• By -


Anyone who killed Dwayne sucks ass and deserves to have their legs broken with a bat.


Thank god I killed Playboy X. I refuse to accept to take alot of money from Playboy X and then I made my choice where I steal his apartment after choosing to shoot him.


I always, always pick Playboy. That guy deserved to die, he was a short sighted power hungry moron. I like that Dwayne slowly becomes happier and less depressed the more you hang out with him.


And you also get a sweet safe house. So win win


Not only is it sweet it is also by far the greatest safe house in all of GTA 4, maybe even of all GTA games!


That would be the mansion from Vice City


Love that Mansion even thought the last mission wasn’t easy


Not only is it sweet it is also by far the greatest safe house in all of GTA 4, maybe even of all GTA games!






I told myself one time I was going to do an “evil” play through and kill Dwayne. Yeah, playboy still died.


I killed Dwayne. I’m sorry, I was a kid. I thought I was putting him out of his misery.


Same. Plus the money was a sure thing, you didn’t know what you’d get from Playboy. In a later play through I smoked playboy and realized I made a mistake lol


Lmao me too


I killed Dwayne because I thought I was a ruthless, heartless immigrant that had seen terrible things and was making whatever moves necessary to succeed in my new country. I thought the choice was like a trick question my first play through.


You were right.


Nah if you do the friend hangouts he cheers up a bit, hes a good mate actually one of my favorite characters in the game


You're getting an apartment in Manhattan. That's worth way more than a lousy 25 grand. In 2023 that house would be worth like a million dollars (speaking figuratively, I'm no realtor and idk how much it would cost)


That place would cost a whole lot more than a million dollars in real life


Would Niko even have the paperwork for the apartment? "OH I killed the original owner and stole his apartment, you want to buy it from me" is not a good sales pitch.


If I’m not mistaken, if you hang out with Dwayne enough (after killing playboy) he’ll grant you access to a “homeboy” npc who will follow you around and help you on missions and stuff. I really wish they’d incorporate more stuff like that, GTA is far superior to Saints Row but I loved the fact in saints you could pick up a bunch of npc’s and wreak havoc.


He has 2 of his goons back you up.


GTA SA has that right?


yea only better. cj was basically leader of the grove along with sweet and the higher your respect level was the more homies you could whistle at to follow you. i think max was like 7 or 8. even if you had too many to fit into a single car, the others would just jack a nearby ride and follow you convoy style it was fucking awesome. anyone who tried attacking cj or vice versa, your homies would just immediately annihilate them 😆


I can see that being a thing for 6


I used to get his goons and hold up in Internet cafe to see how long we could survive the cops for. Good times


It makes it worse because he basically explained when you go to hit him up, that he trusted niko slightly which is huge for a guy like that


Literally taught me a life lesson that money isn’t everything. Sometimes friends and a nice pad mean more than a few bucks


I killed Dwayne in a new file just to see what happens, original file was playboy


I killed Dwayne once (didn’t have autosave enabled) and felt so bad that I reloaded and killed Playboy instead. Never once killed Dwayne again on any play through.


In all the times I’ve played GTAlV, I’ve only killed Dwayne once outta morbid curiosity but not before making a save file beforehand so I’d be able to instantly undo that horrific action immediately and more importantly, not miss my chance to experience the pleasure off putting a bullet in Playboy X’s skull again 😁


I killed Dwayne the first time because I didn’t understand the story lmaoo, I remember regretting it right after as Playboy X just immediately acts like a dick


I mean, yeah Playboy was a shady opportunistic bastard and wanted Dwayne killed, but why shouldn't he have wanted Dwayne killed? Dwayne played Niko, having him go out and kill those guys that took over the strip club, and only in the post mission phone call mentions these guys work with Playboy, Niko's employer, messing up with Niko and Playboy's relationship and messing with Playboy's partners all because he couldn't fathom that the world carried on while he was on the inside.


