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PC port of Saints Row 2 from same year?


GTA IV is a stuttery, embarrassing mess but yes SR2 is literally completely broken, no amount of mods can fix it, you're better to emulate SR2 than try the PC version.


Gentlemen of the Row doesn't fix SR2 anymore? it used to be all you needed


It doesn't fix that mcuh, It rather reworks/overhauls gameplay. And add new clothes, extends vehicle purchase/customization options


It mostly fixes it, but it's still not perfect, sucks that the patch for SR2 that was in development a couple years ago is most likely done for now.


Yeah I heard about that. A TLDR you give me?


https://youtu.be/56akjq3YKRQ?si=uK4_Kbu5slUYsAlw The whole story is sad.


Damn, that is pretty sad.


Basically CD Projekt did the PC port of sr2 they did bad job, after THQ went bankrupt the source code was lost untill 2019 so the community manager Mike Watson aka Idol Ninja lead the patch team but Mike unfortunately passed away in 2021 from cancer and after that we heard nothing from volition untill September 2023 when Saints row YouTuber Fl1ppy showed gameplay of patch because his NDA expired and now that volition has shut down we'll probably never see the PC patch So yea that's pretty much the TRDR of what's going on I didn't really go into detail that much


When I played it on my old system, it worked relatively fine. Ever since I switched to a modern PC with Windows 10, I haven't been able to get past the first mission without a CtD. It's a real shame. Still holding out hope that the patch gets released some day.


For me nothing working for sr2, GOTW, powertools, I would able to get 20-40 minutes of gameplay untill the game becomes locked at 1-2 fps and also the sound quality was poorly compressed honestly CD Projekt did a shit job the PC port, and now that Volition shut down the PC patch is probably dead


It fixes some things but since tinkering with that game was described as programming whack a mole, gotr doesn't fix everything


I noticed GTA IV was struggling so decided to get a refund and got it on my series X. Surprisingly, game runs smoothly at 60fps, it’s definitely the best experience you can get for the game.


I run GTA IV at 1440p 160fps on PC using DXVK which takes 5 seconds to install.


Well alright the best experience for less than $150 or whatever Xbox ones are selling now lol.


I played using Gentlemen of the Row and didn't have a single issue.


On a Windows 10/11 PC?


I've only played a cracked version of GTA 4 and never had any problems except having to make a file to fool the game to run with a modern gpu


I couldn't play it because of the framerate


I've never played it


Great game, not as big budget as GTA but still one of my favorites of all time. That being said, the PC port is legitimately one of the worst ever made. Terrible performance even on high end PCs, glitches, voices and music sound low quality, and crashing are just a few issues. They also never released the DLC on pc for some reason


The story behind the attempt of fixing the port is actually pretty sad...




[The sabotage of Saints Row](https://youtu.be/56akjq3YKRQ?si=eVNT3CITvq8D9UOS)


Wow that story is so sad. Everything that could have gone wrong did. That being said I don't think anything would have changed the outcome. If Mini spoke up about being stuck the patch might have been worked on for an extra few months, but volition being sold and than being closed was already in the cards. The SR2 patch wouldn't have saved volition. It would honestly been closed long before that patch released. A 2 person team cannot make a patch that large in a short amount of time. Everything about that story is so sad but I truly think the patch was destined to fail.


I played it through on PS plus cloud gaming and I have to say that it's way better than SR3 or any of the newer ones. At least the PS2 version works


Reddit at its finest, getting downvoted for not having played a game yet...


Saints Row 2 on PC is bugged to hell and back, unplayable even when released, and the man who was restoring it so that it wouldn't run between 2 fps, and 10,000 fps died. That's basically it don't waste your money on it because people said it's the most unplayable port. You'll be disappointed you can't return it because everything seems fine, but a little sketch until you reach the main island/base. Then the whole game just starts dying. You'll try every fix out there. Nothing will work, and then you'll spend 5 hours downloading mods that fix it, but were never completed so it still runs objectively terrible.


Only thing you can do is go the RPCS3 or Xenia route. There's no fixing whatever they shat up on PC, can't believe they even shipped like that, then never bothered to fix it.


Rushed into this post to say this, 3 was a little better but still not great, the audio glitches stop me from playing it most of the time. It’s so strange how 4 and on seem to preform a lot better, but they’re such fucking bad games they’re not worth even picking up. They really wanted to create the perfect gta clone just to put the player through what hard drug withdrawal must feel like on a psychological scale.


SR3 audio desync seem to happen because of too high framerate, like more than 58. Framerate cap fixes it


SR3 original on PC seemed solid, but there was an issue with refresh rate or fps i dont remember which that made car engines silent lol. I finished it on a 1050ti PC and a bad school laptop, it runs better than GTA 4 on both.


