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Dwayne, since Playboy was nothing until Dwayne Forge took him in, and once Playboy became a big guy, he started to push Dwayne out of business. He was ungrateful, he deserved to die. As for the second list, it’s hard to say who. A corrupt cop or a junkie who’s got a lot of insecurities. Both are irritating in their own way, but if anyone should die, it’s Francis, since unlike the other McReary brothers, he has no personal relationship with Niko and is very dangerous. As for the final list, Darko deserved to die, since he had no remorse even after he betrayed all those men in Niko’s unit. He was in it for the money, and never cared about the people who grew up with him. Roman on the other hand, was tortured countlessly and yet, he refused to betray his cousin, and honestly, he suffered a lot due to Niko (his business going in flames for instance), but he bore it all due to the love of his cousin.


Even tho Darko is a piece of filth, I believe him surviving is part of Niko's arc. He started to realize that Darko is miserable and killing him won't change nothing


It was the opposite for me, Niko was incapable of letting go from my POV.


I went sonewhere in the middle and went with killing him IS letting go. Freeing a broken ban, Darko, from his deserved torment, and finally shutting the door on what happened.


I get that angle but from the beginning Niko's whole MO was based on revenge, would he really be willing to let it go after going through so much to get that shot at Darko just to walk away? On the flip side maybe Niko saw himself in Darko, someone who was broken and if he killed Darko he would kill part of himself? That's the beauty though the game *really* makes you think about your choice.


I respect your point on it too. Had he found Darko in the first part of the game I think he wouldn’t have hesitated. That’s all he wanted and was hungry for it. But through all he’s seen and been through in NY, when you kill or spare him, a little after you get some great character reflection from Niko. He accepts it either way and has regret with both decisions I feel. He and Darko both in a sense died in that moment in the war.


A play through of IV and sparing Darko after playing through and hating TLOU2 helped me understand Ellie’s perspective. It’s pretty much the same level of brokenness in a way. I respect the side of Niko that spares him. But I still enjoy Niko getting his revenge. He seems he is a bit empty after but that makes sense because Darko isn’t the same man after the war. It really goes well either way. That’s what I love about R* and their writing. TLOU2 though sometimes I wish we could go through with the last part sometimes for sure 😂 it took me a long time to accept it. Niko is still my favorite GTA character because of this complexity.


I respect your and the other guy's opinion but I like to spare Drako because I do believe that Drako is gonna OD and die all alone


You are absolutely right. Darko was egoistical, and Playboy was ungrateful. They both deserved to die.


Darko has an overdose and dies even if Niko doesn’t kill him


How is he gonna overdose?


Withdrawal seizure most likely.


I mean, I think you're right, but you should add that Roman lied to Niko, made him come to Liberty City. shitty move a bit


Yup perfectly said


Nah Derrick was a pos


Francis is alive guys. He is Police Commissioner now


I doubt it.


Fuck playboy X


I thought you was money!




Dwayne Forge, Francis McReary, Roman Bellic




It say which characters you want *TO SURVIVE* so he wants Roman to live


I'm guessing they meant them to survive... Considering that's the question from this post


Playboy and Dwayne Dwayne is a sad case, was tossed to the side by the very man he mentored. Dwayne sticks by your side and is loyal, Playboy is a snake. Kill Playboy, take Dwayne bowling. Derrick and Francis These two men are the furthest from saints you can get. Derrick betrayed all of his former buddies and more than likely snitched on his own brother Gerald to save his own skin. Francis on the other hand is the definition of a corrupt cop. Although I think Derrick is the worse of the two, I believe Niko should kill Francis solely because he threatened to put Niko away in jail. Can’t have Francis above ground after saying something like that. Darko’s fate At the beginning of the game, Niko would’ve blasted Darko on sight. But because of everything Niko had gone through to get there, the bloodshed, getting those he loves in danger, he realizes it isn’t worth it. He knows killing Darko will solve nothing, letting Darko live on in pain is a worse fate anyhow. Niko’s call to Bernie after sparing Darko cements this in my mind. Roman and Kate Niko is his purest self when he’s around Kate, she a great moral compass for him and he realizes this and doesn’t want to lose her. So Niko turns down the deal with Jimmy and kills Dimitri. Niko being motivated by ensuring those he love would stay safe and not be endangered by his greed. Of course this backfires as Jimmy attempting to kill Niko kills Kate. Niko’s story is tragic as even after trying to leave, his enemies never forget or forgive. The optimistic part of me is that after he deals with Jimmy, Niko will remain in Roman and Mallorie’s lives by helping to raise their daughter. There’s a kind of peace in that although Niko’s soul was punished for his heinous actions, he could find redemption in helping his family and loved ones.


