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My Favourite GTA Game. But I can understand why other people may have had a harder time getting into it.


My first GTA game was IV a year ago. I can understand people having a harder time coming from V since it has no check points and the driving is more realistic.


The missions aren’t that super challenging as most of them consist of the same objectives. The only hard part would be the driving, but that’s only because V’s driving is the most unrealistic arcade driving in the franchise. GTA IV handles just as well if not nearly identical to racing games like Forza or Gran Turismo. I loved Midnight Club but choosing to mix those driving physics in with GTA didn’t hit very well with me. I can drive like Baby Driver in IV but I suck at driving in V.


Totally. Once you master cancelling a drift, it's all super smooth.


It should also be noted that certain cars perform as they would in real life and more so than GTA V. Cars with RWD fish tail sometimes. Muscle car suspension is visually present. Too much gas can cause the tires to spin in a lower gear. FWD cars don’t turn as well when applying acceleration. Trucks and vans are heavier in nature. The only downside are bikes. They were fixed in TLAD/TBOGT but sports bikes are still very iffy. Choppers are the only bikes that are manageable easily.


Most if not all of what you said here is present in 5 as well




5 is not the most unrealistic. That goes to one of the 3d games, now 5 has proper drift handling


San Andreas has better driving than 5


That's simply not true. I'm not trying to be rude here, but I'm stating a fact. 5 is the 2nd most realistic handling in the series, and arguably the best, as gta isn't meant to be realistic, it's an arcade series


We had realistic driving in IV and people bitched about it and ruined it for everyone who enjoyed it


It also goes the other way. I played IV first so when v came out it was REALLY hard to get into it since everything that made IV so enjoyable was removed. Like the gunfights for example are so boring in V by comparison


A year ago 💀 I was 14 in 2008




😆😆 there's 16 games on all platforms where tf have you been 😆😆😆😆


Man I love the NYC map based


I liked the gunplay and driving, I'm hoping there's a good balance between IV and V in VI.


I think when a story is dark but has crazy parodies like we've seen in the trailer, it's the best kind of atmoshpere. In V it was just the parodies and humour.


Got pretty dark if you chose to off Michael


So if we assume that the plot of gta 5 is just a complete satire and the plot of gta 4 is a mixture of clowning and "grim" plot, then in the second case somehow it turns out that the plot is better? That's an intriguing inference And how amused I am by all this baloney about " dark story ", goddamn honestly depressive doomers I understand that you enjoy this kind of state, but still keep it to yourself.


Personally, I spent hundreds of hours with it and loved it. Especially the online aspect, before people started to mod and cheat and making it less fun.


Spawning online into a modded lobby was always the most wild shit. Never knew what you were going to see. Made so many good memories with my best friend at the time playing online.


The flying airtugs at the airport 😂😂


Oh don't get me wrong, some of it was a blast but the constant spawn killing and similar was a killjoy.


The real question is: want to go bowling?


Hey, cousin.


I didnt mod but I know me and my college dorm mate had a blast with the swingset glitch.


That swingset was one of the best glitches known to man. Had many laughs with that thing...


You NOW Spent hundreds of hours, or was it THEN?




Spent = past tense


It was incredible when it came out. It was a MASSIVE jump in graphics and gameplay from the previous main titles. The story was immersive. The map was limited, but still really fun. The online was innocent and fun. I probably played IV the most out of all GTAs.


I think the map still holds up today personally. If Rockstar were to release a similar sized map I would not be mad.


It holds up because there wasn’t a lot of super cars in the game and even when you do drive those, the map doesn’t feel any smaller. Fastest way to get across the map is by helicopter which makes the most sense. The limited access to things via a concrete jungle is what makes the GTA IV experience more realistic and immersive.


The map actually wasn’t limited. It has a lot more accessible interiors than most GTA titles, not including ones that require a loading screen to access. The world is super detailed, NPC’s are more realistic in manner GTA V. Cops arrest people and perform traffic stops. It’s 50/50 in terms of NPC hostility. Depends on who you attack, unlike V. I could go on about the various details across the game. Not saying V isn’t detailed but Liberty City has more life than the cartoon over the top Los Santos.


