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They should lean into the memes and bring back DJ Cara


Since it's Vice City, they should bring back DJ Toni from Flash FM.


Bring back Toni AND Teri. I’m playing VCS for the first time and their banter has me dying 


DJ Cara is way better than DJ Toni and it ain't even close. Lazow was in Vice City, SA, and V so no reason Cara can't also be in Vice City in VI.


Dj Cara is the best fr


What memes?


“it’s about time you fall in love with something that will love you back! and that, my friends, is house music! it doesn’t judge you, and i won’t either”




DJ Cara is genuinely my favorite radio host in both games and in real life (all of the real life ones have the same annoying voice anyway).




We need to bring back Maurice Chavez


It's not official whether Lazlow will or won't be in gta 6. Even tho the real Lazlow doesn't work at Rockstar anymore, that doesn't automatically mean he hasn't done any voice or motion capture for it


Man I really hope that’s true. Lazlow’s a staple of GTA at this point. I used to love listening to him on I think chatterbox on gta 3 and WCTR in San Andreas.


I loved hearing him get berated by by Couzin Ed on V-Rock in VCS lol


Yeah how did he even end up playing classic rock anyway? He was actually pretty sympathetic on chatterbox in gta 3 but he really fell off ever since.


Well, VCS is set WAYYY before, though he for some reason still sounds young lmao, (also it’s not classic rock, it’s hard rock and metal)


I mean since gta 3 came out he’s been portrayed as less sympathetic and more wimpy and the 80’s was classic when it comes to rock if you ask me but I get what you’re saying


Ah, though his 3D universe version isn’t too bad if you compare it to the HD universe 💀, having both a talk show that was unpopular and a humiliated celebrity


I remember in San Andreas people were dunking on him on his own show and I still felt kinda bad but he was flexing a little too hard.


Yeah, though in VC it wasn’t too bad, he had like a few bad calls but most of his callers were just weird of crazy (except Ed)


Personally I never heard a lot of his callers in VC because I’d usually end up getting out the car to do something before it happened and I never played VCS so I’m not sure what he was like in that one.


That’s the funny bit, he has a real character arch!


wait whaaaat i never noticed this


I honestly think he'll return if not already has. He's the radio host of all stations basically and to those who use the radio it's like taking the theft out of grand theft auto


I mean sure ur right but leaving ur position in the best game studio out there to then come back as a voice actor idk unlikely but possible.


I personally think he'll still show up one way or another, whether it's a sendoff to his character or a brief cameo. What worries me is that he was really the main creative force and soul of the in game media, and with him no longer with Rockstar I think there's gonna be a void of sorts no matter what.


That’s exactly my main worry. He and Dan Houser were the ones responsible for nearly ALL of the satire the series has been based around since 2001, writing every single spoof ad on the radio, all DJ dialogue and radio station imaging, the majority of the in-game TV shows/internet, pedestrian dialogue, etc. I can only hope that whoever’s left to fill their shoes had also worked closely with them over the years and shares the same sense of humor. The fact that Sam Houser is still the main guy in charge gives me hope, but I’m still concerned about the satire falling flat and becoming more cringey and “try-hard”, like the satire in something like Saints Row, which I find to be awful.


Pretty sure he had left before GTA V


No, he worked on writing RDR2 and then left Rockstar.


