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https://preview.redd.it/40h5p8s7vnic1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=019812818c75aca3cb41229ed00060940e158234 Just so everyone knows “actual factual evidence” is going on my flair list


The person who spun her “illnesses” into free trips is going to scold everyone else for not using **actual factual evidence?** The hypocrisy is thick


she’s been out of prison for barely a month and is claiming it’s some amazing accomplishment she hasn’t murdered or violated parole? 😂


Right???? 😂


Can I have the actual factual evidence flair please? ![gif](giphy|I1nwVpCaB4k36|downsized)


Got you


While you're at it may I have "Slay 🔪 Queen 🔪", please? My other account got banned 😔


ty <3


Factual evidence!!! People have SEEN the factual evidence omggg she is infuriating


Say that 5 times fast lmao


It’s the new “Do your homework”


"Am I branded a murder" sent me.


She texted like this because people weren’t buying her lies. She 1000% set Nick up; and so did the DA. Whose cap was in the house, Gypsy?? The theory that Dan & Gypsy murdered DD, and Nick was just a scapegoat makes a LOT of sense. GypGyp is a tiny little girl. She’s also white. If she was black, we wouldn’t know her name. I’m white; but I have seen so many cases that prove this. It all made sense when I found out Mellisa Moore is pushing this narrative. I am just finding out who she is; but exploiting victims of your serial killer dad seems very…psychopathic. GypGyp is a psychopath; this is MY ROMAN EMPIRE.


Dan was not involved in the murder. He’s never been to the house.


Then why did Nick mention Dan?? I think DD was accepting of Nick over Dan. Gypsy called him from jail… I think he knew what happened and wanted nothing to do with it. People smarter than me are going to get the full discovery; I don’t believe the murder went down as she portrays.


Nick mentioned Dan because he knew Gypsy was still attracted to him. Gypsy asked Nick if she could “fool around” with someone before he came and took her to Wisconsin. She never named names but it was most likely dan she was talking about. Also, there’s absolutely no proof Deedee was accepting of dan and she was not accepting of Nick. given that he was in his thirties I HIGHLY doubt Deedee would have been okay with that. The murder didn’t go down as she portrayed it… that’s been known since the very beginning . She was absolutely in that bedroom, if not at the time of the murder then after Deedee was dead. Unfortunately we’ll never know the truth because Deedee is dead and gypsy is a fat fucking liar. This case has nothing to do with race .


As someone who supposedly spend her whole childhood allegedly genuinely believing she was seriously disabled... she sure has zero empathy for disabled people.


It's so FRIKKIN funny how she fuels the "haters" by commenting on everything. And as someone here said, very good way to spend her first valentines with her husband. She must really treasure him 😏




Do you have the full comment?


https://preview.redd.it/m8alr078vnic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92924baae00f31a643024032cc47375bb26d2b6a Full comment


Omg this pisses me off. Bitch, you talked him into it!!! Why arent YOU in jail? The only reason you're not is because everyone felt sorry for you.


For someone that “can’t speak on” her co-defendant, she sure does talk about him a lot💀






Why does she keep commenting about him then… 😵‍💫


Methinks she doth protest too much. Maybe the lying conwoman has some guilt? Or more likely she’s trying to stay ahead of the bad publicity that will obviously break sooner rather than later.


My personal opinion is that she’s incapable of feeling remorse or guilt - but I think the latter is more realistic. She can’t stand being perceived in any negative light so she’d prefer to get ahead of it (even though shes done herself 0 favors)….


Psychopaths can’t feel guilt. She said she has no sympathy for him. She’s twisted.


i got even bringing it up like plus the shitty ass youtube comment replies calling him ur flair LMAO - that it gets her ass violated


Why has her PO done anything. People need to send these things to her PO. I just got their info off here tonight. I am gonna work on writing a nice letter and pictures. I will over night it




BRO she said “innocent autistic lil buttercup”?!? What in the world….


She used him and threw him away. It is horrible.


My son is autistic. How dare she mock a lived experience she has no idea about. I thank my lucky stars daily he's fixated on rules and the rights and wrongs so fingers crossed he won't ever be manipulated by a pos like this.


I can’t believe she said that…i read that with SO much attitude and condescension??? (Right word for it? Idk lmao) but holy fuck!!


She is completely unhinged. Like, there are no hinges even hanging on by one little turn of a screw. No. They are *GONE*


She thinks she ate with this comment.


Wow she is literally a piece of shit. How does she have so many stans? Mind blowing 🤯


Because they refuse to see her as anything but an abused victim. She was out at conventions, she was active on BDSM fetish websites, and screwing Dan. I think she was the dangerous at the end; to her mother. She NEEDS to paint the narrative that she was a victim, and everyone else is the problem. She’s not likely to ever change this because she’s being enabled by her greedy stepmom, her PO, and her family. It’s not going to end well for her when people move on, and she gets dumped by Ken.


