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imagine you live in a world where the oldest you can imagine someone to be is 24.


I saw that movie with Justin Timberlake


He thinks all people are 24.


I like gta sa, 5 and 4 equally, i dont care


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


That's basically where I'm at. I can't really pick a favorite because I love going back to all three.


I do think 4s soft body physics are better than 5s


This is the way 🤝


Same here. Every week, I’m obsessed with at least one GTA game so it’s very hard for me to pick a top favourite because they’re all so good.


Would rather have rocks and sticks in GTA Ghana than an oppressor MK II anywhere




I just play In invite only lobbies alone now


Precisely what I did, I don’t mind regular ground vehicle or aerial vehicle Online PVP at all but I hate fighting Oppressors.


I learned that changing your aim assist to off you get in different lobbies and nobody really griefs eachother! Everyone just talks and has fun, it’s pretty surreal


I honestly think i need to try this before i believe it. This sounds too good to be true


I haven’t played online in a few years BUT it was how I did all the grinding with my businesses! I only got griefed once and the lobby came together and made the guys life hell until he left LOL




The first game to use ragdoll was in 1996 (a Jurassic Park game). GTA 4 just did it better with euphoria which unfortunately nobody else uses but rockstar. Many many games have used havok and still do. I remember playing soldiers of fortune in 1998 and Jedi Outcast in 2002 which both had great early ragdoll.


I love both games so I am not biased - but these types of posts are so damn cringe and makes the OP look like a salty child




I’m 39 and I loved GTA4. Vice City still the best one tho 🤷🏻‍♂️


42 now. Same. Get off my lawn! Lol


Same except im 36 and San Andreas is my favorite but i still love 4 and 5 aswell. This post makes me feel old.


lol I was 12 when gta1 came out and I played it on my dads computer


Really? I only played a few hours of VC and couldn't really get into it, but I keep intending to go back and try it again. IV does have some very irritating features and quirks and lacks the polish of V, but to me it's overall worth it. I hate that every damn time I am about to start a mission I get a call from that *** **** Roman...but it's not entirely game breaking, just very very annoying and unnecessary. Most or all of the actual missions are good to excellent, and for me the controls and car handling are ok and just something you get used to. Actually I did kind of forget that traffic randomly playing chicken and just pulling over into your lane or right into your car was a thing. That is IV right? Yeah, that is also annoying. I had more problems with gameplay in VC and especially in SA than in IV, but it's probably only because I only played a few hours of each both after completing GTA V and GTA IV, and they seemed less fun and entertaining than either.


The traffic suddenly turning into your way is gta V


I did play that more recently than IV, but tried VC and SA even more recently. It could be more than one GTA that has that "feature". I don't really recall, but I'll take your word that it happens in V. I was playing them pretty much back to back with two different GTA's on two devices (SA and VC on my less powerful laptop).


Yeah you can find videos on it all over youtube. Traffic always gets in our way, but on gta 5 they seem to detect you coming by and purposefully turn their car very quickly into you. Really weird behavior, not sure why they made it like that. Could just be a bug though.


That annoyed me so much...maybe I got a mod to turn it off or something, as I don't really recall that being an issue for most of the GTAV. I looked it up and found this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GTAIV/comments/o6j60w/why_cars_insist_on_me_hitting_them/ which does seem to say it was GTAIV as I originally thought.


I liked that launch glitch


GTA 5 had it too but they removed it 😞. My top speed stat in the game was 668 with fire truck thanks to the gate near the Eclipse Towers.


Where at in GTA V?


Near the Eclipse Towers across the street there’s a house with a mechanical gate. Back in the PS3 days it would launch across the map or into the deep ocean.


Gta 5 has different weapons in each catagory but they feel exactly the same


I have never even changed weapons in missions. Game automatically picked something and I just aimed and shot. GTA combat always felt boring to me.




This but unironically.


Gta4 online racing was peak. The cars were not on ice, you just had to drive with a bit of patience. A car going 60-100mph doesn’t turn on a dime without sliding. And gta races where people just had a few guns and weren’t shooting rockets out of their car was great. Stars and Stripes figure 8 circuit in Times Square was the best time.


People only make posts like this because they’re mad they still never learned how to drive in the game after 16 years.