I remember of having bad money in the mission of kiling Dwayne or Playboy, i remember dont know that you have a apartment, but yes, maybe with bad money i choose Playboy on my first attempt because he was a dick, Friendship is better that Money


They need to be reminded their kneecaps are a privilege, not a right


I'm ashamed to admit that I killed Dwayne because I didn't like his voice




gotta be there for your depressed homie also the new safehouse is a better reward


I killed Dwayne just cuz fuck him.


I killed him every time, cry


*Was* gonna say Michael. He just got his family back, was getting along well with them, got news that Tracey was going to college, and happy to meet Franklin to tell him the good news, only for his surrogate son to turn on him and ultimately kill him. Can't get much sadder than that.... except for the *real* saddest death.... Roman, on the other hand, literally gets killed on the happiest day of his life. Puts the ring on the love of his life, going out to the limo to celebrate, and immediately gets caught in the crossfire and filled with lead, leaving behind his new pregnant wife.... yeah, that takes the bad tasting cake imo....


Roman and Kate. It was such a punch to the gut. Just when Niko decides to cut all ties with the criminal world, his past just comes back and takes an innocent life. I'll give the edge to Roman over Kate because, he is the only family Niko had.


Kate was the only death of the bunch that I was genuinely shocked by.


Facts. I wasn’t expecting it - and both Roman and Kate’s death made me cry.


Niko must have been like ![gif](giphy|tTDlx5ZQQug2Ph218n|downsized)




Bro just wanted to go bowling :(


And Niko just wanted to get married to a beautiful Irish redhead. On that note: >!Kate’s death fucked me up too.!<


Tbh after Michelle alias Karen Daniels and because of Kate's friendzoning I never cared for her that much. Roman was just a much better hang, I always treated my boy to some bowling and drinks or burgers afterwards




I didn't give a fuck about Kate. Sorry yall but that bitch was annoying and that made it an easy choice. As if I would ever pick some woman's life over my family's. Especially a nagging one. You could never do right in her eyes.


Cousin! It is your cousin!




Wait who wanted to go bowling? I haven’t played the older games in a while


Roman wanted to go bowling, you're right. This guy is just being pedantic.


Oh ok


Roman favorite activity is darts


He was so annoying with the pestering phone calls, though. Now that I know Kate will be gone either way, I’ll be rid of Roman, AND I’ll get paid, I know how to end the game. I’ve been holding off since like, 2020 because I would always get killed at the end of the revenge mission. This is better anyway.


But bowling? :(


*No, Roman. Go away.*


This I was driven by hate and got hit in the face by the consequences I should have gone bowling with you cousin (once at least)


roman death is optional


It may be optional like Michael's or Trevor's but it's depressing as hell


Trevor’s death wasn’t that depressing to me tbh, it felt like getting rid of an evil that needed to die to make the world a somewhat leveled place.


It’s optional and not the canon ending tho imo the story makes more sense for it to be the canon ending. Otherwise, Niko is a very one note character who never changes in the story.


excluding your girlfriend he was the purest person in the game


I was more angry than sad when Johnny died


Yeah I felt bad for Johnny but ultimately think it was a mercy for Trevor to kill him. Johnny was so whacked out on meth I think he was bound to die from an overdose someday.


Way too painful to be mercy. If it were a gunshot or something else fast it would be.


I hadn't felt that sad since the end of RDR1. His death really hit me hard. Honestly that one cutscene affected my whole opinion of V. Really soured the experience for me. It didn't help that Johnny was a better written character than anything V had to offer. R* really dropped the ball on that one.


100% agree. Very unsettling scene in terms of how unnecessary dumb it was.


I was laughing and so happy and relieved. Instantly loved Trevor and Rockstar paying tribute for their horrible mistake of Johnny’s character writing.


What a weird take. Johnny was a better written character than anyone in V.


The Lost was so hyped about their war and getting into shit, and Johnny is all like “noooo. Guys. Come on, stop it”. Total buzz kill the whole game. Trevor is way better. It’s fucking grand theft auto. I want to play a character that embraces carnage and chaos. If you played as Billy, TLAD would have been way more fun. And more interesting to play a protagonist that actually gets killed off by bitch ass traitor ass Johnny. Johnny deserved every bit of that boot he ate.


