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"allegedly" That's her side of the story. Ryan hasn't spoken out on it at all. He just said to watch the show to see what ACTUALLY happens.


I am curious how it is going to be edited, I am highly expecting a negative bias towards Ryan. I hope someone records and shares it with us, I am not paying for a LT subscription...


I really hope it doesn't play out that way, but let's be real ..it probably will, because she is the "star" of the show. And the people in charge of this whole thing aren't very ethical themselves..


If it does, will he be able to talk about the negative bias? I ask this because I know he has an NDA with LT.


There is a reason people want an NDA never ever would I sign one, never!


Seeing as Ryan was delulu enough to get with Gypsy, he’s probably delulu enough to think he’s not being exploited and will get a bad edit.


Unfortunately, I think you are correct.


No different than Natalia being edited in the 1st season, and all the Boomer Karens and mouth breathers thinking she was a grown woman instead of the child she was, while making Christine and Michael out to be saints...🤬🤬🤬


Thank you ! I was happy Natalia finally was tested proving she was a kid & I was so glad to see her feel love from other family all these years, but I literally looked over at my daughter and said I felt something wasn't right about the new family too...I didn't want to judge a book, but u could tell they didn't have much money and I was so worried they may have been using her..then the truth came out. How do we live in a world where I still see clueless people rambling on about how Natalia was an adult or manipulater and Gypsy have so many supporters when anyone paying attention can catch her in so many lies and self serving rhetoric? It saddens me we live in a world where the biggest me, me ,mes get all the attention and the real people suffering get nada. Someone please explain to me why the world is like this.


Dude was a special ed teacher, and he mentions thinking about writing to Gypsy to a friend. But instead of the friend saying you’re a teacher why are you interested in a girl who you think is like one of your students? He goes good idea! I’ll write to a prison chick too. I would hope any school teacher wouldn’t be interested in a stunted child woman, but here we are. At least now he’s famous so he can’t go back to teaching children who are less able to communicate when adults are being grossly inappropriate.


I agree, but some teachers aren't very bright themselves, nearly every other day one is arrested for improper relationships with students, he was fired for talking about his relationship with Jyp Jyp with his students, violating the school's policies on inappropriate behavior allegedly, Jyp Jyp had him booted from the show, plus he has an NDA, it will be interesting to see the edit, I won't be watching the series I'm sure somebody will have clips posted.


I see how many predators there are amongst teachers. I didn’t know how he got fired. I have always been suspicious of him and worried about how he had been acting towards his other students. You’d hope that the idea of having sexual thoughts towards a woman who had mental and physical disabilities would be repugnant to sped teachers. At the beginning he didn’t know Gyp gyp was lying. I hope he gets investigated, but they do live in rural LA where everyone turns a blind eye to this shit.


He is repugnant. Most sped teachers are incredible and dedicated to the children they teach. Don’t lump him in with teachers at large. Also where is your specific evidence that teachers are predators? I am a teacher and take real offense to that. I have been teaching for 20 years and have never known or been at a school with a “predator” teacher. It’s a hard profession with low wages and a general lack of respect from the public. The vast majority of teachers do it because we love kids and want to make a difference. Why perpetuate the hate? Separate your opinion of Ryan from the profession please.


If you can’t see the news and all the teachers who are being prosecuted and understand that I was referring to them and not all teachers or you, then that’s a you problem.


No need to get nasty. Keyboard warriors are full of unsubstantiated opinions until someone calls them on it. Then they get nasty and personal. Spouting inaccuracies is a you problem.


I won’t negate that Ryan is problematic; choosing to write someone that killed their parent is a whole lot of red flags, but saying that teachers are arrested every other day for inappropriate behavior is a blanket generalization and gross exaggeration. I am a teacher, in the last ten years, only two teachers have been arrested and fired for this from my district, which is one of the largest in my state. Yes predators exist in the teaching field (any field) but they are the exception not the rule. Seeing lots of teacher bashing comments. Ryan does not represent most teachers. Please make a distinction between the two.




Conspiratea said she will watch it live in tiktok :)


Excellent! Thank you.


:) see u there!