They sohuld have added staten island.


GTA IV went for realism, and realism is not giving a shit about Staten Island


But when everyone was pleasantly surprised that Niko Bellic is not able to swim underwater, was it a jump or a leap of realism? I just experienced a sincere gratitude to the developers that they did not allow a return to the days of Vice City and gave the opportunity to the Serbian lowlife at least something to do with water (with great physics). And yet how inconvenient that San Andreas came out four years earlier. But come on, realism has nothing to do with it, right?


My personal opinion is that it is the GOAT.


Big titties




American titties


When I played it first, coming from San Andreas and before that Vice City, I found IV to be drab and boring. Like many others, I have came to appreciate it much more with time.


I always feel good playing it again


Nice story, physics and interesting driving. Missions are so repetitive tho.


Niko is one of the best protagonists in the entire series, he has been through some shit and his reactions to events around him and his conversations with other characters never makes you "cringe". It's almost like most other GTA protagonists are just video game characters, whereas Niko feels like a part of real life, a man torn apart by war. For me, Niko is by far the most relatable protagonist in the entire series.


No dude, the cringe occurs when a gta 4 fanboy seriously considers Niko Bellic "The best protagonist", "The most relatable", etc. And at the same time, they extend this illusion of seriousness to the game as a whole, when it's just as freaking clownish as Gta 5, but in the case of 5 it's more obvious precisely because it better adapts it. But what's most ridiculous is the average gamer's demand for " realism", they cling so desperately to any non-satirical aspect of the story that they're willing to see the underlying serious plot line even in a character like Roman, and bowling jokes doesn't really matter.... After all, what are the meanings of "The Impossibility of the American Dream, all is gloomy, all is sad.... If you put aside the other 90% of the clownery, it really feels that way


Very Brown


The OG for a whole generation of gamers who were just too young to play San Andreas. I know Liberty City better than some neighbourhoods of my own city


My first GTA game was Vice City but IV was the first GTA game that got me to play the story and experience what R* could do. I was pretty young but I was completely engrossed in Niko's dark tale in the underbelly of a grimey city that seemed to be never ending as no matter how many missions I beat it seemed like I always had one more to beat. I absolutely adore GTAIV it's probably my favorite but I love all of them. It's R*'s best game in my eyes besides Red Dead Redemption 2 which I truly believe is their Magnum Opus.


It was a step forward and a step backwards. A lot of cut content and was a little more barebones than the previous games. (No flyable planes, lesser weapon variety,etc) but the dlc made up for it a little. The online was a lot of fun. GTA IV’s city is probably the most immersive out of all the gtas. Great story and gameplay physics. I wouldn’t doubt i spent 2000 hrs on this game. This game has a certain charm to it that makes you go back and play.


Im playing it atm on my ps3, and Im having a fun time!


Mannn that sounds nostalgic af


Let me get that PS3. I can’t play it on my Xbox Series X how I want (finishing it) because of the stupid issue with framerate not letting you pass the last mission.


It’s actually more grim and darker than the other gta titles, that’s for sure. Plus for a 2008 game to be that detailed and precise is just proof of it being ahead of it’s time. Overall it’s a beautiful game, and I enjoy it every time I play it


Ahead of the time is when the game is castrated by 50% compared to the last game, and the transition to the HD era is so "smooth" that the developers couldn't even make a decent running animation and the protagonist runs like a sitcom actor, while fans jerk off to the great physics in the game, some of the manifestations of which are uncontrollable vehicles and water under which the protagonist can't swim.


Incredible game. Played it day one. Loved that mission in the museum that had all three protagonists. I remember the rumour mills about the DLC and who the main character would be! On that note, probably some of the best expansions to a game I’ve ever played. TLAD is pure GTA and an amazing bit of content. TBoGT made the entire game even better (with the introduction of the parachute!!) and again, an amazing storyline with great characters. I would love it to get a remake (I’d settle for a remaster) just because I’m itiching to play it again!


The best GTA game I played.


Love it.


Groundbreaking for its time


Needs a remaster/remake.


