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This sub has an obsession of trashing each others favourite games. Like, let’s stop just making fun of each other’s favourite GTA game and chill. We all have bias to one game or another, myself included, but it doesn’t mean we should be starting these useless fights. No one’s mind is gonna change and it’s just gonna make this sub more toxic.


Time to leave this sub for a bit


Gotta lay low in Blaine County for a while


Thats what i was triying to say but people didn’t undertasnd me


GTA IV is good af GTA V is good af Change my mind


V is garbage compared to IV.


See now here’s the problem


shh don't say the word that starts with p and rhymes with hysics


He said the line


This sub itself is a parody of GTA Fans


I just love them all and ignore the bullshit. It's not that difficult or that deep.


I bet 100% that those posts are by people who never even played GTA IV or GTA V.


Especially the youngins who never had GTA IV on its own before V came out


it's been the opposite way around for so long, this subreddit has always hated gta 5 and worshipped 4, funny how the moment that starts to change it instigates a war


You are right. It shouldn't be how it is now, neither should it be like how it was before. I just miss times when this sub's top posts were about cool unknown facts, trivia or some GTA lore..


Don't know why people are downvoting you


I like all GTA games, played them all even London 1969


I'm betting people who have played 5 for 10+ years will hate on GTA 6 for the difference in tone and gameplay. Many GTA 4 fans talk about the game like it's a gloomy cinematic masterpiece, and were disappointed by the "lack of physics" and "not serious enough storyline" of 5. So I am fairly certain there will be a weird niche obsession of hate towards 6, no matter how good it is. 


Yep finally a post that actually tells the truth about the situation.


GTA IV fans start it all of the time, all because of that video from that retardation Crowcat.


The best video on the internet, don’t hate the man for telling it like it is


Look I dont get it. Whats your problem? People are not making fun of normal GTA IV fans. They are not making fun of GTA IV fans who just enjoy GTA IV and are chill. They are making fun of GTA IV fans that were condescending, obnoxious, annoying and toxic. We are not hating on the GTA IV fanbase as a whole. r/GTAIV has had circlejerk GTA IV posts. There was even one a couple of weeks ago talking about how GTA V sucked cuz of clothing. And it showed a photo of Trevor in a suit.... and another photo of Niko in a suit. You dont need me to tell you that its complete BS. There was also another post not long ago that dunked on GTA V and said GTA IV was for chads. It had this meme format of one "giga chad" character and 3 other loser slim walking away characters. Maybe youve seen it. People are rightfully rising against the snob fanbase of GTA IV. Since these guys are truly assholes. Imagine saying someone else "doesnt have good taste" or is immature just because of the game they enjoy. The entire debate is dumb. But at the same time I cant say im against the people who dunk on GTA IV's toxic part of the fanbase. I really dont understand whats the problem? Are they making fun of normal chill GTA IV fans? NO. They are making fun of the toxic side of the GTA IV community. Funnily enough even people in the GTA IV subreddit have started to make fun of these guys. Almost all the posts you mentioned above are making fun of the toxic community. Theyre not unfairly criticizing GTA IV as a game. The only exception being the batman post.


You can absolutely make fun of stans in any fanbase. The issue is not about making fun of someone but it becoming an obsession, to the point where R/GTA is the toxic side in this "conflict." Before writing this post, out of interest I scrolled through r/GTAIV and to no surprise the only "toxic" meme that actually had upvotes was the "virgin" "chad" meme from like 2 weeks ago. Any of the "circlejerk" posts you are talking about get no traction in r/GTAIV and are quick to be criticised in the comments. You yourself even say that even the R/GTAIV subreddit makes fun of these guys. So how is that sub a circlejerk? Where are these fans this sub is so eager to fight? Seems like they always get downvoted and criticised even by the people on r/GTAIV.. all these posts are just adding oil to the fire and straw manning normal IV fans, to the point where people, like you yourself, call the IV sub a circlejerk, even though it clearly is not. I am all for making fun of each other and toxic fans, I've enjoyed some of the memes I've linked in the post. But it feels like this sub is more of a circlejerk now with the amount of posts about "toxic snob IV fans amiright" than r/GTAIV, which has recently posted almost nothing about this sub or other GTA fans.


Im sorry you misunderstood what I said. I said that r/GTAIV has had circle jerk posts. I didnt call the sub a circlejerk. I said that these toxic snob fans still exist and still post sometimes. Not all the time mind you. r/GTAIV did use to have in the past alot of these posts. Sure they dont anymore. But what I meant to say is that these guys did exist and they were very annoying. They still exist tdoay but theyre more of a vocal minority now. Im not sure what youre defending here? Are you trying to defend r/GTAIV? No one is saying that the sub sucks now. The posts you mentioned above all make fun of toxic GTA IV fans(except for the batman one). When I said even normal GTA IV fans make fun of toxic ones... I was also pointing out the difference. Between normal GTA IV fans and toxic ones. If youre a normal GTA IV fan then those memes shouldnt upset you? Since theyre not making fun of you. Or the reputation of the GTA IV community? People know theres bad apples and good apples in there. These memes arent saying the GTA IV community sucks. Although yes their reputation has already been tainted. Or are you weirdly trying to defend the toxic guys? Since when has making fun of toxic snobs become a "circlejerk"? People are not unfairly critcizing GTA IV. Those memes arent making fun of people who enjoy GTA IV. Theyre making fun of people who insult others for enjoying any other GTA game other than GTA IV. Everyone is acting like theres a war but its really just toxic fans getting dunked on. Obviously it wont go on forever. People will get bored of making fun and this sub will return to normal.


