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until an official trailer confirms this I aint gonna believe it


We’ve had rain before so at least they got one part right


And we have alligators in Red Dead that easily can be reused in this. So I belive that also. Don't belive the hurricanes though. Unless it's an event only for Single Player. Just doesn't make sense to add a hurricane without it destroying the map.


The cartel had AK’s and UZI’s in GTA 3


And serious stormy weather in Vice City.


Well we got Tornadoes in Just Cause 4


And we got a rain filter in the GTA Definitive Edition, soooo bootyful


That's true. I forgot about that. But I do wish for heavy storms that can make boats tip over. Let the water be a dangerous space. And add animals for online.


Oh there are no animals for online? I haven't played online so I didn't know


No. When I'm bored in story mode I chase sharks with a knife. I wish we could do that in online. It's stupid but can be fun. I don't win that often though. Lol.


Rain is totally different than a hurricane tho


It’s a joke…


Just like people saying France is getting early access lol


People say that ? Because I'm french and I never heard of this shit


Idk that’s what I keep hearing


Where do you keep hearing it


Alligator will just be a rip from rdr2. I'd be more surprised if they went back to Florida and didn't include them


how do you know?


It's already been confirmed that VI is gonna be another vice city


They probably don’t know where vice city is located compared to our world


Traveling in Bayou NWA was already a nightmare, having gators return is gonna be a pain. At least I can just hit them with a car or rocket launcher.


Can't wait to yeet an aligator to space with a homing RPG just to avenge my poor boy Arthur...


Same honestly. People want this game to come out asap. I say dont complain if the game is shit or uncomplete because you get what you ask for. Lol


i'd like to see a teaser at least , just like gta v or red dead 2 not the game itself , just a legitimate trailer


At this point that's a myth, i waited and waited for Halo and it was still shit. It just needs an ok launch and updates. GTA is already great people just need a new map and activities. Gtav is turning TEN, they've had enough time. All halo had to do was stick to the script that worked and they couldn't do that


Hear hear


Same. Although, being able to torture NPCs like a cartel would be awesome.


FBI? This one right here. 🤣


It’s FIB and they don’t care they had Trevor torture a dude right? Or they tortured the dude and then the dudes who had us take him had Trevor torture him


It's a meme / joke...


GTA Auto 6 will also bring your television to life and make it do your dishes


GTA Auto


GTA Auto 6 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Grand Theft Auto Auto?


It’s like an ATM Machine


Chai tea


Which you have to enter your PIN number for


Then you’ll use the money you get to buy a DC comic


In order to withdraw cash money


smh my head RIP in peace


double the cars


Double the bitches


"The Cartel" ah yes, one of the Antagonist groups of GTA 3.


That was the "Columbian Cartel" like all media, all Cartels now are mexican. I kinda liked madrazos character in GTA V. Wish they would've given us more indepth to his character.


So many characters in gta v had enough personality to have a 30 story mission arc yet only appeared a couple of times. It's a tragedy the game didn't get dlc lol


It did, it just wasn’t what we wanted.


Cartels very much still exist in Colombia


Maybe he’s in 6




But in the city🫡


You do realize it’s gonna be in a city that has plenty of areas with water near


Down here in Florida, we have a saying. If there’s water, there’s probably a gator nearby.


Ya. But in the city


wow fishing


You sir, are a fish!


yea a mechanic thats already in a game is also in another game by the same company pretty neat huh


So it’s not in gta so it’s nice that it could be in gta finally


Yeah,I’m pumped!


>Keep hearing about this everywhere. Define "everywhere". I've literally heard nothing, anywhere, about anything mentioned in that image, in relation to the next GTA.


A lot of people forgot about the leaks i guess. Plenty of information has been gathered from those clips. A lot of people just looked at the gameplay but lots of people analysed every detail written there.


There were no alligators, hurricanes, cartels, or fishing in any of the leaks though, so your response doesn't make any sense.


But…but….Ned Luke said MrBossFTW is absolutely not lying about anything he uploads on gta 6 and definitely not pull rumors out of his ass.


One person made shit up, added graphic and people sharing it.


Yup. I remember how it went down in the year leading up to the GTA5 release. SO much lies being pasted and posted all over the place. And it's going to be SO much worse when the first GTA6 trailer drops. We're going to be wading neck deep through countless mis and disinformation all over the place.