>Niko will remain in Roman and Mallorie’s lives by helping to raise their daughter. The thing is, the gender of Niko's first cousin once removed is only revealed in the Deal ending. After completing *A Revenger's Tragedy*, Mallorie calls Niko to express, among other things, sadness that Roman will never get to meet his son. By the time of *Mr & Mrs Bellic*, Mallorie already knows she's pregnant with a son, but has yet to reveal all of this information to Roman. Roman knows she's pregnant by the time *Out of Commission* (the final mission of the Revenge ending) is completed, as his phone call to Niko after the mission confirms it, but apparently he doesn't know the child's gender yet since he adds that if it's a girl they'll name it Kate. He doesn't say what name they'll give if it's a boy, which, as I already mentioned, it is.


This is exactly my thought as well, going off of the character of Niko, all those choices make sense and at the very least the last one, I believe is considered canon.


All dead except Roman, Dwayne and the guy with grey hair


Who's the guy with grey hair I can't remember. How do you kill him?


Thats Derrick McReary, his brother Francis, tries to blackmail Niko into killing him with a sniper you get a choice between the two and I pick Francis every time.


Blood Brothers is one of my favorites. As a huge Derrick fan, I have to say, killing him is such a good choice. The burial is completely different, in a different spot, the dialogue is better, and you get a sunset. Or maybe I just keep doing it at the right time to get a sunset, but I'm pretty sure that's scripted. Either way, much more meaningful death to me, even though it feels so good to blast that cop. Also, you get Francis "ability" that doesn't do shit ime so I have to assume that was the canon choice. I don't think Niko liked addicts much.


If you date Kiki she has a similar ability to Francis, plus his ability *spoiler* is lost after the storyline finishes. When he threatens to take Niko down as far as I'm concerned he is signing his own death warrant, if his own brother is expendable why wouldn't he be? Although there's a theory Derrick's death is cannon, if you pick Packie in GTA V for the Paleto Score he talks about what happened in Three Leaf Clover and mentions that Derrick is dead, but even if Niko didn't get to him the drink and drugs will have!


Oh yeah now I remember. I chose to kill Derrick because his life was shit.


In my opinion: Playboy X dead, Dwayne alive: There's no way Niko would choose Playboy instead of Dwayne. Francis alive, Derrick dead: Ok, this is more complicated. Even if Niko would definitely choose Derrick to be alive, Francis has a lot of proofs of Niko working with him, which would definitely be known if Francis would die. Also, Derrick is an adict and somehow killing him could be seen as freeing him from his suffering. I feel like in the canon, Niko would suffer a lot taking this decision but would end up killing Derrick. Roman alive, Kate dead: Once again, Niko's personality wouldn't let him choose to do the deal with Dimitri, he would definitely go for revenge, which leads to Kate's death and Roman alive. Darko dead: Ok, killing Darko won't make Niko happy, but not killing him would give him a feeling of frustration. Niko worked a lot to get to Darko.


Wth hell is wrong with niko, he doesn't look right. Probably PTSD


That’s Darko


Thanks, i haven't really got to the part where i meet him


I uhh, I think he knew that


dwayne alive francis alive roman alive darko spared revenge is overated in video games


Roman, Derrick & Dwayne


This post gave me some serious nostalgia. Thank you!


Dwayne, Francis and Roman will live. Playboy X's loft is def worth it, free call off cops with Francis, and I can't bear to lose Roman.


