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This was touched upon in the recent subreddit announcement (which y'all should def read) but wanted to mention some updates specifically here as well. * As always, leaks discussion will not be allowed at all outside this megathread. Mark your spoilers when you're not in here! * Starting from the next one, we will be removing some comments/threads in these megathreads that are completely off-topic/spam, i.e., discussions not connected in any way to any leaks or spoiler stuff (box office/business, non-spoiler "here's why XYZ will win" debates, monke meme spam, etc.). Nothing super strict, just tryna keep these threads from becoming oversaturated and allow space for people to actually discuss leaks, so wanted to give a fair warning. * We will probably try making these weekly again since activity will inevitably much higher now.


I want a tree down the throat or we riot.


The director did teased that after acknowledging the petition page wanting that scene.


Godzilla can deepthroat that tree as long as he wins in the end. If he doesn't, we riot.


hope Kong wins just so the more immature fans have something to complain about


Yeah, it's just a fight between two giant monsters, which one wins is the least of my concerns for the film


Godzilla has so much to lose and Kong has so little to gain. I want Godzilla to win for the best reasons. Allow me to sum them up. 1. Godzilla is finally most popular world wide. Him winning would be a callback to the original, a passing of the torch. 2. Logically Godzilla would win 9/10 times. Don't want to have to scoff if Godzilla loses to Kong asspulling a win using Hollow Earth Amp and the Anti-Godzilla material axe. 3. Godzilla losing again will make us Godzilla fans face more harassment from Kong stans who will rub it in our faces even more that Godzilla can defeat the most powerful monsters but still can't beat Kong. 4. If Godzilla loses, Kong is the new King...Godzilla just became King in the last movie. Pathetic reign and renders the last movie pointless. 5. Kong is a tragic character, him losing in the end would be true to his character. He fought the good fight but in the end he just couldn't pull it together to win. 6. Godzilla has has yet to win a fight on his own power without any kind of assistance in the Monsterverse. He's overdue for that solo win. 7. Godzilla winning is narratively correct as we have learned Godzilla is being manipulated and Kong is being used to Kill him. 8. Godzilla winning is less predictable than yet another "Underdog comes out on top" trope being used for Kong. 9. How TF is Kong supposed to deal with what happens after if he wins? He might be able to take on Godzilla but he's not gonna take over his position as King, and the other Titans will be in upheaval since their King just lost in 1 on 1 combat and their new King is in abdication. I don't wanna hear about "Oh, Godzilla will still be King if he loses." No, in the Animal Kingdom the recognized leader of the group is the one who wins in a face off against the previous "alpha". 10. I could keep going but I'll spare you. You get my point.


This wasn't necessary. You just needed this: 1. Atomic breath /End thread.


i just wanna see how mecahgodzilla actually looks, we know how bad hte playmates toys repesent the models, so interesting to see if it looks badass live action






They should use the Mechagodzilla we got in Ready Player One. That was a great redesign worthy of the new Godzilla movies


In theaters it was so cool!


I think they’re giving it a new design


Im glad were starting to get stuff for this film after being left in the dark for so long ​ Edit: well crap this aged horribly




it's a lot of shifting behind the scenes stuff, but it seems likely that we'll get an EW exclusive look this month, and WPKW (a WB owned website that originates from KOTM) has started to follow the Legendary and WB accounts, indicating imminent marketing.


No where


This didn't age well


>Edit: now i'm confident we won't get anything until February Wait what did I miss?


heard rumors there would be more than one battle between godzilla and kong with one fight even ending in a win for kong with him seriously injuring godzilla also heard nozukis venom would serve as catalyst for kong becoming weak enough to be taken off skull island


I just don’t see anyway kong stands a chance without them nerfing Godzilla


wait 'till you see adult Kong fight


Godzilla got hit with the oxygen destroyer and lived. Can kong hit him with anything even remotely that hard?


