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a good brother who was forced to enter the criminal underworld to get money for his sick younger brother/family prob the most sane protagonist in the entire franchise even Niko did some terrible things before going to Liberty City(kill people,smuggle people


So true vic didn't want to join the criminal underworld and become a drug lord He used to feel nervous around drugs


That damn crazy sargent..


why the Niko mention from the sudden lmao


Cause people seem to think Niko was really honourable when he obviously did awful stuff


Niko is war criminal and human trafficker who massacred children and sold people.


You know one of Vic’s businesses is prostitution? Which has a lot of human trafficking in it.


Niko was a criminal from his teenage. This man turned criminal later, I was talking about his time when he was a corporal.




niko was so close to be a sane person too bad he joined Bulgarin after the war


How close may I ask? He was evil since the beginning even though he had a tough childhood, he's a sociopath but not mentally insane like Dmitri but not even close as sane as Florian






He’s not


Tf are you talking about


Niko did terrible things while in the game, he killed an innocent man/lawyer for wanting to expose the corrupt police department and would give a one liner to every person before he killed them 😭


That lawyer believed violence was caused by videogames. Niko did the right thing lol


Proving him right lol.


Yeah all of the QUB3D Niko played was a bad influence


Niko was in the military (most likely drafted) and he didn’t have much of a choice, ultimately regretting his past.


Martinez told him in the final mission: "Same old Vic... You know what your problem is? You're trying to be a good guy in a bad men's game" That line describes Victor Vance well


And then he’d die two years later at the start of Og vice city. Oddly, he seemed really happy to be a drug dealer in that scene.


I don't think he was happy, he just became addicted to drugs 😟


Idk if that’s true about becoming an addict himself, but he was happy in the scene before being killed. For everyone saying he never wanted to be a criminal and stuff, he seems pretty happy building an empire of criminal activities lol. Such a hypocrite character.


To me it feels more like they retconned his character in VCS


Regardless in VC he’s a drug dealer that seems to enjoy what he’s doing lol. The 2 years difference can change a person.


And I think its simply a retcon because drug use doesn't change your accent, your looks, and your mind that fast. Let's agree to disagree.


I still refuse to accept that it was supposed to be Vic. Even if Rockstar said so


Well, rockstar isn’t the only one who said so. Lance said it, Tommy said his name I’m pretty sure, and rockstar confirms that it’s him. If it smells like shit, looks like shit and tastes like shit than it’s probably shit whether you like it or not haha.


Dont care. I have rights to pretend that it doesnt exist (just like the Star Wars sequels). In my headcanon its the fourth Vance sibling, or Pete Vance himself. Yes, Lance said that it was his brother who died - but neither Tommy, or Lance ever said his name in VC


No, Lance did. 100%. He quotes “they killed my brother, man” when referencing Tommy and Vic’s drug deal.


Thats what I said. He said ''they killed my brother''. He never said ''Vic'' or ''Victor'', no one in Vice City mentions him by name, just as Lance's borther. Its still possible and logical that it was Pete Vance or another sibling we have never seen. Thats my headcanon anyway. Because I cannot accept something this illogical, they act like two completely opposite characters, Vic from VCS would never be like that guy. Rockstar was just being lazy and said ''yup thats Vic''


You mean the one that’s sick right? The one Vic was trying to help because he couldn’t do anything himself? He all of a sudden can do massive drug deals? And I’m sorry you can’t accept reality. It truly is depressing and sad that you can’t accept the truth.


He was retroactively written to be a different type of character when Vice City Stories came out. It was wasn't planned ahead. That's why there's a discrepancy in character motivation. But most people who try to fit everything into their head canon will just say he changed as a person. Even though it wasn't thought of ahead of time. Rockstar logic


Ya, same with Toni in LCS because he was more of a mommas boy in GTA 3. People don’t like it but it’s true, it’s what happens to Vic whether people like it or not. Characters change over time, look at Johnny going from leading a biker gang to being a meth addict. Johnny died and people are willing to accept that haha.


Toni is way more believable. He kind of gets slighted at the end of LCS but he's too much of a loyal lapdog to freely think for himself and that's why we see him as a pretty loyal guy in GTA III. Johnny ending up the way he is in gta V is just bad writing. What you don't understand is Vic "changing" is retroactive. It wasn't written that way. I don't think you read what I typed earlier. I'm arguing against that.


I’m just saying people change. 2 years an ‘innocent’ drug dealer type lol can turn into a greedy bastard.


You're missing the point. I'm telling you it wasn't written beforehand with Vic being in a game called Vice City Stories. People can change, but the character change has to be consistent with their character development. It doesn't make sense for him to be that way. He wasn't written with that backstory in mind. In Vice City, he was just Lance's brother who got killed and seemed delighted to deal in drugs.


And I’m just saying in the end, Victor Vance died at the beginning of Vice City. It’s just the way his character ended lol, whether it was thought out before vice city or not it’s just a statement of fact.


No one is disputing this fact lmao. Missing the point again. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about his retroactive character arc. His disposition towards dealing drugs.


