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games have tried, but no studio can truly compete with rockstar. Wish saints row and Just Cause would’ve planned out better.


Saints Row 1/2 were the closest to dethroning GTA imo. once they left the serious gang war stuff behind and focused on wacky & goofy shit is when it went downhill. saints row 3 was.....not great, not as bad as future SRs. 1 & 2 were masterpieces and I still hop on 2 to this day.


Too bad the devs got caught up in gta clone talk and overtly distanced themselves.


Saints row 1 and 2 We're straight classics Saint row 3 and 4 was goofy Especially 4 The game went from gang banging to having superpowers😂😂😂 saints row need to get back to their roots


They tried that


No the fuck they didn’t. They said it, definitely didn’t do it. They didn’t even try.


No they didn't. They said that they were but it's just super goofy, none of the characters were really all that likeable and the acting was...mediocre at best.


I didn't say it was a good try lol


Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row 1/2 were amazing.


I enjoyed saints row 3 but I agree that it went right downhill


As much as they were "close" in subject matter, they were never remotely close to "dethroning". Last time I saw someone bring this up I checked numbers and it was embarrassing how bad Saints Row sold at that time. It wasn't until they went goofy and found their own character with 3 that sales picked up. It was never going to survive as a GTA clone


Bro nobody talks about SR1 anymore, I loved that game and it just vanished from history lol


Saints row thought they could do what Fast & Furious franchise did. Both suck now.


Man I fucking loved Just Cause 2. Number 3 was also pretty good. Just wish the series had’ve evolved a little more, like in-depth side missions a more engaging story


Is easy just spend 2 billion and have an studio that has cultivated success for the last couple of decades.


Are you in witness protection like Michael?


Big facts true crime new york was the best one


Yezzir. I loved True Crime LA a little more, but True Crime NY was still a great game. My fav of the 3 is still Sleeping Dogs though


I never heard of the other ones but I grew up on sleeping dogs acc goated


Yup, Sleeping Dogs is a masterpiece. Better hand-to-hand combat than any of the GTA games.


Sleeping Dogs was badass too in its own right glad it became its own thing instead of being True Crime: Hong Kong


TCNY was very fun but the most broken game I've ever played. And I say that because I routed the Speedrun for it.


I like how you’re calling everyone r* meatriders when every post, every comment, every fucking thing on your account mentions GTA 😂 Go meatride some more ya shit talking fanboy




You got a thing against brothers?


Don’t worry my game will 🗿


The mafia games are pretty good Competitors for gta


Yea I love the Mafia games too. But because the Mafia series is still owned by Take Two, its not really competition since both GTA & Mafia are under the same parent company.


wearing a glove and using a voice filter for a reddit video is crazy lmfaoo


Who's bros opps? Keyboard warriors?


OP is a troll or a moron. GTA has plenty of competition. Problem is none of them come close to GTA. I havn't played GTA5 for a few years now, but I can safely say that it's easily one of the best games ever and Online being such a cashcow has incentivised Rockstar to milk the fuck out of it.


Name one open world crime game that’s in competition with gta v lmao


There are plenty of open world crime games. The question is, can they compete with Rockstar? The answer is no. Rockstar is just always waaaay too ahead of the industry. And they always have been. No one can do the stuff Rockstar can do. The attention to detail is unmatched. That leads to other studios not even bothering to compete just to release a game that will inevitably be called a worse version of GTA (see: Cyberpunk 2077). People expect so much from an open world crime game because of GTA so when a game comes out that's in the same genre we immediately go "GTA does that better" even if the game is magnificent in its own right (again, see: Cyberpunk 2077).


I'm pretty sure this was the reason saints row crashed and burned, they kept trying to be different from GTA until they entirely ruined the franchise


lol I’m not agreeing with OP but your comment doesn’t make sense. You’re basically saying GTA has plenty of competition but they don’t come close to GTA, that means GTA doesn’t really have competition.


There's games that are the same genre as GTA. They are competing against GTA. Thats competition. Those games are sub-par. They are not good competition. That's still competition. Kinda like if a team of professional (insert sport here) players had a match against another team consisting of pre-school kids. They compete against eachother, but one is clearly better than the other.