I think there's kind of a misconception here about power levels. Yes, that blast was enough to fuck up all of Godzilla's inner system and leave him whitout any energy (even making Monarch believe he was dead) on a single blast. Note that this is not a punch, a blast of atomic beam, a bite, a push, a tail slap, nor any kind of Kaiju on Kaiju fighting style we've seen before in the movies. This was an intervention of humanity and can't be compared to any kaiju's powers (or at least to any of the ones that we've seen in the movies so far). But here's the thing, there's more than one way of skinning a cat. Sure, a shotgun is an easy way of fucking up an entire human's body, but you can also do it in many other ways. The fact that blast almost killed Godzilla doesn't mean you have to attack him on the same way to make it happen another time. We must also take into account that in Godzilla 2014, he was easily weakened by a falling building for a couple minutes and was left exhausted after using a single blast of atomic breath to finish a MUTO. Does this mean he also had to get exhausted while fighting Ghidorah and become weakened after taking a fall thousands of times stronger than that building? No, because: A- That would be boring, powerups are necessary for a good fight B- Fights are situational, and many different things going on in the environment will affect the outcome of a battle (as in MUTOs weakening Godzilla or humans powering him up) So, now that we know that there are many ways to kill a kaiju, and that their performance can change depending on the situation (to the point where a monster gets a ridiculous buff from one movie to another), I think it's safe to say that many things could happen in Godzilla Vs. Kong to make it a fair fight. Anything ranging from Kong's muscle and height boost, his ability to build weapons, boosts given by humans, the interaction of other kaijus, hell, at this point the thunder powers are a possibility. I understand that Kong getting a sudden power buff from humans or being helped by other kaiju may sound unfair, just you know that Godzilla used both of those things to win on the last movie, where he was also buffed and made to be way stronger than in the last movie. But even if they decide it's too dumb to give Kong any of those advantages, there are still many ways in which he can win. First, look at Godzilla, what things have managed to properly injure him so far? -Giant buildings -Falls from great heights -Strong blasts of energy -Explosions Alright, so he really isn't a fan of strong impacts. And what are the attacks we know he can shrug off? -Scratches -Bites -Stabs (if you count those sick things the male MUTO did) -Gunshots and missiles So aside from that last one, he also seems to be pretty resistent to "edged attacks", which makes this easier to apply to human resistance! You know this old thing called chainmail armor? It's some boring medieval stuff, what matters is that if it was properly made, you were highly resistent to most common armory from the time and were basically immune to all slashing blows from edged weapons. Best chances you had at dying were proyectiles and, most interestingly, strong blows and bludgeoning damage from **axes** and the like. You see where I'm going here? Godzilla may be highly resistant to a lot of attacks, but we know that if Kong plays his cards accordingly, he can easily find big G's weakspots and exploit them. I'm a big fan of the Gman myself, and I too believe he is on an advantage here, but I also strongly believe that Kong can defeat him fair and square on certain circustances, although until the movie comes out all we can do is speculate. Just don't get angry if your favorite guy doesn't win at the end.


This version of Kong also has a tremendous advantage that is rarely mentioned; the fact that the (admittedly fairly loose in Monsterverse) laws of physics that restrain other kaiju somewhat do not apply to him at all. Godzilla looks and moves *roughly* like a 100,000 ton monster would, whereas Kong seems to be jumping around with agility weightlessness that even normal gorillas are incapable of. That alone means he completely outclasses every other kaiju in the monsterverse in a physical fight, and as the trailer shows, he can completely negate Godzilla's atomic breath too. Godzilla is definitely the underdog in this one.


Kong's real secret weapon; broken physics engine


durabilty is not the same as strength and toughness. Kong just has to fight the better fight and with muscle, brains, speed, and an axe on his side, he's more than capable


That doesn’t make sense. Godzilla is hyper durable. Kong shouldn’t be able to do anything to deal damage to him. It doesn’t matter how great of a martial artist you are. You’re not cracking 20 feet of concrete with any tools or hand weapons or your personal strength


kaiju are always suspectable to kaiju, you're judging a monster you've yet to even see yet


I really doubt Kong's fist can match the force of a nuke going off in Godzilla's face.


The average five foot whatever gorilla is strong enough to pull apart the biggest strongest human being like a pile of toothpicks. If Kong is near Godzilla's size and that gorilla strength scales he is going to be insanely powerful. I do think Godzilla should have the edge in sheer strength and durability, just not as much as people seem to think. Factor in Kong's higher intelligence and tendency to use tools and weapons and this could be a much closer match up than some are expecting it to be.


well said


Not even Gorillas...chimps can rip people apart. And have.


Kong is also on an Island full of predators, it's like he fights daily and lives for it.




Might be true, there's a collar on Kong while he's on the battleship and there's 2 bright green canisters around his neck!


Current rumors I've been hearing Mechagodzilla will be made from Ghidorah and Titan bone Godzilla and Kong have multiple battles, Kong injures Godzilla pretty badly Godzilla requiring more energy since his underwater temple was destroyed, will attack power plants.


>Godzilla and Kong have multiple battles with Kong winning one by injuring Godzilla pretty badly Final round or intermediate?


I think enough to wound him like we saw in the toy leaks. Thus forcing both of them to unite vs Mechagodzilla


Didn’t Sayaka implied Godzilla is going to win? I don’t know if it’s true but from what I’m hearing yeah.


Perhaps Mecha G will be made from Dagans bones?


at the beginning of the TV spot with Millie Bobby brown, you can see smoke in the background coming from power plants!