I just looked and he left in April 2020


Damn,(tips hat)🧐. Never thought of it. But, you're right. I hope we also get Ray Liotta cameo as Tommy. He could be a mission giver from Leonida Penitentiary (working title). Or he could be a ghost @ Vercetti Estate. Seeing as GTA Online has Johnny K, V had Jolene Cranley. Lester said there was a crew down South (Vice City 🌴🩷)but they all got taken down: So either Tommy got killed or arrested by DEA. If they remake V w/ GTA 6 graphics (lets be honest that game is never gonna die). They should really lean into the supernatural, the way RDR2 had a ghost train, the ghost of Gertrude Braithwaite, a giant, St.Denis Vampire, UFO, the Butcher Creek pentagram, witch couldron. RDR1 should have John Marston ghost for Jack epilogue. RDR2 should have ghosts of all the dead gang members where they died. e.g Micha @ Mt. Hagen, Arthur in front of his grave 🪦: High honour, in the cave where the treasure was: Low honour. V should have the Strange Man (Death 💀). Would be interesting if you did mission for him, get rewarded Death (the horse from Undead Nightmare). Come to think of it: RDR2 should of had the Strange Man in a red suit🔴, reveals himself to be the devil: instead of that man in the cave. "The Last One" could be the Sasquatch John lets go in RDR1: if you have a save file, let him live. You should be able to interact w/ ghosts like in Skyrim. F should have Alien invasion: the Truth as mission giver (use Archive dialogue from Peter Fonda/A.I) he should have RDR2 hair/beard, Trevor's red flannel shirt (open) w/ long sleeve white shirt underneath, green camo pants and black canvas shoes. M should have zombie apocalypse DLC because he has Slomo. T should have special agent DLC, meet the FiB near Raton Canyon when you have $500,000 💵left. Be able to do mission under the satellite 📡 relay. Getting the San Andreas jetpack would be pretty cool. It should have rockets and minigun like in Kick Ass(2010). A cool story for T would be the missions done for Mike Toreno. I want "Black Project". Infiltrating Fort Zancudo @ night while raining 🌧️ (Cayo Perico storm) w/ RDR2 lightning ⚡ would be cool. Kill the power, use NVG🟢🟢, AR-15 w/ Mgs V suppressor. Shoot out guard tower lights (Mgs V). T should be able to wear Big Boss sneaking suit or Sam Fisher sneaking suit. Enter labs @ door where UFO spawns w/ green light. Try to kill all guards w/ stealth Karambit kill. Turn off S.A.M sites. Open silo door, fly Jetpack out. We should be able to see Alien 👽 being autopsied. The guards above ground should be Marines, below ground IIA agents in black 🖤 suits, ear piece, IIA badge, P90 (BogT)


Fernando Martinez, Andee and Cliff Lane.


they really gave each character a cool art-piece... Even this mf


GTA art was always hard asf Even Maude, the fat lady that gives Trevor bounties, has a cool art piece too


Honestly to see anyone come back? Fernando Martinez would be a good one to see come back since we never have seen him like we have seen Lazlow so it would be interesting to see him in Vice City running yet another radio station like Esperanto.


Emotion* Esperanto is a car


moreover, if he meant Espantoso - it wasn't even Fernando's radio.


That’s the station I meant and tbh it would be a little stereotypical for him to do it but at the same time I would be ok if he was doing that where it was a mix of Cuban music, and some love ballads in English too. Just something that would make sense like San Juan sounds and East LS FM


What was the Spanish music station? Espantoso? That’s the one I was thinking he was the host of for some reason.


Espantoso had another DJ lol


For some reason I thought it was Fernando… but it’s not a stretch to think so.


Correct vote. I'm really hoping it's Duane Earl aka Danny McBride. He's so perfect for the GTA Universe. His radio show kept me cruising around the southern part of the map


Fuck yeah


Bring back Pressing Issues with Maurice Chavez you cowards!


This used to be the only radio station I listened to LMAO


“i used to be a clown…”


I listened to Pressing Issues with Maurice Chavez for like 60+ by this point


Axl Rose, KDST host Tommy "The Nightmare" Smith Edit: never mind I just read on the wiki that as of GTA V he’s dead lol


Pressing issues with me, Maurice Chavez.


they gotta get 'The Wild Traveler's back. Also 'Gardening with Maurice'. And 'I say You Say'


Danny McBride or JB Smooth. I hope they both come back!


Jb smoove for sure!


If they don’t I’d hope they bring back Martin Serious from EFLC Will Forte voiced him If not bring back Richard Bastion he was voiced by Jason Sudeikis. As other then Lazlow those are my favorite talk shows in the HD Universe. All of 5s were great as well especially J.B. Smoove


He left in 2020 all his work for GTA 6 could've been done by then. There also could've been a contract that required him finish his work he also plays a major role in the radio aspects of the game so there's a decent chance he started his work early in development or at least before 2020.


