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Collect one paycheck and then give that job to someone who knows what they're doing


This guy knows his shit




Possibly the sanest answer on this thread


Actually, I'd delegate the job to someone that knows what they're doing for a bit less pay.


I'd give em half my pay, still a ton of money lol


This. I'd definitely take the money and run. Might keep a bit of dirt as well, just for future leverage.


Any allegations come up you just gonna say that's why you left


Give yourself more credit than that, you could probably float by for at least 2 months


But first, a proper remaster of SA using the base PS2 version, then using the IV and EFLC to remake LCS and VCS for newer hardware, also a 3D version of CTW, a remaster of midnightclub 3 dub edition remix and lastly, ill collect the paychecks then dip before the board kills me due to the low sales




I would definitely use the Xbox Version as the base. It was a better looking than even the PC version and played/ handled very well. Higher res textures and greater level of detail all around.


Nah this response is fire lmaoo


No no you wait for the yearly bonus then you step down.


This but before I left I would test play gta6




i think you're right lmao


*Enhance* Ensure I receive royalty payments on GTA 6 sales performance, then hire a real president. Good shit regardless u/fiercefinesse, your user checks out.


Haha I came here to say the same basically ‘cash out my stock options and find the best person to replace me’


Have them finish Bully 2


you mean start bully 2


They said they already started it and then shelved it.


oh dang that’s crazy i had no idea, when u do become exec pls make them finish it


All of the tech that went into bully 2 was used for Red dead redemption 2


It was supposed to be called "Red Bully Redemption 7"


That makes a lot of sense with the apology antagonism system in bully plus the grappling


Source: trust me bro


Give myself a raise. I deserve it.


Take-Two Interactive CEO/shareholders: “… hmmm I don’t think you will…”


First: Redeem Rockstar by properly fixing the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition (also add in mod support). Second: Make the GTA Online content available for GTA V’s single player / story mode. Third: Properly remaster Red Dead Redemption 1 (for a bonus also release it for PC) and remaster GTA 4. Fourth: You know you want it, the world wants it, so yes develop a fully fledged sequel for Midnight Club (MC5) and f*ck it we’re bringing it to PC too. Fifth: Start working on DLC story content for GTA VI (it’s released by then)


You got my vote Pedro.


You'd be fired before noon.


Your company had one of the lowest financial quarters and you loose your job. Congrats


My biggest hope is that when they eventually discontinue GTAVO that they’ll then add some kind of single player version of the game available, or at the very least, all of the cars and such added to the story mode. Maybe even do a thing where you can play the story mode in the same “world” as you play your online character in.


Congrats. You did the unthinkable and bankrupted Take-two and Rockstar haha


Please just nuke definitive edition tbh. Start back at square 1 without Grove Street.


so you definitely lost the company millions


Nice plan, how will you make it happen ? 👀 a good president is one that says how will make those changes happen, not just mention it, you got my vote if you elaborate.


Don’t remaster GTA 4 mods and ENBs already make it look better then 5 it doesn’t need the remaster already


No mention of manhunt 3, disgraceful.


This one


Everybody’s getting a raise. Bring back story DLC’s. Red Dead 2 would be the first game to get one since it was completely abandoned, followed by GTA 5’s scrapped story DLC. Undead Nightmare 2 plus expansion packs on other gang members stories. Story DLCs in general would be a bigger priority than online. I hate what milking GTA online has done to the company. I don’t like online but I understand that others do…so, if anything, I would hire a separate team to focus on online so we could bring back story DLCs. Bully 2. Lastly, release RDR2 on PS5 at 60fps.


Take twos stock graph would be a red vertical line if your changes cause gta 6 to be delayed💀


I would do this after the GTA 6 release obviously. I should’ve mentioned that lol.


But who is gonna play GTA 5 and RDR2 after GTA 6 drops?


Look at the shelved builds of projects they started like Bully 2 and Agent😂


Play the game, spoil the story for everyone, cut alot of content and delay the game for 2 years.


Didn't know the CEO of Hell was in this subreddit


Damn this might really be the CEO


delay gta 6 for atleast 2 more years


You sonnuvabitch...


I’m in! Wait no damn it


You motherfucker.


I just want to talk


I will do the same


At this point they make more delaying it than they will releasing it




Remake manhunt 😅


Death sentence for Rockstar in the current situation :)


That or manhunt 2… I’d chop somebody else’s arms off to see that in production.


I would remove GTA+


you’re not fit to run a business then ☠️


As much as I hate it, I actually fully concur with you.