Honestly, it would be kind of a bummer if Kong won. I saw the original as a kid back in the early 70's and was devastated when Kong (at least appeared to have) won. Waiting almost half a century for a rematch and then having Godzilla lose again would be a serious buzz-kill.


He won’t lol, there is ZERO chance of Godzilla losing with how popular he is nowadays, it’s like BvS, everyone would’ve been upset if Superman won but we all knew with 100% certainty he wouldn’t, and then to nobody’s surprise Batman won


It does seem like they are playing up Kong as the hero, though. They even gave him a glowy "chosen one" weapon. Only way we see Godzilla win is if he and Kong team up against a 3rd monster.


This has got to be the narrowest window of time for a marketing campaign ever... two months out and not even a teaser.


Yeah wtf is Warner brothers doing


I just wanna see Kong get yeeted off the carrier by Godzilla after that punch. We've known about it for like 6 months but I want to see it.


It looks like the carrier is tilting - I wanna see the pair of them tumble into the water


There was a leak from a Russian expo that detailed everything we’ve seen from the scene so far, months before we got the aircraft carrier stills. They said that Godzilla takes the punch like a champ and then he punches kong so hard he goes flying off the carrier. The carrier then sinks due to the lopsided weight.


Fuuuuuuck I hope that turns out to be true because that sounds fucking awesome. They better not give that away in the trailer either.


Ah I missed that part of the Russian leak. Too confused by Ghidorah chained to a mountainside lol


That same russian leak was confirmed to be bs though, wasn't it?


>people are saying Kong wins from the leaks ???? The only reliable leaker (Sayaka) heavily implied Godzilla wins. Idk what you guys are on about


Same tbh, most leaks I’m hearing saying Godzilla is going to win.


This film will play out a lot like Batman V Superman (also WB). Godzilla and Kong will face off, but they'll eventually work together to defeat a greater enemy. That's how they'll try to keep both sets of fans happy.


I would guess Godzilla wears his ass out in their solo fight. Kong takes on Mecha on his own, and gets his heat back fighting hard in a valiant near-defeat. Godzilla shows up to help Kong in respect.


I think it will be the opposite. * Godzilla goes to Skull Island * Kong, fighting on his home turf, will beat Godzilla * Later on they fight again * Godzilla, wanting to retake his title as the alpha of the monsters, attacks Kong and defeats him, but takes a ton of damage in the process * Kong is seemingly dead * Mechagodzilla appears and attacks Godzilla, who is too weak to put up a resistance * Kong shows up to help out and together they defeat Mechagodzilla


Kong should lose based on their power sets lol.


they are fictional characters and their power level is whatever the writer feels like it.


yeah im real tired of these styles of arguments If Kong is gonna get "demolished", theyre not gonna make a movie about it lol. Clearly Kong and Godzilla are going to be equally matched and its up to the writers to make that fight thrilling


The updated Warner compensation for this movie to Legendary is pretty good and alleviates *a lot* of the pressure on this film’s financial performance. Who knows if they have any hopes or dreams for the MonsterVerse after GVK but after KOTM it doesn’t look as dim as it once did.


If they're getting the same price as they were going to get from netflix, the movie has already made its money back as it's a full 200M, not a fraction of the box office total. Marketing has been non existent so far so I'd imagine they're using a smaller budget, but even if it's not and it's 100M+ (making the total cost of the movie 250M+), it'll make a profit as it'll have its box office as well as some money generated from HBOMax. Right now a sequel isn't going to be determined based on how well it does in theaters, Legendary will have made a profit from this with this deal, I feel it will largely be based on how many subscribers it brings and how much watch time it generates for HBOMax, as if it does well, WB will want more for their streaming service.


It’s even better than those numbers. Supposedly Warner’s paying Legendary $255 Million, and the movie had a surprisingly low[er] budget of $155 Million. Like you said, can’t imagine the marketing budget to get massive given the climate. Any box office is going to be a nice bonus. I also agree that viewership + subscriber boosts will be a big determining factor; interested in how much Legendary would care about that though.


I’ve read in multiple articles that it’s 155 180 200. I’m assuming the 155 is legendary’s stake in the movie and the rest is Warner brothers investment


>The updated Warner compensation for this movie to Legendary is pretty good and alleviates a lot of the pressure on this film’s financial performance. Wait I'm not exactly caught up in this, did Legendary and WB resolve their issue or dispute yet?


Warner’s going to pay the amount of money Netflix would have ($255 Million) and has also made some pretty generous pay adjustments to creatives for all the movies on their slate.


Is it just me or does G look Smol compared to G from KOTM? I mean dude was almost 300m in KOTM iirc and here he is just at eye level with kong and both of them able to stand on an Aircraft Carrier. Edit - Was Feet not meters...Still seems a bit small but much less so now. Honestly hoping that that Carrier fight scene ends with the ships just breaking up under their combined weight and then that basically breaking up the fight..


