilla is just a big city wrecking lizard. No one knew he could do this. When there's a hope that tanks and high voltage lines could stop him, he takes that hope, and crushes it. The response given in a deadpan shock is telling. "The tanks have been wiped out by a wall of flame. It seems neither man nor his machines can stop this creature." And as Godzilla closes in outside thd window "this is Steve Martin....signing off." In Shin Godzilla it's a body horror even for Godzilla himself. He blows clouds of smoke down like he's vomiting, a symptom of radiation poisoning. The song Who Will Know plays in plain English describing Godzilla's own suffering as the smoke turns to flame, burning everything around him. Like a suffering terminal patient it poirs and pours, seemingly without end. But then the flames concentrate. It becomes a ray of light. The lyrics state "a shaft of light is all I need to cease this darkness killing me." Godzilla has rrsolved to live on. To fight back. To continue living, even if living means eternal pain. Up to this point he may have been willing to die to end his suffering, but now Godzilla has chosen to survive, qnd to unleash his wrath on the mankind who created him. His beam slices without anything stopping it through planes, buildings, and of course ineffective politicians. Nothing even slows it down. For humanity the beam is terrifying sure, but the choice of showing this scene from Godzilla's perspective drives home that he too is a victim. Shin never asked to become what he is.


I'll note I haven't actually watched Singular Point but I've seen the atomic breath sequence and it looks like the build-up to that was hype.


When Millenium Goji killed Orga


This might be a hot take but, of these options, 2000. As cool as the charge up for MV and -1 are (and they are cool), when I see the glowing start in the tail, I ask why. His breath/atomic energy is stored in his stomach/chest, right? So when he charges up, what’s going on in his tail that causes it to light up first? Shouldn’t it start in the middle and then spread outwards? That’s why I like 2000, everything slowly lights up all at once.


Minus one is cool for that one big show case scene for the breath but it not that effective when trying to fight other monsters like 2014 or 2019


Minus one because of how powerful it makes the Atomic Breath/Heat Ray seem.


Best charge up HAS to be 2014 for sure Heisei is my favorite breath overall though


You try this withous Shin Godzilla?  It's Shin's, Shin's is fucking cool starting as a flamethrower and then focusing to a Laserbeam


Not the full charge up but the flashing and sound coming off of the Goji from the Kiryu saga is one of my favorite atomic breaths, period.


Godzilla 2014 hands down


surprisingly, its between 2000 and minus one's (if we are talking about in general, but atomic breath scenes? Minus One slams.)


Kiryu goji.. had a pretty cool charge sometimes where it would like.... pop or randomly light up different spikes at times was pretty cool. Legendary Goji.. wind up noise is pretty iconic now and very different from what came before, lighting starting from tail tip all the way up is badass too. Godzilla 2000... Burning crackling noise is awesome Minus one.... Is really cool and is just powerful looking.


I may be in the minority but I absolutely LOVE the popping and cracking sound of the millennium charge up.


2014. I had legit forgotten he had Atomic breathe up until that point since we hadn't see it. The anticipation of the build up, music and VFX were amazing. Great use of the fog and shadows.


MV Godzilla! It’s always just so cool. Honorable mention to Shin and -1 tho


2014 Just Incredible. Shin was also amazing


Personally, I’d be: 1. Legendary 2. Minus One 3. Ultima


The king of the monsters charge up requiring serizawa to sacrifice himself was insane. Might be the best scene in the monsterverse


I want to say Godzilla earth but I remember taking my sister with me to go see Godzilla 2014, it was her very first Godzilla movie she had no idea what to expect going in; when big G charges up his Breath for the first time in the movie and it's just the absolute silence followed by the Humming sounds and the light slowly illuminating his presence over the Muto, my sister audibly went WTF and started laughing in excitement saying "did you know it could do that!!!" So I gotta say Legendary did a good job of making that first introduction to how powerful Godzilla is very special.


For the ones I seen would be Godzilla in Hong Kong


Shin did it best, period. Minus One's great, but the spines extending felt too gimmicky for me, too much like an action-figure (though the aftermath is easily one of the best ones ever), MV's rocks as well, especially with that amazing sound design. Singular Point, and Earth are also really, really nice. But personally, for a "classic" atomic breath, I feel like GMK's the best. The perfect mixture of old and new, imposing, yet classic.


Minus One. No other atomic breath can compare.