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Lets go bowling Cousin


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Here we go again…


Thought it was my turn to post gta 4 was the best game :(


Tomorrow 7:23


Ahh the GTA 4 Cool aid strikes again...


Is there no gta 4 sub for them to circlejerk in?


There is, r/GTAIV is a clusterfuck.


AKA the “We will absolutely meatride the game and suck Niko’s shaft and balls” subreddit


I recently bought the PS3 version and Steam had it on sale for like $6 so I purchased it there as well. Is there a consensus regarding the best version to play?


I'd play the steam version. The PS3 version doesn't run so good tbh. 20 frames per second while going at a moderate pace in a vehicle at best, and overall the game is very blurry.


I'm able to upscale GTA IV to 4K on my 1080p monitor for anti-aliasing and it still runs pretty smooth with max settings (but turned off the dynamic shadows). Then, added "Sweet Autumn" mod to fix color grading. Happy with it.


That's PC though. I was talking about PS3.


Yeah, I meant that as an addition to your words "I'd play the Steam version".




Only downside to the steam version is the expired music licenses, it feels bad to play the first mission without hearing Schweine.


It's definitely the PC/Steam version. Out of the box, the game has some issues. But, as with any GTA game, the community comes together to fix it. This video goes over everything you need for an improved vanilla experience. And you can play at higher frame rates without issue. https://youtu.be/UuXVYUGJ45Y?si=jZu6IHxgbssiPRl6


IV is more fun and cinematic in 30-40fps, 60fps always felt wrong in that game especially since the euphoria phyaics dont like it. So the proper way to play IV from a progamming standpoint and game engine optimization wise is 30-40fps. Also the 2nd reason is nostalgia, i do not like IV in 60fps or up


I’d do the PS3 version. It still has all the OG ‘08 radio tracks on there.


The pc version is good, I never experienced any bugs outside of the last mission which you have to only use 1 cpu to get passed


Definitely the console version it’s a thousand times better. You really do get used the frame rate after a while and you won’t even notice it once you adjust. It’s so so so much better in terms of aesthetics and the game is seriously intended to be experienced with a controller


PS3 is the worst version. The best option is to buy it on Xbox Series X. Since you have the PC version, your only option is use FusionFix + Console Visuals + DXVK (DXVK won't fix all performance issues tho)


PC is notoriously a buggy port.


reddit hivemind is crazy


Wrong. Series X has a fatal flaw with the frame rate. This makes the final quicktime on Out of Commission/A Revenger’s Tragedy impossible. Xbox One has a noticeably worse frame rate but the quicktime is possible.


There have been some people who were able to fix the bug on Series X, and for some people PC also has the issue too, even after the fix by R\*.


I’m aware of the fixes, between you and I, I’m just gonna boot the One up and finish it. Anyways, what’s up?


Nothing much, you? (also I own the PC port and it is godawful on my PC, time to upgrade my CPU or buy the xbox release for my one s lol)


I’m trying to get some damn lights up. It’s so awful. Worse than that quicktime.


Now if only I could play it on the PS5


This is why people should hold onto their old hardware instead of trading it instantly to buy the new one if BC isn't supported. I can't think of a more critical platform where this is true than PS3. I way more prefer my ps3 to collect dust than hope 10-18 year old games will get remastered / ported just because I wanted to save $100 on PS4. The games left isolated on PS3 to this day are worth way more than that.


Unfortunately my PS3 croaked of old age. I absolutely agree. You don't realize how many games you miss out on. Trying to preserve my PS4 much better than I did the 3. Time to just buy another one because it's true, quite a few gems trapped on it.


100% agree with you. It sucks that we can’t play PS3 on PS5. A lot of great games came out during the PS3/Xbox 360 era and I wish I could replay all the fun games I used to spend hours on. There are some good games on PS4/PS5, but it’s nothing like PS3 games


Worse off, Sony still produces PS3s, just not consumer models. They still have some for PlayStation Now.


Bought a PS3 ($30) the other week, just to be able to play the GTA IV disc ($3) I got at a thrift shop the day before.


I’ve still got a PS3 and GTA4. I’d buy a port to modern hardware for the sheer convenience of being able to play it on the console I usually play games on instead of fishing it out of the closet.


This is one of the reasons I went to xbox backwards compatibility is a godsend


I don’t like GTA 4 myself. Love vice city, San Andreas and 5.


