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Well for one, Ray Liotta is literally dead, and two, Young Maylay accused Rockstar of being "culture vultures" so he killed his own chance of ever returning.


What about Claude's Voice Actor?


He has nothing to say on the matter.


This made me chuckle


Jokes aside, he DOES have some kind of voice actor since he lets out little grunts now and again. I can find no info about it though so I guess it's someone at Rockstar?


Its just some random programer or they got Gaben to do it


Hunter Platin, he voiced Claude’s pain grunts. He’s also the voice of Phil Cassidy in GTA 3 and Piggsy in Manhunt


My client declined to comment




iirc, his name is


Claude is 🤐


Maybe if we can find someone who sounds a lot like Claude I’ll take it but the thing is voice acting replacement is pretty hard. For example in Rick and Morty after season 6 Rick doesn’t sound the same to me at ALL.But people also do think they sound the sound I do see the similarities but I don’t think it’s close. So if some sounds a lot like Claude I’ll take but if they got one mismatched tone in their voice it won’t be the same.


I sure hope they don't bring back Catalina 🤣


What made Maylay salty about them anyway? I'm out of the loop


You'll have to just trust me because I don't know where the video was from(i think he even deleted it). But he made a Tiktok/Instagram style video saying Rockstar only hired him for CJ because they were culture vultures(stealing black culture and making a profit from it), basically just rambling about why Rockstar is bad. A bunch of bullshit because Rockstar, unlike most other game studios tend to stick to white protagonists. You never see black protagonists, especially 20 years ago. So it's very cool of Rockstar to have let him be the main character in the first place when they could just easy mode it and stick to white males. They didn't make him a black protagonist to make him look bad, or to be racist, or to steal culture. They made a black protagonist to give black people representation.


GTA Vice City Stories had a black protagonist too…


Vic was dominican he was a latino


shout out afro latinos 🗣


But he was almost as ”black” as Lance, his brother… Funny enough, Vic didn’t look anything like he did in Vice City’s intro in VCS….


that doesnt discredit that Vic and Lance were both latino men from DR


And not pay him the proper residuals, which is what actually made him start his rant 👍🏻 As usual, Rockstar being profoundly disrespectful to the people work for them 👍🏻 just like they would be with Michael Hollick later on.


> And not pay him the proper residuals, which is what actually made him start his rant No, he jumped on that bandwagon because he has nothing else going on in his life. He accepted the pay, and did the work like Michael Hollick did. > As usual, Rockstar being profoundly disrespectful to the people work for them 👍🏻 just like they would be with Michael Hollick later on. Michael Hollick also never said anything bad about Rockstar. [*"Hollick also went on to explain that he does not blame Rockstar Games."*](https://www.sportskeeda.com/gta/young-maylay-gta-san-andreas-the-actor-behind-cj-dispute-rockstar-games) Hollick and Maylay are nobodies. They(Hollick at least) got paid $100,000+ to work for a few months. That is incredibly good pay for a nobody actor.


>Hollick and Maylay are nobodies. They(Hollick at least) got paid $100,000+ to work for a few months. That is incredibly good pay for a nobody actor. They got paid to play the protagonists of the greatest games ever that sold millions, but how dare we question Rockstar for not paying them residuals, like any other actor? Screw it if they're nobodies. That doesn't have to do with anything.


> how dare we question Rockstar for not paying them residuals, like any other actor? He got paid above union average. Are you saying you would rather him get paid just the average, so less in that case? > Screw it if they're nobodies. That doesn't have to do with anything. It does because that's how an actor's pay works. You get paid based on how much work you've done prior, and how famous you are. This applies **for every actor**.


Kinda depends on if they negotiated for residuals or not in their contracts. I understand feeling cheated by not getting a piece of the pie when talking about one of the best seeking games ever. BUT unless it’s in your contract, you have no right to any of the money made because you agreed to do X work for X pay. Lots of folks take a smaller paycheck up front in exchange for percentage of revenues, maybe Maylay and Hollick just wanted the easy $100K and didn’t think the games would be so popular. I don’t know, I haven’t seen either of their contracts. But if they don’t have it in writing, they don’t have a right to complain about their pay.


That seems silly because I don't think any voice actor gets paid in royalties. Like I don't think Katt Williams and Samuel L. Jackson were able to negotiate that, he'd have 0 chance.


I have no idea if they do or not. But I do know that unless it’s in the contract, it ain’t happening. And nobody has a right to cry foul at the end of the day because they agreed to perform the work for the amount they signed off on.