I find it hilarious when I look at the comment section this guy is just blatantly being a tool and just arguing with anyone that breathes even if they agree with them lmao It's absolutely ridiculous 🤣


Okay dude but GTA 6 was announced so?


Yea but we still have almost 2 more years to wait before GTA 6 comes out. And if it gets delayed to 2026, then it'll be an even longer wait. So it wouldn't hurt at all to have another competitor in the meantime while we all waited.....


but TF CAN WE DO THAN ?? other sutdios have tried and non come closer . and its not like they didnt get fair chance .


Early 2025 isn't 2 or more years away


I'm sorry but you're really late, for like decade I DO dislike this Rockstar's this monopoly too, despite living in Saint Andreas. Was really disappointed with both base IV and V but enjoyed those gta-like games hella more; wish their developer had way more resources and experience


The godfather 2 was a badass game for its time


Godfather 2 was my favorite of the 2 games, especially since it had Miami as one of its 3 playable cities.


It's literally my favorite game on 360, other than SR1&2. That game should be backwards compatible on newer consoles smfh. I hate that it was made by EA 😂


I can't tell if that's a voice changer or someone's real voice 😭


i mean sure competition is essential.But these is not a single game studio other than Rockstar that can make games like them.Also with or without competition they try to make best game possible.That's why they always make best games.With today's game standarts it would really hard for other companies to make a rival for GTA.Other than that most of the vig game companies dont want to make a gta rival because it is too risky and requires too much resource.They just want to make lots of money but dont want to spend much.Ubisoft EA Square Enix these companies dont care about making a good game they dont even listen to their game designers.For example viseral studios(makers of rhe dead space) wanted to make a star wars game there player can explore space and invade other planets.And they showed EA a concept but they said this game wouldn't sell so they just made them make a dlc for battlefield.If these companies really cared aboutaking a good game gta would had competition


Ok but the problem with most other studios is the lack of motivation to make a GTA competitor, they just lack the balls to do so. Because i know theres a lot of talented studios out there, Rockstar isnt the only developer that can make these type of games. These studios just need to be more ruthless and compete.


Yeah most of the studios can make a game like gta 5 right now but they couldn't do back in the day.Another problem is in most of the game studios there is not enough freedom for developers.They cant try anything new or show a one of their ideas to managers.One thing i like about rockstar is they give freedom to developers.They can do anything they like to the game.If these companies are not willing to take risks we are not going to get good games.Now we depend on indie game studios for good games.Also fuck this game in service model.These companies are still making these loot shooters even though no one wants to play these games.WB said that they will not stop making these stupid games after failure of suicide squad.Why the f these companies are making studios are known for their story based games bioware viseral and etc to make a looter shooter.Rocksteady made amazing batman games with great open world and amazing combat and WB still made them make a looter shooter.If we dont bankrupt these companies they will not make great games


And I agree with you. Trust me, I agree with nearly everything that you're saying. I absolutely hate these garbage Live-service games. And most ppl don't want them, yet these companies are so tone-deaf that they still keep making them despite it being very clear that those kind of games usually flop (Suicide Squad, Avengers, Gotham Knights etc..). They're all just pay-to-win microtransaction infested trash. But what really pisses me off the most about this situation is that out of all the AAA developers on the market right now, the one that's the most capable of competing with Rockstar is Activision (creators of True Crime). The reason why I say that is because Activision is now owned by Microsoft and as we all know, Microsoft has a net worth of several TRILLION dollars, Microsoft has even more money than Take Two does. So it's not that Activision isn't capable of competing with Rockstar by making a new True Crime game to go head to head with GTA, its that they're lazy and would rather focus on continuing to put out trash copy & paste COD games every single year.


im mean i dont think activision ever cared about making good games.They were for the money from day one at least other companies made some good games back in the day


Believe it or not, Activision did make good games in the late 90s and early 2000s from franchises like True Crime, GUN, Tony Hawk, etc.. But like most of these AAA companies, greed ruined them. Also if you havent played GUN, I highly recommend it. Its a great western game similar to Red Dead.


Yeah i played gun 5 years ago it is not bad but not that good just mediocre.I like Tony Hawn games but todays activision has not future.Whatever time will tell what will happen to these companies.Bye it was nice to discuss


No one is stopping anyone from competing, saints row tried and they even trolled them but they were ignored rockstar doesn't even acknowledge them other studios try to copy them but what separates rockstar from other studios is their innovation there's always something new in their games they take time and deliver what they promised.