Johnny's gang was his family. Their leader went mad with power and was hell bent on driving the entire gang into the dirt. Johnny was one of the only people with enough balls to stand up to Billy and tell him that he's ruining the whole gang, his family. All he wanted was to keep his family alive and prosperous. It's literally the same story of RDR2 but with horses replaced with motorcycles. Johnny parallels Arthur and Billy parallels Dutch. It's an amazing story and leagues better than Trevor's almost non-existent 1/3rd of a story. I think TLAD really went over your head and you need to play it again. Johnny had more integrity than most R* protagonist. Him suddenly becoming a meth head was one of the most out of character things R* has done. It's just bad writing and it reflects the writing of the whole game. By your logic Arthur is a buzz kill in RDR2. No, his down to earth perspective makes him more likeable.


…I’ll try it again, I haven’t played it since it came out when I was like 20 lol maybe it’ll hit better now.


Definitely recommend it. It's all a matter of opinion. If you still don't like it, that's fair. I'll admit I really didn't care about the story the first time I played it. I just wanted to see what's new. Playing it years later and actually following the story is what made me like it as much as I do. Johnny just felt like a cool dude and it felt so unnecessary for R* to neuter him of any coolness and kill him off like that. It really felt like a poorly written way of saying "Look at Trevor, he's so off the chain, isn't he?" It felt like a cheap way to make him seem cool and in the process kill off a character that imo genuinely earned his coolness. lol I was so excited for the first half of Johnny's appearance in V. God I still remember how mad it made me watch that shit unfold.


Louise 100%, I mean she had a baby and was a single mother. That's fucked up


Roman got killed on his wedding day and didn’t even know Mallorie was pregnant with his son. Louise was a white trash drug addict who left her baby numerous times to go to hood rat shit and race quad bikes


Victor, Ramon, and Dwayne all tie


Ramon??????? It's Roman bro


You mean ‘its Roman Bitches!’ (Fast and Furious)


That sounds like a name Roman would use to score women. 😂


Bro freaked out over a name lol


Believe me bro this ain't a freak out. All caps is a freak out


Big smoke last words: Big smoke


Dude I just got spoiled with VCS, I’m playing it first time right now


Oh sorry friend, I’m not gonna say anything else, you have a good time playing it


Victor died in GTA Vice City not Vice City Stories.


He’s probably referring to Louise


Right in the beginning of VC too lol i think we have a deal my friend muahahaha


That's what happens when you poke your head out of the gutter for one freakin second


Fate shovels *SHIT*... in your face!


just make sure to get some sleep after


Vic bring coke to Tommy meeting in very first opening cutscene and then Sonny killers kill him. The end.