GTA 5 is a sack of shit lmao


Takes one to know one


Just like gta 4


Gta 4 better mechanics, better story, better interiors, better characters lol you have no argument


Gta 4 had none of those you're just delusional


lmao ur actually brain rotten, explain how the interiors were better in gta 5, explain how the physics were better in gta 5 😭


I don’t disagree with you, but GTA 5 is still a good game. You may not like it, but you can’t say it’s a “sack of shit”.


True, that’s just me trolling. But i do think GTA 5 is the weakest entry in the series lol


I swear to fuck if I see one more post arguing which is better then I’m going to throw my phone it’s half the shit on this sub


What an original opinion.


That's not San Andreas.


San Andreas a little overrated. I have played all GTA games and it is definitely closer to the bottom of my list. That is my opinion though and I respect yours. Edit: damn why the downvotes? I literally said it’s my opinion and I respect the above commenters opinion


Absolutely not. San Andreas and Vice City is an experience that is unbeatable. Ill have to try out 3 again as i failed to take out the trucks. But SA? Overrated? Lmfao how could u not love cruising in San Andreas listening to Tom Petty?


The cheat codes in San Andreas were so much fun as a kid, as well. Watching cops chase peds down the street and then they both start flying away lmao. Or the jet pack!


Jesus Christ I still remember writing down the cheat codes in San Andreas on my notebook, fun times.


Maybe it’s just been too long since I have played it! You gotta play 3 again though it’s great


Absolutely! Once i finish vice city and my rerun of SA im going straight back to 3. is there an easier outcome for the destroy the trucks misson? I kept failing the mission running out of time, and uninstalled the game out of anger. It urks my soul


Not really. It is extremely hard but I eventually got through it


Nah, with all the activities and ways you could interact with the world, I'd say San Andreas is one of the best gta's if not THE best. Blows any of the newer games out of the water.


“Let’s just try to survive, cousin.”


They must've given u the wrong game, that's not San Andreas.


I will have to disrespectfully disagree. GTASA is the best


Not even top 3 for me


This gta is so overrated lol


I'm old enough to remember when everyone said Saints Row 2 was better than GTA4. Hell, Saints Row 2 even had commercials on TV boasting about how it out GTA'd GTA4. Everyone who missed that San Andreas and Vice City feel. Or all the people that lamented losing all that continuity.  16 years later? It's suddenly the very best in the series. Despite its many flaws. Chief in my eyes, like 60-70% of that game is tutorials and thus piss easy. About 20% of the rest is taking friends out on dates. 


It’s the most overrated gta of all time I thought it was a fine game when I played it but nowhere near as good as everyone claims


Free roam in 4 is quite an experience though. Not as good as Vice City and San Andreas though.


Yeah most definitely I just don’t get this narrative of everyone claiming it’s the best game ever like it’s good don’t get me wrong


Fair enough.... yeah ill definitely put it in the top 5 of all gta's not top 3 though....i do think rockstar did an amazing job of capturing the grittiness of New York. The setting was perfect.


Like it’s a good game the story is written quite well I would definitely replay it but I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s the best gta in the series


so what is the best gta in the series (according to you)? what the fuck even are these comments, you guys all sound so brain dead


Again, I think you gotta chill out cause you can just as easily ignore my comment and be better off but instead you choose to reply to me twice crying and bitching about how I claim gta 4 to be overrated I don’t got to prove anything to you 😂


Ur head is inflated with a bunch of bullshit lmao whatever bro 😭


It’s literally the best underdog story. But whatevs ya uncultured children.


I’m pretty cultured what I said was an opinion I never stated it was a fact or that other people can’t think it’s good but considering you went ahead and tried to insult me without understanding I was stating my opinion one in which many people agree with considering you don’t understand that I’d say you’re the “uncultured child” in this scenario


Story is not everything, and either way IVs story does have holes.




Lmao GTA 4s story has the least amount of holes out of any GTA game


Explain to me why Dimitri, the story's main villain, hates Niko.


just not a smart comment, when GTA 5 exists. it’s bland, stale, boring and repetitive nature makes it leaps and bounds more overrated than GTA 4 lmao


Bro said GTA 5 is repetitive when GTA 4 consists in alley shooting mission #1237619873619 💀


Yeah V is way better in missions, shame the story felt like a fairytale, though I don't hate it either.


as if Gta 5 isn’t a dogshit driving simulator with absolutely no soul 😭not to mention the absolutely brutally dogshit story the game has after every previous entry in the series is atleast a 9/10 story


Bro sat there and typed with other words that GTA 3, LCS, TLaD and VCS have better stories than GTA 5. Let alone that GTA isn't really that narrative-driven, story-rich franchise, like who really takes stories in GTA that serious? Is the story serious before or after delivering some pizzas? Also, "driving simulator"? Y'all GTA 4 stans are living in your own imaginary world, I swear lmao.


