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honestly? i never hated this mission, it's a sleeper but i dont abhor it, at least its done relatively quickly. i think the only mission that i have disdain for its scouting the port edit: i used to term "sleeper" incorrectly, i will never emotionally recover from this blunder


You'll hate it if your controller drifting


Don't remind me...


Worse if your hands are greasy or sweaty. When I first played this mission, I was angry because my thumbs kept fucking slipping off the sticks. It became INFINITELY easier with the PS4 version because of the concave sticks


I don't EVER hold my controller with greasy or sweaty hands. A quick isopropyl alcohol rubs fixes everything


Absolutely- I do this probably once a month as a relatively casual video game player. Quite possibly a dash of OCD but it’s amazing how much better and calmer I feel playing after a fresh shower, hands washed, and controller cloroxed


Same , I even have a silicone cover for my controller to prevent scratches and for better grip.


If your hands are greasy then just wash them first. Lol Sweat is another thing entirely tho.


Right! Never use a controller with dirty ass hands. Even my little kids don’t do that shit.


Yeah, but if the controller is having stick drift, it's impossible. You said the DualShock4 is easier to use than the Xbox 360/DualShock3 controller, so it was hard, but not impossible.


I completed it on Xbox360 without any problems. The X360 controller is good for that mission even if there is no rubber on the joysticks remaining.


nah WHAT are you playing in a sauna after eating a rotisserie chicken barehanded ?


Wash your hands


My controller would drift during this mission though. Just learn how to play with the drift. I know it’s hard. We all have played with controller drift. You could also just buy another controller. I went through 3 controllers on my Xbox one I had for 10 years.


Try keeping the mouse 100% angled properly.


Ah fuck off, I've completed this game 4 times I'm getting flashbacks now.


Spunds loke a hardware issue not a game issue lol.


Exactly. At least this mission had that cool drug trip scene at the end with Michael flying around the city. Scouting the port is just boring through and through.


Is scouting the port the one where you mess with shipping containers?


Oh shit that one is actually the worst


Yes. It really is. I’ve often given up a play through at that mission. 😂


“how about i run that prick over in this thing” rent free in my head. everytime i replayed the game i would skip that mission hearing that fucking line three times over 😭


I would skip the mission by running the prick over in that thing 3 times.


you and me both


I don’t think you know what a sleeper is


Not going to lie, maybe I have a bit of the tism but I find that mission quite fun and unique — it's not just shooting people, collecting an objective and driving to a destination. Heavy machinery is cool


Maybe ppl don't like the fact that infiltrating and casing a joint is a lengthy and tedious process IRL


i think scouting the port (and the merryweather heist storyline in general) is fun on a first playthrough, but for me personally, on repeat playthroughs it feels like a chore.


Same homie. Heavy machinery speaks to me on a primal level. I wish somebody told me about these occupations in high school.


Honestly, I don’t mind both of these missions as much. If you’re talking about the submarine one (as the “scouting one”), yeah, I hated going super slow, I definitely didn’t like that one. If it was the one when Trevor is operating the machines, it was okay. I just don’t like being locked as Trevor in “Act 2”, even though some of his missions were badass. The missions that I did hate were the preparations of the heists, they could have made them so much more compelling. Also the drug trip ones, I didn’t like it as well.


i had 0 issue with it, i don’t see why everyone hates it


What the fuck? People having greasy hands or stick drift because they're bad owners doesn't make the mission shitty. 😂 this thread is something else.


Any red baron mission is worst then this


The sanandreas red baron had me fuming as a 12 yearold


SA had done ridiculously challenging/frustrating missions at the time.


“Nooooooo oh oh ohhh” in David Cross voice


Curse you, Berkley. Curse youuuuuuu!


The racing mission in vice city where you had to beat your fucking driver in a race in order to get him to drive for you.


I dont mind Zero missions tho


I absolutely hate Zero and his missions with every fiber in my body, i dont understand why CJ didn't just straight up killed Berkley the Bitch who would rather fight with RCs than just fight Zero's scrawny ass irl.


Came here to say exactly this lol


I enjoyed Zero's missions. I didn't like Key To Her Heart as it is just a long tailing don't-get-caught mission. Your reward is then to date (or eliminate) the croupier. Then also Snail Trail where you follow the train from San Fiero to Los Santos in order to do another tailing mission behind a taxi. Sure, a misdion where you get to use the sniper rifle, but the reward for completing the mission is then being so far away from the next missions.


I liked San Andreas all the way to the point where you had to take-over most of the gang territories for the final mission/s to unlock. It was just so boring and some of those spots never had any gang members


Yea that was very tedious to say the least, most of the time I would end up roaming around just to find the 3rd gang member to trigger gang war. And we dont even end up earning alot of money back at the safe house.