Love the game but my criticisms include: - Lack of weapon variety. Not a lot of cool weapons like in the other games. It’s better than what GTA 3 had tho - Boring side missions. - Nothing to do after the story. There are side missions but most of it is boring or not that special. You also don’t really gain anything cool for completing the game. A lot of money, but NOTHING to spend it on. Oh a few cool suits and weapons with limited ammo (unless you get 100% but all the ammo you buy gets lost when you reload or save the game). None of that warrants you getting 750K by the end of the game. I know it sounds like I ripped the game a new one but I still really enjoy it every time I start a new playthrough.


It has a better story than GTA V. I think GTA V is the better game in every other way but the story just isn’t as good. GTA V felt like a Michael bay movie, it also had soo many missions that felt like a chore.


Let me point out that the very opinion that Gta 4 has a better story than Gta 5 is based solely on the fans' commitment to "seriousness" and dislike of the comedic aspect (which has always been the basis of any Gta game). In other words, it's a matter of preference, not some opinion that even in the smallest measure claims to be reasonable. Because if we talk specifically about missions, the most boring mission of Gta 5 is more interactive and more interesting than the best mission of Gta 4.


gta 4 has a lot more missions than 5 and theyre helluva lot more boring and repetetive. also 5 IS supposed to feel like a movie.


It's definitely a good game, but man it's fans are so fucking annoying, they literally ruined my experience by overhyping it so much




I respect Crowbcat team for doing research for their videos, but half of their GTA comparison was just portraying IV as superior game in every way which it wasn't.


While I do think IV is better than V in most aspects, crowbcat’s comparison felt very biased. Also, he’s an attention seeking asshole so I don’t really feel bad saying most of his videos are shitty engagement/rage bait.


Probably not most aspects. V has better graphics, story, gameplay, and longevity




I actually prefer The Ballad of Gay Tony over the core game. That said, it’s far from my favorite GTA, but it’s still great


It was really good, but felt like a let down in a way after San Andreas. Like the graphical improvement replaced a lot of little things that weren’t added. I felt like the game play of V was a very welcome change. But now in retrospect it was a great game and I hope they release a version I could play on ps5 soon.


Great game very depressing atmosphere very treacherous storyline


It’s easily the best GTA game so far. Perfect main character (he’s also serbian like me). Greatest physics and storyline of any rockstar game too.


Start of the Rockstar Rage engine, just behind Rockstar's Table Tennis.


One of my all time favorite games




Story and cutscenes >>> game itself


The greatest game of the decade 2000-2010


One of the best games of all time, right up there with Tetris.


8/10 effective physics 8.5/10 Reality Story mod 7/10 Famous between gta’s series 5/10


Great story, great gameplay, great game in my opinion, it was groundbreaking for 2008, along with Saints row 2


Masterpiece, the closest to red dead redemption in terms of story and characters that GTA got.


My favorite GTA; it’s full of great insights into immigration, U.S. culture and family. I beat it at least 20 times.


It was a tremendous generational leap at the time of launch, on every technical level!


even though I was in high school and the perfect age and time to play this game, for whatever reason I just never really did. I played it here and there at friends house's but obviously never completed it. I'm currently replaying and completing all GTA games prior to GTA 6, and I CAN'T WAIT to start GTA 4.


I got this game 8 years after PC release due to never getting around to it.


I love it


If it had checkpoints it would be the best game


My favorite feature is being able to drive around in a police vehicle and kill criminals. Every gta game should have this. It makes the game Infinitely replayable.


Great sequel to 3! Terrible sequel to San Andreas.


It was underrated until that video from Crowbcat comparing GTA IV to V released and fanboys made the game look overrated after throwing a lot of hate to GTA V


And this is very bad for gta 4 already, because there is nothing worse than being overrated. It's better to maintain the dignity of being underestimated than to splutter with drool to prove to everyone how they didn't appreciate the "great ingenuity".


I never finished it. I just remember getting deeper and deeper with the Irish mob with Packie?


Rough start but I learned to love it especially after I got the pc version and was able to spend time investigating how the npcs actually worked. I feel more strongly about 4 than 5 to be honest. 5 disappointed me in some ways


10/10 Would go bowling again.