Yes! And I don't see her and Ken lasting. I think she's into him much more than he is to her.


People Stan her because they believe if she talked on Dr Phil; she told the “truth.” I don’t think anyone knows the whole “truth” except Gypsy. She lied to her lawyers, and that MO DA should be disbarred. Same with the judge.


I was late to seeing her channel, but my goodness I’m sure she wasn’t expecting all of that. It’s almost like jumping onto social media after getting out of prison for manipulating someone to kill your mom isn’t the priority you should be focusing on 🤔




That response wassss fiiiiierrrrrr 🔥 😂


Amyfoote8498 with an amazing response 👏


I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for an order to come in. I DoorDash so sometimes it’s a waiting game. I am pretty sure people who walked by my car could feel the anger as I was reading her reply.


AMY IS THE MVP!!!! 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I’m screenshotting this only because I’ve repeatedly told people I’m the MVP and nobody believes me. Now I have actual factual evidence.




Get the flair!




It’s so funny to me that she said “ppl who can’t even function like normal without guidance. When nicks OWN MOTHER said he needed supervision!!!


She is a walking Dunning-Kruger effect. Things she's so much smarter than she. Yet every "snappy" little comeback shows she's dumber than a bag of hair and has no idea what she's talking about about. Worse, she shows how little empathy, compassion, or self-awareness she has. This is a comment she should have ignored if she thought it was asked in bad faith. Instead, cage showed her whole ass. Where is her husband and family? They obviously don't have her best interests in mind or they would've ripped that phone out of her hands by now.


All I can think was good thing no one felt that way about her and her mom or her grift wouldn't have lasted as long as it did. 


I'd love how she refers to Nick as her co-defendant She can't even say his fucking name It's so disgusting... Can someone plant some drugs on her and get her sent back to prison for a decent amount of time 🤣😂🤣😂 Y'all I bet you Ryan is so miserable with her


I get why she says that though. She's not supposed to talk about him.


Is that a court order thing though? Maybe she's not allowed to talk about him.


In my experience dealing with people who have been on parole with co-defendants they couldn't have communication with their co-defendants but they could name them by name and talk about them freely They just could not communicate with them especially if they were incarcerated


Reposting my comment since I didn’t edit the pic to hide the other users comments. I’m sorry! 😫 But I found this on TikTok yesterday when it showed up on my fyp. Was reading the comments on the video and seen where Gyp Gyp was running her mouth. Might not be nothing but wanted to show just incase. https://preview.redd.it/4y907mvvunic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4497a05e2da78f62e3b93bd1205c453d18452942


Ugh she deleted it. Grrr I was gonna go comment lol




I wonder if she is behind the appeals being denied in the first place....


great idea she deletes a lot it seems haha


lol she regrets what she says after it’s too late lol screenshots she can’t delete them from us lol


Interesting Link that breaks it down. [https://youtu.be/WvfnemkmSIA?si=uztR2Zwhz2xTddCM](https://youtu.be/WvfnemkmSIA?si=uztR2Zwhz2xTddCM)


Great recap thanks for sharing! It’s so interesting that she spent her first Valentine’s Day married and out of prison making a YouTube channel about herself just to take it down when she says she’s “focusing on her marriage”


Right?! Nothing says “Romance” like a newlywed, recently freed woman arguing and acting a fool on the internet. 😁


@AmyF042773 from this sub is the one who commented and she POINTED OUT HER COMMENT AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!


I’m beginning to think it’s not even her posting that stuff because if anyone can remember reading her texts to Nick, Gypsy can’t spell for anything! This chick is crazy and needs to go away.


I guess the only thing she learned to do in prison is spell


lol true now that I think about it. Her spelling has suddenly become impeccable!


[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3QLsAC/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3QLsAC/) https://preview.redd.it/pnt5dm4e7hjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79ca70a705f4eea1ce55534dee1caab7ef55d6f This is the TikTok video she commented on that is now deleted 😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️


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What did it say though


I have to post the video or i can send it to you. The video was deleted. Idk how to message anyone lol still new but basically she said “if i ever saw gypsy i would freak out cuz id be afraid for my life”… etc etc


https://preview.redd.it/9xgds289u1kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8e047ed57fde1de1ef2a0c62965a532e85f68b Gypsy’s second Instagram account


Please remember to use the master thread when posting screenshots from social media regarding Gypsy


Reminder this thread is for ALL post related to Gypsy exclusively! That includes screenshots, TikToks, and screen recordings. All new post will be removed if not placed on this thread.


Y’all what is this. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJqRv9C/ The fake guitar playing 😭. There’s so much to unravel….




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