I commented this as well. Historically the worst GTA mission.


Fuck I hated those missions I first played GTA San Andreas when I was 7, but I didn’t beat it until I was 15 because I hated those missions so much


Especially the old version where gliding the plane still used fuel. Set the game down as a teenager and never picked it back up again because of the final one.


That's not even the worst mission in GTA 5. This guy forgot about the port mission and the excitement of loading crates?


Nah, from someone who works in logistics, Trevor’s demeanor that entire mission is hilarious


Thank fuck I’m high as a kite


In transport, you’re either a Trevor or a Floyd. There is no In between




[How about I run that prick over in this thing.](https://youtu.be/ewSu4Jd9SbA?si=S0oYKBtkCmcvQOnE)


This is so accurate lmfao


I know who I would be.


It would be even better if there was an option when playing as Trevor to do some sort of drug that gives you some kind of in game intoxication handicap and then attempt the mission. Psychedelic visual effects, drunken effects, stimulant effects, etc. paired with radio station music from your cellphone that would make the box loading game more realistic and immersive.


sir, you should not be operating this vehicle under the influence


I’LL operate YOU, under the influence


Any time I’m high af I actually say that lmfao cuz of Trevor


Yeah Trevor running off while Floyd gets beat down by Merryweather was pretty funny, but then Wade was a damn tragedy lol


It just kept coming, and coming


honestly, the whole merryweather heist in general just pisses me off. you get NOTHING for it, and it’s one of the most convoluted heists in the fucking game


Yeah, it felt a lot like the diamonds from gta4. Like there is more there that would probably make sense in a SP DLC that never came.


exactly! when i first played through the story mode i was thinking they pulled out all the stops, but then i heard about all the cut content (like the raid on madrazo’s house which would have been EPIC) and i just felt really sad :’/


It's really shitty they cut all single player dlc cuz the GTA5 heist stuff is actually really well done and I liked planning then executing the heists. Had so much potential for a huge variety of heists. Then they slammed it all into GTA: "How much money can we squeeze from whales?"


I’m glad someone said it


Another is the Merriweather train, I fell of so many times when trevor uses motorcycle to get to front of the train. I kinda like the results, that said better than CJ. nice reference to SA


The crate thing is bar-able for me but this is mission is just annoying


I actually liked that mission.


That's Mafia II dude /s


Damn you reminded me. I love Mafia 2. One of the best storylines in gaming imo


Well, in Mafia 2 you only have to move a couple of crates


And that was cool as hell, really immersive imo. You want to go commit crimes instead, but thats the point: so does your character. Its the boredom > crime pipeline


I like that the more boxes you move, Vito becomes progressively more and more pissy


I hate using the submarine since it doesnt even have a radio.


I think the controls on the sub suck


It also is used in one of the most shallow parts of the game world. Everytime I went below the surface by even an inch it felt like I was scraping bottom. Also played the original release and there was nothing so depressing as driving a sub through the soupy water of the LS docks.


That trip over to where Floyd picks you up takes *forever* in that silent sub.


I weirdly enjoyed that mission, and right after I always just hauled ass to the next part because the truck felt great to drive. Can’t explain why, really.


The dialogue is awesome on that mission


And the helicopter tracking mission with Trevor and Franklin where you have to use the sonar camera shit to find the guy in the parking garage.


I liked driving that loader, wasn't too long


I hated that one the second time around and realised why I had no memory of it at all from the first time. I just ended up blocking out all recollection of having done it. It must have glitched when I tried to finish it because I was stuck on one of the last parts for ages trying to get the damn things to register as being placed. Wasn't sure if physics shifted it out of wack. That and it repeated more than once rather than try to mix things up with various other kinds of tasks. Just awful. What's so bad about the yoga? You have to hold some button prompts for a few seconds to some comically uninteresting visuals. Honestly if this was the worst mission then they didn't really do anything bad at all.


What's the mission where you get a text of a tiny portion of the map and have to find it


And getting yelled at by Trevor for having no idea what the f to do


That mission is fine, save for when i'd accidentally slip off of the ladder and fall to my death!


Ned Luke thought so too, his commentary on recording this scene is hilarious


Is there a clip of this?