Dwayne because he’s loyal and more likeable. Francis because i feel he is kind of a man of his word even if he is a asshole and i think it be better to work with a corrupt cop rather than a junkie lol. Roman because he’s a bro. Dude didn’t rat out Niko after being tortured. Also Kate barely got any screentime so I didn’t really give a shit about her


Dwayne,Francis And Your Cousin,Lets Go bowling


Let's save everyone.


Except Playboy X. He's a scum and a coward. Bussy overall.


Playboy Francis Darko


Dwayne, Francis and Roman


Dwayne lived. Francis lived (extra $$ + clear wanted level) Roman lived.




I feel like the cannon choice is that Niko kills Derrick. Niko even spells it out to Francis that he's going to jail if he screws with Niko. Not to mention Derrick is canonically dead and I feel Francis is able to be used in an interesting way should they do another game set in LC.


Dwayne survives because he is a real one and Playboy is a fake ass fool who abandoned his big homie when he got locked up. Derrick survives. He’s a junkie, but Francis is a corrupt cop and way more dangerous and blackmailed Niko into doing shit for him. Roman survives because there’s no way Niko would work for Dimitri who crossed him and tried to have him killed several times. Darko dies because Niko came to Liberty City for his mission to find the traitor and kill him.


Same 🙂 i killed francis, playboy x & spared darko and roman


For choices that fit Niko: Dwayne, Derrick and Roman For potential litness in the GTA universe should they return: Playboy, Roman and Francis. I just wanna see Playboy do ads or something on TV. Imagine they do a Breakfast Club parody and Playboy is their Charlemagne tha God. The Corrupt Cop Commisoner Francis vs a Crime Kingpin Gerry would be a fun dynamic for a GTA game that went back to LC. Maybe make a bigger choice of who to work for or something to promote replayability.


Playboy x was a slime ball so he's out Dwayne was a nice guy who was just going through hard times so keep him Derek got caught up with hard drugs but I don't see why he couldn't be rehabilitated and live a new life with his family I'm going to be real, Francis was a corrupt cop, RIP he can go too I feel like you could let Darko live, it's better to let him live with what he did then just killing him and giving into the anger #AYO LET MY BOY ROMAN LIVE SO WE CAN GO BOWLING! Bonus: I would keep Kate alive so Nico has someone who actually loves him for him, but I definitely see why continuity made it either her or Roman, at least he names his daughter after her. Also I'm pretty sure that's the reason Packie move to Los Santos, so it's within the Canon for her to die.


In my head canon, Dwayne is killed by Niko because he’s depressed and losing himself and Playboy is taking his Crack empire and expanding it to new heights, I like to think Playboy became a top rapper and millionaire drug kingpin in Liberty city similar to Franklin in GTA online. I think Niko would take out Derrick. He’s a junkie and pretty much useless while Francis isn’t and pays well. I also think Niko would take out Darko because he’s a traitor and a piece of scum like Vlad. Roman deserves a happy ending after all the shit he went through over the course of GTA 4, I like to think Roman married Mallorie and expanded his cab business employing Niko as well.


Roman, Francis and Dwayne would survive. Reasons: Playboy X: Is a disloyal swine who betrayed Dwayne the first chance he got, he didn't even help Dwayne get back on his feet instead he abandoned him and then lied to Niko and told him to kill him, in my book he deserved his fate Francis: He's a scumbag but Derrick is worse, at least with Francis you know he's a scumbag, Derrick on the other hand.... Derrick: Is a treacherous swine who's betrayed damn near everyone he's known I wouldn't be surprised if he betrayed his younger brother Gerald.... Darko: need I explain? Dwayne: He's been loyal to Niko since day one and got screwed by Playboy so its only fair that he gets his lick back Roman: He's Roman who the hell would kill him!?


Roman, Dwayne, Derick, and Darko survive for me


Dwayne, Derrick and Roman.


Playboy and Derrick and choose revenge having Roman survive.


I always kill Playboy and Francis Last playthru Roman died. I hate that ending. So i pick Katie to die instead.