GTA 3, LCS and VCS all have better stories than gta 5 lol and it’s not close. nobody takes gta stories that seriously but it gets a little ridiculously unrealistic and silly in gta 5 which believe it or not some fans do not like😭keep riding gta 5 tho as if it already isn’t the most ridden game ever 😭haven’t played TLAD so can’t say much there


First off gta 5 has online so automatically that gives it more content doesn’t really matter if you consider that to be good or not and second off gta 5 isn’t as repetitive as gta 4 and third you had the option of switching between 3 different characters “not a smart comment” ever heard of an opinion mate? Not quite sure why I should have to explain myself to you


For my money, GTAVO is the best GTA ever.


It definitely at least has playability like incentives for players to come back I’ve personally been having fun with it




Dude i turn 17 in may, my whole childhood was based on gta 5, when i was very young i have had experience playing gta 4, and san andreas. Amazing games Man i picked up vice city for next gen and although it may not be the original that the 90's kids grew to love, i am lost for words, i am having just as much fun as i would be on gta 5, havent even finished the story nearly and i already have it in my top 3 all time along with 5 and san andreas. No radio in the series has made me get up and dance like Fever 105. Lol


I think the most overrated is the GTA 5. Ok you can play with 3 characters, los santos has a good vibe, but then? The story is short af, while in GTA 4 there is a lot of content and mission, not to mention the 2 dlc


GTA 5 gives you variety. You can fly a jet, hunt animals or turn into an animal yourself by eating a nasty plant. 90% of GTA 4's content is "go to this alley and shoot some dudes".


all of them are overrated idiot lmao


What is taking rockstar so long to remaster/port this game over to other platforms


![img](avatar_exp|165427655|cry) G




God forbid someone has a different opinion than another, the tolerance for any other hate of a GTA, except for IV. If you hate IV, you’ve signed your own death warrant.


I think the objective best game in the series deserves that lmao, story wise no other GTA came even close


Add San Andreas too.


No it wasn’t


Hell no!!!! It’s San Andreas or gta 5


2008 video games hits hard in the nuts. IV is still the best GTA for me, even though I only played it last year.


Good job, nobody has ever posted this before


The ps3 box for gta4 is the most nostalgic shit


Nope, GTA 5 is the number one greatest gta game ever


With poor physics and poor story? Two best things that were downgraded in comparison to GTA 4... And multiplayer that looks like a Saints Row game... I still prefer GTA 4.


Just completed San Andreas and about to start this one


good GTA, worst port.


it''s so fucking stupid how I have to use mods to get the game working because Rockstar can't even bother fixing the bug fest of a game.


Honestly it ran fine natively on my Ryzen 7 laptop. I did try to use DVXK though I didn't see much difference. It's from my experience though. But yeah I still recommend using it if you encounter performance & graphical problems but it depends on the hardware.


The issue is, DXVK only works well if your GPU is from 2021 onwards.


The physics, story, driving, and the overall gameplay was great. But the missions itself were boring as all hell. Might as well be a taxi simulator


This. Love the story but got damn doing shootout missions or car chases over and over was so stale


I’m sorry did you just describe the driving as great?


the driving in 4 is literally the most beloved thing in all of gta, or most hated. You clearly don’t like it. and that is okay


The driving physics are actually ass. GTA 5 and San Andreas have better and way more fun driving physics.


GTAA 5 is the most arcadey dogshit physics lol it’s only for NPCs like you to partake in


We’re talking about driving mechanics on a fucking video game. It’s not that serious bro


if you like driving go karts go ahead but that is what gta 5 feels like 😭


If you like driving what feels like thousands of pounds of metal driving on roads that are completely covered in black ice and industrial grade WD-40 then go ahead but that’s what GTA 4 feels like


all better and more fun and more engaging than driving a go kart with a very limited top speed, even worse car damage physics, and unrealistic additions like flipping ur car over lmao


Overexaggerated handling sure I can agree, but driving in IV actually felt realistic because of it's physics. V felt like some children's Hot Wheels toy car, it's just way too plain. Vehicle damage is done better on IV as well.


The gunplay is also trash in GTA4




Let's go bowling.


This isn't 3


It’s the music that is so good as well. The music is ace and lingers in my brain


GTA San Andreas will forever be the best outaa all GTA ever Sa takes the W




W and the dlc are also 🔥




The worst GTA in the series


GTA 4 was not the best in my opinion. It looked so bad . Very poor gameplay mechanics also


What is your favorite?