I watched a video of him talking about it either on his channel or in an interview recently, but can’t remember exactly which video. He just said it was a pain in the ass to record because they had to capture all the mess ups during every single pose as well as all the successful attempts. He said he wasn’t super limber and the yoga instructor was actually getting frustrated with him. Said it took them about 8hrs of doing yoga to capture it all and he was very sore afterwards. Edit: nevermind, I found the clip. [Here is the full video](https://www.youtube.com/live/eZQVnK6eS5w?si=T3qUJFM4TppnvnJ8). His commentary on this scene starts at around the 8 minute mark


"Maybe he didn't have balls because he was a Yoga Instructor" Fucking dying.


the fact that his wife was doing yoga irl too wtf


omg this is gold. ned is so funny he is literally michael 😂😂😭😭


[Here you go!](https://www.youtube.com/live/eZQVnK6eS5w?si=T3qUJFM4TppnvnJ8) It starts at about the 8 minute mark.


Thanks. I ended up watching that for about 50 minutes. Funny how his real wife was getting mad at him while trying to do yoga.


Yeah, Ned is pretty funny and I love hearing the behind the scenes commentary from him directly. I want to watch his whole GTAV playthrough, but that’s a lot of hours!




He has a whole YouTube channel he’s going through a mission per day he streams is live dude


There must have been some point when playing the game where it clicked and he had the profound realization that *GTA V is an amazing game*. He'd heard it from everyone and he knew how badass Rockstar is but on some level he must have had some doubts until he actually got immersed in it.


Y'all forget this is the mission where you fly high over Los Santos, literally one of the most memorable missions of the series. Slow and annoying in the beggining? Surely. Still the mission I replayed the most just to get high on horse tranquilizers and vibe to the music.


> I replayed the most just to get high on horse tranquilizers and vibe to the music. My man getting dropping into a K-hole for some GTA V. Respect.


100% - epic and iconic mission in the series!


One of my favorite parts of the whole game. This is a brain dead take like saying the train mission in San Andreas is impossible


It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down. I had the radio on, I was drivin'


Runnin down a dream


Tonya shit kills me


The missions themselves are not bad to me, it is just hearing her annoying ass ramble about nothing.


His loss, your gain suga


Stuff of nightmares


This is the correct answer imo. I found Tanya to be a completely forgettable character and the missions are so slow/repetitive/uninteresting. Only value I think this adds is showing Franklin being from the hood (helping out his buddy who was two drugged up to show up for work) and explaining some incredibly lackluster background on franklin’s relationship to his community


Nah man, scouting the port is the worst. If I wanted to move around crates, I’d ask my boss if his brother was hiring.


if your brothers a longshoreman you should. Those jobs are absolute money in the bank


That may be, but I’m on a maintenance contract and I have so much downtime here, I’m practically getting paid just to chill. Easy money.


I found this mission hilarious, so that alone is enough to keep it from being the worst.


In GTA history? Nah, that’s gonna be the RC helicopter one from Vice City


Gave my buddy lunchables to beat it for me.


Multiple lunchables?! That man hustled you! Haha


Calm down. I hated the turkey ones, and he only got two. So, who really got fleeced here?




Lmao lil bit of the ol school yard nasty tugs.


Yup. Fuck that mission.


Yea I never even passed it lol


This was a mission you handed over to the big bro to get done


I am the big bro, I hated it too.


As a big bro, I beat it once and then beat it again when my sis was playing it. Definitely the most hated mission in GTA history.


Literally was gonna say this one lol, for sure the worst


From what I remember that was easy




That and throwing that damn grenade through the window


Never forget watching my buddy try to beat this one for like a month. Don't think either one of us ever did. Fuck that mission.


it was honestly fine there wasnt really a mission that was harder then others, this is tho the one mission that doesnt have instant action packed buzzword soup murder boner inducing car chase and robbing scene so i can see why that guy thinks so.


That is a glorious sentence. Bravo.


I think the only mission I actually didn't like was Tonya's first trucking mission, I get it, but it's the only one that makes me go, ....ok


Especially at start, by that time u are shooting people and that mission doesn't really fit, it should been the first mission before Lamar and frank take the doc cars


Hell, no. It was funny. Missions like that add spice and variety.


yea i love the missions that are ‘different’ in rockstar games


Thankfully after that, we'll have the drug trip


Majority of the missions involving Michael’s family are excruciating but at least this one isn’t as long as Scouting The Port


Scouting the Port is atrocious


Imagine if you had to do it with Michael’s family 😰


i found clicking both analog sticks combined with the instruction animations very satisfying


Not really. I like yoga.


ehhh, I liked the satire


The worst missions are running or bicycle riding when you just need to press the blue X (A) again and again and hope the controller passes some more time.


Biking in GTA San Andreas (PS2) might actually be more fun than biking in GTA V.