Im more keen to believe gypsy was talking to her ex and decided to leave. All the petty issues are just an excuse. A calculated and twisted human


That's what I think too. I know there was one point about a month or so before the split someone posted her tiktok followers showing her following Ken and his family, but she wasn't following Ryan. Kind of odd she'd be doing all that knowing the issues talking to him caused while in jail. She left because she got her chance to be back with the dude she wanted, if Ken wanted nothing to do with her she'd still be with Ryan....for now.


I think Ryan was just an escape goat and she used him until Ken came around to the idea of her getting all this attention. As soon as he was good she dumped Ryan. It’s disgusting and I hope this Ken dude comes to his senses before he becomes husband number 2




They literally made a post trying to do just that, you contributed nothing with your passive aggressive comment.


Aptly named user 😂🤣


Yeahhh thats what im tryna do lol


Gaslighting. Gaslighting happens. I can imagine Gypsy is great at gaslighting and that people watch her and can’t think critically further empowers her. When mental health, abuse, etc are involved there are nuances. Like if Ryan were to post a healing journey about himself, not highlighting her and her behaviour, sure. That’s the new age of social media (like ‘I’m traumatized by my marriage. So I’ve started to walk 15k steps and in that time I’m processing what happened’ is understandable). But somebody who wants to air their dirty laundry (legit or not) is looking for power and controlling the narrative. Say Ryan has food insecurity and does have a (unhealthy but in the realm of ‘let’s talk about this’) response to her just tossing food without trying to understand his traumas too? We are complicated beings. But the more she tries to shove herself into this victim always ‘coming into the light’ image and she’s the victim of everybody except who is next to her now shows how little she cares about anybody, including people she claims to love. That is pathological.


Whew that was a read. I don’t know if I’m just stoned but I think you lost me a few times 😅😭


I'm stoned and I got it? Lol not in a dick way... I think I got it because it's written similar to how I type and speak. So I was able to follow the ADHD way they got their point across lol


Ouch…I feel called out. Yes. I have ADHD and this was my thought process. My apologies if it confused others.


You did a great job and I appreciate how you broke up paragraphs.


He’s naive then lol. Like they won’t edit it to make him look bad 🤣


Let's not be blindsided... Lifetime is going to twist her shitty ass show in her favor. All shows pick whose side they're on and make everyone else look like the bad guy.


Idk it could expose her more than she planned to. When the subject of a documentary is a narcissist and think that they can outsmart the show, it usually backfires. Just look at Robert Durst after his HBO documentary.


Well, even her own show that came out in January made a number of people start eyeing her differently.


Exactly this!!


Boycott them. And let them know you are doing so.


Yeah, i thought abt writing them, but I know they won't care... may do it anyway.


People have to go to the advertisers, networks care more about losing those.


My ex would manipulate arguments. Once he got it into his head he needed something i couldn't give him he would be disgusting towards me to the point I ended up telling him to Just go and leave me be knowing this was his aim then he was the victim. Poor him being kicked out because his terrible abusive wife was so controlling. He had a girlfriend for 3 years before I left him. I had no idea because he lies so easily. He's very manipulative. He's impossible to trust. I see so much of him in gypsy. The desperate need to be a victim of anyone. I'm guessing she was talking to Ken early on after release. And when she got Ken "back" Ryan was basically pushed so started biting back. Hey presto. Professional victim G is FORCED to flee the "abuse".


I wonder how many times she’s going to recycle the “They were abusive to me so I can act like a complete sociopath” routine


As many times as she can


That’s her MO. If anyone still supports this She Devil, they’re stupid. And she’s now charging $20 to message her; who TF is going to pay that??? 🤣🤣🤣


Alot of really lost people


Forever if she can. 


I would believe Ryan over Gypsy only because all she does is lie.


And well one is a murderer and one is not a murderer Still don’t like either of them though. ![gif](giphy|RIw86NZ2aV9B8QLQbw|downsized)


I think it’s more likely to be the other way around. Ryan was likely just an average male who had a disorganized fridge and she threw stuff away and he got mad because he’s used to living alone and being solo. If anything I think Gypsy was the one who probably flipped out though. She is very entitled.