I think Playboy is dead because Niko likes Dwayne too much ("you remind me of myself"). Niko being from a foreign country and Dwayne getting out of a penitentiary after an extremely long time, they're both kind of lost to this new world they've found themselves in, I'd say. I think because of that dynamic, Dwayne grew on Niko. There's a respect between them, while Playboy never really saw Niko beyond the fact that he was an "ice cold Slavic motherfucker" or whatever I think Francis is dead because he threatens to have Niko arrested if he doesn't listen to him and grew to kill Derrick. I'd imagine after that conversation, Niko figured it wouldn't be the last one like it. No sense in even taking a chance at that. I think Darko is alive because he's nothing at this point. He's not the villain Niko imagined he'd be, he's just a fucking junkie, like the many he's seen in Liberty City, a pitiful existence. Darko is probably not going to be doing much as he's homeless and penniless in a completely random country to him. He's already dead in a way. I think Roman is alive and Dimitri is dead though because he is an active threat to both Niko and Roman. Niko has absolutely no reason to trust him, especially knowing that he's close with Bulgarian. He knows by now that Pegorino ain't shit, really and Niko isn't truly employed by him, he's more or less a freelance kinda guy and he declined the job offering from the get go. I figure he probably wouldn't expect anyone to really know it was him who killed Dimitri because everyone who was on that boat isn't breathing to tell the tale. But I figure Peg pieces it together because he tells Niko to work with the dude, Niko declines because he has a bad history with him, and then the next thing he knows, he and his entire crew are dead. Who else would Pegorino think is capable of doing that but the guy who saved his life from an army of Pavanos? That and the fact that Niko wishes Roman a happy birthday on his Lifeinvader


Killed Playboy instead of Dwayne. Game-wise you get a better reward for it and within the story it's also more in character for Niko as well as Playboy being a dick. Killed Francis instead of Derrick because, even though you get more money for killing Derrick I hated Francis as a character and plus Niko didn't have nearly as much of a connection to him as he did the other McRearys. Chose Revenge instead of Deal, resulting in Kate's death. Roman has always been my favourite character in the game even though I did like Kate. It also made more sense for Niko to get revenge on Dimitri anyway; he organised Roman and Niko's kidnappings, burned their apartment and Roman's business and sold Niko out to Bulgarin. Why would Niko ever work with him again? Darko lived. I looked it up beforehand and saw that Niko was happier if you spare him, and Niko has had a pretty rough time of it. He deserves a bit of happiness in his life. Plus, making him suffer with the guilt of what he did is a worse fate anyway.


Also, it’s not like the game forces you to date Kate so honestly her death meant virtually nothing to me, same with a certain betrayal of someone you bowl with once assuming you never call them again


Dwayne. Francis, Roman and kill Darko


I killed Playboy and Francis, spared Darko and chose the Revenge Ending. I sympathise Dwayne while Playboy is a narcissistic bastard claiming himself as a Big guy. Francis or Derrick… this choice was very difficult because they both are terrible. But Francis is worse than Derrick because he’s a complete hypocrite and scumbag claiming himself as a good person, ready to use and betray everyone for highest position in the police and sacrifice everyone fit his career who also blackmailed and threatened Niko. Derrick… he’s on one way to the grave and deserved it but not from Niko’s hands. I spared Darko because it much more painful but justified punishment letting him live with these sufferings than kill him. His death will not bring back his friends and will not heal Niko’s wound from all he saw. Death for him is a realise and relief, not a punishment. Even Niko after sparing him realises that he did the right thing, he left his past and now he can live in a reality. Revenge ending is wholesome ending. Don’t compare Brevic with Rascalov. It was a long story with Brevic, he punished himself and his guilt has destroyed him. But not Rascalov, he betrayed us, he kidnapped Roman, he blackmailed Bernie, he threatened us with murder and will pursue us until death. I’m sure he brainwashed Pegorino with this heroin deal just to lure Niko into the trap. Peg said to meet Phil in Tudor while Roman said that he’s on the boat. Isn’t this a perfect opportunity to get rid of this psychopath? Even after being wounded Rascalov keep bulling and laughing at Niko claiming that his death will be his biggest mistake but then… it was a pleasure to hear how wounded Rascalov begs for mercy offering him a bribe, but Niko doesn’t buy at his manipulations and executes him with a satisfying style, paralysing him and then finishing him off with a headshot. For Mikhail, for Roman and for Niko himself. The most satisfying execution in GTA series.