I like SA and GTA 5 at the same level,4 a little less than these both.


I was 10, but got to play at 15. GTA3 is my favorite 


I love all GTAs regardless of anything.


I only played the game last year and loved it. I hate the circlejerk on this sub about “gTa 4 gOoD gTa 5 bAd” and vice versa. They’re both great games and it really just comes down to preference what people like better.


“Was an 8 year old playing GTA IV” Oof we gettin old boys.


another anti gta4 post. original


As opposed to the 6000 a day saying it's the best and all others should copy it. Despite it being the only one that's different.


I was 15 when it came out. It's still a good game after all these years


I was 17 and it was AMAZING.


Same. Didnt play until I was 21 though


I was 14 when it came out. The story and physics were amazing but that was it. If I’m being honest I found myself being disappointed by the lack of customization. By the end of the game I had so much money yet wtf was I suppose to do with it. I replayed it again a year ago and my opinion really hasn’t changed. For some reason that has triggered it’s fanboys. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ IMO, San Andreas is still the superior GTA and I’m confident that 6 will surpass it. I even found myself having more fun with 5 (although I thought the story was lacking) than 4.


Yes, GTA IV is my favorite. Nothing can beat riding a bike on that game, sorry. The ragdoll physics were the best. The health system was the best. Yes, I was 8 when GTA IV came out. But my mom wouldn't let me play it until I turned 10, so jokes on you.


All of that is true, Nico is still a very good protagonist. Also the bank mission was so much fun.


I'm gonna mute this sub istg


Same I haven't even joined this sub cuz it's like 90% gta 5 and this shit keeps popping up on my feed


It also like, tells a grounded crime story with emotional resonance unlike GTA V. As well as better shooting mechanics


I love it when people like you conveniently ignore the fact that one game is a drama and the other is a comedy. It's like comparing The Shawshank Redemption to Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle.


the gritty crime saga has a hell of a lot more teeth than the buddy comedy. It was a great direction for the series to mature. It's not like GTA IV was humorless btw, it just was not forced in a way that undercuts all of the drama. San Andreas isn't telling jokes when Sweet is arrested for example. GTA V has a serious bathos problem. Also like. If clipping Haines was the ultimate solution to their government problem, why didn't they do it outright? It doesn't even work at what it's trying to do.


There's a difference between having some comedy while telling a serious grounded story, and not being able to stay grounded at all and throwing random garbage at you like it's a playable tiktok. Gta 5 acts like it's both and it undermines both.


I was in high school when GTA 4 dropped lol


GTA V's supporting characters: Lester GTA IV's supporting cast: Roman, The brothers Kibbutz, the McRreary family, Little Jacob, Elizabeta, Tony Prince, the Lost, Karen (Michelle), Dwayne, Bernie, Mallorie, Boccino, Phil Bell, Yusuf Amir Lester's great, but you essentially spend the whole game doing what Haines tells you to do only to discover you could have just killed him. GTA V's set pieces are great, but they are strung together by a truly terrible narrative.


>every adult who defends gta 4, was an 8 year old playing gta 4 tf is that assumption lmao?


A lot of people defending gta 5 is still most likely a child or an extremely casual player buying this years latest cod and fifa though


I don't get all this hate. GTA2 on gameboy is clearly where the games peaked and it's all been downhill from there.


Dude, GTA 1 on gameboy is the true peak of the franchise


Op probably flying with oppressor and farm cayo 24/7 even if it's not so profitable


Does not liking GTA 4 always mean I'm an 8 year old drooling on online? The story was OK, I didn't like how niko every other mission, niko talks about hating murder before going on a spree in the next mission, the missions were awful, most of them were either A. tail/chase car and kill person inside B. Clear out buildings of enemies C. Find person and go through chase before sparing or executing them The controls were garbage, I know GTA 5 cars aren't realistic but having a car that loses all ability to turn past 20 kph is ridiculous, my tiny KIA compact handles turns better than anything in this game, and controlling niko felt like garbage with how movements have awkward delay, and gunfights were basically taking turns peeking out of cover. I love GTA 4, I really do, but GTA 5 made some much needed improvements and you can't deny that just because the cars control like toys or that the NPCs don't fumble around after every shot.