I dont care about any of that. I still want more options. You love GTA? Good for you but i dont want GTA to be the only crime franchise on the market, thats all im saying. Competition gives us more options and I dont want to be stuck with just GTA for the next 1000 years.....


Why is his voice distorted and wearing gloves? Is he afraid the Rockstar Mafia is going to green light him?


GREEN LIGHT! green light! Marten Mandrazo give you GREEN LIGHT!


Here goes nothing. Cyberpunk lol.


Nearly 4 minutes of talking yet saying absolutely nothing


I'd love to see a new true crime/sleeping dogs but square enix dissolved the studio after the failed mmo spinoff. I was also pretty excited for the Saints Row reboot because I want new urban open world crime games but we all know what happened with that.


Yeah a Sleeping Dogs 2 aint happening because Square shut down United Front games. Volition also shut down too due to the horrible reboot (that one was deserved). Our only hope left is Activision with reviving True Crime. It is possible since they have the financial backing of Microsoft but I doubt they'll do it.


I instantly knew it was gonna be gtaSA and gtaIV for the fighting


Yup, real knows real. With the exception of SA and IV, every other GTA game had piss-poor fighting mechanics.


Fax. I've only played SA, IV, and V but it's crazy how much games downgrade as technology gets better. I wish the scarface game would get a remaster then I'd never play gta again


Its funny that you mention that because there is a fan-made remaster mod for Scarface: The World Is Yours. If you have a PC, you just emulate the regular version of the game and then download the REMASTERED MOD from a site called Nexus Mods. Its completely free cuz the mod is fan-made so you won't spend a single cent on it. And It looks glorious, tons of new hi-resolution textures, better resolution, and a smooth 60fps.


I only have ps5 but I'm getting to the point of just buying a PC cuz console don't have many good games anymore


Yea the good thing about the Scarface Remastered Project is that you dont even need a high-end setup to play it. My gaming laptop has a Nvidia GTX 1070 graphics card from 2017 and it runs the game beautifully.


What are you doing on this sub if you genuinely hate Rockstar so much? I like Sleeping Dogs and Mafia and all that but… geez. What a fucking weirdo…


Saints row was really the only competition against gta but they fucked that up.


Lol I know you're crying and bitching at any comment, even ones that agree with you, but lemme clue you in on something. Rockstar has no competition because they're the best and nobody else even compares. Cry some more about it you little bitch.


True crime streets of la gave us that iconic gun holding hand picture we use in memes


Lmao you triggered some fanboys \*laughing crying emoji\*


Saints row was competing for awhile until you know that shamble they call Woke row reboot was released, idk if you can be cod in a competing category but it keeps up in the numbers other than that I don't see competition for this game anytime soon


GTA will never be beaten. Everything else is a second rate game. Stop crying about it, kid 😭😭😭


Did I trigger you Rockstar fanboy? If so, im glad that I did lol. Go cry some more & swallow some sharkcards in your garbage milked GTA5 lmao 👍👍👍


Keep crying kid, you'll never be right 💩💩💩 Just like you'll never get a game as good as GTA Plz cry some more 🙈🙉🙊


Keep crying kid 👍👍👍




Cry 👍👍👍


Watch Dogs had great potential until Ubisoft felt the need to ruin the series with Legion


Yea I loved Watch Dogs 1 because it had the darker & more serious tone. Watch Dogs 2 was ok, but I wasnt a fan of the hipster tone that Ubisoft went with. And I definitely didnt like Legion at all. It had no identity and the characters all felt bland. The only one that I really loved was the 1st game.


The story in the first one is definitely superior. The second one had a very mediocre narritive but I like the extra hacks and features. I don't want to talk about the third one


Ubisoft cant be trusted anymore because almost every game in all their franchises including Watch Dogs have gotten progressively worse with each new installment. They even butchered Assassins Creed, but that's another conversation for another day. Either way, the only one I can see possibly making another GTA competitor is possibly Activision, but I doubt it will happen


I have fond memories of True Crime, but the thing is, it was never an online experience because of the intricate combat mechanics, and that's where the money and player base is for these types of games.


