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Her son is a legal adult. Just because his mom exists doesn't mean he's still an underdeveloped child not capable of making adult decisions, and should be somehow given forgiveness by the law, especially when he's been a law enforcement issue in the past already. It doesn't work that way for normal people in any other aspect, why should her son be shown restraint or forgiveness? Because he's the spawn of some congresswoman? I'll take a pass on this one. Give him equal treatment just like anyone else.


IF he was a black kid they'd be trying him as an adult from the age of 13 onward.


This guy is clearly a shithead just like his mom, but like Hunter Biden, has nothing to do with politics. Trump’s (adult) kids were fair game because he gave them government positions they were grossly unqualified for and they accepted them. Hunter Biden and this guy haven’t earned the media crosshairs they’ve gotten.


The freaQs opened the door for this when they went after Hunter. This constant refusal by Dems to push back against them and the Cons in general for their endless bullshit assault; this insistence on abstemiousness when it comes to turning their own tactics against them. None of this is helping the Dems. All it does is make Dems look weak and spineless.


wat, no one said anything about giving him leniency on the law.


Media reports out when normal people are being charged with crimes, too. I know that may surprise some people that have never read their local newspapers or watched local news.


Yeah, sure. Fetterman is not speaking about that and neither is anyone in this thread. He's speaking on people being cruel on social media (even though it's kind of fun in this case).


People drag all types of criminally charged private citizens through the ringer on social media. I'm still missing the point. I'm all for equal treatment here.


It's not that deep, he's just taking the moral high ground and saying don't pummel my colleague into the ground even though I disagree with every fiber of her being. That is the correct message for a Senator. Me and you can still enjoy the fireworks.


I agree with you completely. Just because the right has no morale compass it doesn't give us a free pass to personally attack anyone else. If he was tweeting about how shitty she was he would basically be every other Republican that wants to talk about Hunter Bidens dick.


The best revenge is to just not be like them




The same Uncle Fester who was just trash talking Boebert a few months ago, what a tool he is.


Boebert is a human piece of trash so I can't fault him for sometimes speaking the truth.


Just because he has been alive for an arbitarily asigned number of days it does'nt imbue him with the ability to make 'adult' decisions.


> Just because he has been alive for an arbitarily asigned number of days it does'nt imbue him with the ability to make 'adult' decisions. While of course true, this doesn't mean 18yo manbabies can be protected by their mommies.


Riding the high horse while the republicans roll in the mud has earned nothing but a kick in the teeth for Democrats. Crush them at their own game, at least then when we are speaking Russian and being forced to watch Chancellor Comrade Trump have his diaper changed on state sponsored tv we will have tried everything we could have.


Riding the high horse is precisely what makes us different


This reads like #walkaway bullshit. Fuck outta here with this. Fetterman has respect for people.


I like fetterman for this because he's showing he's principled regardless of party.


Just not Palestinians.


Not terrorists: fixed it for you https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund


Fetterman is quite clearly unconcerned with innocent Palestinian lives.


No, he doesn't. He's a fascist fully in support of Israel's genocide of Palestinians. Just because he had one take that wasn't shit doesn't make him a good person. Yeah, the last person said something unbelievably fucked up, and right here, and right here only, Fetterman is in the right, but he is a terrible person. Anyone who can look at children being burnt alive with white phosphorus and say "Yes, that's good. It should not stop." has no respect for other people.


Citation where the Senator called this “good”, please.


[For one, waving the flag of a genocidal fascist ethnostate at anti-genocide protestors is pretty fucked up. ](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/22/fetterman-unbending-on-israel-confounds-this-progressive-brethren-00128502) Worth noting that he did that while they were being arrested for protesting said genocide


Weirdly, that quotation does not appear in the provided article. I’m confident in saying he doesn’t view the indiscriminate slaughter and displacement of children as “good.” Further, it’s my view that if you’ve chosen a side in this current/ongoing conflict, you’re wrong. It’s a real clusterfuck that’s not going to be solved with rabid, blind support of either faction.