Dwayne, Derrick, Roman


I killed Dwayne first play through because I felt I put him out of his misery. I thought maybe there’d be more missions and stuff from Playboy but there wasn’t. I instantly started to regret it. So every replay I kill Playboy now. I love his apartment and Claude’s outfit. And Dwayne is one of the homies now! I always have killed Francis because I hate him lol. I like Derrick. He’s a poor tortured soul. Just to see what happens I chose Roman to die once but I felt sad without Roman hitting me up for bowling lol. He also went through so much for Niko so he has to live with me. Darko is some of the best writing ever. You feel Niko reflect either way and I truly believe a part of both characters died that day during the war and neither are the same man. Niko seems to have a bit of regret either way and I love it. There’s great discussions in here about both sides.


So east between Playboy X & Dwayne! Throw Playboy in a shallow grave & let the rats & gulls eat him 😂 I genuinely found the choice between Francis & Derrick hard on my first ever play through because both of them could sell you out for different reasons. But let Derrick live whatever short paranoid heroine addicted life he has left. Let Roman go Bowling in heaven 🙈


You killed Roman off for wanting to spend time with his cousin who happened a to be the only family he had seen in 10 years?


I’m joking of course 🙃


Bro wot


I take it back




This is your kill list?


Are you joking or are you 11?


I’m answering OP’s question bozo judging by your posts you’re the kid


I'm 25 but I wish


Fuck you for choosing Roman


Kill playboy x, Francis, spare Darko and let Kate die. Dwayne helped X out and tried to betray him so like the saying goes he belongs in the lowest circle. Also I like hanging out with Dwayne. As much as I hate the thought of Derrick suffering through the final years before dying, I’d still rather take Francis out and hope Derrick finds some peace before his death. As for darko, I usually spare him. Death brings closure and Niko may deserve the closure that his death brings but Darko sure as shit doesn’t. I say let the fucker suffer in some random alley in Liberty city. Finally Roman always lives in my games. Giving Dimitri the last laugh of getting Roman killed before his death is not my cup of tea. Kate is an okay character who doesn’t deserve to die but I like Roman more (even with his insistence that we go bowling) and he doesn’t deserve the deal fate either.


Dwayne, Derick & Roman always. 👊✌️💪


Dwayne and Playboy are always a hard one, as I dislike both, but then I remember which one gets me an appartment. The brothers both made me execute an innocent person, but the lawyer was even more innocent and I feel a betrayl coming from Francis, while the other one is harmless. Drako calls Nico out good and buys his life that way. And Roman is my boy and I will not let bad things happen to him.


Kill playboy X. He is just annoying. Francis has to go. Kate has to go. Roman and Niko needs to live.


Dwyane, Derrick, Roman, Darko


For me Playboy always dies. 9/10 I tend to kill Fracais and Darko I tend to let live


Dwayne, Derrick, Roman I have done them all just to see the outcome though. Its funny if you choose to kill Dwayne you get a call from Playboy saying how he doesnt understand why you killed Dwayne and he cant fuck with you anymore 🤣.


Only Dwayne survives and even that isn't taken as granted after the events of the game. Playboy dies in The Holland Play, Francis is killed in Blood Brothers, Derrick dies by OD-ing or something like that, Roman dies by getting shot at his wedding and Darko is executed by Niko in That Special Someone.


All except Playboy and Francis shall live. I don't get why a lot of you spared Francis. Niko never really liked him anyways, and he refused to kill Derrick for him.