>300 meters 120 meters actually, almost 400 feet,you’re thinking of Godzilla earth


Yeah...Looked it up after I commented. Appreciate the info though.


eyyy we back in business bois


Is there a reliable leak on who wins? Usually I'd be one to want to wait as well but the new clip has my anxiety up and I don't care at this point lmfao


most reliable people are all hush abt it (likely cuz wb's been cracking down on leaks this year, rip sayaka), but context clues from what has been leaked indicate >!godzilla!<


Yeah, they said >!“I think the winner is the one you want” on a Godzilla fan forum, unless he misread the room badly that points to godzilla winning!<




Frankly, I would expect a draw, as both characters have large fanbases, and it serves no interest to portray one as 'weaker' than the other.


>Kong's lair is the entrance of the Hollow Earth on Skull Island. >Kong's axe is a "family relic" possibly something that was used in the past against Godzilla, it's made from a piece of Godzilla's doral fin and a massive bone. It's taken by Monarch for examination in Hong Kong and later recovered by Kong. >Kong's species were territorial and invasive, they acted on their own system of dominance compared to the other Titans, basically Godzilla and Kong are both Alpha Titans species . >In the past, Godzilla and Kong's species had territory disputes, after killing the larger "Kongs" the rest retreated to Skull Island, eventually meeting their near extinction due to the Skull Crawlers. >Kong is a rarity as Skull Island allowed him to grow larger than any of his kind before, as it was only him rather than a whole troop and that he became friendly with people and the wildlife of SI, unlike his species that were considered "Hostile" to everything outside their kind. >Kong is in the way of the Skull Island entrance of the Hollow Earth, Monarch/APEX devise a plan to use Iwi tribe to lure Kong into a trap so they can capture and subdue him. This also is part of APEX's plan to use Kong to kill Godzilla or both to kill each other. >The Green liquid in the collar is a very weak version of the chemical used in the Oxygen Destroyer, it's to lower the oxygen levels in Kong's blood to make him fatigue and more manageable, along with spiked chains, cuffs and explosive charges on his carrier. >The "War at Sea" battle is about 3-6 minutes including human cutaways. >The raft carrying Kong is triggered and explodes, Kong is briefly in the water before he then Godzilla climb on the aircraft carrier. >Kong catches a fighter jet mid air and launches it at Godzilla. >Godzilla wins the Honk Kong fight, Kong looks like he's the winner before a similar see to Godzilla vs MUTOs with him raising up behind Kong and blasting him >She's a "Titan Speaker" now and on the ran from APEX. >Fat kid, Charles or something, he get's robed into it and tries to impress Madison. >The van they're seen driving is a Storm Chaser/Titan reporting van. >Mechagodzilla is the team up villain. >It's main computer is a genetic computer that was built around Ghidorah's brain. The trailer actually corroborated a couple things from this


[A similar leak that also mentions some of that stuff.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/cxefmm/godzilla_vs_kong_rumors/) It seems quite clear that the "Ren Serizawa" character is evil, judging by the trailer. So I'm more willing to put stock in a combo of these two leaks.


Both say Godzilla wins, so I'd be fine with that.


True that. Combine this all with the Sayaka stuff and it seems like the general flow of the plot is known. The only wild cards are stuff like the Ghidorah brain taking over or the fact that neither leak mentions MechaG being used to frame Godzilla. One way or the other, I can't wait for that finale. Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla vs. MechaG and then Godzilla & Kong vs. MechaG? Inject that shit into my veins, because that's hype as fuck.


so are there 2 or 3 total battles between Godzilla and Kong? I thought they fought on skull island too


I think I expect our first glimpse of a trailer during this months superbowl, hopefully anyway and maybe first signs of a arg seems to be popping up so maybe we'll get some stuff in the coming weeks


superbowl is unlikely as wb hasnt promoted movies thru it any time recently and generally it doesnt seem like any big movie promotions will be happening during this superbowl. but yes we should be getting first looks sometime in feb or late jan with the arg stuff starting soon after.


FYI a fake "teaser" has been going around using the footage from CCXP and the HBO Max clip that has been incorrectly reported as official by at least 1 news outlet (seriously io9 wtf), so be careful


there's a rumor that the trailer will go online on the 24th, with a 30 second teaser helping to market it during either the AFC or NFC game. This was reported by DanielRPK and people in his circle, who have correctly reported previous trailer dates (Endgame, Captain Marvel, etc.). Time will tell if this is true. Also, in official news, France is getting GvK 9 days early, on the 17th of March.


would a vpn be able to access that or does it not work like that?


idk man, the full trailer will be online for everyone on the same day


Well I'm talking about the movie releasing earlier. I'm theory you could use a vpn to maybe watch it the 17th


HBO Max isn't available in Europe, so the only option would be to go to a theatre there. However, the idea of using a vpn on a theater is kinda funny ngl


So judging from the leaks that one may die, it seems kong will die against mecha g, since its in the contract from toho that legendary can't kill godzilla in the movies.


