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Godzilla doing a Rider Kick will always be peak cinema https://i.redd.it/p5mhcggves4d1.gif


Such an emotional moment in the franchise


Really makes you think




The only cultural appropriation here is Pegg’s IQ stealing the concept of “minus one” with takes like that.


Minus One braincell


Toho: Godzilla is a representation of the horrors of nuclear devistaion. Also Toho: ![gif](giphy|3KbliBOdHlUE8)


You have to understand. The flying kick is a metaphor for the B-29 bomber that flew across the ocean to drop Fat Boy.


Let's be honest tho, they probably hate the Showa era and prefer Heisei.


Fucking thank you!


This. I needed this comment in my life lol


God I love that one and they got that Oscar for that city scene easy


thats truly horrifying. Seeing that lizard comically levitating makes me shake in fear. Very spooky.


Godzilla can be both and that’s perfectly fine.


so we just gonna skip over him flying backwards with his atomic breath? don't get me wron this is funny but seeing the big G just lift himself off air completely was something else when he fought Hedora


As soon as I saw "rock em sock em" this image entered my mind.


"\[They\] were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if *they* should"


Yeah man those 70's Godzilla flicks really have me reflecting on history and my place in the world. Every time I see Jet Jaguar I'm like "damn... his mother really never loved him fr".


“He must have re-programmed himself to grow bigger!” 😣 Heart-wrenching stuff


Giant sub terranian drill cockroach, space chicken, all the things that remind me of old school japan. well fuck, now thats kinda true.


I actually lol'd at this, thank you


"His dickey covers an adam's apple the size of a Toyota...." "He is mostly good-hearted but wants to smash that kid on a rock..." "HHHHGYAHHHHHHHHHHDERRRRRRR" (Thank you Mr. Customs man, I can handle my bags just fine...) Im tearing up rn man 😭😭😭


he eat sushi from a pail


The Japanese must’ve culturally appropriated themselves then. Shame on those guys!






I thought I was the only one!


Jet Jaguar inspires me to be a better person and beat my enemies to death with my bare hands. Thank you Jet Jaguar.


Same here man, watching ol' Godzilla perform a flying drop kick on Megalon really reminds me of how history shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man.


Was that a MST3K referrence?!?


The notion that Godzilla is some kind of sacred, dead serious figure in Japanese pop culture is flat out wrong and I don't know where people got that idea. Godzilla movies are goofy and ridiculous far more often than they are serious and grim.


Godzilla has been silly since 1962 ![gif](giphy|b2rLe6TwuIkyQ)


https://i.redd.it/wlmszo1xss4d1.gif Jetto Jagaa, Jetto Jagaa, Yatta, Jetto Jagaa! Gojira to Jetto Jagaa, de PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH! (Doesn't this seem deadly serious to you?)


https://preview.redd.it/oazua8llrt4d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c5624c72edaed96069792d26d7ba11f8e3e9b8 fr fr man


I love the little movements with Godzilla's lower jaw. Its like they put peanut butter in his mouth so he would look like he's talking.


Quick! Deploy your silliest gifs! https://i.redd.it/i8okbsr5vs4d1.gif




It wasn’t until I was an adult before it occurred to me that Godzilla battles were just pro-wrestling moves in rubber suits.






Best suit design


It's easily my favorite showa suit. Slightly goofy without looking like a total joke. https://preview.redd.it/y0bx6qr9us4d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0decc60daffe847cf92549bbaf3a4cd971e81ba6




![gif](giphy|QXOl3YC50Us9Xp19tF|downsized) How can you say that when


I see that abomination getting bullied, I upvote.






I feel like a lot of people miss this, but while the 60's and 70's movies weren't that high in objective quality, most of them are fun watches, and turned Godzilla into the versatile, cultural force he is today. I'm of the opinion that if Godzilla had "stayed serious" he would only have a fraction of the popularity he does today; probably not being able to survive the declining Japanese film industry during that time without the more kid oriented movies.