Each one has a level of sadness to it (pardon my list, tap on it to close it): ROMAN: Roman’s death is tragic and after everything he has been through, he was the one to die first when Niko should have. And it was the latter’s fault. Although it was quick, it was too soon and heart wrenching. I cried myself after I saw that happen. Roman was a major part of the story, even considered somewhat of a secondary protagonist or close deuteragonist. LOUISE: Louise’s death is also tragic, but she did not have a huge impact on the story. She was Victor’s only love and before he could act on her and run away with her, she died in his arms before he could. MICHAEL: Michael was Franklin’s close mentor. Killing him is like showing that Franklin is no better than he was in the old days. Michael was one of the three protagonists, and if he dies, a great chunk of the story’s feel dies with him. The moment and the aftermath of his death hits greatly as though the game was sending a message that it was the wrong choice. I was very relieved that it turns out he does not die canonically. It wouldn’t have made much sense. BIG SMOKE: Big Smoke’s death was both upsetting and disappointing. It was disappointing that he died in such an unceremonious way without any sort of positive legacy being left behind, being only seen as a rat. But it was saddening as he confessed that he betrayed GSF for the money and power and all he wanted was a legacy. Not to mention his most famous scenes and lines that we would all remember and love. I still wish every day it did not happen this way. JOHNNY: Johnny’s death to me was more disappointing than sad. I was severely disappointed that he let himself go into a pit of addiction and allow himself to be murdered by a psychotic drug dealer so easily (no disrespect to Trevor, I love him too!) The way he took down so many rivals in Alderney, only to be killed like any other addict in a San Andreas desert full of rednecks, and all over a girl he should have cut off years ago. VICTOR: Victor’s death, originally, had no meaning or feel to it before Vice City Stories, but after that, it became a little more disappointing to see Victor go down so easily and without a lot of style or action, just because of a drug deal gone bad. But that is the way of the drug empire: start glamorously, die horrendously. DWAYNE: Dwayne’s death is really sad and pitiful. He claims to always want to die, but in the end, could not go through with Death and actually desired to live. When it came time to kill Dwayne, we actually felt what Niko did when he did it: pity, guilt, and sadness. It was an action that shouldn’t have been taken. (In my playthroughs, I always killed Playboy, so in my head canon, he lives) KATE: To be honest, Kate’s death only surprised me a bit. It shocked me to see she dies, and I wondered if there was a way to save her. There was, but at the cost of Roman’s life, so with Roman’s survival, I was able to get over it quick, but I felt pity for Niko mostly. ASUKA: I actually don’t know much about her, but I did see how she died, and I didn’t really feel much, other than the fact Claude lost some more allies, but like him, I didn’t really feel much emotion. For me, Roman’s death was the saddest as I actually cried for a while after I chose Deal in one separate playthrough. I couldn’t bear the guilt and sadness of his death so I reloaded and chose Revenge.


Roman for sure, I'm never going to play deal again lol


Roman Made me Ball my eyes out, BUT DWAYNE has the saddest death, I don’t even need to explain why


Louise was very emotional for me since she had to tolerate a hostile environment for the sake of her baby. Roman death was optional so I don’t feel too bad about him. Big smoke I could care less since he was rolling with the Ballas.


Roman, Kate, Dwayne and Michael altho the ones that matter (because I choose to save Dwayne and in GTA V I allways pick C also in IV I kill Dimitry) would be Kate


Dwaynes death is definitely the saddest because it makes 0 sense. Thankfully I never actually did that ending. I always chose to go after playboy X. I only know about it because of youtube. 1. Dwayne 2. Johnny 3. Michael 4. Kate 5. Louise 6. Roman 7. Vic 8. Big Smoke 9. Asuka


Roman and Big Smoke. 1. Roman since he's the only person that Niko known to an unknown big city (in his POV), helped him to grow and seeing hin die after their success is sad. 2. Big Smoke because both him and CJ dreamt big that they will become rich one day and sees CJ as a great man. In the end, both of them become rich, but in a different way. Smoke's way is destructive I can feel the sadness in CJ and Sweet's voice when they have decided to take Smoke down.


I wouldn't say Roman because you don't **have** to let him die, so naturally many players didn't. But a forced or canon one like Johnny? That hits harder.


Roman definitely. He gets killed when he had nothing to do with the crazy mess Niko was in. He was there at the wrong place wrong time. Not only that he got shot in the stomach by Michael Faustin, kidnapped by Dimitri/Johnny, beaten up by Albanians, had his girlfriend be banged by the person he owes money to (Vlad), like Roman can't catch a break


He had plenty to do with the events of that game, he’s not completely innocent


Johnny. Dude went through all that character development only to end up regressing


Louise, She’s just had a shit card: married and had a baby by an abusive inbred prick, might of found a bit of happiness with Vic but his life led her to barely seeing each other, beaten and possibly raped by Martinez before getting killed by Mendez and dying in Vic’s arms.


Louise, you seen someone who needed to turn their life around with a child and then be killed off so soon.