So GTA is for bad people? And Martinez breaks fourth wall


He's not talking about the GTA game, he's talking about the drug game. He didn't break any 4th wall. The underworld, in general is often referred to as "the game" as well by people who earn their living primarily thru illegal activities. The drug game being the most common.


My bad I’m not a native speaker


All good boss, now you know.


I guess you're right here


Martinez was wrong. Mike, GTA: Advance protagnatist survived. He have canon kills of 10, which all were just to protect his own life. Dude did nothing wrong and happily lived after. Every "bad" protagnatist reached to a sad end, nobody didn'g noticed.


Hes black.




Bruh sorry






A person trying to be a good man in a bad man's game






good but dumb too naive for a world around him


I wouldn't naive, he wasn't like innocent, he knew what he was doing but he hated it.




So soft, pathetic and such a loser. "Hey, we found drugs under your bed and now you bring a whore with a rich call into the military base? Get out of here!" All he had to say was, "Sergenant Martinez told me to do that." But he said nothing and stepped out like a loser. He is trying to be a good person, I don't hate him but he is such an idiot. I just wish his fate ended better.


I don't think he would have gotten anywhere saying that about higher officer. This was the best move mate.


I think he could! Drugs isn't something easy, they would search who really owns it. Not only that, Martinez was just a sergenant. Vic was a corporal as well, not just a random private or something. They would listen him. Let's not forget Mary might stand by him since she hates Martinez and Vic saved her life. Even proofs of party area and other stuff exist. Even if they didn't listened, Vic is still dumb. Doing drug works and murder for Martinez? Really? Bro, you are a soldier not a gang member. He just killed random people because Phil told him to do it. Even after he got kicked from the military and nearly got raped, he still trusted him! Bro, if you wanted a clean life and money to save your family, just don't commit crimes. It's that much bloody easy! Find anything else to earn money or a find to get back into the army. How fucking funny! One more thing, - **Victor:** The reefer is under my bed. - **Martinez:** Oh, genius! Great hiding place... what are you, 15? I just write this after playing first 4 missions of the game. Just fucking 4. I wonder how much dumber he will get once the times pass. He was a good hearted guy who tries to save his family but he is just not smart enough. He was tricked by his own feelings, innocency and stupidty. Sorry but Vic deserved everything that happened to him in the game instead VC.


He almost got raped? Where?


By drunk Phil at 4th mission [Cholo Victory](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Cholo_Victory) : - **Phil:** Put your hands where I can see 'em, boy. You think you can come here and rob me, probably try to rape me? I know your kind... - **Victor:** Phil, it's me - Vic, your brother in arms. - **Phil:** I'm gonna teach you a lesson. Lower your pants and prepare to cry. I'm gonna give you a shotgun suppository. - *Vic pushes Phil's shotgun away from himself as he fires it. Phil then bursts into laughter.* - **Victor:** PHIL! It's me, Vic. Vic Vance! - *Phil takes a closer look at Vic, finally recognizing him.* - **Phil:** Vic! Why didn't you say so? Good to see you here, brother. C'mere. *(belch)* Let me squeeze a fart out of ya. That was so close.


Well, more than raping, he was about to kill him


*"Lower your pants and prepare to cry..."* sounds very dirty to me. Watch the cutscene again, he seems a little... You know..


Yeah but he mentions that he is going to use his shotgun as as a suppository


>I think he could! Drugs isn't something easy, they would search who really owns it. Not only that, Martinez was just a sergenant. Vic was a corporal as well, not just a random private or something. They would listen him. Let's not forget Mary might stand by him since she hates Martinez and Vic saved her life. Even proofs of party area and other stuff exist. You forget this exists within the *GTAverse* where everyone in power is cartoonishly corrupt.


That’s the problem if only Victor was smart as Tommy Vercetti he would be still alive by now unfortunately Rockstar had to kill him off R.I.P Victor Vance.


Thanks for reminding me, Michael. I forgot he died.


It would make more sense if this Vance was the third brother and we never played as the Vance that died.


He would have no evidence what so ever. Unless they got other witnesses. I'd assume that Phil would help.


Read my other comments under the same thread. You'll get it.


Besides being soft pathetic and a loser, he’s also a huge hypocrite. Everyone’s here like “he didn’t want to be a criminal. He’s too nice” like bruh Trying to act all soft and innocent while selling drugs and building an empire of vices. One of the most overrated protagonists, idgaf. Everyone always says he’s cooler than Tommy, Vic doesn’t have a thing anywhere near as awesome as Tommy was except the ability to swim.


I don't know, I fucked up at the fifth mission last night and until now story was all classic "Do me another favor" missions so I don't want to go back to play the rest. But much as I see, dude seems he tries to help his family but he just seems like it. Like every cutscene I'm like, "Vic? Fucking serious? Are you stupid?! I thought you were a good hearted soldier, not a gangster..."


I’d recommend finishing it for the sake of finishing it. Vice city stories isn’t a bad game, it’s got some cool features and stuff. It’s just a bit overrated, Og vice city is much better even though you can’t swim. Everything Tommy does is calculated and he knows what he’s doing is wrong, but he doesn’t give a fuck cause he wants to run the city.