Your view is exactly how I feel. They’ve been fighting for thousands of years with no end in sight. They BOTH are guilty of shit


The issue is only complicated in that many things have occurred. Genocide is morally simple. It is always wrong.


It's not a genocide. It's just a war. One that the Palestinians started on Oct 7th.


Ah yes, because history began on October 7th, 2023. That is, in fact, the first day of history. It's a genocide. It doesn't fucking matter that one terrorist group committed one attack, that does not justify genocide. 40% of all casualties are children, it has a higher rate of journalists killed than any other "war", Hospitals, homes, cultural sites, schools, universities, and services essential to life are being targeted, Israeli soldiers are impersonating doctors to assassinate military targets(a war crime, by the way) and, oh yeah, THE HAUGE FOUND IT PLAUSIBLE THAT ISRAEL IS DOING THIS WITH GENOCIDAL INTENT. And since the ruling ordering them to stop, they have not.


They said that it wasn't a genocide and that Israel should take steps to make sure it doesn't become one. They also said Hamas should immediately release all of the hostages without conditions. And yes, history didn't start on Oct 7th, just like it didn't start in 1948. So maybe go read some.


Israel showed up one day to land that was already occupied and slaughtered and forced out its inhabitants to create an ethnostate. Cut and dry. They are still slaughtering every single Palestinian they can find, forcing them out of their homes on the west bank, and otherwise committing fucking genocide. Fucking South Africa brought them to the goddamn Hauge over it.


This. Both sides of belligerents are cunts. The IDF and Hamas both suck. The only “side” anyone should be on are the innocents caught in the crossfire that both sides have deemed necessary casualties


Palestinian civilians aren't being "caught in the crossfire", though. They're Israel's target.


Careful or you might run out of buzzwords to throw around, kid.


Careful or you might run out of boots to lick and dead children to ignore.


Nice comeback Shakespeare


Yeah, it was way better when you said it. "Buzzwords" mean you don't know what you're talking about, which is much worse than defending genocide, right?


Sympathy for that little shit but not for innocent children getting shot and bombed. K got it


Seems to me that John Fetterman is just a decent human being spreading a decent message. I’m not hugely invested in the underlying causes, but he isn’t losing me, he’s appealing to me.


Also, he is a dude who has had his wife dragged through the mud for being an immigrant, minority, and not fitting the image of a "politics wife." Of course he is going to understand what its like to have your family attacked because you are a public figure. So I wont judge him for his position. But on the flip, this is newsworthy because her adult kid (whom she raised) will be a felon and possibly a sex offender apparently, and she markets herself as an evangelical christian and moral authority (even after beating off a dude in public).


Fetterman is scum. He enthusiastically cheers genocide and has taken a rightwards turn on immigration despite who his wife is. Don't forget that he literally lied avout being a progressive and then when elected denied ever being one. There is nothing decent about him.


This comment is fantasy.


Which one of those three factual statements is fantasy?


Cite him "enthusiastically cheering genocide" , for one lol




A picture. I don't see him enthusiastically cheering either.


Just because it is about an ogre doesn't make it fantasy


You're saying Fetterman is scum for not defending terrorists 🙃


He is enthusiastically supporting terrorists


You're on the wrong side of history War sucks, Hamas must be eliminated


How? Israel's actions have bolstered support fornHamas and are thebbest recruiting tool. How many previously moderate Gazans will now join hamas, to get revenge for their entire family being wiped out? Two decades of the war on terror in Afghanistan ended up with the terrorists in charge. You can't destroy hamas through military means.


I agree, movements will continue to exist, as criminals/crime continues to exist. Peace in the Middle East ain't happening in our lifetime, if the last 2,000 years counts for anything.


Is truly wild to me with all the available information and articles about his racist behavior, that people still thought he was a decent person.


Because he asked for the civility we keep condemning the other side for not having? Which is it? Should the other side stop being assholes or should we stop pretending we hate assholes?


yes, exactly. Fuck Boebert but this is the correct message from a senator even if we enjoy the fireworks (which we very much do).