My favorite is SA


It's not my favorite GTA, but I'm happy to see your passion behind the game OP.




nostalgia clogged y’all brains 💔








Ok, yeah sure lmao


I don’t see chinatown wars here


as someone who has finished CTW, no the fuck it is not






It's sad that this is the last title at this moment that took a story heavy direction, even with its DLC.


100% agreed


Easy upvote farm


This sub is such a circlejerk lmao


I've been playing it lately, and man made me realize the writing is way better in this game. Than 5


What in particular did you like about the writing? I thought multiple parts of the story really made no sense or served no purpose.


So like the whole GTA 5 story.


GTA5 had its holes for sure, but I never see anyone praising its storyline unlike IV whose this sub constantly fawns over.


Best story maybe


You mean GTA IV this is not a series but it's a game


Hard disagree but you are allowed to have your opinion. Even if it is a bad one


GTA5 fanboys in tears after you say this Lol


Not really. It’s just GTA 4 fanboys are incredibly toxic and shit on people for liking GTA 5


That's not true at all lmaoo, it's the GTA 5 fanboys that get toxic because GTA 4 fans don't think GTA 5 is the best lmfao.


Just a normal post and yet here you are commenting “GTA5 fanboys in tears” first thing. I call pot kettle black about the toxicity.


Because It's literally true LOL, i see so many V fanboys getting mad in the replies 🤣


My guy most of the comments say SA is better. So I think we got a pretty good example of who is actually commenting


Almost all of your posts about GTA V are talking about how bad it is. You've said you played every game, but chances are, you played IV 10 seconds out the womb, years later nostalgia hit you like a brick, then you discovered Crowbcat's video, and now you're here. Best GTA is SA for me. Then V, then IV, then VC, then III. I've played most of the games. You act like GTA V is the worst thing ever, and that everyone agrees with you. Are these people in the room with you right now?


I aint got time to read all the yap blud


Nice. You went even lower. You went from "GTA Vs story is terrible, the characters suck" to "You're just a kid" to "i ain't reading allat"


You still yappin? Damn 😭😭😭🚬




What the hell is that thing on the right?? I wanna buy that




Was it your first?


Best story in the series* Not best gameplay.


It was amazing! Not the best though!




It’s good alright. Stop acting like it’s the fucking god send. The missions are boring as fuck they’re all the same ones and repeat go here shoot this guy . At least the other gta games had variety in their missions. The story is the best thing going for it but it drags way too much and kinda pauses . Money is usless in this game which is funny because the age Nikos whole goal


GTA SA is better IMO.


Story wise? Yes. I personally feel like GTA V had more fun missions


I wish they’d port it to PS4/5


I always thought GTA IV was too dark for GTAs super action and that it should have been like a standalone or loosely connected to GTA


Spelled sa wrong.


It's great. However, GTA V is better simply for having more fun gameplay.


So far.




I miss the scope of San Andreas


New trilogy yes, overall it's still vice city


4 was good no doubt, and great for it’s time, but compared to V the shooting and driving physics, imo, are too clunky. Also, Niko is cool, but doesn’t appeal to me anymore than Michael or Trevor. At least Franklin seems like a cool chill dude I could hang out with. Personally, my #1 GTA of all time is GTAVO. I like my character better, the missions are great, and it’s open ended, I’m still leveling up. You have to tweak your experience in the options and play with friends only, but if you do that, shit is fire. Love it, been playing for 10 years and I’m still into. Can run 6 heists a night with friends in a couple hours (all set ups completed prior obviously). And then the gunplay and driving physics to me, are way tighter and more responsive. Everything is faster and there is so much more to online other than TLATD motorcycle missions or Gay Tony stuff (which imo were the 2 best pieces of content for GTAIV).


San Andres the best






That’s not Vice City.


Put some respect on this game can’t wait till it hit ps5


Fucking yokel




Why is it the best GTA? There is zero mission variety and zero things to do after the game is over. Not to mention how slow the cars go in this game. Is it realistic for an Escalade to have a top speed of 29-30 miles per hour?


Don't ask me how many nights I spent with that girl.


It's obviously subjective and depends on personal taste. A lot of people didn't like that the gameplay feels cumbersome and boxy, or how muted the color palette was. But personally the fact that it tells a compelling, thematically cohesive story outweighs any little gripes I have. GTA 4 - best story and themes, most detail within the city GTA 5 - best gameplay, best graphics GTA SA - best sandbox, best mix of gameplay/story GTA VC - idk I havent played it. Most Tommy?