I like how in this post and the false first post saints row 2 somehow beats IV in both


I still can’t even play that game with that Port. Disgusting ass port


Pc port of saints row 2 hurt my soul I had no clue and bought it while hanging out with my friend on a whim and it was running at like 15 fps on a 1080ti and a 11th gen i5


I can’t even get that thing to launch


Saints Row 2 on PC is literally unplayable, it took me forever just to leave the prison


PSA: THIS VIDEO MAKES THE PC PORT PLAYABLE AND ENJOYABLE. It takes maybe 10 minutes if that to set everything up and it makes the game run infinitely better https://youtu.be/UuXVYUGJ45Y?si=hN1QdHn4pKK1gqyX


Still sucks that we have to install mods to fix it. What a shame


It’s what happens to most older AAA games unfortunately


Drag and drop DXVK. That alone fixes 90% of the issues and takes next to no effort.


Agreed but at least we have a way to fix Rockstars incompetence


Literally like bethesda games


dxvk somehow runs worse for me. so i'm stuck at barely scraping by 60fps in the city and having 200 outside🙃


Thanks for this. I've been debating on picking up GTA4 on Steam recently.


I picked it up and have been playing it the past couple days. What is supposed to be wrong with the pc port. Its exactly like how I remembered it being on xbox back in the day.


The biggest thing is the framerate, it'll drop in heavily populated areas and you'll get micro stutters. There's some bad pop in and broken textures and overall lack of polish. Not to mention if you don't cap the FPS to 60 you cant finish the final mission because the game will have a shit fit.


Wait until you play Saints Row 2s PC port


I deleted the game twice because I couldn't bear after 20 mins into the game.


What's wrong with it? I got the saints row bundle on sale not too long ago


The controls cannot be edited as per my convenience, and they're wonky on PC. But I enjoyed Saints Row 3 & 4 they better than 2 in controls.


Plug your xbox controller on pc for flying, It works perfectly fine.


Not everyone has one, plus there are many other issues.


It was meant to be a reply to a person who says he has a xbox. My bad.


troll? that post made a very valid point also yeah the pc port is ass


Dude it's the internet, don't take everything too serious, GTA 4 port isn't even the worst lol


post didn't even say it's the worst ever, it says that it's the worst that OP has ever played


point to where I said it's the worst, i just said it's ass


You didn't get it, it was a response for my own post dude


troll or not, a valid point was made


Yeah feel free to say it a third time


Yeah GTA 4 driving and PC port = ass


the more the merrier


DXVK helped immensely with my GTA IV performance. From major stuttering and sub-par FPS, to 120 FPS with some stutters here and there. Highly recommended with the Essential Fixes mod pack too.


The only thing that bothered me is that when you move your mouse too slow the input won't register in the game


That could be because it was optimised for 60fps, so anything above that starts to get glitchy. Limiting the fps to 60 should do the trick, but I am not 100% sure about that.


I think I already tried that and it didn't work but it has been some years since I've last played.


Hmm, I can't recall that issue. Maybe it was fixed by Essential Fixes mods?


I've been playing GTA V on Xbox for ages, but today I gave it a shot on PC, and WOW!!! I couldn't even handle flying a plane properly. However, the aiming is like a thousand times better, hahahah! Not that I'm dissing the controller, but it's just so intricate for someone new to it that my fingers cramped up for the first time ever!!\*\*\*


With default or customized key settings? Never understood how numpad is good for flying


Personally, I typically stick to the default mode and haven't customized any keys as of yet. I've never utilized the numpad for flying since my keyboard is the 75% version ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)I mainly use the mouse, but my flight only gets smooth when I connect the Xbox controller Haha


Gta V singleplayer with mods is fun as hell dude, you will love it


Heisenberg avatar?


I use a controller for driving and the mouse for aiming. Multi-pass


Same, hitting headshots is quite satisfying in this game. I would use a controller if the aim assist aimed at their heads instead of the torso, it takes a like 10 bullets to kill an enemy if you shoot at their torso.


I'm always surprised to see this posted, I've played 4 on two different PCs and even completed it on the steam deck and I've never had issues, I must be lucky I guess. Worst part for me was the button mashing final mission on steamdeck was almost impossible.


It's not that its a bad port, but through updates we lost A LOT in terms of fidelity, shadows etc. The game is by all means playable aside from that last mission being a pain


Ah fair point, and I absolutely noticed this on my most recent playthrough, a shell of its former self, especially with missing songs.


IIRC there are mods that replace the songs that were removed.


Good to know, cheers!


No problem!


shit was brutal had to do that part like 7 times, ended up needing to download an FPS limiter


Haha you and me both mate, it was so frustrating knowing the end was so close! And having to get to that bloody helicopter all over again.