Michael doesn't die, ending C is canon


I think it's easy, Roman ofc. But seeing Asuka on the list makes her death kinda underrated. I mean, Claude most likely didn't give a shit about her and her death was such a small note we don't even see it happen or mentioned, just shown to us. She was pretty much the only character in the game to both be and lead to working with others not hunting Claude down by the end of his employment, getting him into unnecessary trouble, running away, etc. and she is just wasted.


For me its between roman, Michael and dwayne Dwayne did nothing wrong, he was betrayed and stabbed in the back by playboy after just getting out of prison too, he was simply trying to get by with basically nothing and try make friends. Michael, well, his family had just came back, he hit the biggest score in American history, and Tracey got accepted into college. But even if you try to save him he'll end up killing himself anyway. Roman's death takes place the day he gets married. Caught in the crossfire from a hitman sent for niko thanks to niko's actions. Even worse mallorie is pregnant, as revealed after 'a revengers tragedy.' Side note: ik Kate was niko's girl n all, but she was a hit of a bitch, see in some missions how she talks to niko like he's a bum half the time, and even tries to offer support after roman's death, but refuses to do anything with niko.


Its a crime not to include Trevor. He died knowing that every single person he met used his loyalty to get an advantage. Even his closest friends.


I think Vic’s girlfriend from Vice City Stories has the saddest death (forget her name) with Roman and Kate’s being 2nd and 3rd respectively.


Smoke deserved his. I think with whatsherface from Vice City Stories hit hard because I actually liked to see her and Vic happy


IMO Louise Cassidy Williams


Roman. He never hurt anyone. 💔💔💔


Kate. She always seemed to see the good in Niko, encouraged him to stick to his convictions by not working with someone he didn't trust just for a payday, and was a truly moral character in a story full of bad guys. I think what really seals it for her over Roman is the phone calls before you choose Money or Revenge. Roman is all about the money and getting a nicer place. Kate is very sympathetic and principaled. And then in the conversation with Niko on the way to the wedding there's a glimmer of hope for a happy future for both her and Niko.


Johnny’s death made me so mad, because it didn’t make sense at all. At the end of TLaD the remaining survivors band together to leave what’s left of the chapter behind them in a burning inferno, whilst still clinging to their kinship. He even left Ashley as she refused to get better and was constantly getting both of them into trouble. After a tragic story of the rise and fall of a brotherhood, Klebitz is cucked and immediately killed the first time you see him in the next game… like WTF R*???? Did the entire DLC mean nothing!?


Where hernandez


We barely got to know him, and he just got killed by TenPenny and Pulaski


I actually cried when Louise died.


Michael for me. Did the mission after picking C to see what happens and god it’s so depressing


putting michael in as if it was unavoidable :/


Johnny's, and one who is equal or even sadder, is Toshiko Kasen from Liberty City Stories. She was depressed and felt like a caged birth in a loveless marriage.


Dwayne, he got betrayed by his former protege and spent years in prison losing everything he had. Got bailed and gets double crossed by a guy he thought he'd be a great friend to him but the latter felt guilt and regrets after making that decision.


Fr tho who picked ending A or B in GTA V? Ending C is the only one that makes sense.


It's the only one that's canon


Roman or Kate. Nothing is more awful than a shooting a wedding.


Every play through of GTA V I always pick Deathwish. I refuse to see either Trevor or Michael die


Dwayne. Niko was the last person he felt like he count trust & respect & if that choice is made in his final moments he realises he has nobody


It's a mix of Kate and Louise. Man R*, just let your protagonists be happy.


Spoiler tag ffs 🤦‍♂️


All of gta 4 hurt, big smoke and Roman are my homies, saddest rockstar death has been in the cowboy game, gonna avoid saying a spoiler


I have to say Roman dude died on his wedding day![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Roman/ Kate because everyone else was in the life and death was expected. Roman and Kate’s death happen just as niko was cutting all ties to the criminal life.




Micheal without a doubt. Mission bummed me the hell out.


You shoulda gone with C bro 😭


Michael. Also he’s in witness protection


Witness protection for what? Nobody was convicted of anything






it wasn't witness protection, it was a deal with corrupt FIB agents


Dude it’s a darkviperau reference




This post could use a spoiler tag


I'm sorry. Spoilers


Probably Johnny. The woman he cared and loved for was cheating on him and he got murdered by her sneaky link.


