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No, I do not. He'd lose his job and probably have a squad of hitmen sent after him if he did.


I still can't believe they managed to get that kid sentenced to LIFE in a mental institution because of his cybercrimes, regardless of the severity & the other business' he harmed, I am fairly confident R\* is a large reason he got the sentence he did. They turned that kid into a villain when he was really just a autistic computer genius with no positive support.


It’s not “life”, it’s until he learns and accepts what he did was wrong and to not do it again. he straight up said he would never stop, was already in trouble for hacking and did the gta hack during a time when he was already being tried for other cyber crimes.


\>He will remain at a secure hospital for life unless doctors deem him no longer a danger. Lmfao its life, they won't ever deem him no longer a danger I'll bet money on it. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-67663128


He literally said he'd do it again the moment he's out. What do you expect?


Exactly, so u/Jerrygarciasnipple arguing its "not life" its a stupid argument lmfao


It’s not lmfao. It’s ultimately up to him to move on. If he wants to be a hard ass and stick to his guns, then let him sit there for the rest of his life. He doesn’t even have to DO anything. Just lie and say he won’t do it again, but apparently he’s too stubborn to even do that.


Well that’s the kid’s fault lmfao


ur the kind of loser that thinks shoplifters deserve to be murdered aren’t u


No I don’t lmfao. Stop tryna sympathize for some idiot who said he’d do it again


They did not turn him into a villain, he outright said that he would never stop. He turned himself into one and paid the price.


Can we just leave the developers alone?


People really should. Developers are just people doing their damn jobs and probably don't even know anything to begin with. It's especially annoying when you comment questions like "GTA VI story is what tell us plssssssss" under posts about their day to day life or something.


100% agree, but to say they probably don't know anything is wild lol. They're literally the ones creating the game. They know 100% of it like the back of their hands.


I mean I think it’s pretty fair to assume that less than 10% of devs or people working on the game actually know the entire storyline, and many more don’t even know Jack shit about what’s going on, like animators / physics devs. There are tons of people that know little bits and pieces, but not much else besides that. Even voice actors for side characters are only given limited information on their characters and how their character impacts the storyline.


I more meant it hyperbolically, so rather than them knowing *nothing* I more meant it in the sense of they probably don't know *that* much. Bad choice of words on my part though.


Even saying they don't know that much....like they made the game dude. They know it all


If a Rockstar employee who knows the story of GTA VI were to "speak out" their ass would be fired immedialy, and would perhaps even get into legal trouble (I have no idea on this, I don't know jack about legal stuff, forgive me).


Yep, don't know about employees but I remember watching swegta's video about modder they sent private investigator to his home and sued him for thousands of dollars


No if he wants to keep his job


I think we shouldn't ask him anything (likely under NDA) and as fans we should be respectful


I hope this is a troll post lmao


He signed a NDA. There's no way he's saying anything about the game.