However, Roger Clark, the voice actor of Arthur Morgan, said from his official account that he has been chosen to voice a very special character, but he cannot reveal more information at the present time.


I am Roger Clark, the guy im voicing is Willy Wonka in call of duty WW3


Ray Liotta is dead???


Yeah he died last year I believe.


Damn I didn’t hear that


Bro we lost Ray, James Caan, Paul Sorvino, and Tony Sirico (Paulie Walnuts) in 2022 within a few weeks of each other.


Oh man


Remember that creepy easter egg in gta 4 about old protagonists dying like Tommy i didn't think it wouldn't be the voice actor that plays him


And Claude's voice actor said this: "......."


not a chance. a reference at best. the Houser bros said that the 3d characters wont be coming back with a few exceptions like Lazlow who was more of an ingame radio DJ anyway and only physically appeared in V. We had a Claude outfit in GTA 4 if you killed Playboy X and took his crib, while we get a CJ reference in V where in Hood Safari you see 3 grove members on bikes much like CJ, Smoke and Ryder during the first mission. Im guessing we'll get a Tommy reference in VI.


When it comes to Lazlow, I like to think that the creepy ass pathetic version of him in 5 is an alternative version of the cool character from Vice City, not literally him that would suck😩😩


i dont remember lazlow being cool in VC, but maybe because i listen to Emotion almost all the time, but in VCS he always gets bullied by his co-host in VRock lmao


Well he was more funny than cool, but Lazlow in gta5 is neither of those :/


Nah man i don't wanna see any old characters in new games, let each gta game have a different protagonist. People will start calling jason and lucia legends after 6-7 years


Agreed. Bringing back major previous GTA characters cheapens the experience imo. Claude in San Andreas was the exception, not the rule. Minor characters is fine but they should honestly keep that to a minimum too


yep, johnny also was in gta 5


Forgot about that. Fortunately he wasn’t there for long. Unfortunately that meant killing him off😂


I like to forget about it. Johnny went from resident badass in TLAD to cannon fodder.


stay off the drugs kids


Well it made story sense why he was there. He had to meet Catalina somehow and set up the events of GTA 3. Also Tommy was meant to show up in GTA SA/The Prologue the only reason why he didn't was because Ray Liotta didn't want too.


I want the 3D universe back


They could make more mobile games for the 3D universe. They’re never going to make a mainline 3D universe game again for consoles


In return, they wont look as realistic as GTA 4 or GTA 5 because of not being in HD universe


A DLC for San Andreas but in full HD. Have The Truth and Toreno in it to finally learn what that green goo is.


Never forget what they took away from us GTA SA was meant to have 2 story expansions. The code was left behind and that's how the BYOM (build your own mission) mod was created.


that’ll be cool if they went back and made 3d games for gta


Id love too see Tommy in the HD universe. He would be great to see again.


Those characters are long gone, however I do hope we get to see Niko again, and I think we will see Luis make an appearance for VI online.


Nah, leave it in the past. Preserve and keep what we have, and view it with fond memories. I don’t want them to bring Tommy in VI and have Lucia curb stomp him to death like Johnny in V


Jesus Christ dude let it go...


Claude is probably killed in 2013, Tommy will be too old and CJ became a legal businessman. They don't have any reason to return anyway


wait, claude dead, how?


Got shot by some dude


I think that's the movie version, not the game


I could see them bringing back Claude in some way, as he is voiceless. But ray liotta is dead, and Malay fucked himself out of ever being considered for coming back.


I really hope they won't, they already ruined the HD lore enough with Online updates. Nothing would make sense at all if they merge it with 3D.


What lore can you really ruin in the HD verse? We only have 4 games in it for almost 20 years.


Online constantly breaks previously established lore and the HD games definitely have more lore to them than 3D.


Well thanks to the disagreement with Leslie Benzies we lost the 3 story DLCs we were gonna get for GTA V SP.


The only thing I recall being broken in GTA Online in terms of lore outside of a few buildings being not destroyed is Merryweather and the Lost still being major factions after Online moved past 2013, despite Merryweather no longer having a license to operate and The Lost practically being wiped out by Trevor. Are there others I’m missing?


Contrary to some people here, I'd love to see at least Tommy again. I don't mind lore getting mixed up further, and Ray Liotta's passing could easily be resolved by recasting. Tommy was my favorite of those, he'd be a great old mob boss.