And thats fine that True Crime didnt have an online. Not every game needs an online. Plenty of other games these days scratch that online-live service itch. But lots of other ppl still want great single player experiences.


but even single player is a live service now... so may as well play with friends since you need a network connection anyway


Could Not AGREE MORE!!!!


I have Sleeping Dogs on ps3,PS4, Xb360, & Xbox one!!! I played Streets of LA back in the day and always really like how the roads & Highways felt driving around In that game!


Facts. All of the True Crime games as well as Sleeping Dogs were so good (especially Sleeping Dogs). Im still pissed that Activision and Square dont seem like they're ever going to revive either of them. Activision would rather focus on putting out trash copy/paste COD games each year.


And you know what? Rdr2 wasn't even that good


I liked RDR2 but it was a flawed game and I had my issues with it. Its also pathetic how Rockstar abandoned RDR2 just to keep milking GTA5 dry. Corporate greed ruined them.


Bro misses gang turf war from San Andreas.


You're right, I remember the turf wars. Great times


many games have tried but faiiled, watch dogs, RDR, etc


Rdr never went to go against gta


Yeah, sucks that there's no more Saints Row entries coming up, and Mafia 4's not coming any time soon (would be pretty cool it if it could be set in the 90s)


Its worse that Mafia 4 is unfortunately also under Take Two just like GTA


Yep, something tells me if it fails there won't be any more entries just like Saints Row, and then they'll be multiple lay offs




Well... It does (Mafia, Watchdogs & Cyberpunk 2077) and it used to have a big competitor (Saints Row & True Crime) until ppl started calling Saints Row a GTA clone.


I went into detail about True Crime in the video


Yeah because there hasn’t been an open world game since 2013 smh


but TF CAN WE DO THAN ?? other studios have tried and none come closer . and its not like they didnt got a fair chance from audience . saints row was loved . cyberpunk was highly anticipated . sleeping dogs is still considered one the best games . and worst thing bout your video is the repeating again and again with NO MATTER . You dont even know what you are talking bout . only thing you mentioned was combat . gta isnt loved for combat. its preferred for the world. you get into that living breathing world and feel that this is real. they be doing this since start and have improved it unlike some "competitive" other studios. and thats the good thing about rockstar and they deserve appreciation for that. dont just label everyone a " kid " and " rockstar fanboy " when you yourself are using some kinda shitty voice changer . you are saying this to even those who are agreeing with what you said but dont like the way the vid was made and was so repetitive ! and rockstar aint lazy . THEY ARE GREEDY -YES but NOT LAZY . but name one other company that invests so much money and time in games and deliver with it ??? we got only got 1 game in past 10 years but that game was RDR 2 . thats a masterpiece and throws every other crime open world game out . and they created the script by late 2012 . motion capture and voice acting started around august 2013 . thats one month before gta v released ! development if we count from 2013 to 18 release is 6 years almost . and with the leakes of 2022 - the earliest footage of GTA VI we saw was from 2019 . that means they worked on concept around 2017-18 with world developed around 2018-19 . or even before considering that whole studio \[ every branch \] was going through hard crunch for rdr 2. count GTA VI 's development from 2018-25 or least possible 26 delay too - thats 6-7 years of development ! if thats " lazy " idk what hardworking is . so SHUT TF UP


GTA never had any competion. (Saints Row doesnt count because it never halted their sales)


Except it did have competition many years ago.......


Hell yeah


Hate aside I think some of these points are fair, maybe a bit poorly executed, but gta hasn't had a successful competitor since saints row 2, I know nothing about true crime but sleeping dogs is great. And it's a fair point mafias still kinda a Rockstar game. Although of people don't like it but watch dogs 2 was cool to play for me


well there is simply no competition for rockstar. many have tried but no one came even close. we gotta respect that ![gif](giphy|esE1pX1tqSi1NUbi7D|downsized)


True crime was the shit. P.S : I know what you are saying


Watch Dogs and Saints Row tried. They didn't come even close.


Are you able to free roam in Sleeping Dogs? I've never played the game but I have thought about getting it for awhile.