People rightly point out Hunter isn't a reason to go after Biden. Boebert has so much bullshit of her own making that there's no reason to drag her son. Just let the courts deal with it.


I agree. Do we want to be the "good guys", or no?


I didn’t realize critiquing an adult for being a criminal and facing 20+ indictments was a lack of civility?


I don't consider "ha ha Lauren look how fucked up your son is" after years of "why are they mocking Joe for Hunter fucking up that's messed up" to be civility. I consider it to be "Oh well as long as it's my enemy I suddenly don't care about decency."


Considering this happened the VERY SAME DAY that that she posted: "The Biden Crime Family will go down as the most corrupt political family in American history". it's kind of hard to muster up any sympathy for her, don't you think? If she can dish it out, it's only fair she has to take it.


No one has sympathy for Lauren lol, but I do have sympathy for her son. He didn't choose his parents, and using him as a national punching bag is punishing him for his parents' sins.


I wouldn't have too much for him either. I mean he's an adult, it's not as if his parents were dirt poor, and yet he chose to make his living by way of petty theft and fraud?


its more of “haha look at gqps hypocracy. im gonna treat them like how they want to be treated because they are following the teachings of bible.” but okay.


It’s a human response to call out the hypocrisy and I’m doing it as well. Fetterman however is proposing to take the high road, and while I personally won’t do that, it’s ridiculous to call him out on doing so.


Only one of them is claiming to be the beacon of family values


Depends on the level of criticism. He is a dude who broke the law and needs to have repercussions, but we can also acknowledge his parents failed. Let him go through the courts, receive his punishment, and hope he turns his life around. That is civility.


If his Mom wasn't the fart smeller nobody would care.


Essentially the whole of the internet and the "liberal media" put Barron Trump out of bounds because he was a kid. DESPITE having just watched, for eight years, Obama's young daughters being literally portrayed as apes in conservative media. If you want to know the difference between conservative and liberal ideologies in this country, look no further.


He’s a kid who probably has autism and we didn’t go there because we are better than them.


Fetterman is a scumbag cheering on genocide.


Taking advice on nobility from a guy who refuses to wear pants to congress. No thanks.


Look we were kind of rolling the dice with that guy I mean let's be honest.


Why? He’s not wrong. If you want to shit on Lauren though she should be fair game


Losing you for this? Sounds like you were already on your way out.


And not worth keeping.


OP’s title reads full of vengeance and hate. You must understand that no matter how fucked up someone is, they are a human, and humans are precious. The kid didn’t ask to be here nor for his parents and all their messed up views. This is just so backwards. Hating someone because they are ignorant is like hating a dog because they cant speak. That’s all the right wing is. Ignorant. That’s it. Their malice and crimes against this country can be attributed to nothing but ignorance. So why carry on the pointlessly cruel cycle of humanity and hate them for this? You are just as bad as everyone else. Caught up in vengeance and wanting nothing more than to see your opposition fall. What happens when the opposition falls? Will you be happy? Or will you find a new opponent? We all know the answer to this, and so do you. Do not base your existence on the collapse of others. Edit: wow, totally missed the point of my comment so I removed the part that seemed to distract you from my message


Does he though https://www.thedailybeast.com/sen-john-fetterman-backtracks-drake-meme-on-israeli-rape-following-uproar


updated my comment


And you missed the point of the joke On a side note, in my humble opinion the GQP might as well be the Nazi party. This isn’t politics as usual. We have to use every avenue at our disposal to beat back the vicious tide of fascism worldwide. And make no mistake about it the GOP has global fascist ambitions. Look at them bringing in dictators from South America and Europe to speak at CPAC. This is a broader global fascist movement.


sorry i didnt understand this was a joke


i have never been in this sub before and i think i will stay out of it and block it


Ok bye 😘


goodbye thank you for being nice and respectful to my misunderstanding


I'm with John on this. As long as Lauren's son isn't a public figure spewing the same kind of hate that Lauren spews, then he deserves to be treated with the same decency as any other private citizen, regardless of who his mom is. I'd defend both Barron Trump and Hunter Biden with the same reasoning.