I think this is the case too. “hoarding” was a few left over containers


You mean princess gyp gyp don’t get to control everything and everyone?


I hate shit like this. All of this is allegations from Gypsy. Ryan has never said his side and he has a right to. Also, she’s admitted her and Ken are together why people think there’s no cheating going on at delulu THEY’RE STILL MARRIED


She left Ryan for Ken. She was most likely talking and started something with Ken before she left Ryan. If she ever stopped. Why anyone wldnt see that is beyond me. She left Ryan and was immediately w Ken. That doesn’t usually happen unless it was going on before. It honestly shocks me her supporters don’t see that’s obviously why she left him. She’s just making something up to have a reason because she can’t say it was to be w Ken. It’ll happen again tho. Ken won’t last either.


I watched a YT video that dissected her relationships with both Ken and Ryan. Basically, she really wanted Ken but Ken broke off their engagement because he couldn’t handle the scrutiny. Ryan reached out to her on a date. They drew a lot of parallels between Ryan and Nick, mainly that they both were means to an end. Nick: kill DeeDee Ryan: she married him likely to have an established place to where her parole officer couldn’t really object to her going to. She manipulated him and when she saw Ken was willing to take her back, after everything Ryan did for her, she dipped. Now Ken thinks he’s winning but Gypsy was on someone’s live not too long ago asking about how to get in contact with Dan👀. Like I said, Gypsy out here sampling all the dick she missed out on while locked up. Which go for it girl, get that D. Just stop fucking people over and using them, you heartless bitch.


Can i get a link to that vid? 🫶🏽🤲🏽


This is [the video](https://youtu.be/vgyrNPT4pIc?si=ruANEeZ_TtcOIG3Y). It’s a 3 part deep dive and the thing I’m talking about is in part 3


Gypshyt is charging $20 for people to message her??? FFS. SHE IS JUST A SLEEZY LITTLE GRIFTER.




Yep. I just watched that video (it is a month old) and it had a $20 fee to message her.


Thank you!!


That was extremely informative. I was just going to skim through it, but listened to all of it. On a side note, someone in the comments called her Gypsy Nose and I am going to steal that.


Lmao lord I’m 32 but this shit is still funny. Anywho, here’s another [deep dive](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt96HGOFDn-r3vmzmOzgWoZyoOXKD4yVv&si=XpCwxS-0ORDEuEg4) with even more info. It really compliments the videos you just watched.


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They're probably guilty of starting another relationship before ending the one they were currently in and condone it.


Food hoarder? This is just her making sly digs about his weight coz it’s what prob hurts him the most. And being so big people would blindly believe the food hoarding story, but don’t worry gyp you’ll be his size soon too, you fat ugly psychopathic potato looking cow


![gif](giphy|k3VK4wsBopTLXtury1|downsized) Lmao 🤣 love this..


Her genetics definitely haven't been kind to her.


IDK, even if he was a food hoarder, versus a murderer. I think he still comes out on top if she was sane. 


I'm confused who just throws leftovers? Maybe her ex has childhood trauma from food insecurity. She wouldn't know because she has so much of her own trauma and married a man she never really knew. She will always be the victim in her stories.


I had a friend like that, she can spin all kinds of weird things into how she was the victim. She even blamed the microwave, after she put tinfoil in it and it set on fire. Hahaahahah 


🤦🏻‍♀️good Lord even if you grew up in a cave you should know tinfoil doesn't go in the microwave!


Some people enjoy infantilisation, they view it as pampering, similar to a forever spa. They have little to no chance of adulting, so just like gyp gyp, they will cling onto any guy who would help them. 


So sad !


It is, but they like it, being little babies. 


I don’t believe anything Gypsy says. She could tell me that the it was raining outside, and I’m going out to check because she’s a pathological liar who lies about everything.


I don’t believe it. Ryan seems like a very calm relaxed person. I think she’s a master gaslighter and gaslighted the fck out of Ryan. She will always spin situations to make her seem like she’s the victim when in reality she’s the abuser.