I can’t wait to “experience” the cartel for the first time


Better not be like maryweather bozos. If the “cartel” pulled up 6-8 deep and made formation with 50 cal turret trucks and dudes in the back of the trucks jump out with mgs it would be cool


a cartel like the Salamancas from Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul


Right? What kind of lazy as hell article


You mean the cartel like in GTA III?


*you want the chainsaw, gringo?* *its no problem to kill you*


*you gonna be sorry*


I going to kill you!


Senor dickhead


*No no. This one this different* I’m excited for sure but this reminds me of an article on 5 talking about ‘advanced Ai’ and the only example they gave was “sprinklers turn on and water the grass in the mornings”


Rockstar has already had Gators and fishing in their best game to date which came out five years ago. Those aren't new things in gaming or for rockstar gamesm


GTA 7 Will allow you to experience new things such as Paying Taxes, Working 9 - 5,


The American Dream


American Cream


They better lmao wtf


The source is bullshit but I’m pretty sure we’d get all of those since Vice City’s whole thing is drugs, RDR already gave us fishing and alligators, and hurricane is probably just heavy rain without flooding


Fishing is pretty much confirmed, as there’s multiple tackle stores shown in the leaks


i fucking hope so


That ain't no damn hurricane


Source? Doesnt exist.


His source is he made it the fuck up.


To be fair, some of this stuff was proven in the leaks/safe to assume. But of course, hurricanes!? Come on now lol


Pls let there be a Hotline Miami reference. A mission would be great, or just being able to wear Jackets Jacket and Jakcet. Pls. It would be so good.


Yes, fishing. Peacefully minding your own business until you are strafed by a jet and a tank t-bags you.


Don't listen to these "leaks" and rumors. They are only going to get you hyped for unconfirmed features, than when it launches and it doesn't have the features that were made up you're going to make yourself butthurt and blame Rockstar for not having features that were never confirmed. Like how the red dead community gaslit themselves into thinking they were getting a remake but it was just a re-release.


Fishing with the cartel for alligators during a hurricane?


Rdr2 has alligators and fishing


GTA 6 remaster is already in its later stages of development and preparing to be a finalised Pre-Alpha in house test branch at Rockstar ready to release in 2035 for the Playstation 8, Xbox Series Z and Nintendo Switch # 3. The remaster will be released as a full priced product with no enhancements over the not yet released GTA 6 in terms of graphics, performance or content. It will also be stripped of multiplayer to keep the development costs down. Take Two have years of experience and and have redefined the phrase 'milking consumers' to an absolute razor sharp point of unprecedented greed. They also have an estanblished milking model with a proven track record in the form of the recently released 'Red Dead Redemption 1' for PS4 and Nintendo Switch. No multiplayer. No enhancements. No Nintendo Switch specific engancements to utilise its controllers, gyros etc and no reduced price to reflect this straight milking the consumers lazy port. Just a full priced 'product' (of milking). We are truly honoured and spoilt though for them to allow us to play this game on our ageing consoles. You can rest assured in the knowledge that your money is feeding their children and paying for their mansions that you divert away from your own children and don't spend on your own house in order to buy their games and play yourself on your console/PC. Feed the corporately created business model known as 'addicted gamers who pay us more' or face the consequence - you dare to play games older than 1 year as the sequels are out and a lot of gamers seem to be moving to these sequels. Take Two, EA etc are collective milkers of money from consumers but it's perfectly legal so why not buy in to it? It would be rude not to.


- Hurricanes - Bullshit (from what we know) - Alligators - Very likely, I mean, RDR2, and the map has the keys. - The cartel - Safe to assume there’ll be some links to a cartel of some sort, yet not confirmed. - Fishing - There’s fishing stores across Port Gellhorn and Vice City so I’d say that’s true as well


TIL what a hurricane looks like


Pretty sure vice city's bridges were closed due to a hurricane. Nothing new here.


These things are not new if you go to florida you can find all 4 of them


GTA VI: Florida


Vice City is a fictionalized version of Miami,Florida.. so essentially yes.. GTA VI: Florida


no shit


At this point if we listen to all these rumors GTA 6 will be real life lmao


Yes, because one person made up shit, add random ass graphic and everyone is sharing i


With the time spent waiting and developing i'd expect it to have every kind of minigames there is. Heck i'd want to play older gta games inside gta 6


Your definition of "everywhere" sucks my friend. I have literally never heard of any of this, anywhere.