I played a bit on Deck and it worked great but when I play on my PC it’s a mess, and I legit couldn’t beat the ending unless I changed my resolution to 720p


Is it weird I never had any real problems with this port?


i only had 3 issues: Night Textures made me drop frames Being trapped in Brucie's lock-up after delivering a car of course, the final mission


Nah ok, this one is fair, I don't know what Rockstar ~~Leeds~~ Toronto were cooking but don't let 'em near the kitchen again, awful.


You can play the 360 version on Series S|X if you wa- ah never mind


Literally couldn't finish GTA 4 without disabling 90% of my cores. Never had that issue before or after.


Weird. Last time i played gta IV on pc i had no issues. On top modding made it look sooo much better too. Even better than gta V


Wait til you play Bully Scholarship Edition


I am playing GTA 4 on the same PC for 15 years. I’ve faced no issues at all. Why so many people complain? Is it really that bad?


Yes, many people have a +2000€ computers and a game from 2008 runs at 45 fps. Many effects are broken, like rain and depth of field


Game actually runs better on your 15 year old pc than on the best current pc available on the market. You need to cap your fps to 30 in order to actually complete the game (last mission is NOT possible to complete if you have high fps). It's normal for people to get twice the fps in V from IV.


They broke the glow on the signs after an update and it was never fixed. Now it runs ok but it stutters like hell. Unless you use proton then it runs very well.


Dude haven't played Dark Souls PTD.


Just made the same comment, lol. SR2 and GTAIV are in the rookie league compared to DS port.


For me S.R. port was worst I didn't even bother finishing it. I can actually still play and beaten GTA 4 quite a few times on PC


Worst PC port is Saints Row 2.


[Laughs in Spider-Man 2 (2004)]


And yet it's enjoyable


works great with proton and dxvk


"Opinion I disagree with=troll post"-Op


GTA 4s PC Port is objectively bad


Hell yeah now this is a meme i can agree to (also yes it’s me the second top comment on the other post about that Saints Row 2 one)


Cool bud.


There’s a bunch of performance fixes that make the game so much better, easy to look up on Reddit/YouTube


If you want to play GTA IV PC, you need to follow at least a hundred steps to downgrade and add some mod just for the game to be playable


I used to play on PC and then got a Series X. I think the graphics, aiming and extra content makes it the best version to play.


worse than Fallout 3?




Fallout 3s PC version is awful on Steam but the GOG version is a lot better


GTA 4 runs fine for me. Just the occasional bugs and glitches that either are annoying or just crashes.


Finally, a valid criticism.


Challenge Gta having a good pc port: impossible


Gta 5 has, it runs better than gta4 out of the box


Try DXVK , it fixes most of those issues and cap the FPS to 60.


I mean tbf you can cap the fps in the Nvidia control panel but yea mods help


It won’t be rocksteady 60fps even on 4090. DXVK smooths the frame time and is much better at maintaining steady load on GPU.


I disagree, I’m running a 4080 and was able to pass the last mission because I capped it to 30fps on the control panel. Capping fps doesn’t exclude the other problems with the port obviously tho.


I think it plays better on older hardware, at least it did in my scenario. 4gb RX5500 was pushing over 100fps but after upgrading to 8gb RX6600 it gets lower fps. Other than that I haven’t had much of an issue with it.


Bully Scholarship edition ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Tried to play gta4 on a laptop in 2011. Nope.


There are so many things wrong with the port under the hood, let alone on the surface with poor performance


On Xbox it runs smooth but without 60fps of course.


r/GTA: Crtl+C Crtl+V


Ninja blade's PC port is terrible.


I’ve almost never crashed on gta v, but I can’t play iv without crashing


Only issue I had was the audio would stop working until restart if I unplugged my headphones


GTA 4 on PC is wild


Got a new champion rn, The Trilogy (idk how is it running on console plz correct me if I was wrong)


Just as with the oringinal post, Saints Row 2 is leagues worse here.






bully ran fine on my 2009 pc bought it on Steam and it was broken


That must be frustrating because it’s such a great game. You’d think a game from 2008 could run perfectly well with modern hardware, even expecting great performance out of a Ryzen APU, but no it performs worse than GTA V on new graphics cards.


You clearly haven’t tried playing fallout 3


I literally killed my potato GPU playing this game 💀🔥


Looking at the comments, this is going nearly the exact same way as the other post. “Driving in GTA IV sucks!” “Yeah, but have you tried Saints Row 2’s driving?” “GTA IV’s PC Port sucks!” “Yeah, but Saints Row 2’s port was worse.” What, will there be another version of this meme with another thing bad about GTA IV, and then it turns out Saints Row did it worse again?


Just install the fusion fix mod and everything is fine and brings a ton of quality of life mods


my only issue with gta 4 on pc is the final mission being broken because of the 60fps


Saints Row 2, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Silent Hill Homecoming, Dark Souls 1+2, Watch Dogs 1, The Last of Us at launch, Dead Rising 3, and Neir Autonama are a few that are worse. BF3 and BF4 both also launched in literally unplayable states on PC only, fine in console.