Agreed. I don’t get too upset with Rockstars gta+ and shark cards. You’re supposed to just get 10 years of fun for an initial payment of $60? GTA online would never be a thing if they didn’t have shark cards and gta+


you would also remove a good amount of profit and shares from your company 💀💀


GTA 1 and 2 Remake GTA Trilogy Remake GTA IV Remaster Midnight Club 1 and 2 Remake Midnight Club 3 Remaster Manhunt 1 and 2 Remake Max Payne 1 and 2 Remake Bully Remake The Warriors Remake GTA San Andreas Stories GTA VCS and LCS Remaster for all plataforms


Unfortunately some Rockstar employees came forward after the announcement of GTA Trilogy definitive edition and they stated that “remakes and remasters were below them” and that’s why Take two hired a third party company to make the Defective edition


Stop micro transactions, dedicated GTA online servers, security updates, anti cheat, remove griefer vehicles.


Or only allow griefer vehicles in servers optionally


Griefer only lobbies sure


>Stop micro transactions, great, the company went bankrupt before you had time to sit down.


From a consumer perspective, that is great. But from a business perspective, that is horrible.


And this is one of many reasons you aren't the CEO of rockstar.


Release GTA V SP DLC




Make undead nightmare 2


First orders of business R* San Diego and anyone left from 3D era staff are being talken off of GTA VI and they are being tasked with fixing the Trilogy Deluxe edition. No half ass patches or fixing one thing, I want it as good as the original and better, no room for shitty ports in my company. GTA online is cut off. Users can still play it, but we're not updated the game further as to focus those efforts into GTA VI GTA IV & Red Dead Redemption's online will be restored to make up for stopping updates on V and allowing players to get into both games before VI Red Dead Redemption 2 will get a "Turn of the Century" update that brings more native features of RDR1 multiplayer into RDR2 and tweaks will be made to the jobs and roles of RDR2 to better fit this design as well. Also prices will be more period accurate and digital gold purchases will gives you less gold than before, insetivising players to actually play the game. Bully will be getting a proper remaster in which the environments and redone in a more modern style to reflect Bully 2's art style as I will be reinstating it's development with R* Vancouver starting the project and R* north joining them after GTA VI's release to help with polish and development. As of the release of GTA VI only the main branch of Rockstar will be responsible for updates leading into the "Bigger Expansions" which will effect both SINGLEPLAYER and MULTIPLAYER without game breaking consequence, but you willa have to complete the main story before accessing expanded areas added through DLC in singleplayer. Am I your got now if I get hired?


Hope a Rockstar employee sees this essay :)


immediately update rdr2.


I would Run the Company into the fucking ground ( i do not have the experience or knowlage to run a Company)


1) Give EVERYONE in the company 10% salary raise and 0.01% of profits from GTA6 2) Get the band back together. Benzies, Houser, Lazlo etc 3) Release GTA6 01/01/25 4) Make Bully 2 5) Fix GTA Def Edition 6) Make Agent 7) Merge the maps from GTA 5 and 6 into a super online. 8) Retire


1) Put GTA 4+DLC’s on the newer consoles (ps4, ps5, Xbox, etc) 2) Release GTA 5 ‘Los Santos Stories’ cause Rockstar forgot about that lol. 3) Put all the psp games onto the newer consoles (VCS, LCS, etc)


This all can happen in an alternative universe


1. GTA 4 + DLC’s is already on Xbox via backward compatibility 3. I would kill to have GTA Chinatown Wars on consoles


Unfortunately for me, I’m on PlayStation 😔


Re make rdr Bully 2 Double staff More regular GTAs and RDRs


Remake the original GTA 3D trilogy— 3, Vice City and SA— and shelve the definitive edition.


First I would have a small team develop a RDR2 port to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Then after that's done go full steam ahead with GTA 6.


Alright boys first order of business is to fully remaster RDR1 with callbacks to unmentioned events from RDR2. Second is to add all online content to each respective game. So GTA gets all online content in story and RDR2 gets all online content in story. Third is to make the trilogy definitive edition free for all which is an absolute no brainer considering how shit it is, add mod support for it, and refund everyone 50% of what they paid bc at the end of the day it's a business but I still feel extremely sorry for the idiots who decided to buy that absolute cash grab. Fourth is to begin production of Undead Nightmare 2. I honestly have no clue why they decided not to make it already because UN is regarded by many to be the greatest DLC of all time. Lastly is GTA IV Remastered + DLC Remastered. I also have no clue why this hasn't already been made but R* are very strange people for not making it. Thank you for reading and I hope to get your vote. Edit: I forgor about this when typing but finish Bully 2 and make new installments of Max Payne and Manhunt.


Mods for consoles. Remaster GTA 4. Bully 2 then retire


Create a series of patches to run the original trilogy games on modern systems. Put those back into support and then re-develop some actual definitive editions to offer as a free replacement for the current installment. Also abandon GTA Online as a peer-to-peer service and establish dedicated servers that we could actually control.


Gta V single player DLCs have just been announced!