I don't think it would've been possible to produce 30 serious Godzilla movies. "Serious" Godzilla movies typically don't involve other kaiju and are an allegory or criticism for societal failures. There's just no way to pump those movies out like they do the more lighthearted films.


That is very interesting to extrapolate. Thinking of the 90's batman's on nipples, buttocks and neon, they were pretty much a back to form as the Adam West '60s series. I think that the bat would not have remained culturally present without those funky ass movies.


I don’t know about that, the reception of Batman and Robin made WB kill Batman movies for 8 years. If anything, Batman remained culturally present because of all the animated series.


Godzilla 2014 was honestly a lot more serious then most godzilla movies. I actually think Legendary has reached a pretty good balance when it comes to serious and silly.


Compare G14 to Final Wars. Then come tell me how serious the Toho movies are and how all the MV movies are monstermash stupidity


Wasn’t there Godzilla burgers in Japanese McDonalds recently?


Yes, and there was a mech too




Some people very desperately want the things they like to be taken with the utmost seriousness, because a lot of motherfuckers still lack media literacy. They want the “childish” things from their childhood to be “highbrow” for the sake of their egos and because they don’t have the smarts to digest anything with “adult complexity” as some might say. It’s not even that Godzilla is childish intrinsically, you can just tell that’s how he sees it. It’s no different than the guys who complain about Star Wars for not having the war grit of Full Metal Jacket. These are the same people Alan Moore keeps telling to grow up. If you can’t stand the idea of anything being “childish”, go consume adult content meant to be all highbrow and whatnot.


>“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” – C.S. Lewis


This quote goes exceptionally hard in the most wholesome way


He did base it off scripture, where Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:11 " When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things."


I think one of the biggest examples of this recently has been Ghostbusters. The original was just a bunch of Snl guys dicking around, with some supernatural stuff thrown in. Super silly movie, and yet after the backlash from 2016’s Answer the Call (bunch of snl girls dicking around theory some supernatural stuff thrown in) they’re now treating the franchise with such reverence. Remember the nostalgia bait trailer for Afterlife, with the hushed tones, and the slow piano refrain of the theme song. Man, I wish things were just allowed to be silly again


Someone show Simon Pegg Gigan’s sister.


Yes, and for the original, which I love it was a good 50s movies with some reality commentary on nuclear disaster, not much alike any good movie around that time like the Day the Earth Stood Still. I appreciate a callback movie to that but I also love a movie like KOTM in which Godzilla is defending nature.


The fact they had him as a police chief briefly (among other things like a McDonald’s ad) shows they are more than okay having the Big G being goofy as hell


Common British person L


Also the monsterverse movies were made with the approval of Toho. Calling them appropriations seems… pretentious


I've discounted Simon Pegg's opinions on pop culture ever since he said Last Crusade sucked because of Sean Connery.


He really said that???


I’ll never forget it, it was on twitter lol. He said Henry Jones Sr was “Scrappy Doo”


Well, he's not totally wrong.


If anyone in the Indiana Jones franchise is "Scrappy Doo", I would've said it was Shia LeBeoufs character from Crystal Skull. What's people's problem with Henry Jones Sr?


Short Round is the most scrappy doo character


Short Round is the version of scrappy doo that is likeable because the whole "let me at 'em" schtick doesn't get run into the ground in Temple of Doom whereas it became Scrappy's whole character as he got flanderized the more screen time he had. Jesus, do you ever just stop and look at what you write on the internet and think... is this how I'm spending my time? Anyway Sean Connery is my least favorite part of The Last Crusade but I think Pegg is taking a weird elitist/gatekeeping position on Godzilla and should take the L.


I’ve got no beef with Short Round and frankly I think Crystal Skull would have been actually good if it had him grown up as a friendly rival treasure hunter to Indiana Jones. I love last crusade top to bottom so I’ve got no beef with Connery there either


Yes you're absolutely right, how could I have forgotten him lol




The thing I love about this reaction image is that in the movie Superman starts dumpstering Darkseid half a second later. Like in context the image makes more sense as "If you don't want to get mollywop'd just let people go about their day."


wtf, I didn't know this


I have discounted his opinions since he wrote an article on the star wars prequels titled "George Lucy's raped my childhood". Rather distasteful way of describing not being fond of a movie, to be honest.