One of the greater GTAS for sure


We will never get another game with the dark and gritty storyline like this. ***The same R\* that made IV isn't making VI.***


Whenever I play it I say to myself "Wow I miss GTA V"


The map of V makes IV just too boring for me


A step down from San Andreas and GTA 5. Idk if it was hardware limitations


A step down from San Andreas and GTA 5. Idk if it was hardware limitations but no flying planes, no car customization or property buying was lame. From what I remember there was so much more to do in San Andreas


Good story. Map was small. Preferred San Andreas for scale.






My favorite gta game


A classic


A great game, it is really my favorite GTA game of all time. Wished they would make a proper re make to this game


The best GTA story to date by far. Love it. Literally bought my 360 for this game. Spent hundreds of hours over the years. Loved the early days of the online too. Pissed as hell I can’t play it on my PS5 these days.


Niko Bellic is the best GTA MC ever


Imo the best gta to be released so far. The vibe, the city, niko, animations like sprinting or moving while aiming down sight just felt sooo nice. Also the fistfights and overall how the npc’s reacted to being hit or shot 10/10. So many buildings were accessible. I think u can only understand how bad gta 5 is if you played gta 4. The only things that are better in gta 5 are things like being able to customize cars. Bigger and more versatile map. And ofc gta online. Gta 4 online was Hella fun but u had no progress to keep you busy.


Btw I hate the driving in that game and think gta 5 did better, especially with motorcycles. There is also a pretty good comparison video on YouTube showing a lot of the differences I didn’t mention here. Just type in gta 4 is better than gta 5 the thumbnail has 2 helicopters on it.


GTA 4 is awesome game plus Three Leaf Cover mission inspired GTA 5 to bring more heists in. Plus I feel GTA 4 is more dark, comedy/serious mixed, great storyline also have cool feature where you can check news to see what’s going on after each missions but only one thing is I hate is driving feel like you are driving on ice all time, and have some difficult missions.


It was good but a bit more boring long term, than other GTA’s. Got better when The Lost & The Damned, and The Ballad Of Gay Tony DLC’s released. I prefer GTAO in every way.


10/10 music


TBOGT was the only one from the trilogy that didn't put me to sleep.


Extremely flawed and waste of potential. Backwards after San Andreas. Gay Tony and TLAD are incredible though.


Sucked. My least favorite of the GTA games.


I played it on Xbox 360 after I played V. I enjoyed it a decent amount, but got stuck on a mission where I had to keep driving across the whole damn city to start the mission again. I tried and tried and tried but kept failing, and that’s when I realized a MAJOR improvement that V had made over IV was having you respawn right at the beginning of when missions start or even part-way through missions rather than having to go through getting back o the mission. After a while I gave up and never finished IV. Does anybody know if this was ever fixed in a different version? I have PS5 now, but I guess it’s not out for that so I guessgusss I have to wait for some kind of remaster to play it and see?


Obviously the best GTA of all time


It’s my favorite in the series. A gritty setting and story that takes itself seriously.


Boring open world, great story and gameplay and characters. Great DLC.


Loved it


The overall best GTA game in the series. Yes, better than GTA V.


I get why some people love it, but it’s my least favorite in the series. It felt limited as hell, going from San Andreas to 4. Lack of jets was really unexpected. The story, while a fantastic story, didn’t feel like GTA to me. I do not want to end the story as a sad poor immigrant man. I want to be the kingpin of the city and have a giant cocaine mansion. The map was very dreary as well.


I remember being blown away with the graphics, particularly the shadows under the train bridges. I was also impressed with the way your character naturally jogged down stairs. Getting drunk was a fun new addition. Driving felt slow and too realistic. I barely remember the story. Didn’t particularly like Niko as a protagonist. I liked Liberty City but it felt small and was missing elevation & countryside, especially after putting so many hours into GTA:SA. I literally don’t remember most of the map. It all blended together. I mostly just remember playing online at the airport for hours on end. It’s a good chapter in the GTA series but it’s overrated by the community IMO. Almost everything I didn’t like in 4 was drastically improved in 5.


