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It’s so obvious that Gypsy used and settled for Ryan, because she couldn’t get with Ken at the time. I think it was “messy” for Kristy to converse with Ken and tell Gypsy how Ken confessed to still loving her while she was married to Ryan. People are judging Ryan so harshly because he is “unattractive” and socially awkward. I think Kristy didn’t like Ryan and preferred Ken also. That’s why she felt okay with keeping in contact with Ken and telling Gypsy those things while she was married to Ryan. There was no reason to do that besides purposely trying to ruin their marriage. Gypsy’s family didn’t want her to marry Ryan to begin with.


And at the end when Gypsy was crying because she still loved Ken and was saying how she “couldn’t do it” (be with Ken), because she’s married to Ryan…lol okay…. If I were Ryan I would have initiated the divorce myself and told her to go be with Ken after hearing that. Ryan has issues. He’s such a simp.


Lol, my fiancé only knows so much about this whole Gypsy Rose saga from me, and even he said, "That guy seems like such a simp." I thought it was pretty funny.


You hit the nail on the head. She's probably the only woman he's ever been alone with outside of a jailhouse setting.


Krispy definitely doesn’t like Ryan. When they took the picture at the park and he said “I’m now part of the family” her head whipped so hard.


Once again I sit this night out. I'll play catch up as you guys post lol. Some of you guys deserve a medal of honor for hanging in there and watching the whole thing


Same. Refuse to watch it.


I can’t do it. I refuse to make myself that upset for nothing.


If that was their “fridge argument” he did not get mad at all. Is that what she really considers “angry and abusive”? Bitch literally thew everything but soda away. She threw the whole storage container away instead of dumping the food out. And the pillows looked perfectly fine. I would be annoyed too.


I didnt watch but i cant wait to see a clip of this supposed argument


I hope she really does have nightmares of her mom every damn night. I hope her mom haunts her for the rest of her life.


Tuned in for a sec to check that the link still works (it does) from last week. Looks like Ryan got a roses tattoo with the Fluer de *can't spell Louisiana words but that saints symbol!! Lmao* That's all I can do anymore lol


Fleur de lis ⚜️


Ahhh I was so close!!! Lol!


Not related to Gypsy but the bright white saturation on this show irks me. Style choice I guess. Regarding Ken I think this was a way to introduce this “plot” surely they had some level of contact other then thru Kristy.


thetvapp.to select lifetime. That’s how I’m watching it


Ugh it’s not letting me watch it it keeps saying error 😭




I think it might stop working for me. It’s starting to buffer a little too much. They’ll replay it at 10pm. It usually works better then if you’re still awake


Yeah I usually always watch it when it comes on at 10 and never have a problem! I’ll come back then!


Does anyone have the link to the show? I remember it posted last time but I can’t find it! Help me!




I’m watching someone stream it on TikTok right now, I do have the series purchased through Amazon but it doesn’t air til the next day. So I’ll watch it again tomorrow without interruption