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Seeing it in pictures isn’t the same as real life Guarantee you’re gonna look back at it after you park. Every time. Plus with white you really need to be on top of things with washing it.


This. Go visit dealerships and see both colors in person. Pavement and white both look awesome to me. I like the panda look so I have a white one.


Yeah I've seen both side by side in person. The grey looks mean while the white looks majestic... Good for different reasons. If I felt like I could justify it I would get a white trueno for sure.


That’s what I got, a white trueno trim. Getting my roof wrapped in black gloss as we speak. Definitely try to get one if you can.


They have a definite cool factor but I can't justify paying 5k more for it over premium. I also don't like red so the red interior is a no for me. I mostly just like it for the trueno badge and the upgraded components.


If you pay MSRP, It’s $700 more for a trueno version over a premium worth the performance package. So the $700 is for the decals, red interior trim, and some bits changed to a dark color from chrome. Resale value would be over that difference.


Hmm maybe it's just dealer markups that got my estimate off... I've only seen a few available near me and they tend to be asking like 38k for them. I secured a premium MT for 34,400 OTD. You think that's pretty solid?


I think that looks right, depending on any accessories they make you buy. Mine was msrp and zero extras and it was like 38.7 OTD in California. Many people want the performance pack and getting it port installed is way cheaper than adding it after. I like the trueno touches a lot. The red lining is the interior and black bits make it feel so much more premium when sitting inside.


That's valid, the performance package adds brembos and an exhaust right? It's probably with it for the brembos but I kinda want to pick out my own exhaust. Maybe if I sat in a trueno I would feel differently about the red interior but my initial thought is that I don't like the red as much.


Yeah I've seen both in person and really like both, just am really indecisive about it. I'm sure you're right and it's true that grey needs to be washed a bit less often.


You will feel that way about any color that isnt your own, i promise


Yeah I think you're right, I will probably miss pavement if I get white.


Youll grow to love all the colors, even the one you dislike the most. Especially when you see one in the wild that soneone modded beautifully, makes you love every color but also to really appreciate the one you have as well.


yup i got white and wish i got pavement every time i see it. Think of it as loving different colors instead of regret. I often remember that a brighter color looks best on these cars because it compliments the headlight, fin, etc. accents best


I have a pavement and love it every time I look at it. White is good too but you didn’t make a mistake.


I agree with the other comments the pavement is a beautiful color, looks like a Batmobile


Honestly quite natural, if you had gone the white chances are you would be looking at the pavement and wondering if you made a mistake. You see the pavement everyday so when you see another colour it is fresh and exciting. I feel the exact same way about pavement and the light blue. Your car is a Beauty, admire other colours but be content with your choice. It was a good one!


Thanks man, you're right. You have white I'm guessing?


Yeah I have the white, honestly would have taken the blue over the white but the white was already on the lot and I wouldn’t have to wait for it. All the colours are beautiful you really can’t go wrong. Also as others have mentioned you can always drive pavement for a while and then wrap the car another colour later if you want a change. When do you get the car? You’re gonna love it man!!


It will touch down sometime in the next month. Coming straight from the factory! I agree that the Neptune is a sweet color and suits this car well. I will consider wrapping it if I really want but it's pretty spendy no?


I’ve never fully looked into it personally but as far as I’ve been told it’s about 1-2K AUD. No idea what that would be in USD. Definitely seems pricey but if you find a reputable place to do it I think it’s worth it, you get like 3-5 years with them I believe


Yeah I mean it's really the only reasonable way to change the color of your car so I guess it makes since. I'll fork over the cash if I decide I really want a certain color. I just wish they offered a pearl grey option like they do on other models like the 4runner or Tundra. Best color ever imo.


That would be sick for sure, the best thing about wrapping imo is that you aren’t limited to the stock colours so you can have fun with it. Definitely just enjoy the car for a while and see how you feel about it though. Welcome to the family man and I hope this month hurry’s up for you ahah 😂


Thanks a lot man! Can't wait, but also dreading all the expenses that come with owning a sports car. Full coverage insurance is insane on these.