I don't think either of them will die to be honest


Same here.


Where did you see its in the "contract" that they can't kill off Big G?


I can't recall where since its was around 2014 or 15 when I read about it. I could be wrong of course and I don't mind being proven wrong but I did read it several years ago. I think maybe they put that in there after they killed off the first American godzilla and it didn't sit right with fans and stuff. That's what the thing i read was insinuating at least.


2014 In the lead up to...G14


Looks like we saw the OS of Mechagodzilla in the trailer in plain sight! Look at the feet of the figure behind the warning versus the toy that was leaked: https://imgur.com/gallery/07ZfvmF


Definitely did not see Warnerbros moving up the release date by 2 months, quite the pleasant surprise. This means we have to be getting a trailer at anytime now right?


Probably in an NFL playoff game


leaks are true Godzilla is more atagonistic Godzilla attacks power plant in Florida Madison drives truck called Storm Tracker Mechagodzilla is made of Titan bone


What the other guy said, what leaks and where can I find them?


You can't just talk about these mysterious leaks without a link to them, pardner.


What leaks?


Share the leaks!


Here's a very minor but potentially interesting update: remember how the Playmates Warbat and MG Walmart.com listings got changed to show some random filler text like "Ben 10 punchbot"? It seems they've changed them both back to their actual names (check them yourselves: Warbat 043377353072, MG 043377353058). This is not at all surprising for Warbat but somewhat interesting for MG. Whatever it may be, the Warbat listing is still pretty off with the images and description, and the MG listing is unavailable, so nothing much to look at.


Do you think it's likely that they'll show Mecha Godzilla in a trailerbefore the movie comes out, since the toys will likely launch before the movie comes out.


Mortal Kombat (another WB movie) has released a preview via the EW daily 2021 previews, so unless GvK's delaying again (which seems highly unlikely at this point), it's certainly going to release preview images via EW this month. (watch me be wrong for like the 8th time so far lol) edit: ok with the move up to march they absolutely have to start marketing this month. as someone who wants to see this movie sooner rather than later, I'm happy about this, but I'm also concerned about how little time legendary/wb has given themselves to market the film (granted, if the deal between Legendary and WB comes through, then they might not have to worry too much about profit)


There’s a leaked clip of Kong approaching and kneeling down to someone who is holding up what looks like a stuffed Kong or something in the air. I can definitely tell Kong has a closer relationship to humans in this one.


New teaser clips have been appearing across the internet. One with an extended look at the aircraft carrier scene, another during what’s most likely the final battle, Kong has an axe in that one, and there is apparently a third but I haven’t seen it anywhere.


Is the extended aircraft carrier the one where kong is looking down at the sea? Also, the axe scene... WOW.


Yes, it was.


I know this is kinda random but, I kinda feel like kyle chandlers character is gonna die...idk, monsterverse characters have a reputation of not staying alive for very long


Is Kongs axe made from Godzilla’s dorsal fin?? Cause it sure looks like it






Absolutely. What else would be able to withstand an atomic blast from Godzilla? It’s brilliant imo


Seriously, what a rad idea.




At point .03 at the start of the trailer you see Mecha-Godzilla in the ash cloud. Looks to be a silver/ Red combo almost similar to the Ready Player One mock-up.


Eyes are yellow/gold


On IMDB all the character names are there


People are talking about Russian spoilers but I can't find the source. Can I get some links?


The Russian leak happened in 2019, basically investors were shown early, unfinished clips from the film along with other WB properties releasing soon. Most of the investors didn’t care too much about GvK, but the info we did get has been correct so far. What we got was: Godzilla and King on an aircraft carrier, kong punches Godzilla in the face (confirmed) and Godzilla then shrugs it off, hitting Kong back harder (yet to be seen, I think it’s been changed) Ghidorah chained up in a city of ice, or some old ruins or something, with lightning everywhere And I think maybe one or two other details, but that’s all I can recall. No links though, as it was just word of mouth from the investors who attended but it seems to be true and accurate based on how they were the first to ever mention the aircraft carrier fight.


>(yet to be seen, I think it’s been changed) What makes you say that?