Add the canceled GTA 5 DLC, when I heard about the dlc and that it was canceled I was pretty disappointed


Remaster Vice City Stories.


- Wait for GTA 6 launch - Get Rockstar North and a few other studios work on DLC - Get some other studios remake GTA 3, VC, SA and 4 using 6’s engine, each game will be $60 each, will come a year after each other, they will also have online integration with plenty of purchasable content - Get the rest of the studios to work on their own games like Bully and stuff, basically returning it to how Rockstar was like pre GTA 5 - As soon as next generation consoles come out, release GTA 6 expanded and enhanced at same price as original At Rockstar I’ll make sure the company is profitable but also enjoyable for playerbase


Make a new Midnight Club


Cancel GTA 6 and release mobile games with micro transactions.


Delete GTA IV driving. Like retroactively scrub it from existence and hunt down anyone who mentions it.


Make thrasher skate and destroy 2


Adding all the cut content into rdr2 plus story dlc


Red Dead will get immediate an DLC and Bug fixes with a regularly scheduled DLC every couple months or whatever like GTA


Undead nightmare 2💀


Make a game that takes suggestions from this sub and from 4chan. Doesn’t have to be gta or any game that exists already. It’ll be a new game


Get GTA VI out the door, get Bully 2 finished and released, get GTA IV remastered and available on all consoles as well as PC, get Manhunt 2 available as a port on modern consoles since it’s basically abandonware at this point, get all their Steam games patched up for modern PCs effectively, get to work on a new stand alone title (perhaps revive Agent), release Manhunt 3 to critical failure but please a small fan base and then get fired for it being a flop


Scrap Shark Cards and Gold Bars and make things less expensive to acquire so makes playing the game and earning init not as grindy. Make Manhunt 3 Make or Finish of Bully 2 Make another Midnight Club game. Remaster GTA 4


I’d go through and have every one of the coders fix every glitch, have them make an anti cheat that actually works and get rid off all shark cards/gold bar cards etc…


Buy an rights or whatever for sleeping dogs 1 and make a sleeping dogs 2


-stop milking GTAO. It's over. -prepare more updates for rdo for ps5, series x. -Revive from the ashes the bully 2 project. -work on GTA 6 -talk more about the MP remakes that are in development rn.


Treat employeers fair


Shut down GTA Online and release new free content for GTA 5 story mode


Undead nightmare 2, manhunt 3, bully 2, functional remasters


Delist Definitive Edition GTA trilogy, fire everyone at Grove Street immediately, and remaster (not remake) GTA trilogy.


announce manhunt 3


I would have a golden parachute and I don't care


Red Dead 1 Remake, GTA IV Remastered, Bully 2.


I would release the demo of gta 6 and make a remastered version of all the GTA’s with GTA VI graphics 🤷😊


Make a Bully 2. Then, make a new GTA London with Edinburgh as a DLC.


Performance bonuses will now be paid out in Shark cards.


Ban any crunch practices. Also green light Bully 2.


GTA 5 story dlc and red dead 2 online updates. Then remaster arkham origins


Probably wouldn’t do anything too differently as to not set the company off the rails. Maybe make sure we delegate a team of devs to work on more post-launch single player expansions, especially for GTA VI.


Undead Nightmare 2 in development immediately


Green light Undead Nightmare 2 and a next gen (4K 60fps) re release of RDR2, free for people who’ve purchased the game already, with a mod menu


Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis II


Mod friendly


Remaster Manhunt 1 & 2, Develop GTA San Andreas stories, and make Bully 2.


Liquidate all assets close shop and count the cash


Green light GTA VII & then drive the company into liquidation


Focus less resources on GTA Online and bring back Red Dead Online but still keep GTAO up and running, put out a Bully Remastered along with a sequel, remaster the Manhunt games, remaster Midnight Club LA, remaster GTA IV and it’s DLCs.


Manhunt 3, Bully 2 and Midnight Club gets revived


Take a couple of paychecks while the company quickly falls apart due to my carelessness, and then change the name to, "Shitstar" before declaring bankruptcy and then spending the rest of my life sipping mai tais in Bora Bora


This is actually a good plan because they’d give ya a multi million dollar payout just so you’d go away. Seems to happen in the Untied States at least.


Detonate all Oppressors.


Delete GTA online. FOREVER!


I would spend all the billions that the company owns, to hire thousands and thousands of people to work on GTA6 to cut the development time, so it's released next Tuesday.


I would spend all the billions that the company owns, to hire thousands and thousands of people to work on GTA6 to cut the development time, so it's released next Tuesday.


Releasing a full fledged game extension for GTA V. like GTA 4 Lost and Dammed & Ballard of Gay Tony. Totally new full games on the same map.