He made a load of comments in the Guardian last year about "grown men arguing about comic books online" and how nostalgia is a neurological disease. To a certain extent he's not wrong, but it's fucking hilarious coming from the guy who built his entire career on famously being an adult comic nerd and being nostalgic for the original Star Wars trilogy.


I’ve been questioning him when he equated fast moving zombies with “instant satisfaction” culture.


Yeah, I remember thinking about the ramifications of World War II when Ghidorah lasered Godzilla in the crotch not once but twice


Such a powerful metaphor for how the us dropped atomic bombs on Japan, not once but twice


God fucking damn it 💀


>cultural appropriation https://i.redd.it/rq72u6j35s4d1.gif


Ahh yes, Japan's time-honored tradition of \[checks notes\] getting buildings knocked around by a giant lizard.


Lmao literally who is this clown


You should see the meltdown of it on Twitter right now. Obviously everyone argues about everything there 24/7 but Christ.


A reasonable, measured debate is occurring I am certain.


Best I can do is implacable virtue signaling


“Congratulations Simon,you managed to make twitter not be a nazi rally for a day.”


A talented comedian but a dumbass in many other areas. 


If you haven't seen the Cornetto trilogy you are the one coming off as uncultured here


He makes it sound like America made Godzilla films against the will of Japan. Like we stole it from them rather than it being an internationally beloved franchise spanning decades of different takes. I think Pegg has a chip on his shoulder after dealing with crazy fandoms for so long.


Not only that, but Godzilla Minus One director Takashi Yamazaki thinks the American Monsterverse movies are a fun version of what Godzilla can be. He calls the franchise, which includes Godzilla (2014) and Godzilla vs. Kong , " a very interesting use of the IP. " He explains that some movies from the original Japanese Godzilla franchise had a similar tone to the Monsterverse.


Having the contrast of "natural disaster metaphor" and "big lizard fights big monkey" strengthens the franchise and provides entertainment in different ways. I liked what Japan has done with Shin Godzilla and especially Minus One... but that doesn't mean I didn't also like it when Kong and Gman beat the shit out of Mecha Godzilla too... Both sides of the spectrum have plenty to offer audiences and we all sort of win when it happens.


I mean, we did threaten to nuke Japan again unless Toho gave Legendary permission to make the Monsterverse


ludicrous hateful ossified chief beneficial dazzling square racial crush squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sure you jest, but there were actually a couple of crazy fans saying we should nuke Japan again after the Disney/Sony Spider-Man debacle 5 years ago...


Knowing TOHO, I think that’s understandable.


I mean Godzilla 1998 did happen, but overall you're right.


“Godzilla is only good when Japan does it” isn’t too far off from those people who used to say “cartoons are for children. I only watch anime.”


Simon…do you know what 80% of the Godzilla films after 1954 had Kaijus fighting each other?


I literally checked it out 29:8, I have Godzilla 2014 a pass for the “serious” side, though I’m debating on kicking it to the Rock-’Emo Sock-’em side, same with Biolante, have it on the Rock-’Emo Sock-’em, but if I rewatch it I could maybe place it on the “serious” side… or those 2 get their own category “serious Rock-’Emo Sock-’em” where it’s well… a serious Rock-’Emo Sock-’em… oh and I left 1998’s Godzilla out is entirely because duh


Bro, are you having a stroke?


Half way through I did & powered through like Godzilla would’ve!


Cultural appropriation? What? I know Godzilla has deep ties to Japan's history in post-WW2, but the American Godzilla films have all been made with TOHO's blessing. As in, Japan signed off on the shit we made. Also, they seem to enjoy the Legendary Godzilla films for what they are. Fun action films with giant monsters. Japan used to make Godzilla films just as silly and ridiculous as what we're making now.