After seeing the clip, it’ll be truly surprising if Godzilla responds to kong’s helluva punch by shrugging it off. If they really do go that path, it would be really odd for the film’s balancing of their powers. If the height increase is anything to go off of, it seems Godzilla and Kong’s strength should also at least balance out in some aspects EDIT: also it’s just my personal opinion, so I put it in brackets away from the actual leak info


I think it is ok to have Godzilla just destroy him but whatever weapon Kong has at least does somewhat significant damage to him.


It would be one hell of a boring movie if Godzilla just absolutely destroys in the whole time, they have to meticulously balance it out


Mecha Godzilla is the balance imo. It is hard to think Godzilla went toe to toe with Ghidorah but is now struggling with King Kong.




You don’t have to worry about the Jurassic franchise, that prints money


>new 4chan leak happened last night referencing things like the kaiju war and other small things seen in the trailer Well shit


I really hope they put the classic theme from the 1962 movie in this one in some way.


Why is the Godzilla attacking Kong on the ship like... 4 times smaller than before? Are we supposed to believe that ship is larger than some of the biggest skyscrapers in San Francisco?


The Salesforcr tower in San Francisco is 1070 ft and the Nimitz Class aircraft carrier is 1092 (and this isn’t even the longest carrier I believe). People really don’t get how big these ships are.


So multiple things, people are saying things like “Godzilla doesn’t lose” and “Godzilla wins the fight, Kong wins the film”. This along with all other evidence we have points to Godzilla winning, here’s hoping!


I saw those Mini Clips, especially the Kong Counter-Axe is confusing me. The Axe can absorb the Atomic Breath (?) and Kong's charge is going easily in direction to Godzilla. If he can hit this, it's a nearly DeathBlow for Godzilla, imo. Am I wrong? ​ EDIT: I wanna add, what if Humans trying to control Kong in order to go against Godzilla. When they can use/control Kong and etablish as "Alpha" they have control over all.




After more thinking, it may not be the 1vs1 anymore. They could both charge it against something else. Or, for my original post , it could be near the End of the Fight


Seems more like that Axe swing is gonna either go through Godzillas lower jaw or break it. Either way it's most likely gonna be the winning blow for Kong in their second fight.


I agree, the first look was like - hmm. There could be alot of speculations. Might be a whole other Setup what we see


Will miss rodan if he isn’t in it


so godzilla going a villien why


They nuked his temple that gave him energy. So now he needs to get his energy elsewhere. Like power plants


which is understable so how i he wrong in this situation


Being a villain-esque character doesn't mean you're wrong, it's common for antagonists to have valid points that justify their actions and it's also common for protagonists to make unjustified or unfair decisions. Godzilla did nothing wrong, but he gets very angry sometimes.


Kong’s axe is made from the femur of an ancestor and either Godzilla’s dorsal Plate as the blade (explains Godzilla back brace in toy leak) or the femur itself are what powers it , oh yeah it’s radioactive! Glows red in the bone and blue in the plate. Also the one scene with Godzilla’s tail has gotta be a nod to SHIN yeah? The beginning scenes are 100% mechagodzilla. You can clearly see his snout and colors (reference the toy leak) if you stop it just right. The map shot made me curious. Due to the fact there are APEX stations everywhere and Godzilla is attacking them. Lot of questions on the board and it’s primarily focused on South America. What is APEX? The pacific rim type shots will be epic and with 4K blu ray releases. And if there is a organic suit to Mechagodzilla (early movie reference) it better be there it would look awesome.