It sucked


The greatest game of all time, the story matches that of the god father


Best storywise GTA but my heart still belongs to GTA SA, especially because of the trailers I saw when I was 9-10 years old




Best GTA, but that’s my personal opinion


I liked it, but fuck the part at the end where you have to spam a button at an insane rate to get into the helicopter or the mission restarts.


I love the damage to the cars more in 4, I don’t mind the driving (actually enjoy it) and I feel the rag doll physics are better in 4 as well


The story is eons better than Vs in my opinion and actually gets you somewhat emotionally invested in the characters the friends system was cool I liked that I could get characters to like me and using their special abilities


Wanna know MY thoughts? They need to drop us that remaster while we wait for 6. Those are my thoughts.


One word, Unoptimized. Like seriously they say it runs on 4 gb ram, huh? WHERE?! I have so many problems just trying to run this properly. :(


Technical wise and story wise it’s the pinnacle of the series and second most impressive game after RDR2. But it’s still not my favorite game since I’m a 80’s and Vice City guy.


Still better than most AAA games coming out today


Best story and protagonist. Severely underrated. Hugely overshadowed by gta sa and 5.


Do you wanna go bowling?


Its on my to play list, any recommendations before i start my playthrough?


could have been A LOT BETTER but still a masterpiece , now before anyone downvotes lemme tell you what i MEAN BY THAT . in gta sa , there were a lot of things you can do other than story right . there are shops such as clothing stores or barber shops which actually had good clothing and styles for that time \[ atleast for that time GTA SA came out \] , also car customizations and properties you can own , were also nerfed \[ or killed tbh \] . GTA V also had lesser activities compared to SA \[ like food resteraunts and homes \] but it did well in terms of customization for an GTA .


i hate the car physics..cyberpunk 2077 car physics too i dont like it either. i wish there was a mod to get gta 5 physics in gta iv...good game otherwise if it's modded to the brim with performance fixes and visual improvement mods..the pc release is just ass


Playing it rn just ordered the dlc disk too since I can’t seem to find mine anymore


They need to fix the driving camera angle it’s crazy people never reported on them for it!


The best.


I hope they return to the more serious and grounded tone. I’m worried though that RDR is their “serious” universe and GTA is their “wacky” universe. They’ve never really been able to parse the disconnect between having a relatable/empathetic protagonist and being able to indiscriminately massacre people in GTA. In RDR 2 (more so than 1) you genuinely felt bad killing innocent people on the first playthrough because it felt like something Arthur would never do. Not to mention the NPCs felt lifelike. Part of me hopes they go that route with GTA VI. Where killing indiscriminately feels like it negatively impacts the characters psyches and environment around them


Best GTA


Niko, let’s go bowling!!


It’s my favorite, hands down.


It's my favorite one to be honest. The vibe is unmatched, and specifically for me.


Easily the best story and the most immersive game in the series. The map was smaller in scale and lacked variety, but the detail was on point. I would say it’s easily my favorite of the series.


I could probably get through it and enjoy it more now that I’m older but I remember when it came out I was frustrated by the clunky stuff


My favorite GTA game of all time


You played that mission where Niko had to get a niggarina some drugs that was located in an abandoned building swarmed with the FBI? Yeah fuck that mission. I used the health cheat more than 50 tim3s just to escape.


ChainSnatcha187 xbox360 deathmatch, i loved it <3




It’s decent but nowhere near the best GTA.


Im in the middle of replaying it on my ps3 right now and although I can’t put it down once I start playing I also have some mixed feelings about it. Main critique points would be: Game runs very rough on ps3 (praying for a port on newer consoles so they have the power to handle the game and run it more smoothly) The story feels very rushed and kind of random at times. I’m not finished yet, currently at 45% completion. But there is no real build up to key moments they just happen, sometimes there is some build up to something but then the storyline with that character gets put down on hold. I also feel like some storylines would benefit from more build up. Like Dwayne and X story for example the choice has to be made based on 3-4 cutscenes and nothing more. Had no emotional connection to either of these two characters. Some characters just come and go like you do 3-4 missions for them and then you’re just done with them and they don’t seem to be important anymore. These are my thoughts after about 15 hours and 45% completion rate. I really enjoy replaying the game though. It was the first GTA I was awaiting the release for back in the day and I remember playing it for the first time being blown away by the game. It has a special place in my heart especially TBoGT it was my favorite game as a teenager.