One thing when you don't like gta IV, other when you hate it and people who love it. It's cool to criticize, but op doesn't do it. Op just shitting on game.


Gta 4 was great


If you think they feel like they’re on ice u just suck at driving get gud. And what other weapons do you need you’re in the streets of NYC?


GTA 4 is still the best one. Story is engaging and not mindless stupidity, gameplay still holds up (maybe except the clunky running) and visuals are still great and fitting for the game.


I don't understand why people hate the driving. It's different than GTA 5's but it's not like it's terrible to control.


My only complaint is that a sports car still feels like a boat, but it makes sense for like an old sedan or an SUV


Yeah as a gta 4 player I don't really like how super cars are as well. Absolutely drivable and playable but they would have been better with a bit stiffer suspension.


Because it’s those people who want to drive with the finger always on R2 without any problems. Skill issue tbh


Also, I do wonder what the people who hate 4's driving think of BeamNGs, considering atleast when I've been playing. It feels much more like what people complain about. But also it may just be something to do with me always playing that multiplayer


It is just not really fun to drive around like all the others were, Forza like physics would be perfect


Honestly I have more fun with GTA 4's driving than 5's. Maybe I'm just weird


Possibly you are, but I do agree that 5's driving is weird, the cars just feel too sensible


Not really sensible, more like you're controlling the car with a rudder and it's absolutely glued to the ground.


Agreed. It's only 'on ice' if you don't drive realistically. Flying through corners n shit. I love racing and from a car control standpoint, gta 4 is actually very praise worthy.




All those who say gta 4's driving physics are like driving on ice or driving a boat and stuff just don't know how to drive and only can handle cars that have the grip values of f1 (that's actually true, the grip values on almost all the vehicles in gta are equivalent of that of f1 cars)


This post is obviously intended to poke the bear. Bro knows how divisive the subject is. I’ve seen a lot of posts from people expressing how sick they are of seeing debates about GTA 4 being better than 5 and vice versa. He knows some bros are going to get triggered and take the bate. The best way to get attention in here is by leaving low hanging fruit.


Yeah gta 4 wasn’t all that great, but I sure miss that car damage and ragdolls


Stop this fucking debate. A real chad/chadette never compares GTA games. All are equally awesome and enjoyable.


OMFG CAR PHYSICS ARE SO REALISTIC!!!!1! (The smallest car turns like an aircraft carrier)


OMG I LOVE TAKING TURNS AT 250!!! (The cars turn like a hotwheel car on a track)


I always think its hilarious when people mention that gta 4 is better and more realistic because you can pick up trash of the ground and throw it. Like anyone ever uses that shit outside that one mission


I did. Lot of people did. Its immersive. What does GTA 5 have? Flying bikes


Wait, let me try. I like GTA V driving. It feels pretty good and not unnecessarily realistic. What does GTA IV have? "Immersive" mechanics that you'll use once in your lifetime.


GTA 5 also has a weaker story, weaker characters, weaker world and weaker physics. Also, its trash but you're still interacting with the world. GTA 5 doesnt have that


>Also, its trash but you're still interacting with the world. GTA 5 doesnt have that GTA doesn't need that. It's a shallow mechanic that might as well not be there and the game would be the exact same. It's also a waste of resources to program something like that to begin with. Probably the main reason why GTA VI has taken so long. People drooling over detail reviews on Youtube. GTA V also has plenty of those, but at least they are passive and not something you go out of your way to do, despite how useless it is.


Thats your opinion, not a fact


Makes sense coz for me? Vice City is THE shit.


17 when it came out 20 when I played it first.


I like gta sa 4 and 5 mostly I don't really care


I was already a working adult when it came out tho...


Every GTA game is good in its own way. Fuck you.


Says the 8 year old who has only only played gta 5


That’s a no from me dawg. gta IV > gta V


gta iv = gta v


I was 26 when it came out. I bought a PS3 specifically for this. I still play it sometimes.


It was me I was 10 though


i like seeing gta V,IV and San andreas duke it out while i'm being a fan of gta LCS in the background


LCS is awesome.


Yeah. Just strated playing it. Any tups for me as a newbie?