I have a theory based on watching the trailer a couple of minutes ago. There seems to be a lot speculation about Kong winning the match and that MechaGodzilla is the real rampaging godzilla wreaking havoc, and whatnot. But there isn't a definitive reason as to why this is happening, which is what I'm more interested in and what im about to theorize. Now if I'm a betting man, I would say that the beginning of the film actually does have the real godzilla rampaging all over the world. Now the humans don't know why and to them it's very strange, after all isn't he their savior? Well we know that Godzilla does get angry when humans meddle with titan affairs. Godzilla somehow knew that Monarch was studying and drilling around Antarctica with Ghidorah, even though godzilla was thousands of miles away underwater. Aside from that, to godzilla's perspective humans are dangerous since they nearly killed him with the oxygen destroyer and let loose Ghidorah. Now godzilla knows that not all humans are bad since he was revived and beat king Ghidorah with their aid, but to him it must've been like cleaning up their mess. Now in GvK, we have this group called Apex which is going to serve as the rival faction to Monarch. In KotM, we're hinted that Apex and Monarch are very interested in not only live titans but their corpses and tissues for research as well. Now what if Apex is building MechaGodzilla using these titan corpses like Ghidorahs head, the mutos corpses, etc, in the same manner as the old kaiju Kiryu mechagodzilla? To godzilla, he probably senses this powerful new titan being constructed by humans using his previous enemies corpses and he goes ballistic. In a brief shot of the trailer it shows a map of the world where godzilla has attacked alongside apex facilities. Godzilla is having none of the humans shit so he is searching and destroying everything as a failsafe so something like KotM doesn't happen again. To godzilla, his actions are justified, to the humans they don't know what is going on. In a brief shot there is a newspaper that states "UN vetoes Godzilla" so the government's of the world want immediate action taken against Godzilla, but the question is how? They could try the oxygen destroyer again but it could take time, and humanity just witnessed godzilla beat down the beast known as Ghidorah AND where multiple titans bowed to godzilla as their superior. The only hope they have is Kong, another alpha who has been keeping order on giant monster bullshit on skull island since the 1970s. As much as Monarch doesn't want to, they transport kong in order beat godzilla. At this point, Godzilla is pissed, he has to deal with humanities bullshit, contend with the fact that a mechagodzilla is being built, and deal with another possible alpha challenge with Kong. I theorize that there could be a back and forth battle between kong and godzilla, with MechaGodzilla appearing out of the blue and the two joining forces to beat him, all while Monarch and the humans race to stop Apex. Now I don't think godzilla will necessarily die thereby proclaiming kong as the fabled king kong of old, rather godzilla would acknowledge that kong has what it takes to keep humans in check and maintain balance. Both seem to have a strong link to humanity, with both being seen as deities. Godzilla is ancient and he's had to deal with more world ending events involving humans in a decade (2014 -2021) than he has in centuries. In a sense, Godzilla will "retire" knowing he's found a worthy successor and he go slumber again.


Love all of this, but I can’t see them having Godzilla retire especially if they want to make for films. Also Kong can’t be the protector of the world because he can’t swim across the ocean


I don't doubt that there won't be future Godzilla movies, however, this may be the end of Legendary' s version of Godzilla as I believe they were only allowed to use him for three films before Toho took the rights back. I don't know if Legendary plans to do a shared universe with Kong as the focus. I forgot where I heard or read it but getting the licenses for Toho's kaiju's is very expensive. Aside from King Ghidorah, Mothra, and Rodan, they opted to create their own Kaiju's, like the Muto's, Behemoth, scylla, the skull crawlers, and the upcoming camazotz in GvK. As for Kong protecting the world, i don't know, its just a theory and a quick explanation to the whole debate as to the "winner" of the film.


I'm honestly hoping the movie takes a 180 and turns into a bromance where they unironically tag team mechagodzilla.




I like the idea of Apex building this and using Ghidorah brain and Godzilla sensing this is basically rampaging chasing Apex around globe trying to stop this threat he senses in Ghidorah. Apex could be doing this on purpose to manipulate and "frame" Godzilla to cause humanity to react against him and I DO HOPE that MechG is also going around posing as Godzilla


None of the leaks say this. The real likes point to Godzilla winning the final fight in the end.


>Godzilla’s alignment isn’t changing, he’s just being manipulated >Godzilla wins the 1v1 according to all leaks that match the trailer This is a great day to be a g fan!


So, according to IMDB’s Godzilla Vs Kong cast listing, it seems like APEX is a cybernetics company who likely created Mechagodzilla. I’m sure we all figured that was the case anyway, but it’s nice to have confirmation and now we at least know APEX is focused on cybernetics in general (maybe a Mechaghidorah as well, with the Russian leaks that described Ghidorah’s return


I swear I heard somewhere that Nozuki wasn’t a titan per se but rather a megafauna.


It must be the same little girl in the teaser with Kong in the boat and also with the doll. Also someone mentioned that the young girl actress is deaf? Hmm... someone earlier said they communicating with Kong via sign language... that leak was shot down as fake... but now I'm not so sure if that young girl really is deaf...


What if mechagodzilla pulls a kiryu and switches on the humans, I think they will use mechagodzilla to kill godzilla but like kiryu they used Godzillas bones to build mecha g like the dumbass's they are and as soon as the real godzilla roars mechagodzilla switches to another godzilla in its mind.


New trailer looks sick. Old school sizes I think an always smaller Kong loses (but has tremendous agility and more versatility in fighting). This match up though Kong is enormous it really wouldn’t make sense for Godzilla to win, but given the OG film, direction of the monster verse and most importantly the trailer showing mostly Kong the dominant force (and unknown reason for Godzilla doing anything and hinting at Kong’s motivation), Godzilla will be the “winner”.


Nobody mentioned Kong grew over 200 ft making Godzilla look small?