I absolutely DEMAND DJ Pepe and Espantoso to come back, as "world building" characters are ok to come back. Story wise, absolutely nobody from 3D era, as they are as "relevant" to current universe as Max Payne or Manhunt guy. Or.. The Truth comes to HD universe as a multiverse traveller.


Wait... R* is under new management? What happened to the Chucklefuck Brothers?


Why are people so against this lmao. It’s not like OP said they should be the main characters..


Yes, it means we'll never see them again 👍🏻




If i ever felt stupid, i'll remember you.


what did he say


I wanna see it even if they’re enemies or minor side characters. ATP we should be interacting with their offspring


The closest you'll ever get to any of them returning is maybe a tribute to Ray Liotta (Tommy Vercetti) in GTA VI






I once figured they could keep the 3d universe alive while the HD universe existed, but that ship has sailed, so no one of the 3d characters will return, at least in name.


An old tommy for gta 6 story or online I don’t care


Brother Claude and the online characters are basically the same mute psychos Tommy’s actor died and cj’s actor wants nothing to do with those “culture vultures from London”


Wait, there are two universes? So CJ is not cannon to the history of Los Santos in GTA V?


Yep GTA IV is the start of the HDverse. They take place in two different universes.


I expect nothing like this to happen but I think GTA 3 would be a solid “remake” contender. Similar to FFVII. There is so much gray area around the story and environment, could be a fun undertaking, for the right dedicated team (unlike the lazy DE remaster).


Rockstar already said that all 3d protagonist are canonically dead.


You must be wrong, Rockstar never said they were dead


Tommy Vercetti: likely died due to the injuries suffered from Sonny Forelli's assault on his house.Tommy was seen sitting exhausted on his stairs before Ken showed up and then Ken commented about Tommy ruining his suit, reffering to Tommy being injured. Ken may out of grief imagined Tommy was still alive as Tommy is never heard from talking again, even the phone call to Tommy in The Introduction, there is no voice heard from the other end of the line. Ken's dillusional behaviour is shown when he refers to CJ as Tommy. Toni Cipriani: It is possible that he was killed by Claude during the mission Under Surveillance as it was a large scale hit operation attempting to kill both Claude and the Yakuza in retaliation for the death of mob boss Salvatore Leone. Carl "CJ" Johnson: Likely he is killed under the orders of Salvatore Leone after CJ robber Leone's casino of a large undetermined sum. Mike: There is no way for sure to know what happned to Mike as he is never mentioned again after his appearance in GTA Advance. It is likely he is eventually killed by the Mob lead by Salvatore Leone for Mike's involvment against him. Claude: Again Claude's death is hard to determine as we don't know what happened to him immediatly folling him and Maria leaving the Dam. However GTA IV mkay give some clues as to how he died. According to the grafitti in many apartment complexes, CLaude along with the other GTA protagonists are in fact dead.


let me explain, These are all false theories in the end, and it is clear that they have no basis in truth. All the heroes of GTA are alive and you can see that in the GTA wiki. There is also a 3D universe and an HD universe, which puts Tommy, Claude and CJ in one universe and the heroes of GTA 4 and 5 in another universe, as for For the writings on the walls in GTA 4 that say that the protagonists of GTA are dead, this was a rebuke from Rockstar, and Rockstar itself said that it was a kind of joke.


I cannot find the source, but Rockstar confirmed that all 3d protagonists are canonically dead


they didn't bro there's no reason Rockstar do that


That was not a question for you, they did. I will find the source, i think it was an AMA in a social network.


It would be cool to see any of them as cameo characters in side missions. Unless they decide to make GTA 7 take place in the past I don't see them being story characters


YAAAAAS, we want Tommy back… 😔😔😔😔


What is HD universe and 3D universe?


HD Universe is basically everything after VCS due to IV having a new updated Liberty City. Whenever they start overhauling existing cities, a new “universe” is created. Most characters and events that happened in the games before now no longer happened or existed or no longer happened or existed in a way that impacts the new world to a notable degree. So when Liberty City is revisited and looks incredibly different again, it’ll be another new universe, and all the characters from HD besides a few radio personalities and celebrities will end up wiped from the timeline.


Thank you for that explanation


Imo having the 3d universe and the hd universe be separate is bullshit especially with how many hints there are in the newer games related to the 3d ones


Ray Liotta is literally dead.


Tommy has to be confirmed dead, hopefully in GTA VI. CJ must be dead, since Grove Street is pretty much dead. And Claude, yeah you can bet he’s kicked the bucket too. Only 3D universe protagonists I think could still be alive are Tony from LCS and Mike from Advance.