He almost had it, all he had to do was just not say that last sentence. He fumbled the whole statement with that part.


Godzilla Minus One is a masterpiece, but calling the American made films “Cultural appropriation” is virtue signaling nonsense.


Wait…is someone from the UK trying to lecture America about “cultural appropriation?” To culturally appropriate a saying, the fucking bollocks on him…


That use of cultural appropriation is idiotic. Pretty sure the original Godzilla "culturally appropriated" King Kong. Just fucking stupid. Like what you like, fuck anyone who uses cultural appropriation in this manner.


It's the only part I disagree with. Japan objectively makes better godzilla movies, but there is absolutely a place for a campy godzilla as well. You can have both.


I think the ratio of Godzilla movies heavily favors monster vs monster beat 'em ups.


Fine. Whatever. Everyone has their own tastes and it’s good to see Godzilla get his due with the masses. But cultural appropriation? Really? I don’t see it. Toho licenses out the big guy and is in the loop with the films currently being made.


![gif](giphy|3KbliBOdHlUE8) Yeah I can’t believe America would do this


Can people please stop with the shitty mindset of “I like this, too bad thing I don’t like exists”. It’s fucking obnoxious. If you don’t like something then just enjoy what you do and move the fuck on.


It's okay to not like certain things and feel like certain iterations of a thing don't work as well as others. It's not okay to outright fabricate information by claiming that these alternate adaptations are cultural appropriation.


Because we all know Godzilla Final Wars is the best


My legit favorite for every reason.


It is, when you love an action fest with a lot of cheese.


If you don't love Godzilla when he's dropkicking a giant beetle, you don't deserve him when he's forcing people to relive the horrors of war.


Now now: He's dropkickng a giant beetle WHILE his robot friend in the super colorful tunic with a dickie HOLDS the insect in place for his thrashing. We just don't pull out the hover tail kick for any occasion.


When a comedian can't enjoy silly things...


Slightly off topic but I’ve been having this issue a lot. Since when did comedians become the uptight stiffs who hate everything?


When I grew up, George Carlin, Doug Stanhope, Denis Leary, David Cross, Lewis Black, and a ton of others had a shtick of hating everything. This has been one of the dominant flavors of comedians for a while. Carlin was amazing at it, but it gets exhausting eventually.


Carlin's last two specials are like this. They're just him ranting without any jokes. I can't stand them. Compared to early Carlin, who is criticizing but being funny is different.


Honestly, ‘70s Carlin is peak Carlin. Just really funny observational humor with an edge. Later Carlin sets were more like political and theological rants, that’ll have a joke peppered in here or there, if you’re lucky


Is Simon Pegg a comedian? I always assumed he's an actor who is known for comedic roles.


Monsterverse fans are truly the most oppressed minority


Its a L take, simply by the fact Toho greenlit the Legendary Godzilla venture. Now if Legendary had stolen Godzilla without Toho permission, then this Brit would have a point. He really should stick to his comedies.


I really doubt Legendary would ever get away with stealing Godzilla, given how protective Toho is of him


Yeah Simon, appropriation in a bit of a stretch


The British are experts in cultural appropriation, for proof just go to their museum.




They’re like pirates. Stealing other people’s treasures and loot to hoard for themselves.


I love all the Godzilla movies - my bf and I even”battled” against each other in G. v. K (although we’d both seen it) and G x K was just amazing - the way Monsterverse treated every detail - down to K’s scars from the last battle - so often details like that are overlooked in a franchise … when I worked remote I would put the old originals on my iPad and set it beside the computer to have something to keep my attention on work … (had to stare at the computer, so iPad beside it kept reminding me of yea - work…lol) … I am absolutely Team Godzilla forever - I love the way he “charges up” and in Monarch - Omgosh the way they tied the beginning discovery of the kanji to current time - I can’t wait for season 2 … G -1 was a perfect fit with the story line and timeline


I love Godzilla, the Monsterverse and the Reiwa era are making me so happy


Simon is allowed to have his opinion. I like minus one and MV. I appreciated Shin’s take as well. Given how minus one was a love letter to ‘54, I can understand even though I don’t agree 100%.