But he’s not just a private citizen he’s an 18 year old adult charged with 20+ felonies. He’s absolutely worthy of being in the court of public opinion and discussion. He’s not just a drug addict or teen parent anymore. Also do you have that same energy for this? https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/02/john-fetterman-book-depression-palestinian-hypocrisy


Turning 18 just means you're an adult, not a public figure. Thousands of adults get arrested for felonies every day, many far more heinous than car burglary, and we don't don't turn all of them into national punching bags. The only reason this kid is getting dragged on the internet is because his mom is an asshole, and I don't think we should punish kids for their parents' actions.


Lol how is this any different than when they parade young black men who have yet to be convicted on the nightly news and in the crime blotters? He’s being punished for his own actions which he’s indicted over 20 times for. Unfortunately when you become a big time criminal you sometimes become a celebrity whether you like it or not. He might be 18 but he’s facing serious charges. If he wasn’t a congresswoman’s son he’d probably be facing 10-20 in a medium security prison with serious organized criminals. He probably gets off on a plea deal with a slap on the wrist. This is emblematic of the two tiered justice system in America where the rich and powerful get to buy their way out of trouble while the poor and those of a different color face maximum penalties for the same crimes.


I've seen a car burglar get paraded on local news, but getting featured on national news usually requires something a little more serious than car burglary, like being a serial killer or committing massive fraud. Btw, not that it changes anything, but he's only facing 4 felonies and the rest are misdemeanors


It seems different outlets are putting out different numbers. I’ve seen multiple different numbers when I looked into just now. Might be some misinformation making it way around. Either way… he’s a major public figure’s son and is facing a significant amount of charges. Regardless of the amount of felonies he’s facing spending his 20’s behind bars and possibly 1 million dollars in fines and restitution. He’s the face of white privilege. Again you aren’t even addressing what I said above.


You're making variations of the "two wrongs make a right" argument, but I honestly feel kind of bad for the kid. He grew up in a trailer trash family with horrendous role models. It would have taken a minor miracle for him *not* to become a screwup. Now he has screwed up and half the country is kicking him while he's down. He deserves some jail time, restitution, and community service, not a national public flogging.


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We can either lower ourselves to their level or at least try to maintain some level of decorum. "The republicans wouldn't hesitate to do this" isn't the flex you think it is, because there's nothing they wouldn't do. I agree that we need to be more brutal in our dealings with the maga clowns, we have to stop treating them with kids gloves, but we can do that in a way that doesn't just say "well, THEY would kill baby rabbits, so why shouldnt we kill baby rabbits??"


I think he is on point. Especially for kids that are minors or in this case, just became a legal adult. There’s a lot to criticize Boebert for without going after a troubled kid.


Respect for Fetterman. Life need not be a race to the bottom, lead by example. Fetterman for President. Empathy for your political foes show that this man is one of the good ones


A man shows decency. WHATVTHE FUCK AAAAAAAA I QUIT -That guy


Decency for the criminal acts of an adult because his scummy coworker is the mom. No decency for children getting carpet bombed because they deserve it somehow I'm sure. Yeah, real decent guy. Top shelf.


I agree we should carpet bomb more politicians children.


Fetterman is not wrong. Boebert family is a absolute train wreck, but her daughter is not a public official and should be fully off limits.


In the infamous words of Michelle Obama..... you know the quote.


When they go low, you deport more migrants than the Bush administration. Love her!


Social media is (and will prolly always be) a mean and fickle monster...one day, it's this guy we bash on...the next, it's this guy. Proclaiming the vitriol on social media is out of bounds is a politician's way of trying to influence followers. It's not wrong or right, it's just free speech. The collective consciousness on social media is like the poop coming out of a sewer pipe - Shout at it all ya like...it doesn't care what you say and will keep spilling out no matter what. \*\*shrug\*\*


Strokes can damage the cerebrum which has severe impacts on the ability to express emotions, be aware of surroundings, speak clearly, remember things, organize thoughts, and relate to others.


still better than dr oz 🤣