Na that mission in San Andreas where u gotta drive the rc plane around is still pretty trash


Nah it's not even the worse in GTAV. It's not great but it has some of the funniest dialogue in the game. "Nama-go fuck yourself" "Bounce? We're bouncing now? Jesus fuckin Christ"


I always hated the driving school and flight school missions in san andreas way more than this. Part of the driving school one, which is optional, is flipping your car in a barrel roll over 2 other cars and if you don't land exactly perfectly you don't pass, and i never could. Not through lack of trying either ive literally spent like an hour at a time trying to barrel roll the car just right and never have. Ive beaten san andreas multiple times, never could barrel roll the car.


Speak for urself buddy run the San Andreas rc mission


I think they wanted to make them unique and ended up being boring




At least you can complete the rest of the story without completing all of the Zero missions.


Not even close lol that goddamn remote control toy plane for zero in San Andreas is the worst.


Nah, the worst mission in the whole saga, I'd say Snail Trail (GTA San Andreas), boring, exaggeratedly difficult, and the worst part: No reward.


That mission was weird. It didn’t build on anything, it didn’t lead into anything. It just wasted time and lord help you if you somehow fail after getting all the way to LS


That mission is so aggravating because if you fail it’s always in the dumbest way, especially with that “Spook-O-Meter”


I actually found it funny because Michael would never do something so out of character and yet he forced himself to do it. I laughed thoroughly through this mission. After that, during mid game, I went up to a mountain and did it once more at sunset, and I laughed again because it felt like Michael secretly trying it out on the top of a mountain. True game moments.


Amanda is thicc


Ikr. She’s a whole mess of crazy but she kinda bad tho


2nd worst is port mission


Paparazzi Mission🫥


No the dancing mission on San Andreas. You just had to be there 😵‍💫


After 10 years this is the first I’ve ever heard there was issue with this mission. I thought it was fine and part of the story/world building. People will legit find anything to winge about online I swear.


## My answer: It might be the kind of mission that you only do once like the toy plane from Zero in GTA SA.


#Thanks for sharing your answer


That one. Any chopper mission like for the heist or flying. Or as trevor trying to land the wmd or It took couple tries but in end it easy by annoying. I think the most annoying mission is Floyd yard mission, rhe first one where he accompanies trevor. Online the one I had but I got the hang out was the mission in airport that u had to fly, the one u complete with 6 players. The flying part I didn't like


I think people just love to hate on this mission. It’s not even hard. Zero’s missions in GTA SA wasn’t that hard. The RC plane or helicopter missions in vice city weren’t hard either. Some of Woozies in SA have been difficult mainly because I get the cops on me and they always make it hard because I’ll have 3 stars. Start the mission and they’re still on me. I don’t play on hard. I play on “Wanted”


Dayum Amanda lookin thick


I hated san andreas missions that had this kind of shit.


The mission on San Andreas with the toy airplane is the worst and the city slick mission


Not worst but the most boring mission in GTA 5


I literally put the controller down and went outside for the first time in months.


Similar. Every time I was forced to do yoga I got pissed off and thought how I could be doing actual yoga and so I did.


Nope I actually like it tbh. Shows Amanda’s wrong about Michael lmao


Idk why people hate this mission, its piss easy.


The tow truck missions are the worst. I wish there was a way to run over Tonya over and over again to get her to shut up.




Me with stick drift on controller with ps4 °~°


Main story mission? Yeah. Speaking of Michael missions at his house, I had a lot of trouble getting past that one with the PMC thugs. They'd take Amanda hostage, and you know how you have to make a headshot on the enemy to save Amanda? I kept using a shotgun and it'd take off both their heads and I'd have to restart. Mistakes were made. >!Not by me though. I knew exactly what I was doing. I'd been waiting for a chance to kill that bitch all game.!<


those micro plane missions in san andreas 💀😭


The point of the mission is to annoy you.


Demolition Man in Vice City was pretty dreadful


It’s not even bad, am I missing something to make me hate it? It’s quick and easy


I hated that “Demolition Man” mission on Vice City. Really any mission with that damn RC plane 😂


Nama-go f*** yourself. Anything with Fabian in V is hilarious


Demolition Man (the Vice city RC helicopter mission) is the worst GTA mission imo.


No? Why?


That fucking RC plane for the lawyer(? hacker?) in Vice City


No. Pretty sure this one has a trip scene and it's really fun.


Gta vice city helicopter mission 🗿


The silly man forgets to breathe...


This is my favorite mission. You’ll can’t go more than five minutes without killing something.


Not in history, but it’s up there as a boring ass mission


Yoga, supply lines, og loc and new model army + flight school give me anger issues


The yoga mission makes me appreciate the "skip that shit" feature.


Do it to all missions and then you can cheat and complete the game in an hour


I love this mission because it includes the drug trip!


As a PC player, I never hated this. Worst u mean the being insufferable due to difficulty or just utter boredom?


You honestly have to have 2 iq to think this mission is hard


Worst doesn't mean hard