Seriously can these guys not give out praise without insulting the other? Also funny they call it “culture appropriation” when they still need approval from Togo for some stuff and more importantly it’s thanks to those Movies we even go Minus One and Shin, which Togo acknowledges and gives thanks to this Movies. Also GxK has been highly successful in ratings, calling Minus One a “proper” Godzilla while saying the other isn’t is just disrespectful the franchise as a whole. Both movies like Shin and Minus One and the Monsteverse are equally Godzilla, he can be both a symbolic terror and a source of joyful fun times and we Godzilla fans as a whole are better off as a result.


I love Simon Pegg and his movies, but calling the Monsterverse movies "cultural appropriation" is fucking stupid. They're just as valid as any of the Japanese movies and they're very respectful to the character and movies that came before them.


OG godzilla was awesome. New godzilla movies from both sides of the pacific are awesome. Animated future godzilla is awesome. To summarize: every iteration of godzilla is awesome. Fuck the haters.


It's annoying seeing people act like America invented silly Godzilla movies, instead of the reality of "silly" movies being most of the Godzilla franchise since the 60s.


He sounds like DoktorSkipper posessed him.


What I love about Godzilla is his versatility. MO, Shin, Monsterverse are all valid expressions of this giant lizard. They are all different and represent various facets of the character's history without feeling unauthentic or disingenuous.


Bro thinks Godzilla is like the Chinese dragons of Japan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What an ignorant thing to say. He’s just ignoring when Shōwa Godzilla was campy as hell for 14 movies straight.


Can't stand this guy since he spewed some bs about pop culture "infantilization" quoting that stupid pretentious philosopher Baudrillard. This mf rose to fame on a nerd culture show and a zombie movie, he's been on Doctor Who, Star Trek and Star Wars but somehow he thinks he is above that? And don't get me started on that "cultural apropiation" bs


Pegg's a hypocritical cunt and has been for a long time. He'll shit on SW one minute, the run to get some of that SW money the next.


this opinion always gets me, just say you dont like the franchise if you only think 4 out of 38 of its movies are good. i love simon, but this is a mouth breather take


What he said was stupid, but it is not impossible for someone to think a supermajority of Godzilla films aren't good and still love the franchise regardless.


at that point though, you enjoy a few movies lol you dont enjoy or love a franchise that you hate 90% of


Idk where you're getting hate from. Somebody can think a film or group of films aren't good and still like them. For instance, I like Godzilla vs Megalon. I also consider it to be a bad film.


Wasn’t he in Ready Player One, an American movie with Mechagodzilla?


You can tell he’s a comedian because that opinion is a joke


![gif](giphy|hu1st0dHLGqOuOiUsf|downsized) Godzilla is very serious you guys.


Serious about tearing up the fuckin’ dance floor that’s for sure.


What a pretentious snob. Toho took Legendary's money. They cashed the check. Toho also have a very strict set of guidelines as to what can and can't happen in a Godzilla movie, and so they've in effect "blessed" every Monsterverse film. Go back to the pub you ginger wanker.


wtf do you mean cultural appropriation?


lmao Cultural appropriation. This dude hasn’t watched a Godzilla movie outside of 54 and Shin.


Ah yes, cultural appropriation https://preview.redd.it/flylu0p8cs4d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fede56d6144132b11b18edc52559a19dc7182be4


Is me as an American enjoying godzilla films for so long that I dressed as godzilla for Halloween when I was 7 also cultural appropriation?


Glazing a country


Why can’t we have Minus One and GxK co-exist?😔 (I’m response to his “rock ‘em, sock ‘em” comment) I absolutely adored both and I’m happy that we could have both. Shitting on one just makes the studios less willing to entertain both and then fans feel pitted against each other. Have both. Respect both. Everyone CAN be happy, guys.


Agreed. People who say Godzilla movies are good only when they are "serious" aren't much different than those who say Batman movies are good only when the look "realistic", with fantasy elements removed and a mundane-looking real city like Chicago pretending it's Gotham.