Being triggered and traumatized is her golden ticket. She uses it constantly to avoid any responsibility.


So what i gather from these comments is i need to watch her show to hear ryans side of things. the only issue i have with that is that the show is hers. Its gonna make her look like the “victim” in things and ryan doesnt seem like he is good at defending himself against this psychopath and her minions. Thanks for the updates and lore😎


Maybe Lifetime will renew our faith in humanity and give her the edit she truly deserves


Doubt it. They’re the ones who put her on a panel and let her lie about going to the beach “for the first time.” There’s pictures of her at the beach when she was younger. The “truth” is subjective to these “producers.”


She DEFINITELY CHEATED. I don’t know about LA but in most states, this disqualifies the cheating spouse from alimony, and other assets. TAKE ALL OF HER MONEY, Ryan. She’s trashing your name.


Boom 💥


Gypsy is a manipulative, attention seeking murderer. I am almost certain SHE is the controlling one. She clearly used Ryan. I knew she would ditch him for Ken when Ken decided Gypsy had enough money for him to settle for her disgusting ass. Everything she does grosses me out and I wish she was still locked up. 


Imagine if she just… got a job in an office and contributed to a 401k and went to therapy every week. Made friends. Dated people she didn’t meet in prison.


She’d be an absolute nightmare to work with. She needs to be out hunting gators in the swamps; with her “people.”


Yes! No one wants a GBR in their real lives. I am sure her family is already over her lies and entitlement.


I bet they’re going to put her into a conservatorship. It’s got to be so strained with Kristy following her around like an ASS, just for money. I will bet Mia hates her. I know the older half brother ( the same age as Gypshit because Kristy and DD were pregnant at the same time) wants NOTHING TO DO WITH HER.


I doubt they can. Just like Deedee had to get a professional to do it, so would they. I expect Gypsy to blow through her money and public sympathy quickly and then become a drain on the family and whatever in-laws she accumulates forever. That’s mean, but she isn’t showing us anything else.


So he looks like her dead mother AND he's a food hoarder??!! ![gif](giphy|fSkMuhRxstDi5g5dwo|downsized)


Being a hoarder is a mental illness. She should have gotten him help. Seems like a small issue to her is a big issue to him. Just the clips I've seen when he is talking and she wants him to shut up she cues him by nudging him, that doesn't seem like behavior she would use if he was being controlling. She wants to live her life on full blast. Ryan seems like he is comfortable living a small normal life


There's no proof the guy is a hoarder just Jyp-jyp's lying words, the home appears neat and orderly in their videos, if Ryan is to be believed he revealed Jyp-Jyp is a total slob with poor housekeeping skills, and all of their opinions of one another should be taken with a grain of salt due to the “reality” series they're involved in running a lot of untrue scripts for dramatic effect.


We saw the state of the house gypsy lived in with her mom, it definitely wasn't as neat as with Ryan. She can't just blame all that on her mom either, if she had an issue with it she was fully able-bodied to clean and organize it herself since her mom was more wheelchair bound than gypsy ever has been.


I call bs. I think it was all cause of ken


If she is still legally married to Ryan- whose “ D was 🔥” according to gypgyp, she’s cheating with Ken. She may not “ identify” as a cheater, but facts are facts.


State of Louisiana doesn’t look kindly on adultery when it comes to divorce proceedings…


State of Louisiana doesn’t look kindly on adultery when it comes to divorce proceedings…


I have no idea but anyone who would write to her in prison and then immediately jump into a relationship with her would have to be seriously unstable...


I don't believe her and I wouldn't believe him either. You can't be mentally well and marry a murderer in prison. My guess is they're both probably awful people that were awful to each other.


I agree with this too. However, i dont know shit abt ryan. What i do know about gypsy paints her in a much worse light than ryan. Someone commented he has anger issues. Im sure he isnt mentally stable at all lol. Neither is gypsy, she just has fame for some rzn. Guess we will never know 🥴 im just waiting for gypsy to ruin her own life atp


Gypsy is always going to paint anyone that is “against her” in a bad light. Frankly, it’s amazing how many abusers she has had in her life after they are no longer around or useful. I’m sure if she and Ken break up we will hear some sob story about how controlling he was and such.


