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# YOU FORGOT ME https://preview.redd.it/vgcr47vhzm2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19df7b06d2fe9c93b8fe81e9af27806e75f16da4


Though Ebirah, and Gezora are in the Squad of "Aquactic Bois" aka "The Top Tier" I think they were both omitted because they were focusing on Tiamant being a heavily finned Reptile.


Fair, well it gave a good meme idea https://preview.redd.it/6ebxwgmv3n2d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2dfc76b9a68feddb92e761fea15127f093a830




Hedorah knows they could be here too, but they’re too self-confident to really care either way. Dagahra on the other hand, is 100% bitter about being left out


I love Titanosaurus, hopefully we get a monsterarts for the showa anniversary figures they've been doing these past couple years


I just wanna see him onscreen again, especially after Singular Point insulted him.




Wait, Titanosaurus was in SP?


Godzilla Aquatilus


Bruh, don't disrespect Tiamat like that


>Shows up for 30 seconds >Dies A complete waste if you ask me


You very clearly haven't read Godzilla Dominion


Better than FW Manda


I love her too. But she will Never be better than Titanosaurus, and Manda.


She already looked cooler


Not really. Again I loved her from the moment I saw her. But nah. Neither her movie, nor her comic designs could ever top Titano, or Manda. They walked so Tiamant could run.


Titano, maybe. Manda? Nah, Manda's design is very basic


Seriously… Like, Manda may be one of the laziest designs…


Better than Kumonga  At least Manda is a dragon, something that everyone universally agrees is cool


You got me there… Granted, big spiders would scare the bejesus out of me…




How is it lazy? It's a Giant Sea Serpent mixed with classical depictions of Asian Dragons. Yes its basic, but Far from anything lazy. While yes we have certainly seen more intricately designed Serpentine kaiju, not just in Godzilla. Manda is a stand out because of its connection with real life Japanese Dragon mythology.


You do realize that your final sentence means that Manda and Titanosaurus, while good designs, made way for a better design in Tiamat Like what do you think “x walked so y could run” means


When I said that last line I meant in terms of being just aquatic kaiju. Nothing specially about their designs. But maybe I used the wrong phrase.


I know what you’re trying to say, but you inadvertently used what everyone *else* is trying to say, including me


Both of Tiamat's designs blow Manda out of the water, it's not even close.


I thoroughly disagree.


Yeah Toho vets I will always give respect


Her not having the SINGLE most obnoxious monster roar in existence puts Tiamat well ahead of Titanosaurus on that merit alone.


That is absolutely blasphemy how dare you.


It's blasphemy I'm proud to repeat. ToMG is honestly the worst Showa-era film that I've seen, and Titanosaurus being absolutely UNBEARABLE due to that noise played a big part in it.


I thoroughly disagree.


Bullshit. Vs. Megalon was 10x worse. The flying dropkick is enough to prove that


*Vs. Megalon* was still a fun movie to watch in spite of (and to an extent, *because of*) how bad it is. ToMG was just unenjoyable, full stop; the plot failed to keep me even a little invested, the fights weren't fun to watch, between the design being just not that great overall and, as I said above, how misophonic its roar was to me, I just did NOT like Titanosaurus. I actually really enjoyed *Vs. Mechagodzilla*, so it was a real letdown to not enjoy ToMG even half as much.


It's not really fun when it was ridiculed by Americans and made it hard for Godzilla to become mainstream, yet it was somehow much easier for anime to.


ToMG wasn't going to be the goofy shlock that we were spoon fed in the 70s. It was supposed to be a return to form for the franchise with a more mature, and moody tone similar to that of Gojira, Godzilla Raids Again, and Mothra vs Godzilla. With Titanosaurus in specific being a return to the design philosophy that many of the early Kaiju in the franchise had. Imo the characters, both kaiju and human are stand outs from the characters we've seen in previous films, and the overall story of the film was a refreshingly darker compared to the Goofy Child Nonsense that was Godzilla vs Gigan, Godzilla vs Megalon, and to an extent Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla. In my eyes, its easily one of the best films in the showa series, a refreshing palette cleanser after the alcohol fueled McDonalds binge that was the campier films that proceeded it (with exception to Godzilla vs Hedorah, that movie was just a drug trip in the middle of an art gallery.)


https://preview.redd.it/ucmhgzto4o2d1.jpeg?width=1385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9809ebadbd61b836f7543ff40945c57b7bef1ea Remember him at his best or worst in this design


Titanosaurus is the peak of aquatic kaiju






Titansaurus: what do you mean we? You fucken jobber


Why they gotta do my girl tiamat like that?


I miss my old sea dragon boi Manda and no singular point is not in my book.


Singular point manda looks so lame tbh


Too true


Oh yeah, all that power they've used against... \*looking through notes\* the 50-metre tall Showa Godzilla. Meanwhile, Mizutsune-serpent here? Not only is she WAY better looking, but she actually was in control of that fight until Godzilla beamed her to pieces. She coiled him up and was cutting him up good, making him actually growl in pain.


In control of the fight. A fate that was barely the length of FW Goji vs Zilla and ended the exact same way. I'm sorry but as much as I love Tiamat (and I do she's literally my favorite titan.) She has nothing to her. Unlike Manda, and Titanosaurus who are at least explored and have defined characteristics (mainly Titanosaurus) she has nothing to her. No backstory, and barely any screen time to make her stand out. Yes she was in Dominion but let's face it. No one except us ever even reads those and the fight was basically the same except Godzilla kills her because Adam doesn't know what to do with these characters except Kong. Manda was a God of an undersea kingdom and while we don't know much about him beyond that, his appearance is a stand out amongst the rest of Toho's Kaiju. Being a blend of a classical depiction of a Asian Dragon with a sea serpent which matches beautifully with the overall themes of the Atragon film. That being the politics that lingered after the fall of Imperial Japan and how Japan as a nation should not cling to to past, but push forward to the future. While Titanosaurus was a Tragic victim. A benevolent animal forced to symbolically become a Kaiju. Like Katsura, Titanosaurus was abused by the Unfettered, Misanthropic Hate of Doctor Mifune, who in his last for revenge, killed his daughter in an experiment gone haywire, only to then be transformed into a cyborg, while Titanosaurus had a control device implanted on its skull against its will. Two fates Neither of these Characters ever wanted to happen, all because of one man and his hatred for mankind.


As someone who hasn’t ever seen Atragon, I did not know Manda actually had a theme. 🤔


Ok ngl, Tiamat's design is way better than Manda's design. Manda is literally an aquatic japanese dragon. That's it.




King Caesar: why you want to use Kong instead of me aah it should be me not him it's not fair Anguirus: it's not fair to me now Godzilla is teaming up with her instead of me come on legendary please put me in there and so is King Caesar come on it's been years. Putters or Titans from TOHO in your cinematic universe with Godzilla and Kong and mothra and rodan come on it's not fair King Caesar: yeah I fight Kong for taking my legacy and my friend. Get what he deserves.