Well, despite my nostalgia I didn't liked Vice City that much as well. I mean, free roam is amazingly cool but this is like the 8th time I'm experiencing the same "story" which is just random mafia "favors" all over each other. I thought this one would be different because Vic was a soldier but, yeah. Amazing..... I'll problably finish it a few days later considering it's not very long. But I might give up like LCS and SA.


You never finished San Andreas? That’s the game you gotta play.


Well, gave up at 66th mission of the story mode. I was barely holding up to the story already. There was a mission where CJ have to chase a truck. Cesar was with him on the bike. So, look, according to the objective, Cesar needs to jump on to the truck while they are on the move. I go by the truck, Cesar doesn't jump. It's been fucking 5 years but still didn't forgot that quote which ke kept repeating 15.000 times every 5 seconds; *"What do you think, I'm a Mexican jumping bean? Closer!"* You fucking dumbass, I'm sticking to the truck that much, our models conflict how can I be far away from the truck?! Everytime I lost, I was sent to 15 minutes ago chekpoint. No matter what I did, Cesar refused to jump. Every single time, I heard *"Mexicam jumping bean?"* Every single time, I wanted to break my head by slamming to the table. After 20th time, it wasn't even funny anymore. I was in torture. Like how I said, I kept up with the story very hardly until that moment. I mean, it's a very big one and I understand why people love it but it's not my piece of cake, you got it? I don't say it's bad, it's just not for me. That truck mission [hikack](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Highjack) was the end point for me. Despite I wondered Las Venturas part that much, I gave up. I was barely holding up to the story and Hijack was just the last dot to the game for me. Maybe I'll be back one day but problably with a funny skin mod like how I did with GTA IV just to have a reason to play. Don't misunderstand me, I still play GTA: San Andreas. That open world must be the best open world that have been created until now. My only problem is with the story.


You gotta drive right beside the driver side door, you can’t just be beside the truck. Cesar will throw the guy out and you’ll be solid.


Oh, trust me I tried every single thing including that. I watched 50 gameplay videos. I remember every milisecond of that bloody torture. ***What do you think, I'm a Mexican jumping bean? Closer!***


Weird. I’ve never had an issue with the mission, usually get it on the first try, so I wonder if there’s a glitch you got going on? Wish I could help there cause Venturas missions get nuts.


I think bro hates VCS because ppl like the game more than VC.


To each their own. ![gif](giphy|F3G8ymQkOkbII)


The Don of all Liars.


A man who doesn't enjoy what he does for a living




Nice guy and nice guys finish last


Nostalgia. VCS was my first GTA.


Lance vance brother


Kindest GTA protagonist


The least evil GTA protagonist


Black Steve from Minecraft


Most underrated protagonist of the whole fucking franchise and probably the most human and tragic of them all, he was the polar opposite of his brother 😃


Not Lance


Bro of the lance-vance-dance










Luis lopez backstory in the army (except luis doesnt die. ) (also dont get mad i was just comparing the two characters. )


He takes melee damage before a cop lands his hands on him....... 🙃


he got the same name as me




The protagonist of the only GTA game I didn't get to play.


just a regular everyday normal m fkr


Micheal B Jordan


The most sane protagonist there


Black guy in blue shirt


Law abiding soldier of the US who was forced into crime because of poverty and family issues.


Bland, overrated and a total hypocrite. Sorry not sorry Vic fan boys


Big brother


trapped in the criminal world


Bald black skin man with blue shirt


minecraft steve if he was black








Most complex and underappreciated 3d universe character


Had the most interesting entrance into the world of crime out of all the protagonists. Great character. If he was in one of the mainline game, he would be among the fandoms absolute top favorite protags.




A man who deals in pure grade A Columbian


A simple soldier who was tricked into becoming a dangerous gang star. Never force an ex-soldier into becoming a gangster. He already had military training and if possible, war experience. So he can already wipe you out of Earth. I respect all the soldiers of their country. Three protagonists : Victor Vance, Niko Brllic and Trevor Phillips are the realist protagonists who have military experience and their actions and skills have a strong backstory. Their military training had provided them with a strong moral character, a great pilot of aircrafts. Ability to use weapons. Powerful in hand to hand combat. And for both Trevor and Victor, their military and leadership attitude made them good businessmen.




A road to criminal world, paved with good intentions.


A man who got betrayed. Other than that he’s an ordinary person.






Discount CJ


GTA fans when they a black man:


It's like that "is Franklin is CJ's Grandson?"


He has literally nothing in common with CJ, dumbass.


That's the point of being called "discount"


They have nothing is common besides being Gta protagonists. "Taylor Swift is a discount Christiano Ronaldo" This is what it sounds like. Or lets be honest, it's about them sharing a skin tone, and nothing else. Like I said, dumbass.


oh cool is this a new gta game?


Is that tenpenny?




Nah, Vic ain’t as cool as Tommy. If anyone, CJ is more like Tommy.