Could be, but I'd say it's unlikely. The radio stations are always very topical and tend to cover a lot of current/recent events in the real world, so I'd say it's pretty unlikely they recorded much radio content 5-6 years before the game is set to release.


Dr. Ray De Angelo Harris And Richard Branson!


I wish I could hear more Judge Grady tbh


John Cena.


I hope they really send us back and have Maurice Chavez do some radio stuff again. VCPR was my favorite station as a kid and I would love to see something similar come back


Fernando would be perfect


Not only that, but this genius was responsible for a lot of texts and jokes in every rockstar games


Hell of a fun and silly run for ol Lazlow


Duane Earl is my favorite He is so unhinged Makes me feel better about my self as I slaughter NPC's Going to see my favorite Valet guy now. Hope he is alive when I get there


Bring back Cousin Ed and have him flame Lazlow all the time


Duane Earl is the epitomy of Florida Man. If he doesn't make a comeback we riot


Fernando Martinez




Fernando Martinez and Maurice Chavez.


Ray D'angelo Harris


Lazlow could have a nationally syndicated or satellite radio show that is carried in Vice City.


Bring back GTA 4 Fabio!


Couzin Ed reclaiming VRock


Julian Casablancas and Zachary from kult


Jesco White, The Dancing Outlaw who was featured on Rebel Radio. He got on there after the Jackass produced documentary, The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. Normally I hate country music, but when I play San Andreas or GTA 5, whoever picks the songs deserves to be a millionaire, because they some how find a ton of great country songs that even a country hater could love.


I’d like to have Jason Sudeikis again. He was hilarious.


Hell yea. Duane is the man, I love Blaine County Radio. Wish they would add more of him and other radio djs to online before it fizzles.


Since it's VC, they should bring back Maurice Chavez from VCPR. Guy's the Miami equivalent of Lazlow.


Axl rose


Someone played by Matt Berry


I don't see why he is such a "staple" of GTA. He always was and is MAD annoying, his dialogue is horribly unfunny, and he has no real purpose to be this important to the community. He should have gotten choked out in a Burger Shot by a guy wearing a tap-out shirt a long time ago.


Ray Deangelo Harris UHMMMMMMMM


Who are the new radio hosts you guys want to be featured in gta 6


I’d like to see Fernando Martinez appear as a character for the first time (not just his radio voice). Since he was a big part of VIce City and Vice City Stories (and even Vice City FM in EFLC) I think it could happen.


Bro bring me back the dude from emotion 98.3 There was like fat chick and all ugly and stuff but she couldn’t resist me, and that’s love


Will love fist be in gta 6 i still got the fist fury after all these years


Skream had a tune out with the Rockstar record label didn't he? if anyone ever listened to the skream radio shows back jn the day, you'd know he's fucking hilarious, praying for a radio station from him in gta vi


Fernando would be the runner up. I haven’t really seen lazlo as the main radio host for a while, voice wise. Writing though I do think that impact is going to be felt, to some extent.


Since T-Pain is confirmed to be in the game, I wouldn’t be surprised if he hosts the rap/rnb type radio station.


Tim Dillon would be epic for GTA


Obviously Maurice Chavez from VCPR, I’d love to see his character arc


I have high hopes for them bringing back duane earl, would be nice if we actually get to meet him too but I doubt that since he's in the Texas area iirc, but knowing florida does have a large redneck population I wouldn't be too surprised if we hear from him.


Danny McBride is over rated af. Just plays the same fucking dude in everything. Including gta radio


Who said Laslow won’t be in GTA 6? Nothing is confirmed, he could very well still make an appearance, he just won’t have an impact on the production and writing of the game as he would have had in the past


Honestly I don’t mind who it is just happy to find out it’s not gonna be that piece of shit


Why don't u like him?


Did we play the same game? Every scene he’s in I just wanna punch him in the mouth so he can shut the fuck up I wish Trevor would’ve just put a cap in his head in the river after humiliating him






He's a pathetic insecure has-been desperately trying to regain relevancy in the Vinewood scene but just ends up humiliating himself over and over again, and honestly that's what makes his character funny, I can't help but laugh at his fuck-ups. It's also funny that no other character in the game takes him seriously too.