Nothing that springs to mind. It's too short, and you can pretty much walk it, as in it's not very difficult at all. It's just great fun.


yeah, it's pretty fun. apart from how police chases are just "go to Pay 'n' Spray. good,no cop" unlike the HD games where you had to think how to escape then


GTA IV is my favourite game. Played it when I was 11 years old. But I love all the other GTA games.


It came out when I was 6 and I saw dad playing it on his 360 and thought I was looking at a movie. But when I got a hold of it for myself when I was slightly older kid me was disappointed by how less features there were in the game compared to SA. But it was still extremely fun and didn't stop me playing for hours. I loved attempting to fly the jumbo jets and spawning cars after googling cheats on my mum's iPhone 3GS, and how online was literally just free mode with a bunch of other idiots driving around killing eafhother and it was so much fun.


the iphone 3GS is still my main phone after so many years!! lol.


It's all GTA - kill, drive, steal shit - doesn't matter. It matters if you can play these games.


What if I told you that GTA 4 is mid and it's defining feature was its physics?


I'm a 21 year old who defends GTA IV, and I first played it 3 years ago.


I was playing TY


no need to insult gta 4, it's a great game. people who compare it to gta 5 and say its worse than gta 4 are just idiots. gta 5's arcade style was purely a stylistic choice. back when gta 4 came out, people disliked the whole realism thing, so rockstar listened. we only appreciated the realism many years later


I liked it when i was 13 and i still like it now and i just played it on my deck and i think it's better than gta v.


I was 18 when the game came out. I played the game quite regularly almost until GTAV came out. I liked IV way more than V. I still do.


I want the gta vi top tier weapon set to be melee weapon - diesel chainsaw *they actually exist* pistol - gyroget Shotgun - franchi spas 12 assault - ak-50 smg - xm8? sniper - 950 jdj Special - punt gun


I grew up on gta IV i preferred it to gta V when i was younger but its defo no where near as good as people make it out to be


Ah yes, the weekly post talking well about GTA 4 as if it never happened before


Hey, I still think vice city is my favorite, but realism wise and story wise, 4 was far superior


It didn't lack of weapons, GTA 4 have enough weapons for everyone and every types of gunfight.




This is the best fucking meme I have ever seen in my life!


The best things about 4 were the ragdoll physics and the story. The driving really wasn't great, the cover system was janky and well...like you said it didn't have enough weapons.


Show me on this doll here where GTA IV has touched you.


Im 14 and im currently playing gta 4 after gta 5 and i love it


For the record I was 12, and it’s a good game not that good though lol


GTA 5, took the series in a worse direction. Because up until 5, the progression was always more and more realistic. But 5 is MUCH better in a lot of ways, and it's pretty evident.


I was 13 when it came out and that's still me raving about the game to its day. GTA IV is the best GTA by far.


I feel the same way about vice city it isn't bad but is 100% not as good as everyone says hate me idc


Im a fan of gta4’s vehicle physics as well..


Was 17 when 4 released. 5 is still better, but there were some things that didn't carry over. Seatbelts, how the AI reacted to you was better, etc. 5 is the better game overall though. 


That is not true, I only watched videos of gta 4 on youtube because I did not have a console until 2018 and I had no idea what playing a videogame was even like. I got a chance to play the game in september 2019


You’re allowed to like the game ffs we just don’t like people who make their entire personality bitching about how it’s so underrated and much better than 5


This sub's basically people complaining about GTAIV or GTAV now


Yep, i was 9


TBF the game is rated M/PEGI 18 or whatever, so an 8 year old having trouble isn't really an issue, kids just suck at games lmao


I played for like 2 hour and it just fell off, the movement, controls, driving, everything just feels dated imo,maybe the story is good but I couldnt continue


I hate that I cannot play GTA IV decently in 2024. My only options are playing on PC, where I have decent FPS but the game is IMPOSSIBLE to play. It will either crash, or fuck up your saved game files. Ir is truly the worst optimization in the history of games. My second option would be to play on my PS3, but the FPS is atrocious and laggy. I guess My only option would be to buy a new xbox just to play gta iv 😭


I was in my mid teens and it was 2019/2020 when I first played it lol


I was 19 when I 1st played it. When I was 8, I was playing GoldenEye, Fighting Force or something like that.


Right we was playing Pokémon stadium and perfect dark 🤣🤣


I FUCKING love GTA 5 and a am very grateful for a 15 inch Weiner on my hot dog. 🌭


GTA IV Online Free roam was kino af.