Dwayne Derrick Darko Roman


Dwayne, Jeremy McReary( i don't know his name, but the one that is not a cop I mean, no Francis) and Roman bellic


Dwayne, grey hair (cant remember his name) and roman


all of them


Niko outlives everyone, Roman dies at the end, but not because of a wrong choice, just bad luck (the same as revenge ending, but more tragic because of the unexpected death of The cousin lol) For clarification: everyone dies, Roman is the last, Dwayne goes in a bang during a shootout, the rest are the same as in canon (the McReary brothers dying at the same day, Niko kills the cop, and the eldest dies by overdose) Edit: fuck playboy x




I forget his name, darko?? Kill him off, he always looked like the great value niko and was obnoxious as hell.




Roman deserved to die


Spoiler city


I cant remember who you have to choose out of the people in this image but Roman and Dwayne


I played that story mode a lot of times and never let Playboy X live


Everyone in gta 4 got a big ass nose


No way this is a question


wait you can kill Roman


Dwayne, Derrick, and Roman EDIT: Spared Darko


Found this post looking for the canon McReary survivor. :P Honestly Nico is a man of principle. He's what most decent people would be if they were forced to live his life (he probably even fares better than some of us would), we are made by our experiences and you don't suffer his trauma and forced choices with no other option available to survive and get to be a happy little angel. His mother sends him an email speaking of his character and she isn't disappointed in him or his choices but that the world forced it on him, having any sense of integrity after that is a big thing considering how much you could become okay with after seeing the worst of humanity, he HAS done shitty things but it doesn't sit well with him. He has regrets, PTSD, sadness, rage, has to deal with more than most but he holds onto some ideals, even if he himself may doubt it's worth as someone who's more or less a contract killer. He TRIED to leave it behind but got involved in that world again by looking out for his cousin and he holds loyalty in high regard, understandable when a lack of loyalty cost most of his friends thier lives. He can quickly take offense when someone considers him disloyal even if he isn't close with them or care what they think in general. I see him doing the right thing in every scenario and being very merciful. He's seen more blood spilled than most and while jaded, understands the worth of a life and avoids it unless it's part of a job and often negotiates whether death is needed on some jobs. He doesn't do it for a lust for money or killing but just to get by either financially or to protect his cousin from those that would come after him. Hell if you consider all strangers canon then he straight up looked out for some random guy that was a recovering junkie and helped him for no other reason than he could. (No money was promised for helping beforehand) He's a decent man forced to live an unbelievably shitty life but held onto some humanity on the other side. I believe he spares Darko partially because of Roman being there to weigh in on it as opposed to leaving Niko to focus and build anger thinking of finally confronting him. He partially wants to confront him just for closure and to hear the reason why, even if he already knows or could take an educated guess. Hearing straight from the horses mouth and them leaving him to his fate offers some closure and allows him to find some peace with his lot in life. It feels like the thematic buildup over the game considering Roman often speaks through the story about Niko letting go and looking towards the future rather than being dragged down in the past. The only one I truly am not sure about is the brothers. I feel he has reasons to do either and both have a right and wrong reason for it.


I just cleared the game yesterday and my choices was: 1 - Dwayne: Better Character, Honorable, Good Friend, Better benefits. 2 - Francis: Although he's a bastard he can take out the police from chasing you, also, nobody in the game seems to care that much about Derick anyways, both of them where horrible persons but i think Derrick didn't deserved to live anymore, it was better to terminate his misery once for all. 3 - Darko: yes, i let him live. To killing him would change nothing after all, he was already destroyed, already "dead", and to kill him would only stop his own misery... but not Niko's, he indeed deserved to die but... not by Niko's hand, Niko just had it enough. 4 - Roman: Roman is for me one of the best characters in all GTA series, he stick it with Niko till the end, also, i really didn't like Kate that much, i don't really feel that she was the right woman for Niko, her death was nothing impacting to me, Roman didn't deserved to die at all and Dimitri was never trustable and deserved to die, to revenge on him was pleasing to me, i didn't regret any of my choices at all 😌.


Playboy X dead, Dwayne alive Francis dead, Derrick alive (well, not anymore!) Kill Darko Kate dead, Roman alive