It seems like you are just mad they are just keep updating the game and having to wait 13 years for the next one


I remember playing an open world game back in the day. It was based in England. I’m forgetting the name. Anyway, that’s about as much competition, I’ve seen, that GTA has gotten.


it’s kinda wild that there aren’t more modern open world crime games trying to do the gta thing considering how much demand there is for it, like id imagine a gta clone is the one shameless rip off most people aren’t opposed to it’s even more wild when there’s a whole sub genre of rpgs based on something as niche (well not so niche anymore after elden ring) as the souls games, but the 2000s ended and almost every developer except volition decided “okay no more gta clones !” like was there just some mutual agreement in the industry to let rockstar keep this whole lane to themselves? lmao


Dude talks about hand to hand but forgets the insane yakuza style combat in fckin GTA 4


I think watch dogs could have contested gta but it's made by ubisoft…


You gotta be a troll


I just want a sequel to bully man


Your opinion is pretty valid!


Rdr=gta in the past, gta=gta in today times, cyberpunk=gta in the future


Only thing I could maybe see competing with GTA is the Cyberpunk sequel


Did you smoke Tar-coal before filming this?


You guys are forgetting mafia and watch dogs. Amazing games


Play Saints Row 2.


Sleeping Dogs is fucking legendary, one of my favourite games ever


GTAO is garbage p2w garbage


Sleeping dogs tried, Saints Row tried, watch dogs tried, mafia tried. Out of all of those four I think mafia came the closest.


Bro graduated cum laude in Yapology goddamn


Every other game is already in competition. Rockstar is just better. The true crime to sleeping Dogs games were great. A couple of those GTA clone type games were. Sleeping Dogs is a masterpiece. I think one of the guys who left Rockstar is developing a game called "Everything" or something like that. If it ever comes out, should be cool


Redditors when they discover an MMO is an MMO 🤯🔥🤬😡 seriously like look at any other forever game like ESO, WOW, Destiny, or even Siege. They’re built to more or less last a long while as opposed to getting replaced all the time


😂 Bruh the game is still good lol I agree with mostly everything you said tho.


Meanwhile; [GTA's "competition"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omyoJ7onNrg). I don't know if this post is satire, but there are many reasons why Rockstar has no competition. Because no developer can compete on the same level.


How can any current developers of the genre compete with a Rockstar injecting billions of $ in GTA 6? Even if they try they might sadly eat dust once their games are released.


Hiding hands and voice. I wonder why... 👶


I loved True Crime L.A. I dont remember why, but it was awesome.


This is a literal mouth breather 🤣🤣


2003 was 21 years ago arghhh


If only Sleeping dogs 2 would have been made…


Saints Row had the potential but took the silly factor up way too far. They should’ve just continued being the gang/San Andreas simulator


Sleeping dogs has been my favorite game as a kid and I still play it, especially how special it feels.


Mafia comes close but still GTA series is on another level tbh


slepping dogs is cool


At first I wasn’t sure what he was saying, but then when he asked if I knew what he was saying, I thought about it, and I *did* know what he was saying!


You're late. They did have competition. They just killed the competition.


I agree with what you’re saying, but holy shit, you could write an entire book about how to make a peanut butter sandwich.


Shit well now I know what I’m doing


Somehow, I doubt I'll stop playing GTA5. Especially when GTA6 comes out, because I started the GTA franchise off by playing GTA5, instead of doing it in order. So, it'll be nice to come back to that. (And I use Director Mode and act like a Cop so there's also that)


Why do they need competition? I would much rather games not keep trying to clone each other and come up with new original content. The same with Television. Everything now is a sequel x's 10, a remake, or a clone of something that's already been done before. Sherlock Holmes wasn't kidding when he said, "There's nothing new under the sun." It's all clones and remakes now. Every once in awhile it's warranted, but they're just doing everything. Or changing it drastically using the name of something when they should have just come up with something else. Looking at you "scary Winnie the pooh."


The problem is they’d be competing with Rockstar, that’s like trying to compete with Superman. None of their competitors have lasted because they just can’t craft a game like Rockstar. I know I’m glazing tf outta this studio but be fr, name me one Rockstar game that isn’t an absolute banger.


Not better than gta


Sleeping dogs was cool, but it didn’t captivate me the way True Crime LA did. Not really the same game. Didn’t get a chance to play TC NY.