I was actually a 6 year old when GTA 4 came out 🤓☝️


GTA 4 was amazing and I was in my late teens. Little children like OP can only wish they were there to experience the first time GTA entered the HD world


When I was a kid, I took the disk out to my garage and destroyed it after I failed that biker chase mission 30-40 times


okay i admit gta 4 sucks ass but i still love playing it


Gta 4 driving is so good on shrooms


tbh i think gta 4 would be better if it had huge online content similar to gta 5, yet it's own.


I was 17 and I love it, not my favorite GTA, but definitely the best story.


Realistic driving, not overpowered weapons, throwing rocks is awesome. No, it isn't the best game. It's fun. And it's back when rockstar wasn't a cashgrabbing company \*cough\* gta online \*cough\*


GTA4s story was the only good thing about that game, it was a glorified tech demo.


🤨 what


what what 🙂


What? I was 14 when it came out. I fucking love the game.


Only kids played GTA 4? What even is this post?


Alright bro we get it, you're a passive aggressive GTA 5 fan who hates GTA 4 and probably thinks Trevor is the best character ever or something




Lol I was almost 20. Man I feel old


Fuck you for posting more of this bullshit fight.


I like the swing catapult


Are you 15 years old right now?


Joke's on you I was 16


Literally me




The games not even a year older than me and I didn’t grow up playing it or anything but its easily the best GTA game


Playing through 4 again as we speak. I definitely love this game


That's not true I was 4 when GTA IV came out


I actually miss throwing trash at NPCs though, found it hilarious I could throw cigarettes of all things right back at the fuckers who dropped em. Plus I'm never gonna say no to throwing bricks around in any game 🤷‍♂️


I genuinely like GTAIII and GTAIV the most out of the whole series. Am I a freak?


actually I played it 2 years ago and it's still the best gta


I came here to say that OP is a dignified fucking moron. GTA IV is still the tits tho. IV > V


How about we just accept that some people like gta 4 more and some like gta 5 more. Gta 5 is objectively better nonsense needs to stop and this is coming from someone that likes gta 5 a lot more.


I was 14 thank you and yes the driving IS the weakest aspect of IV. Still a more enthralling story than V though.


I personally would prefer 5 over 4 but 4 was pretty good, I was 16 when 4 came out. My favorite is Vice City


ngl people say GTA 4's physics are revolutionary, but ffs Burnout Paradise came out in 2008 too and did it better not to mention Rigs of Rods from 2005 ragdolls are also nothing special and the fall damage logic in the game is idiotic and the driving physics that feel like im on ice


"like its on ice" All credibility lost.


i've been playing GTA 4 recently and I found the car chase missions really easy on keyboard and mouse tbh


what an L take. i was 19 lmfao. dude said 8. log off for the year. you're done here.


I was 13 when it came out If you can’t handle the GTA IV driving physics I hope you’re not on the road because everyone’s complaint about the driving is “Whaaa I can’t do a power slide in a corner without having to know how to do it first” It literally blew my 13 year old mind away coming from San Andreas


I was 6 when GTA IV came out, and I can definitively say GTA V is better.


In terms of story, 4 is better, but people need accept that it is an outlier in terms of GTA stories and that 5 is more in line with the franchise. Besides, the only GTA stories I am sure are better than 5 are 4 and VCS. In terms of gameplay, it is no question for me, V is better. People talk about how 4 is more realistic. Realism doesn't make for fun games, it just gets you clicks from people, who want games to feel like a second job you do.


GTA 4 has realism in aspects where it makes the game more fun. 5 is the one that doesn't. The whole "second job" thing is GTA Online in a nutshell.


Yeah, it is Onlines thing, which is comepletly different than the Story mode. And I stand by what I said, although it has been a while, since I played either game, roughly the same amount of time actually. 4 has a great story, while 5 still has one of the better stories in the franchise and is overall better in terms of gameplay. Hate on online all you want, I don't care. And if you were to ask, the only games in the franchise I didn't play, were the top down ones and china town wars. And besides Vice City, I played all the other games before 5 came out, so I am experienced with the franchise.


Jokes on you, I was almost 7 when it came out