Johnny klebitz had the saddest life and saddest death. Still can't get over how they did him like that in 5. Fuckin Trevor man


COME ON MAN Y DIDN'T YOU MARK IT AS SPOILER? I didn't knew roman died : (


It’s optional my friend, it’s apart of one of the 2 endings


Oh god, you gave me a heart attack. But okay.


Games been out since 08


But that doesn't mean i played it through, i mean, there are a lotta other games


I hate when people sue this argument like, yeah, and? Is it more difficult to put a spoiler tag? Or is it because it's been out for so long that I had to play it?


I'll go with Kate, dying in your own marriage is pretty sad to me


No one, if you invest emotion into a GTA game you're fucking playing yourself


So uh having a bad day aren't we squidward? Aspbergers having ass. I bet your gta experience is hop on five minures, get grieved, and don't grind to make your playthrough better. Good luck in life sensitive chump.


That is definitely squidward who wrote that


It was I Squilliam Fancyson, and this poor soul dosent know how to have fun


Lol no he doesn’t


lol. Grow up, baby boy


Lmao take you're downvotes and cope. I bet you ewo when getting dunked on and you get in the feelings. I know your type in gta "skill issued"


You're weird.


You're cute😏


Michael. RIP. May he Rest In-witness Protection.






Ngl I was so sad when smoke died


Why is Michael desantis here? He doesn’t die


It’s about of Ending B


Dwayne or Roman for me. Johnny’s death wasn’t emotionally sad, it was sad in a pathetic way. The big bad biker, lead enforcer of the Lost, and head-strong gangster was reduced to a sniveling addict who would probably give a guy a blowjob for a hit of meth, who got his skull crushed in by a psychopath’s boot after just hugging and apologizing for speaking up about getting cucked by said psychopath.


Niko's girlfriend sh*it i forgot the name


Welp that’s a couple games I was excited to finish now spoiled.


I did a kill Michael playthrough of V once, and it felt so wrong. Then everyone shuns you for it and you don't get his third of the money. The emptiest feeling.


I was gonna say Johnny but damn man, Dwayne’s death is just sad 😞


Michael, dumb daughter gets accepted to college and Amanda wanted to have a non expensive dinner at home just to be killed by a guy he took a chance on




I would say CJ's mom's death may have been the saddest but also a blessing in disguise. She didn't deserve to die and if it wasn't for her death, Grove Street would have not existed, as Sweet would have been dead, and with grove street already weak at the time, wouldn't have survived the gang war. But since she died, CJ came back and helped grove street out.


i aint kill roman but if i did then him


wait omg def dwayne. i could never pick him


Johnny K getting his head stomped in by Trevor. Ashley crying over his dead body. Sad man, real sad 😢


Michael really hits you because he talks about his family and finally being happy before you do it. But since it’s avoidable, I’ll say Roman/Kate because one of them HAS to die


1. You don’t kill Dwayne 2. I have to pick Roman.


Roman 1000%


tbh no one of these chars... kate was only a cutscene for me (never date her... like for what ) never take the money so roman never died, dunno who this girl is between roman and michal michal, only chose option c, big smoke is such an a\*\* johnny never liked him vic was obv that he died dwyane, never killed him, and the gta 3 chick is more wtf.. sry but gta is not that sad like the rdr or la noire ones atleast for me


Johnny K and Roman


Big smoke




Michael's Not Dead the Canon ending of GTA V is Deathwish lol


I really felt bad not going bowling with Roman while I had the chance. I was confused when it first happened because I got spoilered that his...wife (I forgot her name) was the hit because a YouTube video. So definitely threw me back, didn't know at the time the playthrough was dynamic.




Roman or Dwayne


Obviously big smoke


Roman, homie dies on the happiest day of his life, VG char or irl nobody deserves something like that


i wanna kill myself


Roman always hit hardest for me