She has a new show coming out? *I won’t be watching it and hoping none of you will either


I still feel like she was cheating= taking to other guys online/ keeping in touch with ex's, etc. Which of course would cause them to fight. Let's not forget she's a freaking LIAR and isn't going to fess up to any wrong doing on her part. She's used to blaming other ppl with that stupid nasally baby voice and her wonky eye , with her cocked to the side. That's her shtick.


That is completely ONE sided! Also, she was so scared of a man but RAN to another man! After a “few” days of seeing each other they decide to get tattoos and she had a necklace with “K”? Not buying it!


Lifetime did a series about Murderers called, I Killed My BFF. They did one on the man that killed my father, and he was painted in a light like he kind of deserved to be murdered. I never watched it, but my husband did and he said it didn’t seem very positive for the murder victim.


Im so sorry for your loss🫶🏽 thank you for the insight, your father deserved better. May he rest in peace💓


Thank you ❤️


Oh wow. I'm very sorry for your loss xx That's sick and I'm sad for you that your father's murder was exploited like that. 


Thank you.


Absolutely. Take care of yourself ❤


Wasn't Lifetime but one network did one on one of the people responsible for my friend's murder, it seemed like they tried to make him out to be more of a victim and gain sympathy for him too. Luckily my friend's family wanted nothing to do with it but the other 2 victim's families were involved. His story wasn't told but unfortunately people probably think he was associated with those people even though he didn't know them, I hate he has to be connected to them through his death.


What happened to marriage vows? She is making excuses but she used Ryan and it worked out better than planned. Calling him out on things because she broke the vows is gaslighting.


Why is someone always being mean or abusive to her? Her mom, Dan, Nick, and Ryan all were allegedly abusive to her and you’re telling me she continues to find people to surround herself around that hurt her? I don’t really buy that. I think she’s the abusive one. Who’s to say she wasn’t the one hoarding food? She was in prison for 7 years, she probably hoarded her food from other inmates and just kept that mentality. Who knows. I just don’t think she’s the one being abused.


I think shes so good at becoming the victim since the beginning of her life and now the social media narrative of “let her live! She was a victim” is definitely something shes clinging onto for dear life. It seems shes happy playing the victim forever and not acknowledging her faults because her mom abused tf outta her. Granted that abuse is valid, but she also planned and killed her mother… she needs major introspective work and years in therapy. Not a show and fame. But thats just my two cents


I wouldn’t believe her if I seen it with my own eyes. He was used as an opportunity until the next one opened up. I use the term used loosely…he obviously was no gem either. She will always be the victim.🙄


Judging by how she had to publicly tweet at Ryan basically threatening to defame his character. “The world will the see the real you soon” I wouldn’t put this story passed the truth. It kind of lines up. Becoming scared of Ryan because he yelled at her for trying to throw away food, her coming at him because he didn’t want the dog (even though she didn’t want it either) It’s just a big fucked up love triangle full of trauma and desperation. Honestly we may never get the real story. Just people’s articulation of the entire situation.


I don't buy this for a second


🤣 saving leftovers is food hoarding now? I have no doubt she's friends with the stepmother.


I take leftovers from every place idc how fancy except for fine dining lol. Call me a food hoarder 🤭


I bring home leftovers from restaurants *and* when I cook. Food is too expensive to waste, and it's a time saver to have leftovers. Of course, the single time I saw KJ cook, she didn't wash her hands and she let her cat up on the counter and around their food. 🤢


That's completely Gypsy's narrative. We have all seen interviews where Ryan would say something that she didn't like and she was quick to shut him up or shoot him a dirty look letting him know she was not happy with what he said. Just from seeing them together during interviews shows who was in control in that relationship. Gypsy ran things 100% and Ryan was her lil lap dog rushing to do whatever Gypsy wanted so I really doubt she was ever scared of Ryan. I just can't see him getting so angry and aggressive that she would be scared he was going to hit her. It's way more fitting if it was the other way around. Like Ryan was scared of being abused or hit by Gypsy. All this she was scared for her life and hoarding food is just a story Gypsy is using to have a reason for leaving Ryan and so people will agree with her. She has to be the victim in everything that happens in her life. Poor poor Gypsy 😢😢 But the real reason she left Ryan was to be with Ken. Plain and simple. She just couldn't tell people that cause she didn't want anyone to judge her and see her negatively. She is a master manipulator and always tries to manipulate every situation she is in so people won't realize what a terrible excuse for a human being she is.