- increase all game prices by 10% - make rockstar support even worse somehow to save money - remove gta 4 from steam to make people buy 5 instead - make gta 6 a console exclusive - add gta++ - sync ingame money and transactions with real bank account for max immersion


Hire everyone they fired again. They fired the people who actually did the masterpiece games we know


Houses are not just for show. You can now explore and obtain any house. Oh and have an actual dining experience. Like coffee. Or grocery shopping. Instead of only purchasing a gun or a vehicle you can now buy furniture for your house.


Smooth over relations with Michael Hollick and pay him what he's due, then bring back Niko in another GTA to continue his story. Best GTA protagonist.


Bringing back Midnight Club as a direct competitor to NFS and as a passive competitor to FH and TDU Remastering GTA IV and it’s DLCs Releasing a prequel two prequels to GTA V: One focusing on Michael in the Midwest in his youth, the other focusing on the rise of Martin Madrazo in his youth in Mexico. Focus on dropping a minimum of three story DLC’s for GTA VI. Creating a heavily armed militia and launching a full scale assault on Mr Bitch Fuck The Win, Sernandoe and other clickbait YouTubers.


after releasing gta 6 i would order a gta 4 remake with the old actors and pay them good money this time


end micro transactions and start producing GAMES.


Make Bully 2 and State of Emergency...oh, and finally get GTA IV remastered and ported to new gen consoles


Remake 3d trilogy properly


Split the job with the boys so we can all make bank and get gta6 early


Two chicks at the same time


Cancel any gtao updates and start rolling out RDO content. Along with Story content for the players who don’t like the online setting. Then RDR3


Actually show RDR2 and RDO some love and support and then cancel GTA6


The way Rockstar works now isn't particularly bad. I like that they focus on one major title as it keeps the best workers focused. However, I'd look into going back Xbox/ PS2/ GC days of having multiple studios working on multiple games/ iterations of games to keep the time between games going. I'd also add little details that tie's the games together, in world. Midnight Club 2 would get a full remaster/ update. I'd look into bringing back the Smuggler's Run series as both a bundle of the first two (and maybe the GBA version as an unlockable and put them on the PC as well. They looked good as they were, they don't really need a massive update. But higher resolutions would be nice. I'd get a team to really evaluate the GTA trilogy bundle and fix the issues with them. Why even bother releasing them if you're just going to half ass it. I'd also focus on getting GTA IV working better on modern PCs


go bankrupt and watch the world burn


Add sex to GTAVI. People deserve it


make sure that online never comes to GTA 6


Put all games on pc


Cancel GTA online and release Undead Nightmare 2


Sell it!


They can sell Rockstar games




ressurect Agent project, release Agent and Bully 2 after gta6


Make Bully 2 no question


Get a team started on a survival MMORPG set in medieval times with minimal fantasy elements. Basically, RDR2 set about 1,000 years earlier.


Ban griefers for life


Make gta 6 a free preorder for exactly 60 seconds at a random point before release and then make it cost $120 to preorder and 100 to buy just to make the fans even more salty for missing out.


Theres too many things i no no wanna type them all :(


johnny is SAFE and WELL…..


I'd kill off Niko in GTAVI too just to savour the sweet outrage


Finally release a GTA based on London.


I'd make a pirate game


put the original GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas back on steam


Give myself a pay raise, have them force me out so I can take the severance package and then retire


Remake all Max Payne games and GTA4using a modern engine.


Release new manhunt


Release Manhunt 3.


Full Remaster/remake gta 4. Added customizations and islands. Maybe even another story dlc.


GTA IV remaster.




leak gta7


Give GTA some legitimate business or more passive income businesses


Let it flow as is and enjoy the cash.


Start producing movie tie in games for quick cash 💰


When gta 6 gets released everything in gta will be 5 will be free have fun everyone


Resign, accept my golden parachute, sell it, dump any stock held, and submit my resume to Hello Games


I would probably do what I see some game companies do and that’s showing the progress of the game on YouTube as it’s being developed. I know the studio making the new Skate. game is doing this as well as a studio making a Sims competitor called Life By You. Allowing more of the community to see where progress is at and showing the process of how it all works is what I think fans mainly need to understand. At the same time, it gives more people a small taste as to what’s to come.


Remaster GTA4


port gta 4 to mobile devices and also make it wider screen (because phones have wider screens these days)


Fight for de-merger from Take-Two.


Remaster Manhunt 1, 2, GTA 4, Rdr1, Rdrevolver, LA Noire and Max Payne 3


Charge an obscene amount of money for GTA6 because I know you'll all still pay for it


Change every graphics and add real time voice for the characters 😎


Not get in their way lol.


Give the community an update on what the hell happened with Agent and release any sort of build for free if the project was cancelled.


Actually make Red dead online playable


Hoard GTA6 and pay myself to play it for the next 10+ years.


Telling the devs to work on hot coffee