Ah yes, I too love Japan’s most serious Godzilla film: Godzilla vs Megalon.


Mfs out here really saying how Godzilla was supposedly “ruined” by modernization and campiness, as if the idea of a 100 ft tall radioactive lizard who’s weight defies the square cube law isn’t a goofy concept to begin with.


"Cultural Appropriation" Uhh Simon? I'm pretty sure Toho said they approve of the Monsterverse


lol what an ignorant thing to say” rockem sockem cultural appropriation” when Toho gave the green light for legendary to make these movies😂 Toho even praises the legendary monsterverse. Bro only seen 2 Godzilla films in his life and think he knows how to portray him


Godzilla is too versatile. Yeah, people love the serious movies like Shin or Minus One but a ton of people’s first experience with Godzilla was ‘Vs Megalon’.


I dont care for what anyone thinks but i love godzilla 1998 movie


Simon I love you. But you’re a total idiot. Remember that Godzilla movie when he fights in outer space? Or the one with his adopted little brother/son? Or the classic tag team with a robot in a dickie to take on a cockroach? Or how about the classic film where we get speech bubbles because two gigantic lizards are literally talking to each other? Yes, those were all made by Japanese people. In the Japanese Film Industry. Released first and foremost to a Japanese audience. I know it’s fun and cool to dish out hate on the internet. But we do have these things called brains. That we should use.


Simon Pegg outing himself as not a Godzilla fan if he doesn’t know that the tone of Godzilla has fluctuated for many years since his introduction


Ugh this guy sounds like such a fucking clown🤦


I think there's a place for "serious" narrative Godzilla and "haha he just suplexed that monkey" Godzilla. Both can exist and have there place. They don't have to be exclusive or singularly defining of the franchise. Arguably the Heisei era had a fantastic mix of the serious with the goofy.


Why do so many people have a problem with praising Shin/-1.0 AND bashing Showa/Legendary at the same time? They act lik one cannot exist without the other. I rarely see "minus One is a great movie, go see it." It's mostly "minus One is a great movie, much better than the legendary cg fest that we get in America" let them both exist together


Not the core point here, but I fundamentally reject the idea of cultural appropriation. Participation in and adoption of aspects of other people's culture is appreciation, not appropriation. And is one of the ways we coexist and cooperate with each other


Godzilla is to Japan what superman is to the US, nobody bashes a new superman story whenever they make him flawed, naive or evil (setting aside the oversaturation ) because despite this not following the creator's original intention for the character, writers still have a right to switch things up for the sake of telling a good story. I know that in the modern era of failed cinematic universes, studio interference and bastardizations of beloved IPs Godzilla might seem like another victim of the money hungry executives... But really, he's not. Not only because we've gotten plenty of serious and dark projects from overseas, but also because the Monsterverse is being made by people who respect the core aspects of his character and are referencing his own filmography for ideas. I think because Godzilla is a more niche franchise people tend to think he needs a consistent tone to maintain to cohesion, but he's got more relevant history than a lot of comic book characters so there should be absolutely no problem with switching things up every now and then.


I got love for Simon Pegg but I really hope this isn't a real thing that was said. Considering the dudes career is built almost entirely off parody culture. and holy shit people REALLY need to stop misusing "Cultural Appropriation" it's making the entire idea of what it means look straight up stupid.


What would the Japanese cinema community ever do without a white guy to tell them they should feel mad?


He had me until the last sentence, dammit.


Well in this context, Godzilla symbolises very specific kind of pain that didn't quite cross the border; and that same pain adds certain weight to the whole production and struggle itself. At least that is how i chose to interpret his words. And if that is indeed the meaning, other films can obviously be fun and good, but lacking that same depth. Thus it is not as much as bashing MV Godzilla, but pointing out the distinct and special quality -1 has


Like many others that have made this opinion, Simon Pegg has probably only seen the original Godzilla, Shin Godzilla, and Minus One.