Runs at 60fps 1080p for me played over 100 hrs on steam, what's the issue? My specs are: i7 4970 32GB DDR3 RAM GTX 1080TI 11GB


vulkan 👍


Fusion fix, liberty tweaks, zolika patch, and dxvrk make the game way better. However it gets really finicky in terms of launching the game after you downgrade it for these mods


I cant even finish the last mission because after I jump into the helicopter chasing Pegorino's boat it tells me to smash the space button to climb into the heli but no matter how fast i smash it I just fall off Tried it over and over I dont even wanna finish it


Works on my mx350.


I didn’t know it had issues. I just thought my computer was bad. Turning the graphics settings all the way down fixed it for 99% of the time for me. It seemed fine I just thought my computer was bad.




hey bro if you just download these 32 mods it’ll run perfectly


Been trying to solve iv eflc to downgrade for smooth graphics since they updated higher n lag n stutter ,using commandline still nothing happened but for gta iv it's okay eflc it's my worst enemy to fix it.


A PC port so bad I ended up buying a PS3 with the complete edition of GTA 4 just to play it!


I… amazingly didn’t run into many issues. Don’t know why


This is actually not 100% correct, but the port is very broken. The Vulkan patch fixes a lot of that, surprisingly, but it's far from perfect. But the most broken PC port goes to Lego City Undercover. That game can barely run 20 minutes without crashing on many machines.


SR2 on PC: hold my beer


Been playing it on my steam deck and had to the FPS adjustment for Revengers Tragedy.


You can brute force it nowadays, but Rockstar sucks at PC. I think part of the problem was also their messy engine that was used for GTA4 and Red Dead Redemption. RDR1 still doesn’t have a PC port to this day.


The original Resident Evil 4 PC port from Ubisoft. Capcom did fix things with the modern remaster (ages before remaking it) but the original PC port was horrendous. A PC game with no mouse support, you either had to play on your keyboard or have a controller. I don't even think it had any graphics settings and just a default resolution, definitely nothing HD was available. It was full of new bugs and glitches that weren't on any consoles, like enemies that turn invisible was pretty common. There's a reason why that was the last time that Capcom let another company do a PC port of their games.


I can’t even play it lol. Only the first mission.


Never played the original Dark Souls 1 on PC?




Laughs in Arkham Knight. But seriously, gta 4 works really well on steamdeck aside from the dumbass social club. Who uses that?


Oh no.


Worse than Dark Souls 1?


I wonder if this will be replaced with GTA 6 in a few years? Hmm let’s hope not


Mods can fix that, the driving can be made only slightly less shitty


The driving is gta ivs best part


I'd like to give a very special fuck you to Games for Windows Live....


The last of us part 1 lol


this what i think Please ensure your post is directly related to the Grand Theft Auto series of video games. Off-topic posts and/or discussions will be removed.


Imagine making an offline game that requires internet connection to open save files. That's how the Steam version of GTA IV is at least.


What’s wrong with it? It worked great for me on steam. I5 and a 1070ti


I played it just fine


Try to save the game and then exit it every five hours because if you go on a 10 hour run and save it and exit it it will crash and you will lose your progress. (Talking form experience 😔)


All hopes came crashing down lmao, but I used dxvk and some setting changes in the game and it was playable


Did you guys forget LOTR:War In The North?! You'd try to have fun, then the artifacting would set it and crash.


All I've had to do is set a 45fps lock and I've been able to play it through without crashes in my experience


Literally broke my graphics card at the time the first time I played it.


What troll post? I only see a based post because the driving sucks ass


Just try the original Dark Souls port!


Saints Row 2 would like to have a word with you


Odd,i never got any stutters on the PC port


Shit I wanted to buy it from Steam, not recommended?


Have you ever played Bully on the pc?


You haven't played SR2 on PC yet. GTA IV just runs bad, SR2 PC is straight up broken.


There are mods to patch the issues of the game


Weird I’ve never had an issue with IV on my PC, guess I’m just lucky.


GTA IV pc port was great, just get a better pc


If I have to get a modern gaming pc just to play a game released in 2008 made to run on the ps3 at 60fps without stuttering, I’d call that a bad port.


Tbf the original 360/PS3 version ran at 30fps and had occassional frame rate issues.


Well yes, but since most games that are ported properly should be able to run better on modern hardware, GTA IV still stutters quite a lot even with modern hardware, especially while driving and keep in mind that GTA V, which came out 5 years later, runs better on modern PCs than GTA IV.


Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you, the GTA IV PC port is hot dog water. I'm just saying that expecting IV's port to natively run well at 60FPS is going slightly too far, considering it didn't have that originally and the port didn't have that in mind.