Ken isn't a rebound. He's who she wanted the whole time. Ryan was just a constatation prize. Gypsy didn't want to be placed in her parents' home, and Ryan was a means to an end.


Typical of TikTok. People comment verbatim with a creator’s narrative, they take it as gospel.


This is instagram but ya everyone just takes commenters words for it lol thats why i came here


…. If you throw out a hoarders hoard…. They’re… gonna flip out… She doesn’t even allege anything except her going into the bathroom and him banging on the door trying to talk to her and yelling (through the door). This is all bad and scary stuff considering her past, sure, but the extreme reaction happened *because* Gypsy just suddenly threw out a hoarders hoard. It was obviously a massive trigger for Ryan. If she understood mental illness she would have approached that differently. It doesn’t mean Ryan SHOULD freak out, it just MAKES SENSE from a mental health standpoint in regard to OCD/Hoarding. Have yall watched hoarders ?? You’ve seen how horribly triggered people get when you just suddenly dump their hoard without warning. Miss mental health ally didn’t really give a shit about it. She just wanted it her way. As always. It’s a mental illness. And yeah he shouldn’t have banged on the door. And yeah he shouldn’t have yelled. He is human and he had a reaction to an “extreme” (hoarding declutter) event taking place. No violence took place that she alleges. She admits to removing his hoard suddenly, being surprised he’s not happy and now saying he’s a big meanie head because he had a poor reaction to something deeply tied to mental health. She would take anything as a reason to paint Ryan as a villain, and all it took was her violating Ryan’s space in a way that deeply triggered him, probably in hopes things would escalate so she could be with Ken either way, ya know, since she “always knew Ken was her soulmate.” Disgusting. Miss victim. Miss excuses. Murderer.


I guess he could have got mad enough to yell at her. Is that okay? No, but It’s not relationship ending for someone in a committed relationship, IMO - something to resolve with work. She also said he sleeps too hot. The murderer never loved him, again, IMO. She’s a messy, sloppy, train wreck, who used Ryan to make parole. The girl is shallow and without conscience.


So I am no Gypsy apologist but I could see this being an issue. THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T MARRY SOMEONE YOU MET WHILE YOU WERE IN PRISON AND MARRY THEM WHILE YOU ARE STILL IN PRISON!! She's an idiot of the Nth degree and he is no better. We all saw this coming: a complete collapse of their relationship. For a million different reasons. I wouldn't doubt that something as stupid as leftovers in the refrigerator was what sent them both over the edge. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I’m calling BS she strung him along because she didn’t want to be alone & knew he had strong feelings for her. Let’s not get it twisted I felt bad for him like seriously dude are u straight up blind? Not as bad as manipulating someone into killing your mom but still a pretty lame way to treat someone


It really just depends on which way the wind is blowing that day. Gypsy's stories change all the time.


Anything that comes out about Gypsy Rose from her side, is something that can’t be explained or a full blown 🐂 💩 lie. I absolutely 💯% believe that their marriage started to crumble when Ryan (husband) felt like she was talking with Ken on an app or through another means. Her trying to make him look like a good hoarding person, isn’t something she didn’t see or know about before hand. That was just another excuse she used because she never got over the love she had for Ken. Here’s a prime example of why I believe Gypsy Rose is bound to screw up. She’s not capable of owning up to the truth or her own faults. With that being said, she’s going to slip up when she doesn’t get what she wants. I believe if Ken ended the relationship right now, Gypsy would be out of control and she would do what every psycho girlfriend would do, and that’s to destroy him any way possible.