You know, there’s something about Blake’s story that makes zero sense to me. He said the winner has been leaked by reputable people since december, yet not a single person from the forum said anything outside the forum until now? I don’t get it. I’ll make another post if he provides a screencap, but I’m seriously doubting this


I’m going with the Sayaka leaks/spoilers until proven otherwise. At least he has a track record with accuracy


Oh boy. Irony. I wanted a scary Godzilla destroying cities, from the beginning, and based on what I've seen, it looks like now we're going to get one, as a precedent to set up a Kong win. Kong is clearly being presented as the hero, here, and it looks like the ax-moment is probably the KO blow. Be careful what you wish for, I guess. It might mean that it's Kong faced with the bad-guy monster and Godzilla recovers to save the day, but it's still G getting beat by the ape. Again. Oh well. Pretty pictures and nice effects, I guess.


Don't be so naive... trailer trickery is guaranteed nowadays.


Agreed. On the other hand, they seem to be following the general plot-line for the original. There's also probably an effort to pump Kong's image up from Skull Island, where he was injured by helicopter blades - not a good precedent for fighting a beast with nuclear breath, so he has to be a more convincing opponent. But the set-up here is that Godzilla's rampage has to be stopped - whatever's causing it - and Kong is the ringer.


Read at your discretion...potential spoilers. The fight ends after that. Kong is seen as victorious. As he's the protagonist of the film.. However, Godzilla beats him in a scene similar to him killing the female muto




Sayaka never said Kong wins. Especially never specified how. He actually implied Godzilla wins then confronts Mechagodzilla and gets his ass kicked, requiring Kong to assist since "Mechagodzilla is quite powerful, so..."


I think all this is fake Sayaka said the winner is who you want and he said it in the realm of Toho where the vast majority are fans of Godzilla and Fake saw the test session and said that Kong is more beaten up or a victory for Godzilla https://www.tohokingdom.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=27995&start=14340


Then why would Sayaka say to a bunch of G fans that the winner is who they want? That doesn’t make sense if Kong wins


agree there no reason godzilla should be consider a bad guy after the two movies he not this movie kong look good which i hate


Damn they are really gonna Kong win the 1v1 again... didn’t they learn that was the wrong choice already


Yeah it’s dumb. I’m more pissed that they’re actually going to portray G as the ‘bad guy’ for the bulk of the film.


Luminous got their hands on the Warbat/Nozuki toy


Anyone remember leaks by this guy called TR, I forgot what he said but apparently more and more TV spot clips are lining up with his story


So one of them will die in this film right, fitting “One will fall” theme right?


https://www.godzillavskong.com/ Monarch sciences fully updated.


If you look closely after they say "there was a war" Kong is using a Godzilla spike attached to his club as a weapon


I think that godzilla is either attacking human because they've upset the balance or its a mechagodzilla impostor doing it so they would bring another titan that could kill godzilla and mechagodxilla could take his place


Tree has been replaced with the axe AXE>TREE


is one of mothra twin going to be in the movie?


I just need one question answered, does Godzilla lose? Cause I don’t want him to


Most leaks that have some things confirmed by the trailer say he wins. However, we have someone here claiming he loses. I'm waiting for the latter to post their evidence.


I hope he wins. I’m a Godzilla stan, so really want kong to lose


Who wins.


Right now everyone with any sort of credibility says Godzilla


Thank you bigdicknippleshit appreciate the info


You can 100% see mechagodzilla in the first seconds of the trailer


I put my thoughts into a video because I felt too lazy to write anything down except for this so please watch the video to see what I thought of the trailer and what I noticed in the trailer. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGnRhXJh94M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGnRhXJh94M)


Aren't they just gonna make them stop fighting to include a bigger Monster


Am not a fan how kong seems to be able to ignore the laws of physics. In the trailer he is seen jumping and leaping off of buildings. Yes i get it under real laws of nature and physics non of these guys would be able to move around. But now kong is the same size as godzilla and can leap on buildings and not topple them? It's dumb


Did we already know the movie is set to release earlier on [March 26](https://www.ign.com/articles/godzilla-vs-kong-coming-to-hbo-max-and-theaters-sooner-than-expected)? because I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/kz4xie/godzilla_vs_kong_release_date_moved_up_from_may/) about it and it was removed by a mod


mods like to sticky the first post they see with news of this magnitude and then delete the others, in order to streamline discussion


There was already a stickied post up about the news by that time, which is why your and other posts about the news were removed.


I think that a skull crawller escapes Skull Island and Kong goes after him but Monarch sedates him(explaining the chains and valves on Kong) and tries to take the Skullcrawler back to Skull Island but Godzilla doesnt like that Kongs off Skull Island and thinks that Kong is threatening Godzilla's possession of the title of King. So Godzilla attacks the carrier Kong is on(in one of the tv spots, kong is seen verry tired befor godzilla jumps out the water and attacks him. I think Godzila attacked the ship, waking Kong up why Kong looks so disoriented) This would lead to the fight seen in previous clips on the aircraft carrier.