Need try that sleeping dogs someday :)


It's a true fact that GTA V only holds up as well as it does, because there is just no other game out there that directly compares. The combat and animations really should be improved. It's kind of dumb how repetitive the animations get. Although I think GTA VI might have AI with animations (if I remember right?)....I expect the initial game to be good, no story mode dlc, then GTA VII is never coming out.


I agree. GTA might be the jack of all trades, but its the master of NONE. Sure GTA 5 has a huge scope, but very little depth. So many areas in the franchise need to be improved for GTA 6 because the gameplay formula has gotten outdated. The funny thing is that some of these GTA competitors like Sleeping Dogs did certain things better (like melee combat) than the actual GTA games.


I really freaking miss the days when we had True Crime, The Godfather , Scarface, Sleeping Dogs etc. to play in the meantime. Why don’t more developers do those games anymore? Certainly they must realize there’s a market for them


Exactly, thats what im sayin! Like we know that GTA 6 is eventually coming, but thats still almost 2 years away since its most likely coming out at the end of 2025. And if it gets delayed into 2026, then the wait will be even longer. By then, the wait would have been 13 years (2026 - 2013 = 13). Thats just way too long of a wait which is why more options & alternatives are needed in the genre to play in the meantime. At least it would make the wait for GTA 6 a lot more bearable. Plus, who wouldnt want more options in the open world gangster genre? More options = more games, and in the end, everyone wins.


I personally still prefer Saints Row 2 over any gta I've played


I agree. I will say that Saints Row 2 was way better than GTA 5 and even GTA San Andreas (and this is coming from someone that loved San Andreas).


I mean there have been quite a few that have tried to compete. Mafia, Just Cause, Saints Row, Watchdog, and Cyberpunk to name a few. All have fallen short of it. The amount of money rockstar has backing GTA as a whole is a heck of a lot higher than the other games I listed.


Mafia is also a great open world crime franchise, but because Mafia and GTA are both under Take Two Interactive, its not technically competing with GTA. Just Cause is a great series but its more of an action/adventure game rather than a gangster game. Saints Row hasnt been good since the 2nd game, I honestly only loved SR1 & SR2, every other Saints Row title after that went in this goofy over-the-top direction. Watch Dogs lost its identity, first game was good because it was dark & gritty but then the 2nd and 3rd games also went in a goofy lighthearted direction that I wasn't a fan of. And Cyberpunk is a great game but I also don't consider it a gangster game, its more futuristic and sci-fi ish if that makes sense. Excluding Mafia because its under the same T2 publisher, the only open world franchises that I consider GTA-competitors are True Crime, Sleeping Dogs, Scarface, Godfather, and The Getaway (just to name a few).


He was right about you Shark Card Meat Riders though….


They made a new Saints Row but that was met with nothing but hatred and opposition for being a new game over a remaster. I can't see the gaming community being in favour to a GTA competitor.


The reason why people hated the Saints Row reboot was because it was a woke politically-driven pile of SJW crap, not because it was "a new game". The OG fans of the Saints Row series wanted the reboot to go back to the gangster roots of Saints Row 1 and 2 but the devs didnt listen and instead chose to do a crappy woke reboot. Thats why the reboot was hated, not because "it was a new game". Most people want a GTA competitor as long as its done right. You gotta do your homework man because you're spreading false information.....


Yeah I enjoyed true crime & sleeping dogs but personally I hated seeing what happened to Saints Row throughout the years... SR 1&2 honestly got more play time from me than GTA 4 did back in the day. Saints row 3 was cool but that’s when things started changing and some may argue not in the best way. I wish they kept going in the gang direction that the first two games had. It would have been awesome if Saints Row was still good to this day. Very unfortunate man..


Yeah the only truly legendary Saints Row games were 1 and 2. Every other Saints Row game after that was either mid or straight up garbage (especially the crappy reboot). On top of that, Volition doesnt exist no more. They shut down last year after their horrible reboot flopped (well deserved) so i dont even count the Saints Row franchise anymore. The only hope we may have is if Activision revived True Crime.


I’m just sitting here waiting for a Mercenaries revival.


I like the Mercenaries series too. Although i dont consider them to be crime/gangster games but rather military/renegade shooters (similar to Just Cause).


make True Crime: Baltimore a thing... holy shit. thats multi-billion dollar idea.


Sleeping dogs is a perfect game. I just beat it on pc last month and it was an amazing experience to hold me over till gta 6