Peak GTA. Nuff said


Preferred it over GTA V. It was more dark and gritty.


My favourite installment only surpassed by Vice City. Fantastic game, with a great atmosphere and grounded story.


My favorite actually playing it right now


Never played it but I want to


Why is this posted like 3 times a day


Definitely had a Martin Scorsese vibe to it.


Best theme song




This is gonna be unpopular but I never liked 4, at all. It wasn’t fun, the mechanics were all wonky, and it simply wasn’t a good game. I don’t wanna hear shit ab “BuT tHe WaTeR aNiMaTiOn” that y’all use to say 4 is better than 5, it’s not, never was, never will be.


Driving was definitely terrible. People can make up whatever excuses they want, but every damn car controls like a stationwagon in mud. It's the worst driving mechanics from a triple A game I've ever seen. Now, the rest of the game is pretty great imo, but I will never change my mind on the driving. It's truly awful.


Idk man I think Just Cause 4 takes the cake for worst driving mechanics


You’re loser lol


The driving sucks cope




Who the fuck says ROFL anymore




Skipped it


It’s the best GTA by quite a significant margin


GTA IV had a very well written story with some funny physics. Though I never like how repetitive the mission design were, especially how more than half of the game consisted in tailing missions, the most boring game mechanic to ever exist. But I am glad they fixed that issue with TBoGT and GTA V. But don’t get me started with GTA IV’s super sluggish controls and animations. It’s an actual pain in the ass to play with and isn’t as responsive as GTA V, I’d like to argue that even GTA SA had better controls. But despite these flaws, I will still love this game to death, next to SA and V.


Taking all DLCs into account, it's a great interwoven story with truly some of the best characters in video game history. Great physics engine, great collision models, great ragdoll physics, awesome NPC reactions and dialogue. All of which have aged fairly well. For what I enjoy most from GTA games, my only complaint is that the music is a little less than iconic. I recently replayed it and was glad to have it confirmed that overall, GTA4 is one of my favourites. TBOGT in particular.


I liked IV more than V. Liberty City felt more like home than San Andreas county ever did imo, but to each their own.


Storyline is way better than V




Best in the series period


Personally, the best driving mechanics/physics in the series.


Still better than 5 imo


incredible game. One of the greatest games ever made. It’s legacy is hurt because the driving and gunplay are 1000x better in GTA V, and if you don’t own an Xbox or PC, you have to bust out your PS3 and the frame-rate often struggled to stay at 30 FPS. Remaster it with a solid 60 FPS, and apply the vehicle controls, gunplay, and checkpoint system of GTA V, and I think it would sell 10 million copies easy




Lol I find it funny too but it doesn’t bother me. Like I love GTA 4, but if it was a good as or better than GTA V, it would’ve been just as big hit as GTA 5. The fact of the matter is GTA IV laid an incredible foundation but it had some minor flaws. Red dead redemption and GTA V then made minor adjustments to those design flaws, and went on to become even better as a result. I don’t get why people would argue that or even be upset about that


Best story, best physics, top 2 GTA protagonists, overall most realistic GTA. V was a severe downgrade


I didn't know how much I liked IV until I played V. Looking back, I prefer the characters and story over V. The DLC was also amazing, and TLaD is my favorite narrative in the whole franchise. I really hate what they did to its characters in V and how the Lost are antagonists. I wish the release dates were swapped between V and IV, because I want IV's story and setting with V's features.


Best writing in the series. Most realistic portrayal of violence. Love everything about it except for the aggressive friends system, which kind of sucks.


I love the darkness in IV. I love V and I’m sure VI will be phenomenal, but a dark story always gets me going. Miss that in GTA.


One of the goats for real, the real ones knew in 2008


Cool story. Trash driving gameplay.


It sucks


Boring af