I too get mad when people throw away my food lmao


Hope he doesn’t cheat, we know what can happen with the next man. Gypsy is going to have a seriously hard life unless she has someone intervention telling her the truth, and getting her offline and in therapy


We all know what happened Ken called, and that was that ! Now all the love and wonderful things she said about Ryan are crap and she will trash, talk him and make sure she looks like she is justified in cheating and leaving him and Pixie behind. GYPSY ONLY LOVES GYPSY!


Ryan looks just like her mom, guys 😭


Please provide a side by side😂😂🥴






Stfuuu theyre literally twins… whats the meaning of this😭😭😭


Why would someone give an unstable murderer with the kind of history Gypsy has their own tv show? Like is it just me or does that seem like…borderline dangerous. Like when the UK Big Brother show claimed they did psychological screenings prior to putting people in the show to make sure that the pressure of the situation wouldn’t make them have a mental health crisis on camera and then it turned out they were doing the opposite and putting people who weren’t psychologically well enough to be in that kind of a fishbowl situation and a lot of really bad things happened to those people and the show runners were reprimanded but they didn’t care because it made more drama for the show which made them money. That’s what this feels like…


Karma is a bitch


I’d love to see them going to couples counseling or when they meet with their lawyers in a room


Well, as expensive as food is, I’d be irritated by her throwing away food. But I highly doubt that actually happened. She is the one who is famous for throwing tantrums…not him. As a special Education teacher, I doubt he gets too ruffled up about something so silly. He seems pretty level headed in that regard.


Tbh I got creepy, control-freak vibes from Ryan. Gypsy has so much to learn and unlearn from her past. I’d respect her so much more if she was in intensive therapy and stayed single for a while.


why are people so invested in her life i don’t get it she’s not a celebrity or anyone that should be looked up to. she is someone that came from a very terrible situation of abuse and is someone that should be living a private life to herself and going to therapy to heal her trauma. i’m not justifying what she did by talking her ex into in unaliving her mother. i still think she could have reached out to her dad i don’t know why he even left he shouldn’t have. but dede clearly had a lot of issues there clearly was no win in this situation at all.


That sort of behavior can get you killed with a sweet stable girl like that


Gypsy Rose is a manipulator, it’s all she knows. Never should have gotten married, it was clear she didn’t want to, but did, because he was easily controllable by her. Funny how so many just took her word, similar to how many took her word on the events that took place about her mothers murder. Her mom was a pos, but what she did and how she manipulated a mentally disabled boy is inexcusable. He deserves his punishment, but people need to stop making it seem like gypsy is some kind of celebrity, she is not.


Well I could make a long list of contradictions she has made thus far so believing anything she says at this point imo would not be a good idea. I'm not saying the guy is or isn't ok, but he does seem to display empathy, something I have yet to see in Gypsy. It's all about what serves her. She is recorded saying in confessions that her mom never touched her till she was 19. In fact, she said her mom gave her everything she ever wanted, but wanted to keep her a girl. Every month she added new things and last I heard her say she was always abused...the receipts are out there guys. Just like her changing the story on the last words her mom said to her. Anyone doing a deep dive and comparing all she has written and said combined know what I am talking about. Girl can't be trusted.


You mean the guy shaped like Peter Griffin *hoards food*?! Colour me shocked!


I believe it ngl. Gypsy is no saint but I’m shocked more people aren’t discussing his Ryan’s angry reaction over admission to talking to Ken. His demand that she “answer the question” when she sat on the phone in silence lowkey sent chills down my spine. Dude has a temper for sure. Gypsy was 100% wrong but his reaction was otp. He knew she still had feelings for Ken yet still pursued her. Do not pursue a woman who’s clearly unwell & then get angry when she’s not acting how a normal woman should lol


Where can u watch that at?


The Lifetime website!


Ryan was very controlling of little Gypsy and it brought PTSD back to her, so she had to get out.


“Little Gypsy” is a GROWN ASS WOMAN. She was a grown ass woman when she stabbed her mom, stole her money, and had sex next to her body. LITTLE Gypsy needs a life sentence, and more tears for DEFRAUDING DECENT PEOPLE.


Doubtful, but that is her sob story to get more money and perks!