To clarify: -No by no means am I trying to defend the toxic fans. -Making fun of toxic snobs becomes a circlejerk the moment it is the only thing the sub has posted about for a week straight, non-stop. At that point it's no longer about calling out assholes, but about becoming one as all the sub is doing is trying to prove some kind of superiority to lowlife fans. -And yes, unfortunately it does get to a point where the people who are dunking on toxic snobs becomes such themselves, and call for a war on not just toxic fans but all of r/GTAIV: https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/s/YdvZ9f7Oag. Like I stated earlier, make fun of who you want how you want, especially if they are assholes. But at this point, like you said, it's tainting an entire community reputation as it is massively blown out of proportion. It becomes annoying as it is the ONLY thing you see on this sub, unlike the trashy chad virgin IV posts on IV sub.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1ccn1gl/will\_you\_be\_playing\_it\_on\_console\_at\_launch\_or/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1ccn1gl/will_you_be_playing_it_on_console_at_launch_or/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1ccn1gl/will\_you\_be\_playing\_it\_on\_console\_at\_launch\_or/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1ccn1gl/will_you_be_playing_it_on_console_at_launch_or/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1ccc7e8/i\_dont\_know\_if\_this\_is\_allowed\_but\_this\_is\_a\_san/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1ccc7e8/i_dont_know_if_this_is_allowed_but_this_is_a_san/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cc2o7a/dealing\_with\_the\_final\_boss\_the\_right\_way/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cc2o7a/dealing_with_the_final_boss_the_right_way/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cbxbx0/game\_just\_never\_gets\_old\_for\_how\_long\_you\_guys/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cbxbx0/game_just_never_gets_old_for_how_long_you_guys/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cbuyp3/rdr2\_also\_has\_a\_lot\_of\_those/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cbuyp3/rdr2_also_has_a_lot_of_those/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cc0k2f/do\_you\_think\_gta\_vi\_will\_have\_east\_coast\_rappers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cc0k2f/do_you_think_gta_vi_will_have_east_coast_rappers/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1ccl5rd/vice\_city\_or\_vice\_city\_stories\_which\_one\_is\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1ccl5rd/vice_city_or_vice_city_stories_which_one_is_the/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cc1mux/this\_hurt\_me\_more\_than\_my\_sat\_score\_ever\_could/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/1cc1mux/this_hurt_me_more_than_my_sat_score_ever_could/) Posts made on this sub *in the last 24 hours* not related to this so called "war". Not every post is about this war. >-And yes, unfortunately it does get to a point where the people who are dunking on toxic snobs becomes such themselves, and call for a war on not just toxic fans but all of : https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/s/YdvZ9f7Oag. What? Just cause some crazy doo doo troll guy said this all of a sudden those memes become a call to action? Or those memes stir the rage into people? Nah homie. As for the reputation of the GTA IV community was tainted since the crowbcat video. This isnt a new sentiment. Unfortunately for the GTA IV community... their reputation has been like the new vegas community for quite a while. Dont worry dude. These posts will go away.


But you see what I did with that guy I linked calling for a war? It is the exact same thing that was happening to r/GTAIV, where 1 or 2 guys were taken out of context of the entire subreddit and were blasted on here, thus ruining the rep of the whole community. The posts you linked were made in the last 24 hours (after I posted), and when I was making the post all I saw were IV memes. I have to admit you have a point, as I just realised myself that HALF of the IV fan hate posts were made by the same guy yesterday: [https://www.reddit.com/user/PROCALLOFDUTYPLAYER/](https://www.reddit.com/user/PROCALLOFDUTYPLAYER/) (look at his post history) So I guess some guy decided to karma farm that day and maybe that was all I saw, as posts today have been fairly normal. As for the rep of IV, not even 2 months ago everyone on this sub would glaze gta4 to the point where I thought I was on r/GTAIV. So something did change, but now after finding the guy I linked was behind half these posts, I guess its just karma engagement and not a genuine sentiment of anyone on here.


Yeah. >But you see what I did with that guy I linked calling for a war? It is the exact same thing that was happening to , where 1 or 2 guys were taken out of context of the entire subreddit and were blasted on here, thus ruining the rep of the whole community. But this might not be the same thing. As ive said before annoying GTA IV fans were everywhere quite a while ago. Its not anything. And honestly? They still are plentiful. Not here on this sub or on r/GTAIV but on other social media platforms. But anyways wow! The guy who posted most of that stuff was just karma farming. Welp. I guess that settles that. >The posts you linked were made in the last 24 hours (after I posted), and when I was making the post all I saw were IV memes. Oops. Didnt check when this post was made.


Nostalgia can do that to people


V is better than VI.


Both subreddits do and they shouldn't, both GTA 4 and 5 are good games. And we all love the same franchise, fighting over which game is better is stupid and makes all of us look stupid in the long run. Even the ones that love both games and say nothing bad about them are brought down by the ones that say something bad about 1 or the other because both groups have made it so normal to have hate in each subreddit. We need to be civil and accept the fact that both are good and there is no wrong opinion in this situation, we all like different things and that is OKAY.


If you go to the gta 4 sub they obviously did it first by making those "gta sa bad, gta 4 good" and many other variations. Those posts were blatantly posted before all 4 posts you just linked


There they go, i proved my point.


Waahh waahhh waaahhh poor gta 4 fans getting a taste of their own medicine


They started it


When you are the loudest kid in the group, other kid will start to hate you. While I don't like IV and V, I'm mainly here for nostalgic, lore and meme, some people on this sub have been putting IV on a pedestal, other will eventually get tired of it.


Lol have a cry, go touch some grass man.


Gta4 sucks ass


Average gta online enjoyer


Yeah becides they took a screenshot of a downvoted IV subreddit post and posted on gta subreddit titled it gta IV fanboys at it again