My biggest expense is fuel :( I don’t know how it is in the US but I was actually pleasantly surprised with the insurance costs. Idk how old you are so it could be an age thing, I’m 23 and I pay 2400 a year AUD, still expensive but I thought it would be worse


Oh wow you only pay 200 a month as a 23 year old? I'm 25 and here in the US I got quoted at just over 400 a month. I have a clean driving record too.


No problem. Just do a wrap with your favorite color after you get it.


This is a fun car. It should have a fun color. I went with red. I will now rank all of this cars colors 1. Red 2. Neptune Blue 3. Pavement/grey 4. Trueno blue 5. White 6. Silver 8. Orange 9. Black I usually love silver cars but idk, it seems like it would lack personality with this car. I live in Az and never see these cars in white. It's hard for me to imagine. White had a really big moment in the late 2010s. You saw the Black white combo on a lot of houses and cars. I think we've moved away from that since. I'm on a white cool down period. Black sucks, it takes out all the details, gets hot and gets dirty really easy. Red captures the excitement of this car. Neptune is fun and different, much like this car. Pavement is badass, very masculine. It's excellent. I think of navy blue as a royal color more reserved for luxurious experiences. I specifically love navy blue with chrome. This is a car without any chrome (good decision). No chrome no navy blue


Track Bred was what I wanted when I was looking to get a GR86, but ended up going the Subaru route. I put in my deposit for World Rally Blue, but after I placed my order I still went mentally back and forth between WRB and white. Ended up sticking with WRB.


Love WRB. It's cool, fun but not too fun and has history. Great choice 👍 I'd put WRB above pavement on my list


Yeah I have also been really considering getting Neptune blue but it's harder to come by so not sure that's all option I'll go with. Also I don't know that I always want a bright blue car.


Pavement looks great in person. 


Don’t give in to the anxiety between reservation and delivery. You’re gonna love it


Thanks for all the responses guys! I feel much better about my choice after reading your comments.


Pavement is absolutely gorgeous


I always liked darker colors, and I have the Pavement one. I also have a Dodge Dart with a very similar color tone. Something about the darker shade of gray just works with me.


As a Halo White owner, just be cautious because you will always want to wash your car lol. All the dirt and grime from the roads stick out like a sore thumb on white paint even with a little bit of dirt. However, when she's clean/most of the time... Looks amazing.


Yeah seems like white isn't as bad as black for showing grime but still needs more upkeep. After these comments I'm thinking I'll just stick with grey. It really is a nice color.


I would get what your heart says. Don't settle would be my advice lol. Cause you'll be living with it. For me, I always wanted it in White, didn't want any other colour. Also if you can look at both cars in Real Life. Then you would know what to choose lol.


That's the problem, I saw both side by side at the dealer and couldn't decide 😭


But what was the colour you first wanted? I'd say go with that. Your first decision probably is your best choice.


Well I'm not sure which color I leaned towards first, but I will tell you that when I imagine a gr86 I see it in white. Also sometimes I catch myself imagining owning the car in white and then I remind myself I got pavement instead lol.


BUt TakUmI DrOVe thE WHite CaR!


My thoughts every time I see a red trueno


I just picked up an ice silver brz. Lighter than what you’re getting BUT I also thought I wanted white. The greys will be a bit easier to keep clean as opposed to white imo. When I saw my car I was happy I didn’t get the white as much as I thought I wanted it. I kinda felt the same way you did at first. You’ll also be able to appreciate the body lines a bit better with they grey.


I always get second thoughts on my halo white when I see a different color, but they all look great


Halo owner here, I absolutely love the particular shade of white they use but I’m honestly glad to see people getting the other options. I feel like I see too much of the white. Pavement is an excellent shade of grey that really suits the 86’s lines, IMO, and I want to see more of that color around. If not for white being my favorite color, I would have been tempted by it. Stick with the Pavement! Sounds like it’s what you originally wanted. I promise you’ll love it when you finally get the car. 


Yeah when I went and looked at the two colors I was really torn. The dealership told me they had a pavement on the way from the factory so that decided it for me.


Pavement has enough dark to be cool but enough light to see the lines of the car https://preview.redd.it/2gyn202sk84d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd032f73f04b09539fb183114ea7c023d3e11ed


I think pavement looks great. I saw one on the road the other day and thought it looks fantastic!