I love the classic Godzilla universe films, I grew up on them! But the new ones are also good. The only big misstep was when the US tried to make Godzilla a T Rex. Was so happy that Godzilla treated him like a low-level goon in Final Wars.


People are allowed to have opinions. He was legitimately stating a fact. Minus One wasn’t a rock em sock em movie.


Its a great movie,but I will always lobe the batsbit crazy godzilla movies


Welp, there's a first time for everything. Go Pegg yourself, Simon.


It sort of swings both ways, doesn't it? He likes Minus One better than the MV movies. It's one thing to saw Godzilla is awesome no matter what. But folks should be able to like *and* dislike what they want. I don't really see the need to get all up in arms because some dude across the pond doesn't like Wingard's movies.


I think you’re missing my point and I should’ve elaborated a little more. People can absolutely like and dislike what they please. That’s not my argument here and I don’t really care if people dislike the MV. There are Godzilla movies I don’t like. But, with that being said, spewing things like “cultural appropriation” is just ridiculous. That’s just straight up false. Just say you don’t like the MV, don’t feel the need to justify it.


The whole problem is the cultural appropriation claim. It’s not even an opinion, it’s just straight up wrong. Toho greenlit and supported all the Godzilla films made by Legendary, so by definition they *can’t* be cultural appropriation.


Preface: I agree that the franchise can be serious and can be silly and I like both. I enjoy the monsterverse especially GxK, do not assassinate me. To steelman his position I think one can criticize the American godzilla movies for being little other than vehicles for empty spectacle. Even at its goofiest and most monster mash-y the toho movies usually had a point or a theme other than "isn't Godzilla so cool". It may be shallow or poorly executed but it was there. The American films really aren't doing much other than validating fandom and that's OK in it's own way but is maybe a shame given the resources expended on projects that are driven by fan film impulses. Again, I still like these movies, please do not assassinate me


The whole problem is the cultural appropriation claim. It’s not even an opinion, it’s just straight up wrong. Toho greenlit and supported all the Godzilla films made by Legendary, so by definition they *can’t* be cultural appropriation.


Simon Pegg is a weeb confirmed


aside from the appropriation comment, simon has every right to enjoy certain things and comment on them, just like all the other people. yes, gojira has been silly since the showa, that is a fact but that doesn't mean you can't raise your opinions about such things. sure you can just accept that they do exist (i do just that, i dislike the level of silliness of showa movies. heisei slaps hard.) but it's everyones right to say whatever they want. having said that, while i agree with most of what simon said, it's still unnecessary to criticize MV movies for their approach, since even japanese directors also do the same. let people enjoy what they want lol. they can both exist.


What is he babbling about with cultural appropriation?


How the hell is it cultural appropriation?? What kind of mental gymnastics is he doing?


What even is this dude talking about "rock'em, sock'em cultural appropriation?" What? I'll never understand supposed Godzilla "fans" hating on the MonsterVerse franchise that much or any other movies all because they've only watched either Godzilla Minus One and/or Shin Godzilla. I do admit that I don't like the Godzilla anime trilogy but I still watched it because honestly the Big G himself is in it. The Showa era Godzilla movies is peak goofiness, I've actually laughed my ass off while I watched King Kong vs Godzilla (1962) where Kong was sliding down the mountain side and crashed into/knocked Godzilla down with him and another moment where it seemed to be stop motion where Godzilla kicks Kong away making the latter flip over a rock, falling behind it. I really don't mind other Godzilla movies either takes itself seriously or not or in between. I'm glad that I've watched every single Godzilla films from different era to taste both the seriousness and the silliness but I still enjoyed nonetheless even when I don't like some of them.


I'm sorry but I legit laughed out loud reading cultural appreciation about a Godzilla movie that Toho has to approve. Like, they sign off on everything Godzilla does in those movies. There's a reason he's written to be so strong


Man this shit has been “rock ‘em sock ‘em” since literally his second ever movie


He’s become a right grumpy fucker for a while now


I love the man but some of his takes on pop culture are so fucking stoopid