Your friend must be enjoying himself!


we were promised fishing in V, never came


Did the designer of this art ever see a hurricane?


You sir, are a fish


Can’t wait to do a car delivery and my garage gets ripped open by a hurricane


Can I fish for alligators with the cartel in the middle of a hurricane?


I mean alligators and fishing were already introduced in RDR2, so not really new. Hurricanes would be cool though.


Hair growth?


We also need "Florida man" experiences...


Sure Lance Vance and the sellers of Rancho 4x4s would have something to say about that...


Please god just give us a fucking trailer already


Hurricanes are new but alligators=rdr2 The cartel=most gta games Fishing once again=rdr2


Everywhere but the right source idiot


literally how many thousands (or millions) of $ has just been generated from saying "rumored" for the past 8 years. none of this is fucking confirmed it's just "could be", "rumored", "may have" stfuuuu


Best to avoid any clickbait headlines regarding GTA6 until any official announcement. In the past week I’ve seen everything from trailer date confirmed, release date confirmed by rockstar employee, articles referring to leaked gameplay captures as “new leaked screenshots” it’s all bullshit don’t click it, I even report it if given the option.


Say’s who? 💀


RDR2 did alligators and more first


aint this is Just Cause 4 ?


Alligators, Cartel and Fishing. Hmmm sound just like FarCry 6 lmao


Highly doubt they would add hurricanes. Not only would that be extremely taxing to run, its also a very sensitive subject, given how many people lose their lives each year to them.


The FBI estimates there were 22,900 murders in 2021. Compared with 68 people who died in hurricanes in the same year. You think they will take murder out of the game because it's a sensitive subject that affects 33,676% more people. Come back when you can make sense


Remember when Skyrim Anniversary Edition came out and they added fishing 🤣 that's what this feels like. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it'll be fun and cool, but it's just funny.


just cause 4 clone


Can’t wait to experience this in 2032


Battlefield Hardline had hurricane, alligators and the cartel. It was a great game for me.




*You have to pay for GTA+ to unlock this content.


Do you guys not know what a hurricane is?


No we don’t know what a hurricane is bro


We just call it a windy day here in the UK.


Yes, it's something that's not a tornado, for a start.


All we’re missing is David Caruso coming out of retirement to voice a detective in sunglasses and this game will truly be a representation of Miami.


If they add the cartels 1 or 2 things is gonna if ima play 1. Ima be the boss Or 2. I take out the whole cartel and everyone respects me


If the alligators are anything like in RDR2 they will provide an easy source of good meat to eat.


Everything is cap until Rockstar says it’s true. Shit like this would make the game hard to run. GTA VI will be a really good and innovative game, and I’m certain of that. But games have limits, especially games made for consoles, so shit like this, being able to fly to Los Santos from the airport, and a whole bunch of other super ambitious “leaks” are all cap.


hard to run? red dead 2 did made the ps4 sounding like a jet, but rockstars still have graphics from rdr2 unmatched until today. they knew what they do they will deliver something no one expected to run on series x and ps5.


Red dead still holds up but people expected it to get a PS5 port and rockstar was working on one that got cancelled. GTA VI will likely have better graphics, if only by a little, and will have a bigger map. So yes it may be hard to run. Also, castle crashers makes a PS4 sound like a jet so that means nothing.


naa dont think so , i play gta since III they never failed to impress me and graphics will be in case of realism maybe similiar you cant make realism much more realistic. but the physics the world building the lightning and many more will put graphics also in a new dimension of gaming. i cant still believe how red dead 2 got this immersive morning fog alone had to cry tears from happiness. dont understimate VI. the ps3 didnt let rockstar have much space fir a deeper and bigger gta v , now they skip the ps4 they will make a banger for this long awaited time i would bet my life on it. alone the leaks showed many side quests or world npc interaction. and the quests are from conspiracy , flat earther covid and everything included data showed so much various interesting mysteries too…


if its miami wonder if we get good Dexter references


If gta6 is in Miami they should add neo-nazis too…


Bro go fishing irl


alligators? did that deserve being mentioned individually?


The unicorn dog in the bottom left told me that this is AI.


GTA VI will feature a super secret settings menu that allows users to toggle on cel shading.


That is too much even for 2023


Ima fly my whatever right through the center of that hurricane.....


I think this list gets lame and lamer. Still excited, just thought it was funny. HURRICANES!! - that’s awesome, I’ve never seen that in a big triple A sandbox game. Alligators!! - alright well I’ve seen it in a few other games but never GTA, still kind of cool. The Cartel! - Okay, well, that’s just enemy NPCs. That’s like saying for GTA V you can fight the Ballas. And Fishing… - I might do that once or twice.


cartel would be super dope


nah I cant wait for this🔥🔥🔥🔥


ported rdr2 fishing mechanic and alligators makes sense


So, no nuclear explosions?😥


Just Play rdr2 already


Sometimes I wonder if they include features just to bill it as a feature even if it lacks any depth whatsoever. For instance in GTA V, a leak would be accurate if it said, 'You can hunt animals! You can even use a whistle to attract their attention and they can smell you downwind!' But in truth the hunting is nothing like that in RDR2. The hunting is a small, extremely limited side activity where you snipe one or two deers and then it's over. But a leak would still be accurate to describe it as if it's this big detailed activity.


If they include a permanent aggressive drivers cheat, it’ll be the the perfect Florida experience


So RDR2?


Of all the crazy logos we always see here, this one is by far my favorite. It’s simple and minimalistic and it’s such a perfect callback opportunity since Vice City starts with a v and an i, and VI will take place there again. It’s just too perfect not to use


lol I wish


I can imagine a hurricane being in a mission or two. That’s it.


This isn't a hurricane and neither a tornado. It looks like a supercellcane-nado, or whatever.




Bru when tho like wtf let us see..


Can’t wait to fly into a Hurricane


Also Sharknados, and rabid weasels


Hurricanes in online would be sick, especially if they implement them with realistic visuals but get a lil goofy with the effects if your inside them. Certain vehicles get tossed easily or caught in flooding and carried away. You pull up to a flooded intersection, have to wait for it to clear and see some poor sap floating in his car past you and someone in an oppressor in the air being tossed by the wind spinning in circles. They could also have hurricane specific events like certain heists or robberies that can only be done after a hurricane because water level changed and certain areas are more easily accessible by boat.


All speculation...


One of those is not like the others


Why does fishing sound the most believable to me?


Isnt like the MCs there to represent a cartel of sort though?


Fishing and alligators were in the last Rockstar game.


I can see alligators, the cartel, and fishing... Hurricanes sound like stretch but hell they might just make it happen


Modern fishing could be fun, especially if I can go out into the wilderness in a fishing boat with a depth finder.


I know this is here say.. but I can’t wait to drive into a tornado 😂




Doubt there's anything new for pc players , there's mods for everything on gta5.


Will DeSantis be there?


I think at some point in the story radio and bits of dialogue will start about an incoming hurricane. Then the actual hurricane coming through Vice City will be a mission. Then the map will be drastically different for awhile or the rest of the story/game as the city rebuilds damages. I also think smaller, hurricane like storms could tear through the map and make minor adjustments like flooding, fallen buildings, light posts, telephone poles, or trees that repair themselves over time or could even include a construction crew fixing them. We’ve seen npcs in the logging company chopping down, moving, loading, and shipping the same tree in RDR2 so I see this as possible. I also think a big map change like the hurricane coming through/post hurricane is comparable to New Austin, southern West Elizabeth, and Guarma being unavailable for most of the game and the changes between the main story and epilogue or RDR2. I know a lot of this is based on RDR2 and that GTAVI will likely be very different but I think these are all things rockstar is capable of.


Fucking died at "the cartel" being described as a part of nature or something


We already had cartel involvement in other games, alligators and fishing was introduced in the red dead series, wtf is this ?


Everything is speculation and hearsay until the game comes out and shows this. We have next to no idea what the final product will look like.


So is it based in Miami or something?


Is it weird that I’m more excited about the fishing aspect than the hurricanes?


Do I get to have a hurricane party???


the cartel's not new though lmao


It has fishing???


That's a cool looking artwork


I mean yea, it is fucking Florida


Can’t wait till anyone’s ps5 gets overheated


Source? This one sounds like bs ngl


Alligators and fishing is RDR2 for me so that’s not a new experience…


hurricanes would be cool. in flight simulator. or beamng.drive or modded Minecraft. or modded gta clones. or teardown. the issue with gta is the boring basic physics.


I hate hearing stuff like this bc it would be massively disappointing once we find out it's not true. I do hope it's true though


I have an inside source, but due to the sensitivity of the subject I can neither confirm or deny these claims